Means for removing fluid from the body or diuretics are used in a complex manner to eliminate generalized edema. It makes no sense to remove local (local) edema with such drugs. It should be recalled that diuretics (diuretics) should not be taken thoughtlessly. In many cases, it is recommended to consult a specialist for advice before use.
The main causes of edema: diseases of internal organs (liver, kidneys, heart), vascular diseases (varicose veins, impaired blood outflow), obesity, allergic reactions, poisoning, high blood pressure, pregnancy, trauma, hormonal imbalance, long-term medication, salt intake ( excessive), overwork.
The choice of a diuretic is made with the obligatory consideration of the provoking factor. If for some reason it is impossible to consult a medical professional, the rating of diuretics will guide and help you choose a good diuretic.
Which diuretic is best?
Any diuretic has its own indications, therapeutic effects, contraindications, positive and negative properties. Depending on the action and composition, diuretics are divided into classes: osmotic, loop, thiazide, inhibitors, drugs that do not excrete potassium.
Osmotic drugs are used in hospitals. These are the most powerful diuretics and are prescribed in severe cases. Loop medicines (Furosemide, Torasemid, Bumetanid) can be considered strong. Thiazide drugs are needed in moderate conditions (Indapamide, Oxodolin).
Weak diuretic drugs - inhibitors (Diacarb). Weak drugs include those that do not excrete potassium (Amiloride, Veroshpiron, Triamteren). They are used in complex therapy. A list of diuretics with a detailed description will help you make the right choice - which diuretic is better for edema of different etymologies.
Ranking of the best diuretics in 2025
The list of drug groups includes the best medicines in their class.
Powerful medicine. It is in the class of osmotic diuretics. It manifests itself in the form of a pronounced wet action, causing a significant movement of fluid from the cells and the removal of large amounts of water with sodium chlorine. Potassium is almost not removed (in small amounts).
The drug is available as a solution for injection. Leave is made according to a doctor's prescription.
The tool is used in the following cases:
- High blood pressure;
- oliguria;
- cranial pressure;
- glaucoma in the acute phase;
- post-transfusion complications;
- swelling of the brain;
- prevention of destruction of erythrocytes in the blood;
- increased urination in case of poisoning with salicylates, barbiturates.
- Low price;
- effective powerful medicine;
- nitrogen does not increase;
- rapid removal of fluid with sodium except potassium from cells;
- relieves puffiness;
- removes a lot of liquid with a lot of sodium and sucks in a little potassium;
- does not increase the amount of nitrogen (residual) in the blood.
- In some cases, it is necessary to combine with loop (heart failure);
- there are a number of limitations;
- undesirable effects may appear (dry skin, in the mouth, dyspepsia, decreased pressure, rash, itchy areas on the skin);
- when used together with cardiac glycosides, the toxic effects of the latter are possible;
- blood monitoring for electrolytes, blood pressure is required.
Powerful extrarenal diuretic drug. It is used with a weak effect of other drugs (for example, Furosemide). The medication is drunk: in case of hypotension (increased pressure), swelling of any etymology, impaired liver function (cirrhosis), hypertensive crisis, preeclampsia, edema of the brain, lungs, during pregnancy, nephrotic syndrome, heart failure (chronic - 1-3 degrees).
The medication removes a lot of potassium, magnesium and calcium. The remedy normalizes, lowers blood pressure, relieves severe edema, headache, palpitations, thrombosis, improves the condition during daytime wakefulness, night sleep.
The medication is available in the form of a solution for injection by drop and in tablet form for oral administration. The maximum allowable dose is 6 milligrams per day (in the morning, before meals). Intramuscularly - 0.5-1 mg in a single dose. Intravenous - in the form of a dropper for half a liter of isotonic sodium chloride solution of 5 milligrams of the drug.
- Acts quickly - 15 minutes from the moment of administration or ingestion;
- effectively eliminates puffiness;
- absorbed completely and quickly, acts effectively;
- the maximum effect reaches after 10-20 minutes.
- You should not drink at low blood pressure (lowers blood pressure);
- does not last long;
- there are contraindications (hypersensitivity to the component, acute hepatitis, advanced age over 60, gout, problems with the urinary organs;
- substances important for the body (magnesium, potassium, calcium) are excreted in the urine;
- there are undesirable consequences (unpleasant sensations in the adnominal area, nausea, dizziness, great loss of fluid, loss of strength);
- cannot be used for a long time.
A diuretic with moderate and long duration. It is a good diuretic for edema caused by high blood pressure, kidney, heart failure, lung and liver diseases. After administration, the drug acts as efficiently as possible after 2-3 hours (action up to 20 hours). In the digestive tract it is absorbed as fully as possible.
The tool is available in the form of tablets. The daily dose is taken in the morning. The tablets are washed down with water without chewing. The drug is prescribed in 5 milligrams for edema of various origins, up to a maximum of 40 milligrams. Long-term use is recommended until the edema is completely eliminated.
It should be borne in mind that the agent has absolute contraindications: hypersensitivity to the component, renal failure, poor blood circulation in the body, heart disease, a large amount of glucose in the urine and blood, pregnancy, high concentration of uric acid in the blood, children under 18 years of age, low level sodium and potassium, lactose aversion.
The drug is used with caution: with anemia, hypotension, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, heart attack, when taking glycosides, with long-term driving.
- Effective mild diuretic;
- prolonged action;
- long-term admission is allowed until the edema is completely eliminated;
- completely absorbed.
