the best condensed milk

10 best condensed milk producers according to the Test purchase and Roskontrol for 2025

Condensed milk is the most valuable product since the time of the military food shortage, which to this day remains popular and is included in the food basket of the Emergencies Ministry's rescuers, and is also exported to areas of natural disasters and disasters. Only with the advent of condensed milk, it became possible to store for a long time such important nutritious natural components as protein and fat. But are all canned milk really useful, and most importantly safe? In order to protect yourself from falsification and buy not only tasty, but also high-quality condensed milk, we suggest you familiarize yourself with our rating of the best manufacturers, based on laboratory research "Test purchase" and "Roskontrol".

The best classic condensed milk

"Vologda Dairy Products" - the leader of the popular vote

Vologda dairy products


The contender from the largest dairy producer in Russia was liked by the members of the people's jury for its rich, thick consistency. The participants also noted the pleasant sweet taste inherent in the products of this category. There are no foreign tastes and odors. Despite its high organoleptic properties, the product received a comment from the experts of the independent research "Roskontrol". In particular, the non-compliance of the protein content: the actual value was 30.9%, while the standard established - not less than 34%.

There are no prohibited substances in the composition, and the facts of product falsification by adding vegetable fats have not been established.

Weight, gr370
price, rub.90
Pros and cons
  • safety standards are observed;
  • tasty and thick;
  • protein is less than required by GOST.


"Rogachev" - the winner of the "Test purchase"


The winner of the independent laboratory test "Test purchase" "Rogachev" received positive feedback from the tasters. Buyers noted a yellowish tint inherent in "condensed milk" and a moderately thick, slightly mealy consistency. The maximum (of all participants) amount of protein was revealed in the composition of "Rogachev".

Microbiological safety indicators correspond to the established standards. However, in turn, the experts of the independent society "Roskontrol" revealed in the samples of "Rogachev" a mild smell and taste of pasteurization, as well as a slight decrease in fat. The revealed values ​​are included in the permissible margin of error and did not prevent the contestant, in addition to the honorable first place in the TV show "Test purchase", to take the second line of the rating of the best producers of "Condensed milk" according to Roskontrol.

Weight, gr380
price, rub.86
Pros and cons
  • plant components are absent;
  • increased amount of protein.
  • without starch.
  • unsaturated taste and smell.


"Alekseevskoe" - the first place in the opinion of "Roskontrol"


Contains an increased amount of protein, which is 11% higher than indicated on the label. The experts confirmed the accuracy of the labeling for the rest of the nutritional elements.

The appearance, as well as the physical and chemical indicators of "Alekseevskoe" coincide with the required GOST 31688-2012 standards. Has a white with a cream shade, normal thickness and viscosity, without appreciable sugar crystals. No antibiotics, palm oil, preservatives or colorants were found in the sample. The total bacterial contamination of the sample does not exceed the permissible limit (up to 3.5x104 CFU / g).

Weight, gr380
price, rub.75
Pros and cons
  • part of the Roskontrol continuous quality control system;
  • free of antibiotics, dyes and preservatives;
  • pathogenic microorganisms were not found;
  • phytosterols were not found (a marker of the presence of cheap tropical oil).
  • increased ratio of lactose.


Volokonovskoe - the third place in the rating of Roskontrol


As a result of the expert tasting, a pure sweet taste "Volokonovskoe" with a moderately pronounced odor, without impurities and aftertastes was revealed. The appearance meets the requirements of the standard: a viscous homogeneous consistency with an acceptable insignificant lactose sediment on the bottom of the container during storage. The established quality indicators of "Volokonovskoe" correspond to GOST 31688-2012 and technical regulations - TR RS 033/2013. The presence of pathogenic microorganisms was detected in an amount that is safe for the human body. Among the disadvantages of "Volokonovskoe" is a relatively high price.

Weight, gr370
price, rub.95
Pros and cons
  • reliable marking;
  • the required safety conditions are met;
  • no added non-dairy fats.
  • high price in comparison with similar products.


"Sovok" is a high-quality dairy product with a safe composition

Condensed Milk Scoop

Fatty acid composition "Scoop" complies with GOST 31688-2012. The amount of protein in the contestant's composition significantly exceeds the value established by the standard (by more than 7%). The taste of the sample is identical to condensed milk with sugar, subjected to additional heat treatment. Viscous and homogeneous throughout the mass, the "Scoop" consistency has no fodder flavor. The facts of inaccuracy of the marking were not revealed. The actual nutritional value is the same as stated on the label.

Weight, gr380
price, rub.75
Pros and cons
  • no flavors or fat substitutes;
  • no added sweeteners.
  • not found.


