The best remedy for cockroaches in an apartment in 2025

Several years ago, cockroaches were in almost every kitchen, after which they all disappeared abruptly. But today in some houses and apartments you can find similar residents. Moreover, their population is constantly growing and people have different options for their destruction.

What a good remedy for cockroaches that really gives a positive result will be discussed in this review. It was created on the basis of expert and consumer opinions who have personally experienced various chemistry and folk remedies for the destruction of insects.

Rating of the best cockroach remedies

Cockroaches are easily destroyed as a result of the cold, but it is very difficult and not advisable to arrange a freezer in an apartment. In this case, chemicals will come to the rescue, but their selection must be approached with all responsibility, since the goods can be harmful to the human body. Below are several options that will allow owners to choose the best cockroach remedy in the apartment.


The best remedy for cockroaches in an apartment in 2025

Quite an effective substance in the form of a pencil. The approximate cost is only 20 rubles, the product is intended for contact action. The composition contains deltamethrin and zetacypermethrin - harmful and toxic additives for cockroaches, while they have almost no effect on the human body and pets.

When using chalk, it must be applied in dense layers in places where pests gather, as well as where they leave their marks. The lines must not be interrupted, they must be solid to enhance the effect. After use, the owners of residential premises can only wait for the desired result. Often, a part dies out in a day, and if the dosage is small, it will take more than 7-10 days.


  • Safe for humans and pets.
  • Easy to use and apply to surfaces.
  • No aroma.
  • Can be purchased at any store.
  • Lowest cost with high performance.


  • The chalk effect disappears quickly.
  • The result of work is reduced with a large number of cockroaches.


The best remedy for cockroaches in an apartment in 2025

A fairly common substance for the destruction of cockroaches on the Russian market with an average price of 50 rubles. The main active element is fipronil. The product is completely safe for humans and animals, and when consumed by cockroaches, paralysis of the nervous system and death occurs. It occurs approximately 8 hours after processing the premises.

Consumers highlight very convenient packaging volumes. The product is sold in special syringes with a small neck, which excludes a strong consumption during the distribution of the composition on the surface. The manufacturer himself advises to apply the substance in dotted lines in areas where insects are concentrated. Although in practice it is possible to get more effect if the composition is applied chaotically. When using the owner of residential buildings, a noticeable result is noted after 6 hours, but the peak of efficiency comes on 2-3 days.


  • Easy to apply and use thanks to a convenient syringe.
  • Fast action that can be noticed 6-8 hours after distribution to rooms.
  • Safe composition for animals and people.
  • Affordable cost.


  • In the case of frequent use of the gel, rams develop addiction, and the effectiveness of the composition is significantly reduced.
  • If it is impossible to remove cockroaches with 1-2 uses, it is necessary to additionally buy other goods and combine them for effective control.


The best remedy for cockroaches in an apartment in 2025

An effective and safe product that is sold as insect traps. They are small in size, like pills. The average cost is 310 rubles, there are 6 discs in a pack. Inside this product lies a bait containing hydramethylnone. After using such an element with one cockroach, it begins to infect the rest. According to the manufacturers, a couple of weeks after the start of the use of the tablets, the insects will completely die out in the apartment. The validity period is 2-3 months.


  • Completely safe tablets, do not provoke allergies.
  • Convenient to use as the trap leaves no residue and does not emit odors.
  • Does not provoke addiction in insects, which allows you to use the product for a long time.

The main disadvantage is that the product will be effective with a small accumulation of pests, and it is very problematic and expensive to install a large number of baits.

According to consumer reviews, we can conclude that traps are very effective. Some say that there were a lot of insects in the apartment, 2 packs of pills were bought and distributed throughout the apartment with 2 rooms. A week later, the number decreased, and after another 7 days, they completely disappeared.


The best remedy for cockroaches in an apartment in 2025

This is the best German-made cockroach remedy with an affordable price, which ranges from 250-300 rubles. There are currently no better quality cockroach removers on the market. In Germany, the manufacturer made a composition, the main substance of which is chlorpyrifos. With the help of it, after using the insect agent, paralysis of the nervous system occurs and after 3 hours their activity decreases, and after a couple of hours they simply cannot perform any functions and die. The complete elimination of parasites in an apartment is possible within 1-2 weeks, according to the manufacturer himself. But this fact is also confirmed by users.

