Best anti-dandruff shampoo in 2025

The rating in 2025, as in previous years, was compiled on the basis of reviews of consumers, cosmetologists and the demand for the product among buyers in supermarkets and pharmacies. The TOP 10 best anti-dandruff shampoos are not obsessive recommendations for use, but just a generalized result of statistical studies conducted in order to determine the best anti-dandruff shampoo.

There are certain criteria that help to individually determine what to make the subject of preference, how to make the right choice. This is a responsible procedure that can vary depending on gender and age, the prevalence of dandruff and its type. But it is even more difficult because of the abundance and diversity of the product offered.

Criteria for choosing a good product

It is quite simple to compile a list of the best on one basis - focus on the proven reputation of the manufacturer, the presence or absence of harmful components, the affordability or effectiveness of the proposed remedy to combat a disturbing phenomenon. Visualization of the external appearance has recently been of interest not only to women, but also to men, but women usually have oily dandruff, and men have dry dandruff. Which means recommending a good anti-dandruff shampoo for women, or looking for the best anti-dandruff shampoo for men.

In search of a suitable product, one must not forget that unaesthetic flakes in the parting and on the collar are the result of diseases and destructive effects on the body of unfavorable factors. And no matter how good a simple shampoo that claims to help with dandruff is, there will be no significant success without removing the provoking factor. And even if a manufacturer positions a product on a shelf in a pharmacy as the best therapeutic shampoo for dandruff, you need to ask what exactly it treats before buying. To do this, you need to know not about the problem as a whole (with an abstract buyer), but about your own disease.

The list of the main criteria for choosing the optimal product of multifaceted products under the general heading "Anti-dandruff" is quite long, therefore the choice for the consumer is difficult. In order not to make hasty purchases, it is better to study the entire long list and try to find a tool that will satisfy at least some of the requirements. A good anti-dandruff shampoo must:

  1. Match the buyer's hair type, because dry dandruff and seborrhea require different active ingredients. If the choice is made incorrectly, the problem will only intensify, and there will be no positive result.
  2. Containing a correctly selected active ingredient is almost the only acceptable general ingredient in anti-dandruff medicated shampoos for dry and oily skin. The medicinal component of the effective action (Ketoconazole, Clotrimazole, Cyclopirox or Bifonazole) must be able to restrain the uncontrolled development of fungal pathogens.If an unfamiliar medication is indicated, it is better to consult a beautician or refrain from buying.
  3. Real medicated anti-dandruff shampoos do not contain any fragrances, dyes or stabilizers. Any ennobling perfumery fragrance can bring its destructive contribution to the condition of the hairline, which is already not ideal.
  4. Approximately the same should be applied to products that include sulfates and parabens.
  5. If dandruff is profuse, you can also refuse exfoliating ingredients - aspirin and selenium disulfide. It is better to prefer natural tar or essential oils that have a known antibacterial effect (the most famous are conifers, tea tree or lavender).
  6. In the recommendations, which shampoo is better for dandruff, the emphasis is certainly on natural ingredients. Burdock, chamomile and nettle really have a pronounced nutritional and anti-inflammatory effect, but the main rule in the use of remedies with natural additives is that a person does not have a reaction of individual immunity or allergy to plant or animal additives.

It is no secret that in a modern person, allergies are a common problem, not always expected, but possible. If any reaction occurs - a rash, redness or problems with the respiratory system, you should immediately stop using shampoo, no matter how much money it costs. It is necessary to pay attention to the presence of contraindications - sometimes medical shampoo with certain components is prohibited for use during pregnancy and lactation or chronic and systemic diseases.

Doctor's advice will never be superfluous when choosing a subject of preference. He will add to the shampoo the medicines needed to treat the underlying problem. And it is likely that after successful treatment it will be possible to get by with a simple shampoo. But even then you need to carefully look at everything that is indicated on a beautiful bottle. Choosing for your hair type and gender, without harmful components, with natural additives that do not cause negative reactions - these are the main requirements for a simple, advanced, preventive or therapeutic shampoo.