"Lady from Korenovka" - safe composition with remarks

Cow from Korenovka

The sample has the best taste, with a slight caramel flavor and aroma. However, the detected presence of sucrose is within the acceptable range, taking into account the error. Organoleptic characteristics meet the requirements of GOST 31688-2012. Contains a high percentage of moisture (in comparison with similar products).

The purity group of the sample (the content of mechanical impurities) does not correspond to the group I indicated by the manufacturer, the actual physicochemical indicators of the purity correspond to the values ​​from the II group. The actual protein content exceeds the label value by 14%. No other facts of inaccurate marking were found. Calcium is above average in similar products. The price for the package "Lady from Korenovka" is comparatively higher than its analogues.

Weight, gr380
price, rub.78
Pros and cons
  • large amounts of calcium;
  • safe dairy product;
  • no starch or palm oil added.
  • high price in comparison with similar products.


"Dairy Country" - no shortcomings

Dairy country

The contestant verified by independent experts in the laboratory meets all the requirements of GOST 31688-2012 and TR RS 033/2013. The sample has a clean, moderately pronounced taste and smell of pasteurized milk, identical to natural. The consistency is homogeneous and viscous throughout the whole mass of canned food. No organoleptically perceptible sugar crystals.Condensed milk has a uniform white color with a creamy shade and a moderately viscous consistency. No traces of dry milk components were found.

Weight, gr380
price, rub.117
Pros and cons
  • safe milk-containing product;
  • does not contain tropical fat and starch;
  • no added flavors.
  • absent.


"Belgorod Dairy Products" - a low-protein product

Belgorod dairy products condensed milk

This sample of canned food has successfully passed the laboratory test in terms of microbiological and chemical research. However, experts revealed a significant deviation of the actual mass fraction of protein from the value of the standard indicator. According to the identification criterion for this type of product in TR CU 033/2013, the following relative value is established - not less than 34%, while the laboratory-detected mass fraction of protein was only 12.1%. Such a result deprives the contestant of the name “whole condensed milk with sugar”.

Weight, gr370
price, rub.84
Pros and cons
  • meets the required safety standards;
  • does not contain palm oil and chemical aromas;
  • protein content is greatly underestimated.


"Gustiyar" - a slight excess of the mass fraction of sucrose


The experts revealed the compliance of the microbiological parameters of "Gustiyar" with all the necessary safety requirements. The investigated characteristics also excluded the facts of inaccurate labeling.

The organoleptic properties, as well as the mass fraction of the competitor's fat, comply with TR TS 033/2013. The sample is produced according to the manufacturer's own specifications and does not meet the required GOST standards for this type of product in terms of the relative value of protein. The actual value is 27.3%, and the standard established - at least 34%.

Weight, gr370
price, rub.47
Pros and cons
  • meets safety requirements;
  • no tropical oil;
  • the level of sucrose slightly exceeds the stipulated requirements of the standard;
  • reduced content of mass fraction of protein.


"Trading house" "Smetanin" - low price category



Condensed milk Sour cream

The protein content in "Trading House" "Smetanin" does not correspond to the name of the whole condensed milk product with sugar. The identification criterion for such a name (according to TR CU 033/2013): the content of the mass fraction of protein is not less than 34%, while the actual value of the indicator "Trading house" "Smetanin" is 14%. Among other inconsistencies with the state standard, experts established an excess of the mass fraction of moisture by 4%: in fact, it was 29.5%, while the allowable was no more than 26.5%. The advantages of this competitor include favorable organoleptic properties and a relatively low price (in comparison with similar products).

Weight, gr360
price, rub.120
Pros and cons
  • budget price;
  • without milk fat substitutes.
  • the moisture content is exceeded;
  • reduced mass fraction of protein.

Selection criteria for condensed milk

  1. Packaging... Hermetically sealed metal cans from 400 g and more. Also allowed are aluminum tubes, glass jars (GOST 5717), packages from imported blanks "Pure-Pak-Aseptic".
  2. Shelf life. It is set by the manufacturer, but usually it does not exceed 18 months.
  3.  Composition... Natural condensed milk is made from whole milk or cream, sugar and lactose. Do not be afraid of the presence of the last component in the condensed milk. Chopped lactose is added to prevent the formation of large lactose crystals and help to achieve a more uniform consistency. Invalid ingredients include thickeners, colors and preservatives. Milk products containing these components will have a different name: “Condensed. Special "," Special ", etc.
  4. Taste... Clearly expressed sweet (sugary), with a slight pasteurization aftertaste. Thick and viscous consistency, without pronounced lumps. The presence of clots may indicate a violation of the cooking technology.
  5. Smell... GOST prohibits the addition of chemical flavors to canned milk.The pronounced smell of vanillin may be an attempt to mask a milk defect.
  6. Colour... Let's say a creamy milky white color. A rich yellow color may indicate product tinting.
( Total:1 Middle:5/5 )

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