Hiking and recreation with family in nature is the best solution to stressful situations. Many people wonder what kind of tent to buy for a large company, what product will give them the opportunity not to freeze in the mountains. Shape, weight, material play a role and affect the price, as well as the comfort of use and the duration of use. The improper choice of the product is fraught with inconvenience, various diseases, irritation during installation and overspending of physical forces on the road. To face this far from civilization is a difficult and unnecessary test. To know how to choose a tent, you should read the recommendations.
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Tent device
Departure for nature is sometimes delayed for 4-7 days, and the tour lasts several weeks. You cannot do without a roof over your head; a tent will be the best protection against bad weather. It is a temporary shelter used by tourists, scientists, and country weekend lovers.
A modern tent is distinguished by a simple structure, the basis of which will be a frame made of simple and reliable arcs made of aluminum or fiberglass. They will add shape to the product, and use an awning for protection from wind, bad weather and cold. It comes with one layer or more, but it is mandatory to be made of waterproof materials. The bottom of the tent is made of dense materials, which becomes protection from moisture after the end of rain and dampness in the forest. The tent is sometimes equipped with auxiliary components - a vestibule, a skirt, a ventilation system, windows, mosquito nets.
Tent selection options
From a wide variety of different shapes, dimensions, roominess and moisture resistance, the user wants not to get confused and choose the very product that is best suited for travel. In order not to make mistakes and not regret making a quick choice when hiking, far from civilization, you should take 5 minutes and carefully research various models, taking into account various factors.
The developers are producing 2, 3, 4-person tents for recreation and accessories, which are designed for a significantly larger number of tourists. The 3-person tent can comfortably accommodate 3 people with luggage.
Has a special role for tourists who go on hiking and cycling trips. It is inconvenient to carry 25-30 kg of additional weight on your shoulders so that you can be chic at night. For trekking products, the optimal weight is 2-6 kg, for assault 3-5 kg, camping devices - 12 kg or more.
Arc material
Taking into account the purpose in the assembly of tents for family vacations, different materials and technologies are used. Directly from such important elements, the price of the product and its functional qualities will be added. Arcs are one of the most important elements of the device. Arcs for camping tent are made of steel, aluminum alloys of various qualities, fiberglass and epoxy resin.The longest period of use is distinguished by arcs made of aluminum alloys, polymer products can last no more than 5 years.
Water permeability
The water resistance of the tent will be expressed in millimeters of a column of water that the product's awning can withstand without letting water inside. For family recreation in summer, a product with indicators of 1500 mm or more is suitable, when it is planned to go on a hike in spring and autumn, it is advisable to opt for devices with a moisture permeability of 3000-4000 mm. Products for expeditions have such an indicator not less than 8000 mm. Separately, the specification indicates the moisture permeability of the bottom, a similar indicator has the greatest characteristics.
Lenght and width
The parameters of the device correspond to the height of the largest of the tourists; otherwise, travelers experience discomfort due to an unusual sleeping position or due to the need to open the tent entrance for a convenient location of the sleeping bag.
Number of awning layers
1-layer tents are produced less, they are used to store things, bicycles, food. The 2-layer device has a waterproof awning and an inner layer of lightweight materials that allow air to pass through. In such models, condensation will not accumulate on the wall, which will provide high comfort.
Vestibule height
In camping devices, the height of the vestibule has a large indicator. This department is used as a dining room. In order to set the table, it is optimal to have the option to stand at full height, and for this reason, the height of the vestibule will lie in the range of 1.8-1.9 m. The second auxiliary indicator of camping devices is the number of entrances. When the vestibule is used as a dining room or luggage is stored here, it is easier to get into the sleeping compartment through the auxiliary entrance.
Trekking models are used mainly at night. For extreme products, windows will not be relevant, since they reduce the reliability of the assembly, its tightness. They are not required in devices that are intended for fishing in the winter. Camping tents are erected for extended periods of time and windows add convenience, particularly when equipped with mosquito nets.
Number of sleeping compartments
For camping products that cater to a multitude of travelers, the number of sleeping compartments will be the key metric. One can be reserved for children, the other is intended for adults. The sleeping area usually has a small ceiling, which provides the greatest comfort on a cold night, as it is easy to keep warm with your breath.
The best tent manufacturers - which company to choose
When the user is in a hurry for a hike or does not have time to research materials regarding the selection of a tent, it is recommended to focus on the products of the best gadget manufacturers. Among the most common companies are:
- Alexika.
- Bask.
- Camp.
- Coleman.
- Marmot.
These developers can offer a wide range of products for leisure, one or a family, professional expedition.
