Best lens solution in 2025

Reusable lenses require special storage and care conditions. To solve such problems, special solutions are used.

There are many types of them: universal, with a disinfecting effect, suitable for soft or hard lenses, for sensitive eyes. To select the best lens solution in 2025, this rating has been compiled.

General information

Lenses need proper storage and daily cleaning. Directly for this, you will need the appropriate liquid. Optimally, it performs the following functions - moisturizing the lens, cleaning from dirt and removing possible pathogens of pathology.

To answer the question of which lens solutions are best, you need to familiarize yourself with their classification. There are a lot of types of solutions: some can be used for all lenses, others - for special models (for example, only for hard or soft). Another type is required only in a special situation - for example, for immediate cleaning of heavy dirt. In addition, in the selection process, it is necessary to take into account the sensitivity of the eyes - certain liquids are too annoying for the individual buyer. Lens solutions can be divided into the following types:

  • Multifunctional. The most common type today. Essential for everyday care, storage and moisturizing. They perform the necessary functions equally.
  • Peroxide. Required for thorough lens cleaning. Hydrogen peroxide will be the main constituent element. Distinguished by efficient and quick cleaning. However, it must be used with caution.
  • Enzyme tablets or enzymes. Comfortable to store, dissolves quickly. They are mainly used for cleaning hard lenses that the customer wears for a long period of time.
  • Water-salt. The composition is similar to a human tear. To date, they are not very common, instead ophthalmologists recommend using multifunctional fluids, which are significantly inferior to those under consideration.

It will become clear that you should not buy such products at random. To make the right decision, you need to look at the rating of the best lens solutions. Based on the characteristics of users and feedback from professionals, selected high-quality and effective products for long-term storage, cleaning lenses from dirt. To know which lens solution is best to choose, you should read the list.

The best multifunctional solutions

Such liquids are often recommended by ophthalmologists for everyday use. They combine the function of keeping the eyes and lenses in proper condition. They are considered the most affordable and versatile tools in this rating. They moisturize the eyes well, clean and store the lenses after use. Although special compositions for storage or cleaning do better.

Renu MultiPlus Bausch & Lomb

Best lens solution in 2025

The tool in question is deservedly on this list. Users note its quality, which has been verified by laboratory tests.It is optimal to use such a liquid with hydrogel and silicone-hydrogel products. There are 2 types of composition - ordinary and for sensitive eyes. The latter has a great softening and moisturizing effect on lenses.

Such a liquid helps to soften them, therefore, the likelihood of irritation of the mucous membrane decreases. The composition ideally cleans the upper part of the product from various biological accumulations. The tool fully disinfects the lenses in a few hours. In addition, they will be moisturized, which will prevent cracking. Apply effectively for daily use.


  • refreshing and cleansing effect for lenses;
  • large packaging at an adequate cost;
  • disinfecting effect of optics;
  • suitable for silicone hydrogel.


  • dries eyes.

Opti-Free Express

Best lens solution in 2025

One of the main components of this drug will be the aldox element. Such a substance is characterized by a strong antibacterial effect, which makes it possible to counteract various pathogenic microflora. The solution completely disinfects from bacteria and fungi in 8 hours.

The composition even fights against acanthameba, an extremely dangerous type of amoeba that causes acanthamoeba keratitis. The lenses are sterile when you are finished using this liquid.

It is possible to use the product with soft lenses. It helps to cleanse, moisturize the products and allows the wearer to feel comfortable while wearing, even when the eyes are too receptive. However, at the same time, the composition effectively fights various contaminants and eliminates pathogenic microflora.


  • impressive packaging capacity;
  • comfort while wearing;
  • silicone hydrogel compatibility;
  • suitable for sensitive eyes.


  • short-term effect of freshness;
  • over time, it will no longer cope with its own functions.

Avizor Unica Sensitive

Best lens solution in 2025

The best solution for lenses. A widespread and effective multifunctional tool for cleaning and storing the products in question. It is suitable for the care of lenses of different hardness. The main component will be a compound of hyaluronic acid, which effectively resists bacteria - completely disinfection takes place within 5 hours. There is a minimum amount of preservatives in the product, therefore, it is possible to store the solution when the composition is opened only for 3 months.

The developer recommends rinsing with this solution before putting on the products, which indicates safety for mucous membranes. According to reviews, any allergies and redness after use do not appear.


  • solution with a neutral medium;
  • minimum of preservatives;
  • storage container;
  • effectively moisturizes;
  • disinfection of the upper layer of lenses.


  • not installed.

Ophthalmix bio

Best lens solution in 2025

This product is ideal for cleaning lenses from accumulations, moisturizing and storing them daily. The composition is a 5th generation solution, it has a pleasant No Rub function (no mechanical cleaning is required after processing). The product is capable of cleaning and disinfecting the upper part, as well as preventing the build-up of deposits. This will enable the lenses to remain clean for a longer period.

The main element of the solution will be the methocel polymer. He will easily create a protective film of the lens that protects it from drying out. A mobile viscous liquid is formed, similar in characteristics to a tear. Such an environment will increase the comfort from wearing the lenses, eliminate drying out, irritation and itching. The tool in question is effectively suitable in situations where there is a risk of air dryness, dustiness or while working at a computer.


  • cleans the lens and prevents secondary pollution;
  • does not need rinsing;
  • eye protection from dust;
  • moisture remains throughout the day.


  • provokes overdrying in people with hypersensitivity to the components;
  • not suitable for sensitive eyes.

