Best Canon MFPs in 2025

MFP devices are combined devices that combine several devices at once, including a scanner, a printer and a copier. Given the fact that many people in offices use this technique, some firms are wondering which is the best canon laser mfp. People are used to trusting proven technology, and the Japanese company Canon is exactly what is needed for small and medium-sized offices that have a need to constantly copy and print documents.

In addition, such a technique can be used in the office. There are special devices that are smaller in size and at the same time much lighter, so they will be easy to transport. For this reason, many people who are engaged in printing high-quality images are interested in what is the best canon mfp for home. Among the many different models of this brand, there are those that do not cost too much, but at the same time have wide functionality and high resolution.

This rating contains the most popular devices of this brand. In it we will answer the question of what is the best canon mfp in 2025.

Canon inkjet multifunction printers

These devices are budget options, since their cost is quite low, and in terms of the quality of the output image, they are not inferior to more powerful devices. In addition, they perfectly capture the text and image details that you scan, so such devices are great for use in small businesses, as well as at home.

Pixma TS9140 is the best model for printing photos

Best Canon MFPs in 2025

A distinctive feature of this model is the compactness of the case, as well as the ability to lay out this device in a full-fledged MFP. This concept has been used by the company for a long time, so devices of this type have gained popularity and have been in demand for several decades. It is also an improved version of the predecessor model with only two cartridges. This device has as many as six separate ink tanks in order to print a full-size color image and match its digital copy.


  • there are several additional ink tanks available, so now blue and black colors have been added to the general gamut (you can also change the color set for printing if you wish);
  • replaceable cartridges can be changed sequentially one at a time if one of the ink tanks has run out of ink, so there is no need in this case to replace the entire cartridge at once;
  • if you need to scan a file directly to a USB flash drive, then there is a special connector for this;
  • there is support for special applications that allow you to print files directly from smartphones;
  • there is a fairly powerful scanner that allows you to shoot images with high resolution;
  • the functionality has an option for automatic two-sided printing, which will greatly facilitate the work;
  • two trays are available - one for plain paper and the other for photo paper;
  • there is an additional tray for printing on CDs.


  • printing speed in comparison with other similar devices is very low, so the information output process may be slightly stalled;
  • the resource of standard cartridges that come with the MFP is very limited, that is, you can print no more than 200 pages for black and white printing, no more than 260 pages for each color ink tank, and you cannot make more than 100 printed photos.

Pixma TS5140 - budget MFP for home

Best Canon MFPs in 2025

This device is small in size and light in weight, so you can place it where you like. This model is probably the best MFP for home use. Along with a relatively low cost, the functionality of the model allows you to perform all the necessary manipulations. In addition, you will receive a device that replaces three devices at once, so you will not need to buy additional equipment.

This model is capable of printing in both black and white and color. Also in its functionality there is the ability to print color photos in high resolution, so you do not have to spend extra money on printing photos in special salons. In addition, consumables can be changed once every few months, if you do not regularly print color photos and files with color images.


  • able to work with all possible paper sizes, except the largest;
  • on such a device, you can print photos of the format you need, ranging from small photos for documents to full-size photos for photo albums;
  • special technology allows you not to stand near the device and control the printing, because thanks to it, the paper automatically turns over, and thus you save not only ink, but also the paper itself;
  • it takes no more than 15 seconds for this MFP to digitize an image, while it is displayed in maximum quality on a computer;
  • copying takes place in an expanded format, so if you need to print an image without borders and useless inserts, then the device will become an indispensable assistant for you;
  • this device can connect to the Android and iOS operating systems, which is very convenient if you need to print or copy a particular image or file from your phone directly;
  • if you are not comfortable with the standard tilt of the control panel, you can easily change it;
  • the device saves energy consumption not only in sleep mode, but also directly during operation;
  • there are separate trays for photo paper, as well as for special cards, which can also be printed on;
  • the device in comparison with analog is quite affordable - the price varies within 4-5 thousand rubles.


  • resource of cartridges is limited, so you can print no more than 180 pages in color format, and no more than 70 photos for photos;
  • the print speed is rather slow, since the device spends more time on transferring image quality.

Maxify MB5440 - a productive office MFP with fax

Best Canon MFPs in 2025

If you are still in doubt about which is the best MFP, then you can be sure that this model will suit you, of course. In addition to basic functions such as copying, scanning and printing, this model also has a fax. This device is an excellent alternative for laser analogs, since it has all the necessary functions, and its cost is several times less than that of more powerful models.