- Partially removes potassium (additional intake of the element is needed);
- there are side effects (drowsiness, thirst, diarrhea, headache, discomfort in the abdomen, sometimes increased heart rate, fatigue or increased activity, very rarely vomiting, nausea);
- high price;
- should not be used in case of hypotension;
- there are contraindications (hypersensitivity to the component, arrhythmia, liver precoma or coma);
- may exacerbate gout;
- control over the amount of uric acid, electrolytes, creatinine, lipids is required.
It is the best diuretic in the loop diuretic class. A potent diuretic for lowering blood pressure, quickly removing edema of various etymologies. The drug is not suitable for long-term use. Available in the form of tablets, solution, suspension granules. When used intravenously, the effect of the drug begins after 5 minutes. After about 1 hour, the effect of the tablet form is achieved.
The tool is used to eliminate edema caused by diseases of the liver, with heart and kidney failure (chronic), high blood pressure, nephrotic syndrome. It is a good diuretic for weight loss - it reduces weight when used. Consultation of a specialist is required.
The remedy is taken before meals. It works in 15-25 minutes, the effect of maximum strength is achieved in 1-2 hours. With injections, it lasts 3-5 minutes.
During treatment, it is necessary to control the level of: creatinine, magnesium, sodium, potassium, nitrogen (residual), calcium, electrolytes, uric acid.
- Low price;
- long-term diuretic effect;
- quickly removes liquid;
- relieves swelling in kidney disease;
- reduces stress on the heart;
- quick effect in case of poisoning, hypertensive crisis.
- Reduces the level of potassium and magnesium;
- after cancellation, puffiness may return;
- has contraindications (pregnancy, children under three years of age, transport control, hypersensitivity to the component, diabetes, pancreatitis, renal failure, lactase deficiency, gout, stenosis, severe hepatic insufficiency, lactation);
- cannot be used by athletes (considered doping), the product reduces weight, removes a lot of fluid;
- side reactions of the body (pronounced hypotensive effect, allergy, arrhythmia, paresthesia, drowsiness, tachycardia, thirst, diarrhea, anorexia, decreased potency, hypokalemia).
A diuretic from the thiazide class. Moderate diuretic. It is used as a vasodilator, diuretic, blood pressure lowering drug. It is used as an independent medicine and in complex therapy. Withdrawal from the body an increased amount of chlorine, magnesium, potassium.
The drug is available in the form of tablets of normal and prolonged action, in the form of capsules. The tool is taken in the morning, regardless of the time of the meal. The tablets are not chewed, swallowed, washed down with plenty of water. The drug is taken at elevated pressure once - 2.5 milligrams (daily dose).
Not recommended for athletes due to doping reactions. During treatment, do not expose the skin to ultraviolet radiation. When using the product, monitoring of indicators is required: potassium, glucose, sodium, uric acid, magnesium, creatinine. In old age, gender, kidney condition (must be good), weight should be taken into account. The use of Indapamide during pregnancy is excluded.
- Long-term effect (1 day);
- low cost;
- the load on the heart decreases;
- long-term use is allowed, provided that electrolyte levels are monitored.
- Cannot be used for an extended period (washes out calcium, magnesium);
- there are contraindications (pregnancy, age up to 18, hypokalemia, hypersensitivity to the component, lack of lactase, hepatic insufficiency and encephalopathy, lactation);
- there are undesirable effects (cough, fatigue, dehydration, allergic reactions, discomfort in the abdominal region, constipation, weakness, slight visual impairment);
- not recommended for hypotension.
Diuretic of mild active action. A diuretic differs from analogs in that it almost does not remove potassium from the body. When used, sodium is removed in an enhanced mode.The tool is used to eliminate edema due to a number of diseases: chronic heart failure, liver cirrhosis, high blood pressure, nephrotic syndrome. The remedy normalizes blood pressure, improves sleep, eliminates palpitations, venous thrombosis.
The release form of the drug is capsules of 25 milligrams. The drug is taken in the morning and at lunchtime at 0.2-0.5 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight. When using other drugs, the dose is adjusted. With increased pressure, take 2 capsules - in the morning and at lunch. With nephrotic syndrome, edema, 2-4 pieces are prescribed. For prophylaxis, the dose is reduced to one capsule. With heart failure, the dosage, depending on the severity, is 2-4 capsules.
- Almost no excretion of potassium from the body;
- increases the level of potassium in the blood;
- can be used by children as prescribed by a doctor with a special dosage;
- an increase in dosage is allowed;
- effectively relieves swelling.
There are contraindications (hypersensitivity to the component, hepatic and renal insufficiency, precoma, lactation, anuria);
has a number of side effects (poor dissolution and the risk of kidney stones formation, diarrhea, thirst, drowsiness, irritability, increased heart rate, thrombosis, reduced sodium in the blood, fatigue, dehydration, anemia, itching, pulmonary edema as a manifestation of an allergic reaction).
Potassium-sparing diuretic of a prolonged nature with a mild diuretic effect. Acts gradually (the maximum effect is achieved in 2-3 days). It is used in combination with other diuretics. Compensates for the loss of minerals when using strong diuretics.
- Soft action;
- low cost;
- retains potassium in the body;
- lowers blood pressure.
Risk of bladder stones due to slow urine flow.
Each diuretic has its own indications, action, methods of application. Consult a specialist before using any diuretic. Additionally, when choosing, you can always pay attention to certified products of popular brands: Sandoz, Eurofarm, Hemofarm, Biosynthesis. The companies produce high quality, effective and safe pharmaceuticals.