Know Frost system - what it is and how it works in 2025

Today, every person who regularly watches TV and reads advertising newspapers has heard about such a function as the "know frost" system in refrigerators. True, only a few know what No Frost is in refrigerators, and how this system works.

This is a serious omission - when choosing a new unit for the kitchen, you need to carefully study the various functions in order to determine which of them will turn out to be irreplaceable, and which will only be a waste of money.

What is No Frost and how does it work?

What is No Frost

A feature of this system is the presence of a special low-power electric heater - an evaporator located under the upholstery. Turning on twice a day (for most models), it heats up the surface covered with frost, the compressor turns off at this moment. The temperature rises by only a few degrees, but this is quite enough for the frost to thaw and drain into a special tray, from which the water easily evaporates over time.

Some people are sure that refrigerators with the "Know Frost" system there is never ice and even frost. Of course it is not. Moisture enters the chamber in different ways - it evaporates from the surface of products and objects placed in the chamber, as well as when the door is opened - the air humidity in living quarters is always quite high. A special fan, installed in the refrigerator with the No Frost function, ensures constant air circulation. Getting into the chamber, humid air is cooled and the water contained in it condenses on the evaporator, turning into frost.

It is recommended to defrost refrigerators with No Frost technology at least a couple of times a year.

Advantages and disadvantages of this technology

Pros and cons of No Frost

Like any other technology, Know Frost has certain pros and cons. Every potential buyer of household appliances with this function needs to know about them.

First, let's list the advantages of the No Frost system:

  • forced ventilation ensures the most even distribution of cold throughout the entire volume of the refrigerating chamber;
  • food placed in a refrigerator or freezer is cooled much faster thanks to the flow of cold air;
  • the air temperature after opening and closing the door drops to the required one much faster than in models with other cooling systems;
  • refrigerating appliances do not require regular manual defrosting.

Unfortunately, the Know Frost system has certain drawbacks. Studying them will be even more important than knowing the benefits:

  • the size of the “No Frost” block is quite large, which affects the usable volume;
  • a running fan imperceptibly, but still increases power consumption;
  • products must be carefully wrapped so that they do not wind up;
  • the noise level of the devices is higher due to the running fan;
  • higher cost.

As you can see, the No Frost feature has both strengths and weaknesses. Knowing about them, you can easily decide what is more important to you.

What is the difference between Full No Frost and Frost Free

Despite the similar names, models with similar markings differ quite a lot. If you see a refrigerator with a Frost Free sticker on its body, then you should know that it has a mixed sign of operation.That is, a classic drip defrosting system is provided in the refrigerator compartment, while in the freezer compartment - No Frost.

But the model with the Full No Frost function is equipped with fans and evaporators both in the freezer and in the refrigerator compartment. That is, there are two compressors. The power of such devices is usually much higher, the food placed in them is cooled very quickly. Here are just dimensions, noise level during operation and their cost is much higher.

Which refrigerator is better to buy "know frost" or drip?

Difference between drip refrigerator and know frost

In general, drip refrigerators at one time became much more widespread than those with the Know Frost function. This is primarily due to the fact that they appeared on the market earlier and have a more affordable price. However, there are also certain disadvantages.

The main one is the formation of ice on the back wall. This is where the auxiliary evaporator is located, cooling the air in the refrigerator. Because of it, the back wall has a negative temperature - moisture from the air condenses on it and freezes into frost. However, the evaporator does not work 24 hours a day, but intermittently. During such breaks, the frost thaws and flows into a specially provided container.

It is because of such a system that refrigerators with a drip defrost system are nicknamed "crying".

But if the refrigerator works without stopping for a long time (and it is usually not turned off for years, or even decades, if no breakdown occurs), then ice appears on the back wall, which does not have time to melt. It gets thicker every week. Therefore, once every six months, it is advisable to defrost the refrigerator in order to get rid of it - in no case should you use hard and sharp objects to remove ice.

Let's compare a drip refrigerator and No Frost. First, let's highlight the disadvantages:

  1. in the lower and upper parts of the chamber, the temperature may vary by 4-8 degrees;
  2. food takes longer to cool;
  3. you will have to defrost more often;
  4. the lost temperature is restored longer.

Now let's talk about the advantages of drip models over No Frost:

  1. rich assortment of models;
  2. the useful volume of two refrigerators of the same size will be larger for a drip;
  3. the cost is more affordable;
  4. the noise level during operation is noticeably lower.

Which criteria are more important? Only you can decide.


Now you know what the No Frost system is. If you are ready to give extra money for relatively little comfort (you will have to defrost it less often) and faster cooling of food, then a refrigerator with Know Frost will be the best purchase. If it is more important for you to save money by getting a spacious storage for products, then it makes sense to give preference to proven devices with a drip system.

( Total:13 Middle:3.7/5 )


  • Leonid:

    useful system, I have a refrigerator with no-frost. no need to defrost, nothing freezes and no condensation forms

  • Boris:

    we also have a hotpoint refrigerator with no-frost, it works great!

  • Tatyana:

    I have a freezer with such a system and frost constantly freezes, I have to constantly defrost it, it is very inconvenient and I cannot find out the reason.

  • Luda:

    in its own way, indesite did not notice any special shortcomings of the noufrost system .. nothing gets ventilated, the refrigerator works very quietly, and its cost is very affordable by now

  • Alyona:

    If you compare my old refrigerator with a drip system, and now my whirlpool is no frost. That whirlpool is much quieter. Here a lot depends on the manufacturer's firm, do not forget

  • Tatyana:

    From my Hotpoint with full know-frost, I can say that it is worth it. Foods are stored much better and longer, and the fact that only in containers or bags is not a problem at all (I never left food in the refrigerator just like that, not covered)

  • Valeria:

    Despite all these listed disadvantages of the frost know-how, such refrigerators are much more convenient, I say this, relying on my experience of using the Indesite refrigerator.


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