This device is suitable for those for whom the most important options are high performance and quality work with images of different types. The model is capable of printing about 30 thousand images and text files for you within a month. In addition, it has a built-in function for direct connection to smartphones and other devices, so it will not be difficult for you to print all the files you need via Wi-Fi.


  • there is a function of support for all the most popular mobile printers;
  • there is a facsimile module that can store up to 250 pages of scanned text or images;
  • Piezoelectric printing option will allow you not to worry about the quality of scanned and printed images or text;
  • there is an automatic two-sided printing function, so in the process of printing a large file, you can save paper and at the same time do not stand over the device to control its operation;
  • after starting to print the file, printing will begin after 6 seconds;
  • if you do not print images or color documents for a long time, the ink does not dry out;
  • the device saves energy during use, and in sleep mode the power consumption stops altogether;
  • the cost of equipment with such a huge functionality does not exceed 15 thousand rubles.


  • makes extraneous sounds during work;
  • if you work with A4 format, then the device displays an image or text not in the highest resolution, since there is a certain limitation in its functionality;
  • the print speed is rather slow compared to analog devices, so if you are printing a large file, you will have to wait a while.

Canon laser multifunction devices

More powerful mechanisms in comparison with inkjet MFPs, so when users ask questions which is better - a laser MFP or an inkjet MFP, it can be answered absolutely unequivocally that the former is superior in its performance to the latter.

image RUNNER Advance C3520i is a versatile device with the richest functionality

Best Canon MFPs in 2025

This model is capable of printing images of wide resolution, up to A3 format. In addition, this device combines the functions of a printer, scanner, fax and copier, so this device is suitable not only for home use, but also for the office. In addition, the device allows not only printing texts of different formats, but also making blanks for brochures. With a special function, this device can even stitch them together.


  • 30 seconds after switching on, it starts up and can independently wake up from sleep mode due to the built-in function of the motion sensor;
  • this device has a high print speed;
  • there is a rather convenient control panel with a touch screen;
  • you can connect to other devices over the network wirelessly;
  • there are several connectors with which you can print a file or image directly;
  • With a special tray, you can scan thick books or magazines effortlessly;
  • the functionality includes a fax that can store more than 30 thousand messages in its memory;
  • cartridge life has been extended compared to other devices, so you can print many more files than with other devices.


  • if you print a file from a USB flash drive, you will not be able to preview on the screen how it will look in the final version;
  • there are slight difficulties with software russification, but they can be partially solved using the settings.

i-Sensys MF729Cx - Convenient Office Model

Best Canon MFPs in 2025

This model is used mainly in small and medium-sized offices, since it contains all the necessary functions for convenient and efficient work with documents. This device not only combines a printer, copier, fax and scanner, but also has a rather pleasant-looking design that will suit almost any office-type interior. In a month, such a device can print more than 40 thousand pages, while not overloading and without causing much damage to itself.

Its main distinguishing feature is that you can print files using the network without downloading them to the device itself. To do this, you just need to establish contact with the external device you need.If you work with documents that do not require special attention to themselves and do not include images with a lot of small details, then such a device in your office is simply necessary for you.


  • there is a touch screen with which it is convenient to work and which has a color interface;
  • there is a special support function that allows you to print even protected documents;
  • the built-in function allows you to connect wirelessly with a smartphone or any other external device from which you want to transfer or print a file;
  • The MFP is perfectly compatible with other operating systems, therefore, it greatly facilitates the work if the file is on a completely foreign device;
  • there is a built-in function due to which the sensitivity of the scanner is greatly increased;
  • as soon as you scanned the file, it can be moved to the cloud space using a special built-in mechanism, and can also be saved from a USB flash drive or external drive;
  • the available fax is capable of storing several thousand messages and sending reply messages to more than 300 numbers that will be stored in its memory.


  • fairly low print speed compared to analog devices;
  • in the process of work, it emits extraneous sounds, and behaves almost silently only in sleep mode.

Currently, a huge number of various devices are produced that combine several functions and devices at the same time, so it is often difficult for users to figure out what kind of equipment they need. However, universal models can solve these issues almost instantly. Moreover, the cost of such devices will be much lower than if you bought all the devices separately. In addition, it practically does not affect the quality of image transfer or printing of certain files.

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