The paste is completely safe for humans and animals, but, despite this, you should carefully contact with it. Distribute in small peas in the rooms. Users point out that after the elimination of cockroaches with this substance, they do not appear for more than years, and one package is enough to destroy insects.


  • When used, it does not provoke addiction to insects, so the composition is suitable for permanent use.
  • Often, one use is enough to kill a large group of insects.
  • The desired results appear within 4-6 hours, but complete destruction will be in 1-2 weeks, taking into account preventive measures.
  • Affordable cost with this effect.

No cons.


The best remedy for cockroaches in an apartment in 2025

Sold in capsules with liquid content. The average cost in the country is about 30 rubles. The insecticide is included in the group of contact-intestinal and, when ingested, destroys cockroaches, as well as Colorado beetles. It is produced in various forms, including ampoules and capsules, as well as powder.

When using, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dosage and concentration, which depends on the population. With a large accumulation of pests, you need to dilute 1-2 ampoules or a packet of powder in a glass of plain water, distribute the finished product over the surface where cockroaches live and walk.

The active element is fipronil, which has a 2nd class of toxicity, so the treatment should be done with gloves and a respirator. Having processed the room, you need to leave it for several hours, and after a couple of days, completely ventilate the apartment and do high-quality wet cleaning.


  • Has a chain reaction.
  • The main action begins after 3-4 hours.
  • No scent and no traces of use on floors and other surfaces


  • High toxicity.
  • Short period of validity.

Many users like this drug and they argue that the elimination of cockroaches is very successful, but for prevention it is necessary to use it once every several months.

Boric acid

The best remedy for cockroaches in an apartment in 2025

This option is quite cheap and belongs to the folk methods for eliminating cockroaches. It is more often used by people due to the low toxicity that the child lives in the apartment or there are people with intolerance to chemistry. In this case, boric acid will act as a powerful paralytic powder. To prepare the mixture, you will need to add a large amount of powder to a boiled egg (yolk) and make balls that are laid out around the house. The appearance of the desired result can be quick and the duration of the acid action is long, but insects quickly get used to the active substances, which reduces the effectiveness.


  • Minimum price.
  • Complete safety for living people and animals.


  • High performance can be expected if the population is small, and the house is constantly neat and tidy. Otherwise, cockroaches can bypass the bait and start feeding from the bin.
  • The egg-acid balls must be constantly replaced with new ones in order to achieve complete removal of pests.
  • Addictive to powder appearance after 2-3 uses.

Clean house

The best remedy for cockroaches in an apartment in 2025

This product is one of the best in terms of value for money. Average prices at points of sale are 30 rubles. Often the high performance is caused by the toxicity of the drug. The composition includes tetramethrin and cypermethrin, as well as liperonyl butoxide. Such a combination is so strong and toxic that when working, you definitely need protective equipment, work with gloves, glasses and a respirator. After processing, you must definitely leave the house for several hours.

The high toxicity is offset by a powerful result. Insects do not become addictive, and the cockroaches themselves quickly die under the influence of active substances. You can notice the effect in a day.


  • A high degree of practicality in applying the composition.
  • The fastest action that is possible among analogs. Destruction of the entire flock, perhaps in just a day.
  • Low price.
  • The decrease in the effect is rather slow, so the effect lasts for 2-3 weeks.


  • High toxicity of the product.
  • A few days after application, you will need to do a thorough and high-quality cleaning, as well as airing and sterilizing the apartment. This is necessary to completely remove the residues of active substances.


The best remedy for cockroaches in an apartment in 2025

The effectiveness of such a spray is quite high, the average cost of the product is 70 rubles. The aerosol has been familiar to many people for many years, but at the moment it has been improved and improved, it effectively copes with insects. Since the manufacturers have slightly changed the formula, when it is sprayed, there are no more unpleasant aromas, but the degree of toxicity is higher, because 6 types of poisons are used for its manufacture. This prevents cockroaches from adapting and destroys them quickly.


  • The classic option for the destruction of populations that are time-tested.
  • It leads to almost instant death when active substances hit cockroaches.
  • It works as a repellent, in other words, if you can't kill, you can scare off cockroaches and they leave the apartment.


  • Adaptation of cockroaches is possible.
  • High toxicity that can provoke allergies or poisoning.


