Despite the fact that housing and communal services networks have densely enveloped our entire country, the quality of most of the services they provide is far from the best, so people often stock up on other devices that will help them increase comfort in their own home. Therefore, many of them are interested in how to choose a gas water heater for an apartment.
Hot water supply is practically the most important of the benefits of modern civilization, however, housing and communal services workers can often suddenly turn off hot water for quite a long time, so that many residents of apartments again have to feel like villagers, where every time they have to take water procedures from a basin.
Therefore, many people want in advance to take care of such a miracle of technology as a gas water heater. However, before buying such a device, you must carefully study its functioning and choose exactly the one that will meet exactly your needs. For this reason, the question of which gas water heater to choose arises long before housing and communal services workers are once again going to turn off the hot water.
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What are the types of gas water heaters
Currently, there is a fairly rich selection of gas water heaters, since most manufacturers are constantly trying to improve their models and make them as convenient to use as possible, as well as as efficient as possible. However, conventionally, all gas water heaters can be divided into several types. Devices of this type can be flow-through or storage.
Flowing gas water heater (schematic diagram).
Due to the fact that a small gas burner is built into such a device, it is quite compact and will fit in a relatively small area. In addition, the flow-through gas water heater does not have a special container where all the hot water accumulates. If you have a suitable room with fairly good ventilation, then such a device is just for you, as it can function perfectly without taking up too much space.
However, keep in mind that the performance of this type of speaker is quite small. In order to connect to the DHW system, you need several places from which water will be taken by such a device, however, for such purposes it would still be better to look at a column that will be much higher in power than a flowing one.
If you are looking for a column that fits perfectly into the conditions of the apartment, then the flow-through type suits you and will meet almost all your needs. In addition, you do not have to fiddle with its installation for a long time, but if you have never dealt with such devices before, then it is best to invite a specialist. These will be additional expenses, however, it is better once and efficiently than you will later redo everything several times.
The design of such a column includes the following elements:
- Traction detector;
- A detector that is responsible for overheating;
- Gas burner;
- A regulator that controls the flow of gas;
- A steam room through which all water vapor comes out;
- Special exit made for the chimney;
- Combustion products collector;
- Heat exchanger;
- Special gas steam pipe;
- A regulator that controls the flow of water;
- The outlet lad responsible for the water outlet.
Storage gas water heaters (schematic diagram)
Devices with accumulative functionality are many times larger than conventional flow columns, however, they also have much more power. The volume of the tank of such columns can vary from 50 liters to 500 liters, depending on how large the device you need to meet your needs. In order to use hot water, it is absolutely not necessary to constantly turn on the device. It is enough just to heat the water in advance, and the column itself will keep it hot until the moment when you want to use it. This is because the heat exchangers in such devices work quite efficiently.
Perhaps the only drawback of such devices is that they are rather bulky and large, so they will take up a lot of space. It is because of such large sizes that it is necessary to install devices of this type in special rooms, that is, you will have to equip a boiler room for them. If this is not possible, then a basement or attic is perfect if you can correctly install equipment of this size. However, as in the case of a flow column, it is best to invite a specialist who knows exactly how to cope with this colossus.
The device of the storage columns allows them to keep warm for a long time, so in any case you will not have to wait long to take a hot shower. This is the fundamental difference between the accumulative type of the column and the flow-through. Experts recommend using such systems not in apartments, since there will be very little space for them, but in private houses or cottages. It is advisable to do this for the reason that in such an area there are several points at which hot water is used.
The design of such an apparatus includes the following elements:
- A valve that allows water to pass through and runs on gas;
- Special handle that allows you to adjust the water flow;
- A regulator that allows you to control the temperature of the water in the column;
- Gas burner;
- Ignition gas wick;
- Thermocouple;
- Nozzle located on the main gas burner;
- A special protective coating that is located directly inside the column;
- A special container in which there is an insulating pad so that the water maintains its temperature until the moment you decide to use it;
- The casing that protects the water from external factors that contribute to its cooling is located outside;
- Damper;
- A special device that prevents such negative changes as corrosion or scale;
- Drain cock;
- Cable from the draft detector;
- Chimney base;
- A special divider that separates cold water from hot;
- A steamer that regulates the supply of hot water inside the column;
- A special swirler for water, so that cold streams mix with hot ones at a certain intensity;
- Valve socket, which discharges already heated water into the desired container;
- A special steam pipe that controls the output of hot water from the desired container;
- Lever that stabilizes moisture efficiently.
What is the performance of the gas column
The performance of flowing gas columns can be indicated in different ways, both in kW and l / min. You can easily find out exactly how your speaker shows its performance, just look at a special plate, which is located on the body of the speaker itself.In addition, when purchasing such a device, you are given a document such as a flow column passport. It contains all the information you are interested in, as well as information that you may need in the future, so you can see the performance characteristics of your column in it.
Often the capacity is indicated in l / min, since such a measurement is much more understandable. If you need to know the performance of your column, then this can be done by the number of points at which water is taken. In fact, the number of points corresponds to the number of mixers, so this won't be a big problem.
Typically, a good quality mixer should run water at a rate of about 6-7 liters per minute. This is the standard speed, and if the speed of your speaker is slightly slower, then most likely it is set incorrectly, or the mechanism itself has not yet been developed. However, 6-7 liters per minute is a universal speed for one mixer.
