The best tomato varieties in 2025 are selected from numerous varieties grown as a result of the painstaking work of breeders on several grounds. These are the varietal pearls that are perfect for temperate climates, are distinguished by their unpretentious care, excellent taste and high yield.
TOP-10 of several thousand varieties, variable size, color, growth parameters, orientation and content of valuable substances, compiled according to reviews of gardeners and farmers on special sites where professional people share their valuable experience with amateurs and fans just like themselves creating your own diet with your own hands.
Selection criteria for varieties for cultivation
The compilation of an annual rating means taking into account the many points that guide gardeners around the world. Tomatoes are one of the most common components of the diet, both in tropical climates and in temperate latitudes. The list of dishes that are prepared from them, methods of harvesting and preserving tomatoes can be found in the notebook of every housewife in the Western and Eastern Hemispheres. Since the moment they were introduced to Europe, nightshades have become a popular and demanded product in all European countries.
Residents of the Russian Federation cannot imagine a set table either on weekdays or on holidays without delicious tomatoes prepared in the most varied ways. A characteristic feature of the mentality is the desire to create with your own hands. The preference of Russians is not only
taste characteristics and visual characteristics of the variety, but also methods of cultivation, cold resistance, content of valuable components, the ability to prepare for the winter.
The cultivation method is also important. In cold regions, the best varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse and the earliest varieties that can give a full harvest before the first September frost are consistently popular. In warm areas, the list of varieties is much wider - in order to have time to eat first in June, to salt and preserve everything that has time to appear on the bushes before the cold weather in mid-autumn. Selecting the best varieties of tomatoes for open ground, they have a wide variety of species and more favorable conditions for crop growth, but preference is given to the same relative unpretentiousness in growth, taste and useful substances in the pulp.
How to choose seeds for planting
Even the most experienced gardener with experience, who has the opportunity to collect seed material for growing seedlings, has to resort to buying seeds from time to time. A true tomato lover will certainly try out the novelties of breeding that seemed attractive to him, or consistently recommended species that have not yet had to be grown. Looking at the colorful photographs on the bags with the future harvest, they undoubtedly pay attention to the enticing pictures posted by the manufacturer.
But they perfectly understand that even the best varieties of tomatoes achieve this kind with constant care: top dressing, watering, prepared soil, the required degree of illumination and a dozen more indispensable components. Therefore, a responsible decision about which varieties of tomatoes are best grown in their own possessions is made only after studying a number of individual requirements - depending on the region of residence, climatic conditions, the size of the plot and their own preferences for color and taste.
Where the cold climate does not give much room for growing tomatoes, and only cultivation in closed conditions is assumed, the best varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse are chosen. Here, too, the size of the bush, yield per square meter, the possibility of forming trellises and the size and comfort of harvesting are important. Those who can afford to grow an attractive vegetable that is consistently in consumer demand from mid-spring to late autumn are guided by the best varieties of tomatoes for outdoor use.
In the southern regions, spoiled buyers are looking for not only red, but also yellow, orange and even black tomatoes, which have certain beneficial ingredients in more than simple traditional reds. Therefore, when choosing tomato seed, the best varieties for the soil go through a more picky selection. Persistent advertising plays the most minimal role, but much more attention is paid to the recommendations indicated on the packet and the opinion of fellow gardeners in the difficult craft.
The review, which lists the best tomato varieties for 2025, was compiled on the basis of all common criteria that influence the choice of preferences of farmers and summer residents, residents of different regions, professionals and amateurs. It takes into account the following essential requirements:
- versatility of use (the ability for planting in greenhouse conditions, and suitability for open ground), this is certainly indicated on the manufacturer's packaging;
- susceptibility to cold and requirements for climatic conditions (there are varieties that are grown by Siberian farmers, but they feel great in hot climates);
- a proven track record of an agricultural breeder, which for many growers is one of the most important factors for picky selection;
- belonging of the variety according to the terms of fruit ripening (the time is taken into account, which includes the growing season and ripening of the first harvest - super early, early, mid-ripening, late ripening);
- an original variety or hybrid - this is of no small importance if there are intentions to collect seed material, but sometimes preference is given to hybrids because of the qualities that are invested in them during breeding - resistance, adaptability, yield);
- target orientation (here the thickness of the peel, caliber and taste characteristics matter) - for fresh consumption, canning, pickling and pickling;
- keeping quality and ability to transport are of interest not only to those who are engaged in cultivation for profit (some varieties, with skillful storage, can stay in their original form and until the New Year's feast).