The best remedy for cockroaches in an apartment in 2025

Such a product allows you to instantly kill cockroaches in the apartment. The cost of the spray is approximately 250 rubles. In general, all aerosol products can show good results, but the Raptor is one of the best. The active substances not only smoke out all the cockroaches that are hiding, but also destroy them instantly. The aroma is bright, but pleasant for humans, and most importantly, it is completely safe.

Consumers who have already tested the product in practice are satisfied, but after a long period of time, with regular use, insects can become addicted.


  • Powerful repellent.
  • Rapid destruction of adults and their larvae.
  • Excellent quality, the aerosol is safe for people.

Among the shortcomings, the gradual addiction of cockroaches is distinguished, but in the case of an increase in the dose, this does not happen.


The best remedy for cockroaches in an apartment in 2025

Another powerful concentrated cockroach control agent. The average cost in the Russian Federation is 700 rubles per 100 ml. This product is an analogue of the well-known Gett insecticide, which is no longer on the market at the moment. The described agent refers to contact and has a wide spectrum of action. With it, you can kill not only cockroaches, but also bedbugs and other insects. In addition, active substances prevent them from getting inside the apartment from the entrance, basement and other places.

The main ingredient is chlorpyrifos, which is completely safe for people and pets. For use, you need to dissolve the drug in water in a ratio of 1:10. After thoroughly stirring the solution, spray in places where parasites accumulate. After about 2-4 weeks, they all die completely. The bottle can be used in a concentrated form by adding it to the baits, which will speed up the result.


  • There is no need to wait until the cockroach begins to feed on the killer, they just step into the solution once.
  • The finished mixture is odorless and does not stain the surface.
  • The product is safe for animals and humans.
  • The activity persists for 6 months or more.

The main drawback is the high cost. When using this concentrate, many consumers give results after just a day. A large number of dead individuals appear in the rooms, and after a week the populations completely disappear. Although the price is high, consumers often choose the solution due to its effectiveness.

Safety precautions for self-processing of premises and the results of the described

When working with chemistry, you must follow the basic safety rules:

  • Do not buy products and substances in which the composition is unknown or created for industrial purposes.
  • It is forbidden to use products that have expired.
  • Before starting the main procedure, the room requires preparation. To do this, remove food, drinks, and close cabinets with food. If there are animals or fish, their cages and aquariums must be covered with cloth.
  • Before starting work with paste, aerosols, it is recommended to use gloves, glasses and other protective equipment for the body and mucous membranes.
  • During processing, exclude the use of food and drinks.
  • Try to take the children out of the apartment for several hours while the treatment is being carried out.
  • If the substance gets on the mucous membranes, immediately rinse it with water.
  • If aerosol substances are used, it is recommended to close the room for a couple of hours, and then ventilate.

If repeated use did not give the desired result, then it is best to turn to professionals.

Often it is possible to achieve a positive result when using any remedy for cockroaches with the right approach to processing, but the size of the pests also plays a big role. In the case of the appearance of insects in recent times, crayons, gels or traps can come to the rescue, and in some cases even folk remedies help. The main thing is to block access to water and food.

Since parasites do not like the cold, freezing can be used, but this is very problematic for an apartment. For example, in winter, you can simply open all the windows and leave the house. To scare away, it is recommended to use ammonia, which is diluted in water. This solution is used for cleaning floors, especially in places of the population. For 10 liters of water, 1 tbsp will be enough.

It is also recommended to use lavrushka. It has a strong scent that cockroaches really hate. It is worth noting that it does not kill, but only repels insects.Of course, for a positive and lasting result, you just need to keep the house clean, especially in the kitchen, and maintain the correct humidity level.

With an increase in the number and large size of each species, it will be necessary to use chemistry, for example, Globol paste, powders and other described means. They handle the maximum area. Aerosol substances will be useful for the quick elimination of single cockroaches, as well as for prevention. You can also find ultrasonic scarers on the market, but they give poor results and their price is very high.

In some cases, parasites appear in the refrigerator, while the cold itself does not affect them. In this case, check the rubber bands and replace them if necessary. As for processing, do not use chemicals, even if they are safe for humans. It is better to just take everything out and rinse thoroughly with vinegar, ammonia. You can also roll eggs and boric acid balls.

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