Best Fast Acting Laxatives for Constipation in 2025

The 2025 rating "The best laxatives" is a carefully selected list of the most effective components for the natural removal of toxins and toxins from the human body. The TOP 10 of the best is compiled on the basis of several weighty selection criteria at once - absolute harmlessness and lack of addiction, reviews of patients who have used medications with a laxative effect, opinions of pharmacologists and doctors about the absence of side effects when used.

The decision on the appointment of funds with an anti-constipation mechanism is taken only on the basis of existing indications, and no advertising should in this case be an incentive.

Selection criteria

The rating of the best laxatives cannot be compiled on a single basis, since the health of the whole organism often depends on the condition of the intestines. The unified system of the human body created by nature presupposes a clear interaction and mutual influence of different segments:

  1. Violation of the normal release of natural waste products is inextricably linked with the presence of chronic diseases and malfunctions in the work of individual segments. However, the principle of mutual influence provides for the emergence of new problems associated with a delay in the excretory system of all that the body has already recognized to be eliminated.
  2. Nature has developed a unique mechanism for processing and assimilation, evacuation and migration of harmful or excess food components. The formation and removal of toxic waste outside of an open system is an ongoing process in which every step is essential.
  3. The entire long path through the digestive organs, from the mouth, into which food enters, and ending with the rectum and anus, is responsible for the physiological excretion of feces.
  4. When prescribing a laxative, factors that prevent it must be taken into account. Sometimes it is enough to eat certain foods and adjust the diet.
  5. The best laxative in each clinical picture can be very different in its mechanism of action. The criterion for choosing a drug is not the speed of evacuation, but the principle of its implementation, the absence of side effects, the state of the patient's body and his age.

The ranking, which includes the best laxatives for constipation, takes into account all types of drugs developed, from irritating and osmotic to natural and corrective. Therefore, before following persistent and annoying advertisements on television and on posters in a pharmacy, it is better to understand your own problem. And the choice of laxative should be entrusted to a gastroenterologist, who will also advise dietary and therapeutic measures.

Types of laxatives according to the principle of action

The concept of a good quick-acting laxative to cleanse the body certainly includes the etiology of a functional disorder.After all, the absence of normal bowel movements can be equally likely due to the pathology of the metabolic system, a failure in the normal digestion of food, compaction of feces, or difficulty in exiting through a diseased intestine. The constant use of laxatives leads to the loss of the usual functionality, addiction, the need to take medication. This can also happen as a result of age-related changes, so there is a whole line of products recommended for elderly patients who do not have a normal bowel movement mechanism.

The conventional division of laxatives implies 5 common classes:

  1. Emollients - good fast acting laxative, consisting of glycerin, vegetable oils and sodium compounds, it is excellent for individual, occasional cases. The success of the application is based on the production of water in feces stuck in the intestinal tract. Due to a natural process, they soften, slip into the lumen and evacuate.
  2. Auxiliary ones work to eliminate problems with digestion and digestion - bile acids and prokinetics facilitate digestion by introducing missing components, and antispasmodics eliminate spasm of smooth muscles. The process takes place in an almost natural way.
  3. The best laxative for bowel cleansing is a stimulant that enhances intestinal peristalsis. They can be prescribed at any stage of development of constipation, with a consistently positive result. But constant intake leads to a loss of tone of the intestinal walls and the ability of muscle tissue to naturally move feces.
  4. Osmotic drugs act through the main gradient (mainly disaccharides and polyethylene glycol, sometimes salt alcohols). They also lead to the production of water, only more intense than in the case of softeners.
  5. Bulk - an optimal combination of plant and synthetic components that can cause an increase and swelling of natural waste, a reduction, due to the growth of masses, of intestinal walls and pushing out into the outlet at an increased speed.

Pros: Any laxative helps to eliminate congestion, remove unnecessary components from the body, normalize the patient's condition and eliminate the symptoms of intoxication.

Minuses: With an incorrect selection and constant use, the natural mechanism of the excretory system can be lost, addiction and the need for constant laxative intake occur.

TOP 10 best laxatives of 2025

The line of this product for the pharmaceutical industry has a significant range of effective products in all five classes. But many of them use the same ingredients, so there is a need to consult with your doctor to select a drug with a similar effect. The composition of the laxative may even be simply repeated, but it is sold under a different commercial name, and this can easily mislead the self-prescribing consumer. In no case should you select analogs on the advice of a casual acquaintance, a pharmacist in a pharmacy, or under the influence of advertising.

If constipation is not systematic, you can use proven folk remedies, or simply introduce components with a laxative effect into the diet.

10 Kefir

Best Fast Acting Laxatives for Constipation in 2025

In folk medicine, it is even recommended as a remedy for systematic problems with bowel movement. It can be drunk in its pure form, choosing the minimum percentage of fat, add a spoonful of vegetable oil, achieving a simultaneous prebiotic and softening effect. Experts advise to practice the simultaneous drinking of kefir with vegetable oil and the addition of natural fiber.These can be dried fruits - figs, dried apricots, prunes, raisins, berries (fresh or frozen, vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, beets, herbs), chopped and added to a natural laxative.


  • natural composition that helps restore intestinal microflora;
  • simultaneous softening, laxing and cleansing effect;
  • low cost, even compared to cheap medicines;
  • lack of synthetic chemical compounds.


  • the need for daily preparation of a drink, and therefore purchase it in the store;
  • possible contraindications for gastrointestinal diseases;
  • ineffectiveness in violation of endocrine or nervous regulation, neoplasms of the digestive system.

Before starting systematic use, you need to undergo an examination to identify possible contraindications and chronic diseases.