When buying seeds of an already selected variety, you should carefully study other data - the expiration date and release date, the integrity of the packaging and the presence of a corporate logo, the percentage of germination guaranteed by the manufacturer (100% - it simply does not exist in nature, but 90% germination is a very real figure ). You should not rush to buy in the first place of sale you find. If a large purchase is expected, you can take a walk and compare prices in different ones.
The best varieties of tomatoes for 2025
In March, the hot time comes for planting seeds for seedlings, and for some regions it even starts in mid-late February.The choice of the right variety for planting this season does not have to be done from this rating, but it is worth looking at it, because it lists the varieties for which many gardeners voted. Some of the consumer selection winners have a long track record, and some are the fruit of relatively recent selection. But they all receive constant approval from those for whom the dacha is an invariable part of everyday life.
10 Giant Lemon
The constant winner of all ratings among fans of exotic-colored tomatoes, fleshy and large-fruited. It is considered equally the best option for planting in open ground and for growing in greenhouse conditions. Fragrant juicy pulp with a pleasant taste will make it a pleasant attribute of the warm season on the everyday and festive table. In addition, the content of vitamins (carotene and vitamin C) is much higher in it than in carrots, which are mistakenly considered the leader in this matter.
Even if the climate does not allow the lemon giant to reach full ripeness during the period of growing in the open field (the variety belongs to the mid-season), it ripens perfectly after being removed from the bush and retains its taste and characteristics. In the garden it can bear fruit up to 900 g, but in the greenhouse it turns out to be somewhat smaller. But in height it can reach up to 2.5 m, and this makes it possible to easily hang it on trellises and harvest without physical difficulties.
- very beautiful color and unique taste characteristics;
- the possibility of growing in the open field and in a greenhouse;
- large meaty tomatoes with medium peel and a set of vitamins;
- ability for long-term storage with preservation of taste;
- fruits that do not crack with a significant amount and amount of moisture in the soil;
- resistance to cold air and sudden temperature changes.
- small vegetative mass, susceptibility to bright sun;
- the need to form a tall bush
The popularity of the variety is due to its high nutritional value and high percentage of vitamins. With proper care, it has a high yield, large fruits and is in demand among buyers due to its specific characteristics.
9 Red Rooster
The variety is almost universal for all regions with variable climatic characteristics, recommended for growing in greenhouse conditions and in the open field. A relatively new development of domestic farmers, which has already earned numerous commendable reviews from both amateurs and those who grow it on an industrial scale. Opinions about yield differ, but not worse, but for the better: in the north they are sure that it grows better in a greenhouse, in the south - almost all gardeners are supporters of growing in open ground, where the fruits are larger and the taste is better.
Proper agricultural technology allows you to grow large (up to 400 g) tomatoes of a beautiful cinnabar color. Immediately after its appearance on the market, it became in demand, thanks to the well-deserved excellent reputation of the originator - the popular agricultural firm Gavrish. In 2015, it entered the register of breeding achievements of the Russian Federation, as a universal variety with many advantages.
- early ripening variety, ripening from 85 days from the moment of germination (in cold climates it can ripen 5-10 days later);
- low bush (80-100 cm), completely covered with fruits;
- determinant plant, spontaneously limiting height and does not require pinching;
- sweet, slightly sour taste, real, natural tomato;
- very presentable appearance and excellent lightness (important properties in commercial production);
- suitable for any kind of workpieces - pickling, pickling, pickling, canned vegetables and tomato paste
Not marked. Gives an ovary in any weather, is very resistant to various diseases, high-yielding, versatile in use and is in great consumer demand.
8 First grader
The leader among pink tomato varieties, enjoying constant popularity for several years. Does not require a garter and reaches a maximum height of 200 cm, and the fruits are collected in a brush and ripen almost simultaneously. This is an indisputable convenience for every summer resident with a bountiful harvest. It is grown in almost any zone of the temperate climate, gives a tangible result already on the 95-100 day. If necessary, transportation can be removed in a state of technical ripeness - even then the tomatoes acquire a rich pink-raspberry hue.
Small (up to 200 g), but very tasty tomatoes contain a significant amount of sugars and have become the preference of gourmets who prefer a sweet aftertaste in these vegetables. The variety is included in the recommendations for diseases accompanied by a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements, metabolic pathologies and weakened immunity, because it contains purines and lycopene. Equally suitable for growing in a greenhouse and outdoors, it has a unique aroma that will immediately be recognized by its fans.
