Best reusable diapers in 2025

In addition to all the usual classic diapers that are thrown away after a single use, there are also reusable ones. These models can appeal to those who are used to saving money, since they can be used many times. Some models can be used for about 3 years.

Reusable baby diapers have their advantages, for example, a child who is wearing this type of panties is able to get used to the potty quicker than a baby wearing regular disposable ones.

If we talk about the design of reusable diapers, then it is an ordinary panties made of fabric. And they are cut in such a way that there is a special pocket inside, where a special insert filled with a sorbing component is inserted. It is she who absorbs moisture.
Below is a list including the best reusable diapers in 2025.

1. Mum's Era

Best reusable diapers in 2025

The waterproof diaper from Mum's Era has a design that is made of fabric on the outside that does not get wet. This allows you to be sure that your clothes are dry.

This model has features.

Minuses: Due to the fact that its constructive cut does not fit snugly against the legs, the model can still pass moisture in newborns. Therefore, it is still better to dress them for babies who have reached a mass of 4 kg or more.

Another distinctive feature is that the outer material has excellent breathability.

The liner is a microfiber folded in 3 layers.

pros: can be used without fear of irritation with this model.

2. Pampusiki

Best reusable diapers in 2025

This model is produced in Russia and has already been liked by many mothers and their babies.


  • something that can be used by a child from the very first birthday;
  • the product is made of material that is produced according to GOST, or rather, from medical gauze;
  • in addition, such a diaper can be used for a very long time, which will be very sparing for the family budget;
  • the material perfectly permeates air, which prevents the occurrence of diaper rash, chafing on the baby's skin.

But there are still certain disadvantages.

Minuses: fixation occurs due to strings, which is not always convenient, since they can be untied, especially when the child has begun to lead a more active lifestyle.

3. Coolababy

Best reusable diapers in 2025

This model is made in China. The manufacturer claims that this diaper is suitable from the moment of birth until about 3 years of age, or rather until reaching a weight of about 15-16 kg. The inner layer consists of a carbon filter, which perfectly permeates moisture and does not cause a sensation of moisture on the skin. The outer layer allows the body to breathe, which has a comfortable effect on the state of children's delicate skin.

But despite this, there are still numerous reviews of parents indicating that children with small weight and up to six months of age, these diapers can leak.


  • an excellent filter that is hygroscopic and absorbs moisture well and does not leave a wet feeling on the skin;
  • the inner liner can be used up to 3-5 times.

Minuses: does not always do well with moisture retention in children under six months.

4. GlorYes! Classic +

Best reusable diapers in 2025

This reusable pad has an interior made of a soft material like fleece. The outer layer, like most other diapers, is made of synthetic fabric, which allows air to pass through well, but does not allow liquid to pass through.

This model is ideal for ages 0-4. Depending on the age, the diaper can be adjusted by inserting buttons. Numerous reviews of parents indicate that it is good to use them both for babies who are still lying down, and for those who have already begun to lead a very active lifestyle.

It is worth considering that this particular diaper is more suitable for teaching a child to self-defecate on a potty. This is due to the fact that the inside gets wet quickly enough. Therefore, this property can be used when it is worth teaching a child to use the toilet on their own. Otherwise, it is worth taking out the liner quite often and subjecting it to cleaning and washing.


  • the washed model dries quickly enough;
  • absorbs well and does not leave wet stains on clothes, both flat and in place of the elastic.


Due to the fact that the diaper gets wet quickly, it must be washed frequently. This is not always convenient, especially if the child does not yet know how to ask for a potty.