Types of tents
The choice of tent is varied, the main indicators are purpose, shape, season, material of manufacture. Before buying a product, you need to find out what is being bought and for what purpose. The variety of devices on the market is extremely large, so it is enough to simply get confused.
When you are planning a "walk" in a mountainous area or over rough terrain, it is recommended to choose directly a tourist tent in nature like "assault". These assemblies are super lightweight. The main destination is difficult routes, long hikes. The device is lightweight and reliable.
The "assault" product for tourists is easy to assemble and install. It can protect against bad weather conditions. The main disadvantage will be the parameters. The tent is extremely small, which is why even 1 person is too cramped.This aspect should be taken into account in the selection process.
The device in question is more suitable for stopping at a tourist trail, for a flat hike. It is distinguished by its comfort, lightness, and compactness. However, this device has certain disadvantages. When suddenly the user is caught on the road by sudden gusts of wind or precipitation, such a device will be completely useless. It simply cannot provide protection from bad weather conditions.
Such "mini-houses" are largely suitable for camping, which is why they got a similar name. They are quite large, often have window openings and a vestibule. The main destination will be auto tourism. A great solution for people who travel as a family. Differs in spaciousness and convenience, it may become full-length in it. However, there are certain disadvantages: poor heating, massiveness. Therefore, such a product is not suitable for a difficult tourist route. In particular, when the user goes on a hike or bike tour.
Winter fishing tents
This category of devices should be allocated time separately, since the devices are extremely interesting and recently quite popular. Tent assemblies for fishing are used directly in the winter period. They are called so - "Tent for fishing in winter". Today, most anglers acquire a similar attribute for this occupation.
There are several varieties of similar products, as well as tourist ones. Of course, there are significantly more requirements for assemblies of this type than for tourist ones. First of all, the product should not be purged. At the same time, the material should “breathe”. Only when these conditions are met, the tent will not freeze, and, therefore, the installation process will not be difficult.
Other varieties
Tourist trips are usually sent not only in the summer period of time, therefore the season plays a key role for adaptation. For this indicator, the following models stand out:
- for summer - release is carried out from loose material, have a high-quality ventilation system;
- 3-season - intended for use in spring, summer and autumn periods of time, made of reliable material;
- for winter - products that have a reinforced structure, they are distinguished by stability and the presence of an awning made of reliable materials.
Winter devices are used regardless of the season, they can withstand significant wind gusts and precipitation. According to the materials used, each device can be divided into 2 types:
- polyamide (made from nylon);
- polyester (made from polyester).
Nylon is reliable, has low weight, low price. The disadvantages include susceptibility to ultraviolet radiation and the ability to stretch while absorbing moisture.
Polyester is extremely reliable and resistant to all kinds of adverse factors. Polymer materials are created from threads of various weaves. When marking, the developers will definitely indicate the fabric manufacturing technology. There are such types of weaving:
- Taffeta - twisted threads are used;
- Oxford - matting weave, has high strength;
- Rip Stop - reinforced braiding.
The weaving density is indicated when marking with numbers, followed by the letter "T". The 280T fabric tent is more durable than the 210T products, but it is heavier. The fabric is impregnated with polyurethane or silicone to protect it from water. Polyurethane (PU) has a lower price, silicone (SI) is durable and reliable.
Which tent to choose
To know how to choose the right tent, you need to read the recommendations:
- In the process of choosing a device for an extreme hike and climbing high in the mountains, it is recommended to choose products in the form of a hemisphere of low heights. The device will well resist a significant gust of wind and precipitation, cope with the load in the form of snow.
- The camping device has the shape of a hemisphere or half roll. The tambour in height must be at least 1.8 m. For the sleeping compartment, 2-layer assemblies are mandatory. The number of entrances will correspond to the capacity of the product: therefore, tents with several entrances should be chosen for devices with a capacity of 7-10 people.
How much is the tent
The price of the device in question will depend on the prevalence of the manufacturer, capacity and technical parameters. To know how to choose the right tent, you need to read the recommendations:
- The cost of products for an extreme trip to a small company ranges from 25,000-45,000 rubles.
- Trekking devices are more diverse, the price of products from common developers ranges from 10,000-45,000 rubles.
- Camping facilities target a different number of travelers: the more there are, the higher the price. Many developers offer products in the range of 15,000-45,000 rubles.
- Special tents for a long-term camp of geologists and archaeologists cost 150,000-200,000 rubles. The devices under consideration are intended for use in difficult climatic conditions, they are equipped with powerful arcs that allow them to withstand significant gusts of wind and load like snow. The devices are designed for the use of ovens or ventilation systems, therefore they are distinguished by the greatest tightness.
They often wonder which tent to choose. To find out how to purchase a quality product, you should read these recommendations.