Burns are a common type of skin injury. Injuries of this type are divided into thermal, chemical, solar, and electrical. Anyone can get damaged, especially in everyday life - hot water, steam, iron. You can suffer from sun rays in the garden, on the beach. In such cases, urgent action must be taken. The pain of burns becomes unbearable, even shock may occur. To eliminate painful sensations, you need to know how to treat a burn. The presented list will help you choose the best burn remedy in 2025.
TOP best tools
Balsam "Guardian"
Price - 130-150 rubles
A very effective and popular ointment. This is the best remedy for burns of various etiologies. Represents a semi-liquid, yellowish suspension - when the tube is opened, it may slightly flow out. It is used for various disorders of the skin: sunburns, thermal, subcutaneous hemorrhages, abrasions, cuts, dryness, mosquito bites, diaper rash, differential inflammations, calluses. The ointment contains only natural ingredients: lavender, eucalyptus, corn oil, naphthalan oil, vitamin E, beeswax, sea buckthorn extract.
Thanks to a good formula and natural substances, cells regenerate quickly, scarring almost no scars. Can be used for children. Guaranteed effect, depending on the degree of damage, from 2 to 10 days. If you are hypersensitive to substances, the treatment can be extended if necessary. The consumption is very small - it is enough to lightly lubricate the damaged skin. The weight of the tube is 30 grams.
- Budget cost;
- ointment based on natural substances;
- low consumption;
- quickly helps to cope with pain;
- no significant scars after treatment;
- skin disorders of various etiologies can be treated.
- Some people may develop intolerance, allergies;
- It lasts a long time, a small ointment layer is not absorbed.
Ointment "Radevit"
Price - 320-400 rubles
Healing cream can treat dermatosis, burns, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis, erosion, ichthyosis, acne, aging and dry skin (wrinkles). The ointment moisturizes, restores the skin, reduces wrinkles, eliminates inflammation in the formation of acne, acts as an antimicrobial agent. Based on user reviews, the medicinal ointment is positioned as the best remedy for burns.
It is not recommended to use with a high content of vitamins D, A, with hypersensitivity to components, with swelling and reddening of wounds, the appearance of ulcers (specialist consultation is needed). The ointment should not be used for a long time - excessive accumulation of vitamins D, A, E may occur.
- Relieves itching, pain;
- well to heal burns, almost without scars;
- few restrictions on use;
- use for children is permissible;
- acts effectively for various violations;
- cooling effect.
- Limitation on the period of use;
- pregnant women cannot be treated
- absorbed for a long time, oily;
- the price is a little high.
The best remedy for burns with boiling water is Panthenol spray
Price 300-360 rubles
Effective medical foam for various burns (solar, thermal), injuries. Heals well after operations, skin grafts. The spray is used for furunculosis, dermatitis, herpes provoked by ultraviolet light, bedsores, abscess. The site of a burn or injury to the skin stops hurting after application almost instantly. Has a cooling effect. White foam is sprayed onto a burn or wound. It should be kept until the foamy mass has completely subsided.
The restoration of tissue at the cellular level occurs thanks to the main component - (Dexpanthenol) dexpanthenol. Acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. Release form - cans of 58, 130 and 116 milliliters. When treating wounds with exudate release, you first need to rinse the damage with chlorhexidine (peroxide, furacilin) and let it dry. Apply the foam by spraying for no more than 2 seconds. For dermatitis and burns, lightly rub the foam. In case of severe damage, a sterile bandage is applied. Many users believe that panthenol is the best remedy for sunburn after sunburn. The foam penetrates well into the skin, cools, heals quickly, soothes itching and pain.
- Very convenient to apply to damage;
- heals quickly;
- eliminates pain and burning;
- heals any damage;
- there are almost no restrictions on age, gender;
- can be used during pregnancy;
- there are no scars after healing.
- High price;
- causes allergies in some people;
- use with sensitivity to the main substance is not recommended;
- shelf life is limited to two years - then cannot be used.
Sea buckthorn oil
Price 150 - 170 rubles
Sea buckthorn is a natural healer. The extract from berries and seeds is used for internal and external use. The main advantage of the drug is the complete absence of chemicals. Sea buckthorn oil has long been used for burns. It has an antiseptic, moisturizing, healing effect on various skin injuries.
Healing takes place thanks to biologically active substances. Has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, anti-edema properties. It is used internally for a number of diseases, for the prevention of vitamin deficiency, viral diseases.
Skin lesions are treated with sterile oil-soaked dressings. During lactation and pregnancy, ingestion is not recommended - only external use. The versatility of the oil lies in the treatment and prevention of a large number of internal and external diseases.
For medicinal purposes, the oil is used: for skin diseases (lichen, eczema, neurodermatitis, lupus), injuries (shallow wounds, burns, frostbite), thrush, diaper rash, skin redness are treated in infants, used in gynecology, dentistry, for the treatment of the liver, gastrointestinal - intestinal tract, eyes, respiratory organs.
The oil is available in bottles with a volume of 30, 50, 100, 250 milliliters, in capsules.
- Safe, natural medicine for adults and children;
- inexpensive remedy;
- heals any burns;
- quickly heals the damage.
- Inconvenience of use due to fluidity, fat content;
- the coloring matter can ruin clothes
- hypersensitivity to substances.
The cost is 250-280 rubles.
