Best Black Eye Remedy in 2025

Many have encountered such a consequence of a bruise as a hematoma, in other words, a bruise. Painful sensations and an unpleasant appearance of the neoplasm force us to take the necessary measures to eliminate it.

From the variety of remedies for hematomas, the most effective are selected. The rating of medicines compiled below will help you choose the best remedy for bruising under the eyes.

Bruise gels

Such funds are soft and viscous in composition, a medicinal form based on water (80%). The active components of the gel completely dissolve in it.

Gels, in contrast to ointments and creams, have a pH content that is close to the pH of the skin, which makes it a more physiological substance. In addition, this product does not include oils and fats, because:

  • more efficiently releases active ingredients;
  • spreads easily over the skin;
  • extremely quickly absorbed;
  • there is no clogging of pores;
  • if the need arises, it is easily washed off the skin;
  • no greasy marks remain on the skin and clothing;
  • used at any time of the day.

The disadvantages are that the active components based on the gel are absorbed into the bloodstream, can cause unpleasant side effects, are characterized by a greater number of contraindications than creams with the same composition.


Best bruise under eye remedy in 2025

Gel, the active substance of which includes troxerutin, which protects and tones the veins. The medicine prevents blood stagnation in the affected tissues, helps the bruise to dissolve in the shortest possible time. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and regenerative effects. Most users recommend using Lyoton. But approximately 20% of buyers find the price of the drug high, as there is only a short-term effect from using the gel.


  • perfectly eliminates bruises;
  • costs less than Troxevasin of a similar composition.


  • some patients experience irritation, an allergic reaction;
  • should not be used in patients under 15 years of age;
  • the gel, when the tube is opened, can be used only for 4 weeks, then the rest must be thrown away.


Best bruise under eye remedy in 2025

An effective drug for hematomas from heparin prevents blood clotting and thrombus formation. Quickly dissolves blood clots that have formed under the skin during a hemorrhage. In addition, the drug has a pronounced anti-edematous and moderate anti-inflammatory effect. Lyoton-gel is applied to the affected skin 1 to 3 times a day.


  • the best remedy for bruises on the face and body, begins to act in the shortest possible time due to the increased concentration of heparin (it is 10 times more than in the same heparin ointment);
  • in consultation with a specialist is used during pregnancy;
  • a large list of indications - hematomas, bruises, swelling and fatigue of the lower extremities;
  • recovery after cosmetic procedures and plastic surgery is accelerated;
  • some women use the drug as a refreshing, tightening, tonic.


  • should not be used when, in addition to the bruise, the skin is damaged at the site of injury, otherwise blood flow will increase;
  • not applied to the dermis near the eyes;
  • prohibited from admission to children;
  • heparin causes an allergic form of dermatitis (allergy sufferers are in the risk subgroup), in addition, the gel contains parabens that increase the likelihood of allergies;
  • overcharge.


Best bruise under eye remedy in 2025

The gel includes 2 active ingredients - indomethacin and troxerutin. The first is an NSAID, which is designed to reduce swelling and inflammation, pain and redness at the site of injury. Troxerutin reduces capillary permeability, helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels, improve microcirculation in the affected tissues.

The drug is recommended to be applied to the affected area 3 times a day. Contraindications include pregnancy and breastfeeding, age indicators less than 14 years, an ulcer, and impaired blood clotting.


  • complex composition, the gel has a resorbing effect, helps to eliminate the bruise in the shortest possible time, as well as effectively get rid of inflammation;
  • after 1 dose, discomfort is significantly reduced;
  • adequate price.


  • not used in the treatment of children under 14 years of age;
  • on perception it is not fully absorbed;
  • provokes allergies (manifested by redness of the skin).


Best bruise under eye remedy in 2025

The main active ingredient of the gel will be troxerutin, which reduces the permeability and fragility in the capillaries, and has an anti-inflammatory and anti-edema effect. Troxevasin will help with swelling and pain after bruises. In addition, varicose veins, venous insufficiency, and an acute form of thrombophlebitis become indications for the use of the drug.

Troxevasin is applied to the affected lesion 2 times a day, rubbed in with smooth movements until final absorption. The drug is not used to treat open lesions.


  • the walls of the vessels are strengthened, the affected tissues are quickly restored, in particular, where a wide network of vessels is located next to the surface of the skin;
  • in the shortest time, in fact, in 2 days, small hematomas are eliminated (severe bruises dissolve in about a week);
  • adequate price.