For example, you need a column that will heat water at several points in the house at once, that is, in the kitchen and bathroom. Then the speed of your column should be at least 13 liters per minute. In addition, the speed of water supply also depends on where exactly the water will subsequently have to flow, because in different parts of the house, water consumption is completely different. Therefore, you must use the following parameters so as not to be mistaken:
- if you only use the kitchen and the washbasin in the bathroom, then the water collection rate should be at least 10 liters per minute;
- if you use a kitchen and a bath, or a kitchen, a bath and a shower, then you will need a column, the rate of water collection should be about 13 liters per minute;
- if you use several bathrooms, as well as a kitchen and a shower, then the capacity of your column should be at least 15 liters per minute.
What water pressure is the column designed for?
If we talk about pressure, then in this case several fundamental indicators will matter. Pay attention not only to the minimum pressure that is recorded at the moment the column is turned on, but also to the maximum pressure for which the heat exchanger is designed. It is necessary that it withstand a certain pressure at which water will be heated.
Pay particular attention to the minimum pressure when it comes to flow-through columns, since it depends on how high the pressure is that whether your column can turn on at all. Therefore, it is important, before turning on the flow column, to carefully adjust the minimum pressure, but at the same time not to let it rise above the required level. When you turn on the column, all indicators should work as harmoniously as possible.
It is necessary to adjust the minimum pressure in the gas column especially for those houses that were built a long time ago. The fact is that, due to the past time, water hammer is characteristic of such premises. In this case, at a certain moment, the pressure in the gas column increases, so if the pressure is too high, it can lead to an explosion of the device.
What are the types of ignition and which are better
Ignition types are divided into several types:
- Manual type of ignition. It is often used on budget-type devices, which, in terms of their technical characteristics, are not as perfect as their counterparts. The ignition process takes place as follows. A special built-in button is pressed and a match is brought to the resulting hole. This method of ignition belongs to the last century, since it is as inconvenient as it is unsafe. A person who does not know and does not know how to do this can do indescribable troubles. This is especially true when the gas water heater is located in a place where it is quite difficult to get it.And it is necessary to ignite immediately when the button is pressed, so it is better not to use this method of ignition. And as soon as the gas water heater is started, the wick continues to burn, which is not very economical.
- Piezo ignition. In this case, the method of ignition is not very different from the manual one, except that it is used to set an electromechanical match on fire. It is operated mechanically, it is also necessary to press a special button. A slightly more advanced type of ignition, therefore, it is used on more expensive equipment, although you will not feel a strong difference between this method and the manual one.
- Electric ignition. The latest generation devices have special functionality that allows them to use modern ignition methods. However, there are also some nuances here. So before choosing an electrical ignition system, you need to decide which one you want. There is a volatile system, that is, there is a connection to a household electrical network, as well as a non-volatile, that is, there is no connection to it. The second option is definitely better, because in the event of a power outage during the first option, the column may simply stop working.
If we are talking about non-volatile systems, then they are also divided into several types:
- Electronic control using a hydrogenerator. In this case, a special device is inserted into the column that generates energy from water, that is, from a certain flow of it.
- Electronic ignition that runs on batteries. Electronic control is also used. Such a system can be installed as a backup, as well as in the form of the main one. On a specially installed LCD screen, you can see the battery level. In addition, in addition to batteries, you can use special batteries that will need to be recharged periodically.
If we talk about the greatest efficiency, then only a hydroelectric generator can boast of it, since it does not require additional costs. The energy that feeds the column is taken directly from the water streams, so this approach is the least expensive in terms of electricity, and they do not need unnecessary regulation.
However, remember that such systems are quite expensive, so not everyone will be able to purchase such a system. In addition, a hydro generator is quite difficult to repair, so after it breaks down, you not only need to wait a while to get it repaired, but also do without hot water all the time. So we can say that such a system is quite effective, but for all its effectiveness it is not very reliable.
What are the heat exchangers
Heat exchangers can be divided into several types according to the type of metals used for their manufacture:
- Steel. Steel itself has a fairly high resistance to corrosion and can withstand a lot, so no matter how much water is driven off, it is steel heat exchangers that will not be scaled, so that they are the most reliable. However, it must be remembered that they weigh quite a lot, so that they are able to heavily weight the geyser itself.
- Plain copper. Due to the fact that there are quite a lot of impurities, the heat exchanger itself can heat the water extremely unevenly. The container may burst from time to time. In order to ensure that nothing like this happens, special heat-resistant paints are used on more budgetary gas water heaters. However, there will be practically no tangible difference from such an action. Anyway, after just a few years, the heat exchanger will burn out, and it will have to be replaced.
- Highly purified copper. All the characteristics that are inherent in steel are also present in this kind of copper, however, heat transfer from heat exchangers made of highly purified copper is much higher. For this reason, the efficiency increases significantly.
It should be noted that the closest attention should be paid to those rooms in which plastic windows are installed. The fact is that all plastic windows close quite tightly, so a lack of air may be detected. This factor can seriously affect the operation of the gas water heater, therefore, the room in which plastic windows are installed must be thoroughly ventilated.
If the corresponding detectors do not detect a sufficient amount of fresh air, then the column may simply not turn on. For this reason, before choosing the most suitable gas water heater, it is necessary to estimate which room will be most optimal for it. It is best to install a special vent valve to prevent accidents to ensure that the correct amount of air is supplied. Thus, your speaker will be able to work smoothly and will serve you for a long time. However, do not forget to periodically check the serviceability of its operation in order to carry out repairs on time.