Rating of the best remedies for washing hair against dandruff

The list of TOP remedies does not include beautiful bottles, which simply say that they help from a negative phenomenon with any type of hair. In most cases, the appearance of unaesthetic scales is associated with a certain disease - fungus, eczema, seborrhea, skin diseases, hormonal imbalance or a malfunction in the metabolic system. Of no small importance is the type of scalp, on which the condition of the hair depends, and it, in turn, depends on the work of the sweat sebaceous glands. Therefore, only medicinal shampoos can be truly effective, for the purchase of which you need to contact the pharmacy.

10 Mirrolla Sulsen Forte

Best anti-dandruff shampoo in 2025
It is considered the best medicated shampoo for the prevention of dandruff, although the manufacturer claims in the annotation that Mirolla Sulsen can be used as a simple shampoo for shampooing. It is enough just after soaping to leave it on the hair for a while so that the effect of the application becomes obvious. Experts advise to alternate its use as a preventive measure with other, less active shampoos. But to solve the problem with dandruff, which began to appear actively, it is better to use Mirolla Selenium constantly. Sulsen Forte contains nettle extract, selenium disulfide and some other additives, and in addition to shampoo, the line from a well-known manufacturer also has other products with a popular active ingredient that has a well-deserved reputation for preventing negative effects on the skin.


  • therapeutic effect proven by many years of use;
  • no contraindications for use;
  • active influence on the existing problem and the possibility of obtaining preventive action;
  • a product from a manufacturer with a proven track record, but relatively affordable in cost;
  • contains DAV, which prevents the spread of mycosis, but does not enter the systemic circulation.


  • the possibility of limited use (in the absence of a problem, for prevention - 1-2 times a week;
  • the need for reapplication when a negative phenomenon resumes.

Mirolla Sulsen Forte is a shampoo for prophylactic use, which can be effective at the initial stage of the onset of the disease, without a medical prescription.

9 Witch Doctor

Best anti-dandruff shampoo in 2025

Shampoo tonic recommended as an effective prophylactic agent. Its use alternates with the usual one, to prevent dandruff and there are many positive reviews about the cheap remedy. This is not surprising, the main components of the popular recipe from a domestic manufacturer are selenium disulfide, burdock root and hop cones. And although the authors of hostile or neutral reviews from fans of expensive and advanced drugs are skeptical about the anti-dandruff tonic, the action fully achieves its goals and objectives.


  • a proven trial of components that can have a preventive effect;
  • absolutely affordable cost, affordable even for people with limited financial resources;
  • can be used for a long time, alternating with other means;
  • contains herbal ingredients that rarely cause allergic reactions;
  • a large bottle is enough for a monthly course.


  • along with natural, synthetic ingredients are present.

A good product from a Russian manufacturer with a good reputation. helping to prevent the development of seborrhea and stop the vital activity of the provocateur fungus.

8 With birch sap from Russian traditions

Best anti-dandruff shampoo in 2025

Inexpensive, but effective remedy from a Russian manufacturer, with the best reviews of the action from buyers surprised by the low cost. Russian traditions is a relatively new brand that uses traditional medicine recipes to create its products. Birch has long been valued by the Slavs as a tree with outstanding medicinal properties. The people were convinced that even standing up, hugging the trunk of a birch tree is very good for health. The action of the main component of the transparent product is aimed at strengthening the immune system. The fungus only affects those with a weakened immune system. Minerals. phytoncides, sugars and organic acids ennoble the condition of the skin and strengthen the hair follicles.


  • contains natural birch sap;
  • can be used in a triplet with a firming shampoo and rinse, with the same ingredient and from the same manufacturer;
  • received favorable reviews from many buyers;
  • has an immunostimulating and disinfecting effect;
  • suitable for the whole family, children and adults;
  • affordable and effective at the same time.


  • not marked.

The shampoo contains ingredients familiar and curative for the national mentality, does not cause allergic reactions, despite the natural composition.

7 Himalaya Herbals for oily hair

Best anti-dandruff shampoo in 2025
Designed only for oily dandruff, moreover, already in significant concentration. The content of herbal natural components is rich and inspiring - tea tree oil, rosemary, indigo - to destroy the fungus and stop its activity, eliminate the effects on the skin and protect the hair follicles from damage. Michelia flowers are declared as an additional ingredient - a fairly rare component even in expensive products, known for its excellent wound healing and regenerating effects.