  • sometimes provokes allergies - urticaria, dermatitis;
  • a heavy composition that is absorbed for a long time, despite the fact that it is a gel.

Gel with badyag

Best bruise under eye remedy in 2025

A natural remedy that includes a badyagu (a freshwater sponge, its skeleton includes silica needles that are interconnected with organic matter), is characterized by unique resorption characteristics. The drug has an irritating effect on the skin, which dilates blood vessels, activates blood flow, in addition, has antibacterial and absorbing effects.

The gel will help from bruises, bruises and bruises, is used to eliminate age spots and acne, during arthritis, sciatica, rheumatism. Rub into the damaged area (4 times a day).


  • eliminates hematomas in 3-4 days;
  • helps to get rid of spots on the face after a rash;
  • fast absorption;
  • low cost.


  • rubbed four times a day, which is not comfortable in all cases;
  • the product provokes tingling, redness of the skin after treatment;
  • unpleasant odor;
  • in some cases, it provokes an allergic reaction - a rash on the skin as bubbles.

Bruise-off gel

Best bruise under eye remedy in 2025

This remedy includes leech extract, pentoxifylline and ethoxydiglycol, helps to resolve bruises, reduce swelling and quickly eliminate bruises. It is forbidden to use medicine for hematomas with impaired blood clotting. The drug is applied to the skin, after 10 minutes, the treatment of the affected area is repeated. Frequency rate of use - 5 times a day.


  • swelling in the damaged area decreases, helps to dissolve bruises;
  • through the toning action, the bruise is masked;
  • easily absorbed;
  • has a pleasant aroma;
  • does not provoke an allergic reaction.


  • does not apply for impaired blood clotting, for bruises that have arisen after significant damage (severe dislocation, contusion);
  • it is necessary to use it often - 5 times a day (2 times with an interval of 10 minutes), which is not very comfortable;
  • with severe bruises, it is not effective for everyone;
  • does not act too quickly.


Best bruise under eye remedy in 2025

Herbal medicine for bruises on the face and body, the main component is arnica extract. It has anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, regenerating and antimicrobial effects. The blood flow in the affected tissues improves, due to which the resolution of the bruise will accelerate, the permeability of the vessels will decrease, and edema is eliminated.

It is used in the presence of hematomas, bruises, sprains, painful sensations in the muscles, for massage procedures. The gel is not used during pregnancy and breastfeeding, with hypersensitivity to the constituents of the drug, allergic dermatosis, weeping form of dermatitis and impaired skin integrity. The medicine is applied to the affected area in a small layer up to 2 times a day. The course of therapy is 1 week.


  • vegetable harmless ingredients, there are no dyes and preservatives;
  • it is permissible to use for children from 12 months;
  • eliminates pain, reduces swelling in the shortest possible time, the affected area becomes yellowish, and after several days it passes (hematomas after strong blows go away in 4–5 days, minor bruises - in 2 days);
  • improves health and accelerates recovery with bruises on the face after plastic surgery;
  • profitability;
  • with constant use, painful sensations in the muscles after excessive physical exertion are also effectively eliminated; the remedy is quite popular among athletes.


  • eliminates the bruise, but does not relieve it;
  • with prolonged use, the formation of blistering dermatitis is likely (in particular, when the gel suddenly penetrates the damaged skin);
  • special aroma.

Bruise creams

The cream is an emulsion of water in oil or oil in water, has a pronounced local effect.

The active substances of the agent are retained for a long time in the upper part of the skin, and have only a local effect. There is no absorption into the bloodstream and no systemic side effects appear, fewer restrictions.

The base will be heavier than the gel. The cream will take longer to be absorbed into the dermis and is less economical than a gel.

Express bruise

Best bruise under eye remedy in 2025

Cosmetic remedy for bruises and pigmentation from the extract of badyaga and inorganic pigments. It is noted for its absorbable, anti-inflammatory and local analgesic effect. Apply to the dermis up to 5 times a day. When the drug is applied to the affected lesion immediately after injury, it is possible to prevent bruising. Applying the drug after 2 hours after injury will make it possible to eliminate the bruise in 2 days, when therapy is started the next day after the injury, the bruise will remain for several days.