- suitable for greenhouses and open ground grows with equal success indoor and open;
- beautiful color and extremely presentable presentation;
- easily withstands transportation over long distances, can be removed in a state of milk ripeness;
- gives a high yield (up to 6 kg per bush);
- contains valuable components, it is recommended in therapeutic diets;
- does not require a garter, has a strong stem.
- reacts to cold snaps and high humidity;
- does not get along with other varieties of tomatoes in the greenhouse;
- unstable to late blight.
Despite a number of shortcomings, it is certainly in demand, since it is unpretentious in agricultural technology, ripens early and bears fruit for a long time, gives a tangible harvest at a time.
7 My love F1
Hybrid variety My Love F1 is a widespread and popular, unpretentious hybrid in cultivation, which ripens early and without problems in the greenhouse and outdoors. It is appreciated not only for its livability and adaptability to weather conditions, but also for its original shape and, unexpectedly for a hybrid, a bright tomato taste. Calibrated fruits weighing up to 200 g give it attractiveness and good presentation on the showcase, and its ability to endure transportation is beyond praise. The romantic name reflects the versatility of its use - for home and industrial canning, fresh food, and canned vegetables.
- beautiful red color, the same fruit size and original shape;
- suitable for greenhouses and open ground;
- has a high resistance to diseases and pests;
- the sweet taste of a real tomato;
- high keeping quality and good transportability.
- you cannot get seed.
The minus is offset by excellent seed germination. According to gardeners, it is up to 97%.
6 Rio Grande
Favorite variety of lazy people - low bushes do not require a garter and are resistant to natural extreme conditions. It is loved by traditionalists - small fruits, standard shape, real tomato color and the same pronounced taste - real, with natural sourness. Ripens after 120 days, but bears fruit abundantly and for a long time, often before the onset of frost.
- perfectly tolerates heat, drought, low-temperature periods;
- fruits can be stored for up to three months;
- practically does not require maintenance;
- high quality product for universal use;
- resistant to diseases and harmful insects.
- not appreciated by gourmets.
A stable crop with many years of cultivation practice, invariably in demand among different categories of buyers.
5 Snow leopard
If it were not for a large amount of vegetative mass, it could lead among varieties that are resistant to cold. It is grown even in Siberia, despite the need to remove leaves in order to provide access to the sun for the fruits.Strong red-orange fruits can be from 150 to 300 g, on a bush that needs shaping and garter, up to 6 kg of tomatoes can be harvested, if you follow the correct agricultural techniques.
- grows in harsh climatic conditions;
- gives an excellent harvest;
- able to withstand long-term transportation;
- has a pleasant taste and unusual color.
- the need for the formation of bushes and compliance with agricultural practices.
Despite the peculiarities of cultivation, it is in demand, it is cultivated even on the balcony in a city apartment.
4 Aswon F1
A favorite hybrid of many vegetable growers, which can be grown on the balcony and veranda, in a greenhouse and greenhouse, in the open field.
- immune to cold weather;
- a small deciduous mass does not interfere with the ripening period, which in open ground is 105-110 days;
- perfectly resists diseases and pests;
- gives up to 9 kg of tomatoes on a bush, is formed immediately in a brush;
- fits in more bushes per sq. m than any other hybrid.
- proper agricultural technology is needed to form a bush.
Even at home, it gives fruits of a rich color with a minimum amount of dry matter and a maximum amount of vitamins and microelements.
3 Snegirek
Small bushes of this variety can be planted even in cold soil, if properly fertilized with organic matter in the fall. With stable sunlight, it can develop even at 0 degrees.
- consistently high yield on the balcony, in the greenhouse and in open areas;
- minimum leaves, no removal required;
- does not suffer from rot and other common diseases;
- tasty fruits weighing up to 200 g
- pinching and picking of seedlings is necessary.
The variety is ideal for growing in cold climates.
1 and 2 Spiridonovsky, and Babushkin's secret
Two magnificent samples of products from the Siberian Garden agrofirm. Two opposite views, clear indicators of the high-quality work of seed farmers, with practically no drawbacks.
Spiridonovsky is undersized, frost-resistant, with an incomparable tomato flavor, resistance to all diseases and practically does not need feeding, with tomatoes up to 250 g.
Grandma's Secret is an indeterminate plant with magnificent tomatoes, weighing up to a kilogram, with a minimum amount of seeds, rich taste and unmatched aroma, which is good to pamper both yourself and your customers.
The 2025 rating does not impose the subject of preference on its readers, but among the leaders presented, you can undoubtedly find the best varieties for your site.