One of the main building materials is cement. It is preferred by many builders due to its high strength and bonding characteristics, in addition, it allows you to connect almost any material. Choosing a good cement is not always easy and you need to understand that there are different types of cement, which are characterized by strength grades. This is what distinguishes the mixture of domestic and industrial use. New manufacturers appear every year, various additives are added to dry mixes, and the article will help determine which cement is better in 2025 for screed, masonry, blind areas and concrete structures.
Selection features
There is a very large assortment of cement in construction stores, so its choice is often complicated, especially if the work is carried out by beginners. Determining the best cement for various purposes is possible with an understanding of its features and properties. When choosing, you need to look at the following characteristics:
- Composition. Crushed substances, including limestone, clay, min. additives. Based on the recipe and dosage of substances, different types of mixtures appear, Portland cement is considered the most popular. Such a product is suitable for construction and concrete products.
- Strength. An equally important parameter for any type of mixture. This is the product marking. There are M400, 500 and 600 mixtures on the market, which is the most durable and can withstand heavy loads. For everyday needs, the first 2 types are suitable.
- Purity. Manufacturers often make notes on the pack in the form of the letter D and a numerical value. This indicates the presence of additives, for example, D20 includes about 20% fillers and other excipients. D0 - pure cement without additives.
- Solidification rate. Based on the main type of work, the solution in liquid form must harden in different ways. If CEM I is indicated on the package, then the mixture will quickly set and harden. For the M400 brand, CEM V is considered the norm.
- Packing. Many manufacturers use special bags or paper bags with multiple layers. If construction is being carried out, it is better to take packing of 50 kg, for small-volume works it is more profitable to buy bags of 5-30 kg.
- Shelf life. Often, mixtures will have a period of 3-6 months, but when buying, you need to understand the storage period, time for transportation and other indicators. You can check the quality by hitting the corner of the bag; if it has already turned to stone, then the purchase must be abandoned.
The article describes different options for dry mix for domestic and industrial tasks. The rating is made based on the opinions of consumers and experts, so that it would be easier for a potential buyer to decide which cement brand is better. For this, brief characteristics with pros and cons are presented.
TOP cement М400
Such cement is perfect for floors, screeds, masonry walls inside a house or apartment. The brand is characterized by an optimal strength value, therefore it is suitable for medium loads. It is also a good choice for waterproofing basements and damp areas.
Holzim M400
Manufactured by a Russian company that is well-known abroad and has many years of experience. Products are characterized by white, which will be up to 74%. The composition uses a special clinker, in which the minimum amount of iron is used, which makes the cement unique in its category. Diatomite and gypsum are also added to the composition to increase the degree of light reflection. Positive feedback on the product from ordinary consumers and experts was obtained due to the quality of the mixture and the strength of the finished solution. The only drawback is the difficulty of buying at construction retail outlets.
- Excellent quality.
- White color.
- Affordable cost.
- Versatility and the ability to use for construction or renovation.
The disadvantages include the difficulty of purchasing in stores.
Portland M400 Hercules
This product is considered the best for floor screed, since it is characterized by high strength and can withstand any household loads. In addition, the liquid solution dries quickly and makes it possible to walk on the screed one day after pouring. This helps speed up repairs and other work without damaging the floor itself. Sale is carried out in small 5 kg bags with handles that are easy to carry. Another feature is a long service life, the exclusion of cracks.
- Environmental friendliness, which can be seen on the packaging and the "ECO" badge.
- Can be used in a dry building or basements, cellars and buildings with high humidity.
- In the composition up to 5% gypsum.
- Includes active mineral additives to increase strength.
- Does not take over the effect of corrosion from nearby steel.
- Impact resistance.
- Long service life.
- It is not affected by frost and can withstand up to -40 degrees without changing its characteristics and properties.
- Grey colour.
- Small packaging, only 5 kg.
- For a small pack, a high price is obtained within 50 rubles and more.
- Shelf life is up to 2 months, therefore, after purchase, repairs must be carried out immediately.
- Cannot be used for outdoor use.
Eurocement М400 D20 CEM II А-Ш 32.5
A quality type of cement from a Russian manufacturer, which is popular with specialists and ordinary people. The mixture meets all international requirements and is used in many countries. This option is suitable for domestic and industrial applications. Slabs, concrete products, screed, foundation and walls are made from the solution. Packaged in bags, and the shelf life is six months.
- Affordable cost.
- Resistance to frost, temperature changes and moisture.
- Excellent quality of dry mix and ready-mixed mortar.
- Wide range of applications.
The disadvantages of the product from this manufacturer were not revealed.
Cement CEM II 32.5 (M400 D20) gray De Luxe
Ideal for blind areas and outdoor use as the mix is made for outdoor use. When solidifying, the formation of cracks is excluded, they do not appear even after several years, which eliminates the need for constant sealing. The ready-made mortar has good strength, which helps to securely fix any materials and elements. The made blind area after drying will withstand up to 330 kg per 1 sq. Cm. packed in bags of 50 kg, so it is profitable to buy for large construction.
- Affordable price, only about 260 rubles for 50 kg of cement.
- Resistant to moisture and low temperatures.
- Long period of operation of the frozen solution.
- Includes additives that increase strength, hardening time.
- The optimum temperature range for work, which is + 5-30 degrees.