  • an excellent composition of several herbal ingredients, which have long been used in folk medicine and aromatherapy;
  • quick disposal of the formed dandruff - the result of the activity of the activated fungus;
  • pleasant smell of exotic plants;
  • practical packaging with a dispenser and prolonged action of the product


  • possible negative reactions due to the abundance of exotic plant components;
  • suitable only for a certain type of dandruff;
  • lack of the previous effective detergent action.

For a product with such a rich composition, it is relatively inexpensive and is now available in large economy bottles.

5 and 6 Vichy Dercos

Best anti-dandruff shampoo in 2025

Two anti-dandruff products at once from a trusted manufacturer, enjoying a deservedly high reputation among consumers and cosmetologists. One is designed for oily seborrhea and abnormally high activity of sweat and sebaceous glands, the second is intended for those who have dry scales and hair do not receive the necessary natural lubrication. The added selenium prevents the development of mycotic infection, salicylic acid provides a quick exfoliating and cleansing effect, and vitamins, ceramides and anti-allergenic components soothe itching and irritation.


a well-known brand that is always in demand among customers without much advertising;

products of multifaceted action with a therapeutic effect;

the specific smell of drugs is skillfully masked by pleasant aromas;

have a quick effect with the right selection;

stop the action of mycosis and cleanse the skin of its consequences.


  • direction of action, limiting the use of a certain type of pathology;
  • the presence of selenium and the need for flavorings.

It can be recommended to people with an existing problem as a good way to successfully resolve it.

4 Wellreal

Best anti-dandruff shampoo in 2025

A product from Belarus, a well-known manufacturer of natural cosmetics of excellent quality. Recommended as a shampoo for daily use, based on aloe vera, D-panthenol and piroctone olamine - an effective but little known antifungal active substance. In addition to getting rid of dandruff, it regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands.


  • renowned manufacturer;
  • can be used as a means for constant washing;
  • contains valuable and original components;
  • removes irritation and flaking, softens the skin;
  • additionally strengthens weak and brittle hair.


  • difficult to find on sale.

An excellent dandruff remedy that can be used constantly, without negative effects.

3 Nizoral

Best anti-dandruff shampoo in 2025

A drug with antifungal activity, which has gained fame thanks to advertising, but it deserves all the laudatory epithets. quickly and effectively eliminates mycosis and its destructive consequences, without penetrating into the body, but working on the surface of the hairline.


  • prolonged and prophylactic action;
  • can be used during pregnancy and lactation;
  • has a wound-healing, antipruritic effect;
  • reduces alopecia of non-hormonal origin.


  • the smell leaves much to be desired;
  • needs to be left on hair for 5 minutes to get the desired result.

The relatively high cost does not prevent a quality product from being preferred by many buyers.

2 Dandruff

Best anti-dandruff shampoo in 2025

Natural anti-dandruff remedy with an eloquent name. Contains tar, chamomile and castor oil - old folk remedies for strengthening immunity and against dandruff, a lot of vitamins and useful components.


  • really gets rid of dandruff without any medication;
  • enhances hair growth and reduces hair loss;
  • prolonged therapeutic and cleansing action;
  • has an ennobling effect on the appearance of the strip cover.


  • weakly foams;
  • a slightly specific smell - due to the valuable birch tar.

Affordable and budgetary product with excellent performance in many aspects, achieved only with natural ingredients.

1.Tar Tea Tree, from Home Doctor

Best anti-dandruff shampoo in 2025

Simple, natural, inexpensive product with proven ingredients.It will have antimycotic and antiseptic effect, heal hair follicles, stimulate their growth, prevent hair loss, normalize abnormal or insufficient sebum production. Unlike the advertised products, it is quite inexpensive, and for this price it will improve the appearance of the hair and make it beautiful and obedient.


  • budget, but very effective;
  • only natural ingredients;
  • a solid domestic manufacturer working with folk remedies;
  • multiple medicinal properties.


  • not marked.

The given rating is not at all a strong recommendation for use. This is just a TOP list compiled from customer and medical reviews and 2025 sales ratings.

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