9 Castor oil

A great way to do a one-time bowel cleanse. It is especially effective if you combine its use with the drink immediately after taking gelatin capsules of freshly squeezed lemon juice. A proven remedy with a good long-term reputation, no side effects, completely natural.


  • you can quickly and efficiently cleanse the entire intestine;
  • natural product that is not addictive;
  • a long and well-deserved reputation as a laxative;
  • fast result, practically trouble-free.


  • not suitable for permanent use;
  • does not have a therapeutic effect;
  • must be taken on an empty stomach because cleansing starts with the small intestine.

Castor oil is only suitable when it is necessary to empty the intestines, eliminating the accumulation of faeces, giving dangerous symptoms of intoxication.

8 Flaxseed

Best Fast Acting Laxatives for Constipation in 2025

The features of the use of natural ingredients are diverse, but the result obtained is based on the correction of the diet and the anti-inflammatory effect of the folk and natural remedies. A positive point is the ability to simultaneously provide a laxative, anti-inflammatory and enveloping effect in the presence of a painful process in the gastrointestinal tract. However, some doctors consider the remedy ineffective, capable of causing unwanted reactions.


  • absolutely natural ingredient with proven action;
  • not addictive, can be used during the course of treatment;
  • sold in any pharmacy at an affordable price;
  • gives additional beneficial effects.


  • there are certain difficulties in preparation and use;
  • as any natural remedy can cause individual immunity.

With pathological constipation, with prolonged stagnation and dehydration, flaxseed has practically no effect.

7 and 6 Herbal decoctions, vegetables and fruits

A common practice called herbal medicine or naturopathy. Recommended for those who are just beginning to experience interruptions in bowel cleansing. In essence, this is the same dietary correction carried out with the use of fiber and plant foods with a known laxative effect. Herbal decoctions must be coordinated with a gastroenterologist and an allergist. Some of them contain substances that are dangerous to humans in large quantities or potential allergens. The most famous vegetables are beets and carrots; from fruits you can use fresh figs, avocados, grapes, banal apples, blueberries and mangoes.


  • normalization of intestinal peristalsis;
  • obtaining vitamins and minerals;
  • consumption of dietary fiber;
  • soft and stable action.


  • possible allergies, the appearance of reactions of immunity;
  • lack of effectiveness in serious disorders.

When drawing up a diet or using medicinal decoctions, possible allergic reactions should be taken into account.

5 and 4 Guttalax and Slabilen

Best Fast Acting Laxatives for Constipation in 2025

Two medicinal analogues, the main active ingredient of which is sodium picosulfate.The medicinal action is based on the effect on intestinal receptors and the activation of its motor function. Features of the action of sodium picosulfate can lead to the appearance of discomfort and general dehydration. The difference between them is in the manufacturer and the price: Slabilen is much cheaper, and is produced by Russian pharmaceutical firms.


  • quick results when the need arises;
  • emptying occurs due to the stimulation of natural mechanisms;
  • copes with the most persistent problems.


  • can cause negative symptoms;
  • not suitable for regular use;
  • does not have an additional therapeutic effect.

An excellent remedy for the elimination of pathological constipation with a significant accumulation of feces.

3 Glycelax

Best Fast Acting Laxatives for Constipation in 2025

The leader from a domestic manufacturer in the rating of products for children, but it is also produced in an adult form. Rectal suppositories give the desired effect within 15 minutes after application. DAV of the drug is glycerol, which does not give negative consequences, softens even the most severe hardenings during dehydration.


  • very quick result, painless and easy;
  • completely democratic cost;
  • the presence of a child and adult form.


  • cannot be applied permanently.

The rectal suppository does not cause negative reactions and quickly empties the intestines.

2 Microlax

Best Fast Acting Laxatives for Constipation in 2025

A practical and convenient remedy for eliminating constipation, absolutely safe, approved for use during pregnancy and lactation, in early childhood. Does not enter the systemic circulation, has the desired effect in the period from 5 to 15 minutes, can be used by adults on trips and business trips.


  • safety of action, no need for oral administration;
  • performance without unpleasant symptoms;
  • preservation of the natural rhythm of the digestive tract.


  • impossibility of permanent use;
  • quite tangible cost (compared to other means).

Microclysters have a tangible advantage over rectal suppositories, not having an irritating effect during the time required for dissolution.

1 Poslabin Lactulose

Best Fast Acting Laxatives for Constipation in 2025

The leader of the rating, which has a mild laxative effect with the introduction of natural ingredients. The resulting effect after a course intake gives not only bowel emptying, but also the disappearance of constipation caused by pathological processes. It can be used after a bacterial infection, prolonged diarrhea and taking antibiotics, as a restorative agent for the prevention of dysbiosis.


  • therapeutic and prophylactic action;
  • no side effects;
  • completely natural composition;
  • the possibility of prescribing during pregnancy and lactation;
  • affordable cost.


  • mild prolonging effect on the intestines, making it necessary to take a course.

The given rating of laxatives is not a recommendation for immediate use, but just a list of possible options, the use of which is better to start after consulting a gastroenterologist.

( Total:2 Middle:1/5 )


  • Boris:

    I agree that you need to drink plenty of fluids for constipation, but this does not always help, and fruits cause flatulence in me. And they are now out of season, like vegetables, in general, everything around now provokes constipation, I often have them in winter. I began to buy Lavacol in the pharmacy, a mild laxative that does not affect the microflora, so it became good with stool and can be taken for a long time, because there is no addiction.

  • Tatyana:

    I have tried folk methods for constipation, but personally they did not help me. Of course, you need to maintain proper nutrition and drink plenty of fluids to avoid such a problem, but if this has already happened, then a laxative will help. I like the Weakikap drops, after it you don't need to run to the toilet several times a day.


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