- One month after pouring, maximum hardness is reached and the ability to withstand peak loads.
- Curing occurs within 75 minutes, so it can be used to remove defects that appear during pouring.
- Meets the requirements of GOST.
- On sale there is only 50 kg packaging.
- Shelf life up to six months.
- Cannot be used at temperatures less than +5 degrees.
TOP cement М500
When choosing which cement is best for the foundation, you must definitely pay attention to this brand. It is characterized by high strength and is suitable for floors that bear loads, for laying load-bearing walls and pouring a foundation for a building.
Eurocement 500 Super
Such a product has many positive reviews, and cement is often used in the construction of houses. Recommended for pouring foundations, building walls, screeds. Specialists often buy it for quality reasons, the mixture meets GOST, the solution sets quickly, which helps to reduce the time of the main process. In addition, the consumer receives protection from moisture and frost.
- High quality of composition.
- Strength.
- The durability of the poured solution.
- Fast drying.
- Wide scope of use.
No cons of this brand were found.
Holcim Tared 50kg CEM II / A-K (W-I) Class 42.5H
This option is considered one of the best for pouring the foundation for a house, since the solution can withstand heavy loads. This allows the mixture to be used for buildings of 2-3 or more floors. The hardening is optimal, the dry mixture includes minerals that exclude the appearance of cracks or flaking. The product is sold in 50 kg bags, which is convenient during construction.
- Perfect for supporting structures due to its strength.
- Can be used indoors and outdoors.
- The maximum flexural strength is 78 kg / cm2.
- Includes mineral and plastic substances.
- Withstands loads within 433 kg / cm2.
- It has no blue tint, the color is gray.
- Affordable cost within 300 rubles per bag.
- Excellent adhesion.
- Optimum curing time, which helps to remove defects in the form of smudges or sagging.
- If you work in the cold, then the seizure can occur with the formation of small voids.
- It is inconvenient to grasp the carrying bag.
EuroCement 500 Extra D20 CEM II
The product is characterized by an optimal drying speed and durability. After preparing the solution, it is convenient to pour it into the voids, level the surface. The mixture is not afraid of frost, therefore it is used even in winter. The quality is at a high level, but at temperatures below +10 degrees, hardening will be slow.
- Excellent quality.
- Ease of use.
- Long storage period.
- No cracks appear during shrinkage.
- High price.
- In the case of low temperatures, the solidification process will be slow.
Stone flower М500 Д20
This is the best option for brickwork, foundations and other important work. Cement is characterized by a high degree of strength, which is 500 kg / cm2. The composition contains polymers to accelerate hardening and eliminate cracks during drying. To increase adhesion, the manufacturer adds glue and other elements that also make the mortar insensitive to weather. Sold in packs of 40 and 50 kg.
- Optimum curing time, which is suitable for mixing mortar, laying with further leveling.
- The solution is easily prepared using technology or by hand.
- Affordable price.
- The presence of mineral additives.
- Suitable for outdoor or indoor use.
- High strength.
- Ecological cleanliness.
- Complies with GOST.
- Resistant to frost and moisture.
- The ready-made and frozen solution serves for a long time and retains its properties.
- High degree of adhesion to materials.
- Shelf life up to six months.
- The corners of the bags are smooth, so it is inconvenient to carry and take goods.
TOP cement М600
It is a good cement for foundations and floors in garages, parking lots, warehouses with heavy equipment. The mixture can withstand very heavy loads, the ready-made mortar is used for concrete products.
CimSa М600
Product from a Turkish manufacturer in white. The composition is made for finishing works, in which a flatness and smoothness of the surface is achieved. After repair processes, cracks do not appear during drying, the solution is not exposed to external factors. In reinforced concrete products, cement protects metal products from corrosion.The product is characterized by low moisture absorption, strength and frost resistance.
- White color.
- Not affected by weather conditions.
- Cracking is excluded.
- Protects reinforcement from corrosion.
This is the brand of the best cement, which has no drawbacks.
Adana Super White M-600
Another high quality Turkish product. The company itself is young, but actively developing, it offers high-quality goods that meet international standards and requirements. Cement has high strength, can withstand heavy loads, and also looks beautiful after pouring. The color of the solution is 90% white, which is convenient for concrete products, creating architectural details, monuments, etc.
- Excellent aesthetic and decorative properties.
- Great opportunities for use.
- Strength.
- Endurance.
The main disadvantage is the overpriced product.
Polymer cement white M600 Rusean
This option is the best in its class for precast concrete construction, it is achieved for 2 reasons: excellent strength and pleasant white color. This allows to withstand heavy loads, eliminates the need for additional painting of concrete products. Whiteness is achieved thanks to the polymer in the composition.
- Very fine grind, which helps to use the mixture for self-leveling floors.
- Curing takes place within 1.5 hours, which is enough to level the surface.
- High material density, simplifying packing and transportation.
- Nice white color.
- Minimal shrinkage.
- Frost resistant.
- Does not exfoliate.
- High plastic qualities.
- It can be used as a finishing material.
- Suitable for indoor and outdoor use.
- High cost per 30 kg bag.
- To maintain whiteness, quartz sand must be added.
Having studied the features of each brand and the best products in its segment, even a beginner will be able to choose the best option for construction or renovation work. The article was made for informational purposes only and does not force you to purchase a specific product.