Domestic medicine - Altayvitamins. A set of effective healing substances in the aerosol provides: fast pain relief, restoration of damaged tissues in case of severe lesions. The aerosol is available in 120, 80 and 60 gram cans. It contains the main components: sea buckthorn oil, Levomycetin, boric acid. Additional ingredients: emulsion, benzocaine, triethanolamine, lanolin.
A set of anti bacterial and analgesic components allows you to cope with severe skin lesions: eczema, thermal, chemical, electrical burns, trophic ulcers. The spray is used in gynecology, cleansing purulent and necrotic formations for vascular diseases, during transplantation to improve survival.With severe wounds, dressing with the agent does not create pain, burning sensation due to anesthetics.
- A good set of substances for fast healing;
- comfortable use (aerosol), uniform distribution over the surface;
- after treatment, almost no scars remain;
- an effective drug for severe burns.
- There are cases of intolerance to substances and adverse reactions;
- treats other diseases in addition to burns;
- it is not recommended to treat sunburns;
- can not be used for a long time - causes negative reactions;
- there are restrictions on use (children under two years of age, lactation, pregnancy);
- it is not recommended to be treated together with other anti bacterial medicines.
Balm "Rescuer"
Cost 150-170 rubles
Domestic balsam "Rescuer" is produced in aluminum tubes with a volume of 30 grams, there is a children's version of the ointment. Contains many natural healing substances: oils (turpentine, olive, sea buckthorn, melted, essential), natural wax, naphthalan, tocopherol, calendula extract, carotenoids. The ointment can be used for all age groups.
The ointment has a wide range of applications: chemical, sun, thermal burns, diaper rash in infants and the elderly, healing of sutures after surgery, trophic ulcers, myositis, facial rash, bruises, bruises, skin inflammation, mucous membranes, hemorrhoids, neuralgia, frostbite, bites of blood-sucking insects, sciatica.
The ointment has a number of properties: bactericidal, moisturizing, restoring, emollient, light anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, protective against microbes and viruses, reducing irritation.
- Low cost;
- natural substances;
- heals well;
- besides burns, it treats other injuries and diseases.
- Some people have intolerance to substances, to smell;
- it is not recommended to combine treatment with ointment with other medications due to an undesirable reaction (peroxide, brilliant green, iodine).
Cream "Bepanten plus"
Price 250-280 rubles
Cream of German production, light yellow. Contains basic substances - Chlorhexidine, Dexpanthenol, pantothenic acid. Additional composition: paraffin, alcohol, polyoxyl, pantolactone, lanolin. Has properties: regenerating, antimicrobial, analgesic, antifungal, cooling.
The cream has a wide range of applications: thermal, chemical, sunburns, abrasions, wound surfaces after surgical procedures, bedsores, neurodermatitis, trophic ulcers, dermatitis, cuts, eczema, pyoderma, cracks during breastfeeding. In general, the cream is well tolerated, but should be taken into account , that there are isolated cases of negative effects: itching, rash, eczema, urticaria, irritation, swelling, blisters, dermatitis.
- Efficiency;
- no restrictions on age and condition - can be used for babies, lactation, pregnancy.
- An expensive medication;
- sometimes there are cases of allergic reactions with very frequent use;
- it is not recommended to use it together with other antimicrobial, anionic, soap agents and compounds;
- not very convenient to use.
Ointment "Levomekol"
Price 130-150 rubles
The Russian-made medicinal ointment is produced in glass vials of 100 and 1000 grams, in aluminum tubes weighing 40 grams. Contains: chloramphenicol (antibiotic), dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine as a reducing agent. The ointment has a number of properties: regenerating, cleansing, bactericidal, emollient, anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial.
Has a wide range of uses: thermal, chemical, sunburn, calluses, wound surfaces after surgical procedures, stomatitis, herpes (with purulent ulcers), bedsores, colpitis, otitis media, lymphadenitis, sinusitis, periodontal disease, trophic ulcers, furunculosis, dermatitis, cuts, hemorrhoids, acne (purulent), balanitis, runny nose, abrasions.In rare cases, undesirable effects appear in the places of lubrication: rash, burning, urticaria, itching, swelling, dermatitis.
Basically, the drug is well tolerated, it can be used by everyone except children (not under three years old).
- Inexpensive drug;
- good regenerating properties;
- there are almost no age restrictions (except for children up to three years old);
- heals burns of all degrees.
- In rare cases, undesirable effects appear;
- has contraindications (eczema, fungus, psoriasis, hypersensitivity to substances).
Ointment bandage "Branolind"
Price 70-80 rubles
The basis of the bandage is cotton fabric, Peruvian balm. Antibacterial, moisturizing, pain relieving properties. Depending on the degree of damage, change the dressing in 1-3 days.
- Anesthetic base;
- inexpensive medication;
- no age restrictions;
- restores tissue without scars.
- Not used for large size burns;
- there are cases of intolerance to substances.
Spray "Emergency"
Price 380-400 rubles
The spray has properties: anti bacterial, pain relieving, moisturizing. Medicinal herbs are used in the production. According to user reviews, it is a very effective and safe medication.
- Restores the skin without scars;
- good protection against germs;
- contains natural ingredients.
- High price;
- cannot be used with hypersensitivity to ingredients.
Every person's first-aid kit should contain essential supplies for emergency treatment of burns, bruises, abrasions. The choice of medication should be in favor of universal, safe and pain relieving drugs. Ideal when there are no contraindications and side effects.