Best solutions for storing lenses

When it is required to give up wearing lenses for a certain period and preserve the products, you need to create proper conditions for them. Special personnel allow them to be idle for a long time and not lose their own qualities. Such products from this rating are optimal for those who use several pairs of hydrogel or hard lenses - for example, colored and ordinary. In addition, they even clean products from various accumulations.


Best lens solution in 2025

The universal solution for everyday lens care is suitable for models of various materials. The chemical composition of the drug is similar to a human tear, therefore, it does not cause inconvenience for a large number of patients, but it will not work for sensitive eyes.

The product helps to disinfect lenses made of hard and soft materials, moisturizes them and creates a feeling of freshness when worn. Effectively resists protein and lipid contamination. There is no container, you need to buy it separately.


  • effective cleaning and disinfection;
  • moisturizing effect throughout the day;
  • adequate cost;
  • suitable for normal mucous membranes.


  • there is no container in the package;
  • not suitable for sensitive eyes.

SAUFLON Comfort Vue

Best lens solution in 2025

A large number of lens wearers prefer the treatment in question, which is suitable for hard and soft optical material. Its characteristic feature will be moisturizing in the lenses and mucous membranes throughout the day, which in particular will be relevant for those who suffer from dry eyes. The composition includes a minimum amount of allergens, therefore it replaces other drugs that form hypersensitivity.

In addition to moisturizing, it will optimally cope with cleaning the lens from protein accumulations, pathogenic microflora. For these purposes, they need to be soaked in solution for several hours; for comfort, the developer includes a special container with bactericidal properties in the kit.


  • suitable for every type of lens;
  • there is a container;
  • the mucous membrane is moistened, which is prone to dryness throughout the day;
  • lenses are completely disinfected;
  • good tolerance;


  • not installed.


Best lens solution in 2025

A universal solution for cleaning, moistening and storing products, which is characterized by bactericidal properties. The water-salt components with a neutral pH balance do not irritate the mucous membrane, therefore it is possible to apply the composition even to people predisposed to an allergic reaction. Lenses are effectively cleaned from fat and protein accumulations, pathogenic microflora. It can be used as a moisturizer for special enzymatic lens cleaners.


  • bactericidal action;
  • suitable for sensitive eyes;
  • moisturizing for the whole day;


  • not suitable for everyone, regardless of the indicated compatibility with the susceptible mucosa.

OPTIMED Pro Active

Best lens solution in 2025

The agent under consideration with hyaluronic acid provides high-quality cleaning of lenses from protein, fat accumulations and pathogenic microflora. At the same time, the mucous membrane of the eye is not damaged, the structure of hard and hydrogel lenses is not deformed, and their oxygen permeability increases.

The product is recommended for use for people with increased eye sensitivity. But in case of diseases of the conjunctiva, it is not recommended to use it - not all pathogens are disinfected, even after 5 hours of finding the lenses inside the solution.


  • sparing ingredients;
  • adequate cost;
  • increased oxygen permeability;
  • long-lasting moisturizing effect;
  • suitable for sensitive eyes;


  • not every pharmacy can purchase;
  • opaque containers - it is difficult to track the balance of the product;
  • it will not cope with every bacteria, starting from the characteristics;

Best lens cleaners

When lenses are worn for an extended period of time, there is a problem of significant contamination.A large number of accumulations are formed on the surface, where active growth of pathogenic microflora is noted. This provokes discomfort, itching, a variety of eye pathologies. Occasionally lens clouding occurs, resulting in reduced clarity. To get rid of this problem, the lenses need to be cleaned from time to time. For these purposes, there are special equipment, the best of them are in this list. They contain peroxide or enzymes. Therefore, they should not be applied daily, even when the composition allows it. However, with periodic cleaning, the products will last longer.

AOsept (Alcon) Plus

Best lens solution in 2025

The main component of the liquid is hydrogen peroxide, which is the most popular and harmless antiseptic. The composition, due to the evolved air bubbles, deeply cleans the lenses.

Thanks to this action, you do not need to auxiliary cleaning or rinsing them. To get maximum effect, it will be sufficient to keep the lenses in a container of liquid overnight.

The product is highly hypoallergenic - there are no various preservatives. Ophthalmologists recommend a remedy for patients who are prone to allergy to plant pollen. This will be the best solution for hypersensitivity of the eye mucosa. The composition is not recommended for daily storage of lenses. Cleaning is carried out once every 15 days.


  • peroxide is a harmless oxidizing agent;
  • cope with various organic pollution;
  • does not need rinsing;
  • does not provoke an allergic reaction with the proper exposure time;


  • to get the best effect, you need a container with a catalyst.

Sauflon One Step

Best lens solution in 2025

This liquid contains hydrogen peroxide and contains no preservatives or impurities. Therefore, it is suitable for owners with delicate eyes and people with seasonal allergic reactions. High quality cleaning is carried out due to reactive oxygen molecules released during contact with organic contaminants on the top of the lenses. Such accumulations will be pushed out and neutralized inside the solution. It is possible to use the composition with any lenses.

When the lenses are placed inside the solution, they can only be used after 6 hours of being in it. The package contains a container for storage at night with a neutralizer. It is forbidden to rinse products with the composition before use.

It can be used every day. After 6 hours have passed since the lenses have been in solution, they will not pose a hazard to the eyes. However, in a situation where it is necessary to remove them earlier, it is necessary to rinse them with an ordinary water-salt solution.


  • harmless oxidizing agent hydrogen peroxide;
  • recommended for use in spring hay fever;
  • suitable for everyday use;
  • container for neutralizing peroxide;


  • container rigidity that is not suitable for night lenses.

To select the best solution for contact lenses, this list was compiled. The top ranking includes the best manufacturers of these funds. The composition is distinguished by reliability, composition and harmlessness.

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