  • characterized by a toning effect, masks the hematoma under the eye and on the rest of the visible parts of the body (in order to enhance the masking effect, it can be used with a foundation);
  • adequate price.


  • not considered a medicine, referred to as cosmetic products;
  • liquid cream composition;
  • tonal pigment is strongly absorbed into the skin, coloring the hand as well;
  • has only a masking effect, but does not eliminate the bruise, there are no effects indicated by the developer.

Badiaga 911 cream

Best bruise under eye remedy in 2025

A complex product that contains, in addition to badyaga, extracts of chamomile and horse chestnut, juniper, mint and tea tree oil. The drug has irritating effects, which will increase blood flow and accelerate recovery processes in damaged tissues.Due to the strengthening of the walls of blood vessels and a decrease in capillary permeability, the bruise is more likely to dissolve, and puffiness is effectively eliminated. In addition, there is a local antiseptic effect. The medicine should not be used by children under 2 years of age, with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug.


  • rapid resorption of the bruise that formed after the injections;
  • will help with rashes, puffiness and blue circles around the eyes;
  • cooling effect;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • adequate price.


  • not in all cases fulfills the assigned task;
  • slow impact;
  • long absorption.

Ointments for bruises

The composition of the considered dosage form includes fat-like components that are not absorbed into the skin.

Due to the fact that fat is not absorbed into the dermis, a film forms on its surface, which creates a greenhouse effect. As a result, the active substances penetrate deep into the tissues, have a powerful therapeutic effect.

Unlike a cream, the ointment does not contain water, it has a denser texture, it is mostly poorly absorbed, leaving greasy spots on the skin and staining clothes. Active substances are absorbed into the bloodstream, sometimes cause systemic side effects, and have a significant list of restrictions.

Heparin ointment

Best bruise under eye remedy in 2025

The best remedy for bruises and bruises, according to the characteristics of most users and professionals. The product includes:

  • heparin - has a resorbing and anti-edematous effect;
  • benzyl ester of nicotinic acid - helps to expand blood vessels, improve the absorption of the active component;
  • benzocaine is a local anesthetic that has an anesthetic effect.

The ointment is used for bruises, bruises. Do not use for hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, deep vein thrombosis, ulcerative necrotic process, open lesions. Apply to the treated area three times a day. The duration of use is 3-7 days.


  • contributes to the early disappearance of bruises - they will turn pale and go away in fact after 2 days;
  • has a cooling effect through additional elements;
  • an excellent remedy for bruises on the face, which do not appear after a bruise, but as a result of constant fatigue, poor sleep and other factors;
  • there is no unpleasant aroma;
  • adequate price in comparison with imported drugs with heparin.


  • it is forbidden to use in therapy with antimicrobial agents (tetracyclines) and antihistamines;
  • sometimes provokes redness of the skin;
  • thick, oily composition, poorly absorbed, it is necessary to rub in for a long time.

Comfrey ointment

Best bruise under eye remedy in 2025

The best plant-based bruise remedy from comfrey extract. Has a resorbing and anti-edematous effect, reduces discomfort, accelerates the recovery of affected tissues. It is used for a variety of injuries - bruises, sprains, dislocations. It is applied to the damaged area at night, a napkin is applied on top of the treated area.


  • a medicine that helps to eliminate defects and has natural ingredients;
  • no side effects, restrictions;
  • comfortable use - once a day, unlike most other drugs.


  • overcharge.

Which remedy to choose

To find the best remedy for bruises and bruises, you must consider the following recommendations:

  • When from time to time an additional remedy is required in order to relieve minor hematomas, and the skin on the affected area is intact, the most common and inexpensive variations of drugs are suitable - heparin ointment and bodyagi.
  • For those who have susceptible skin and who are susceptible to vascular pathologies, troxevasin is recommended.
  • The inexpensive but popular Lyoton effectively copes with swelling and fatigue in the lower limbs, formed bruises. It is suitable for pregnant women and while breastfeeding.Before using the drug during pregnancy, it is required to coordinate its intake with a specialist.
  • Bruise off helps to eliminate bruises on the body and mask the hematoma.

To know which bruise remedy is best, you need to consult with a specialist.


This rating has been compiled in order for the patient to be able to find the best remedy for bruises under the eyes and on the body. When compiling it, the characteristics of the patients and the reviews of doctors were taken into account.

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