5. Sunny baby

Best reusable diapers in 2025

This model of diapers is ideal for babies who have reached 3 kilograms, but their weight does not exceed 13 kg. The outer layer of the fabric is covered with an impregnating layer. It is thanks to him that moisture does not leak out of the gasket. But the composition of the impregnation allows the skin to breathe well enough. All this protects the baby's skin from the appearance of diaper rash and chafing. Therefore, parents will not have the need for powders and ointments that will keep the skin healthy. It is convenient to change the insert, but you have to do it quite often. So, with the standard use of diapers, they can be worn without discomfort for no more than three hours. On the surface of the diapers there are numerous buttons that allow you to adjust the size of the diaper so that it fits the baby's body and legs as closely as possible. Despite this, the diaper sometimes leaks in the area of ​​the legs. Although there is a certain protective insert on the back that does not allow urine to flow out along the upper plane.


  • the model is easy enough to wash and eliminate all secretions;
  • The absorbent surface absorbs everything well enough;
  • the fabric itself, that is, the outer material of the diaper does not allow moisture to pass through.


  • Due to the specificity of the adsorbent surface, the liners have to be washed quite often.

6. Disana

Best reusable diapers in 2025

An interesting and at the same time distinctive feature of this type of diapers is that the outer surface is made of a specific knitted material. This ensures great mobility of the baby and does not hinder his movement. Despite the apparent synthetic surface in the knitted part of the product, cotton thread is used here. In addition, cotton is of such high quality that exclusively organic plants are used to make the material.

Due to the specificity and high degree of stretching, such models are versatile in terms of size.

The liner material uses gauze, flannel fabric and a specific type of silk called drilled.


  • environmental friendliness of the materials used, both for the outer part of the product and for the inner layer;
  • ironing is not required for such a product;
  • affordable price category.


  • able to sit down after washing, especially in hot water;
  • diaper inserts are sold separately and must be calculated on a cost basis.

7. Baby Land

Best reusable diapers in 2025

These reusable diapers are better suited for babies who are a little older. They should be used to potty train your child and communicate their needs.

All this is due to the fact that the inner part keeps moisture well from leaking out. But the tab is filled in about 1-2 hours. The liner itself is made of microfiber and has about 3 layers.


  • diapers, both outside and inside, are pleasant to the touch, which gives a tactile sensation;
  • their cost is quite low;
  • they can be washed many times without losing quality;
  • do not flow over the outer layer.


  • it is undesirable to use them at night, due to the fact that they cannot absorb moisture for a very long time;
  • earbuds must be purchased separately, which slightly increases the cost of the product.

8. Splash about

Best reusable diapers in 2025

This model is fundamentally different from most of the products of this kind offered on the market. This is due to their unusual design. They are cut in such a way that special elastic bands pass around the waist and legs, which tightly fit the child's body. All this was done for a reason. This model is designed to make the child comfortable to swim, both in the sea and in the pool. Despite the fact that there are quite enough wide elastic bands, they do not cause inconvenience and discomfort to the baby.

the design feature is that the panties consist of two layers. The outer part is designed to retain moisture and the flow of children's surprises. The inner part is a reusable diaper that is fastened with Velcro, which is quite convenient when adjusting sizes. It is the lower layer that is endowed with a special pocket, where the layers for adsorption are inserted.


  • dense elastic bands do not crush;
  • well protect against leakage;
  • easy to clean.


  • are quite expensive;
  • must be used correctly.

9. GlorYes! Premium

Best reusable diapers in 2025

This diaper is suitable for both newborns and children who have already reached a weight of 18 kg. This reusable diaper reliably protects your baby from leaks for up to 6 hours and keeps your baby in a comfortable state.


  • long-term wearing and at the same time the absence of discomfort;
  • does not irritate scuffs on the skin.


  • this type of reusable diaper is quite expensive, which is very noticeable for a parent's wallet.

10. Glory yes!

Best reusable diapers in 2025

Numerous reviews indicate that these diapers have proven themselves well, both in terms of leakage reliability and comfort for the baby.


  • well absorbent and very high quality;
  • perfectly adjusts to the child's figure, securely clasping the legs and body of the child.


  • since the diaper lasts for about 2 hours, it requires a fairly frequent wash.

From this variety of reusable diapers, it is the parents who will have to choose which ones are best for their child. While they are all good enough they have their pros and cons.

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