Best mouse and rat repellents in 2025

For a long time, people have been faced with the problem of unwanted neighbors and parasites in the face of mice, rats, hamsters and other representatives of the hated family of rodents.

Representatives of this species used to destroy a hard-grown crop, then spread the plague throughout Western Europe, and nowadays they simply spoil the interior of the house, gnawing furniture, books, staining clothes and leaving their characteristic unpleasant smell everywhere.

Also, rats have not ceased to be carriers of infection, so their stay in the house is still a big threat.

In order to combat rodents, mankind has invented special scarers, which are electronic devices that send signals unpleasant for rats and mice at special frequencies that are perceived only by representatives of this species.

The best mouse repellents in 2025 are able to drive away all rodents from the house and from the territory of the estate in literally two days.

Certain models of scarers, of course, cannot give an instant effect, but they are still quite effective means.

Criteria for choosing the most effective apparatus

Modern production is able to offer hundreds and thousands of models of devices that can once and for all drive rodents out of the house. But how do you choose the best option? What are the best mouse repellents?

There are several criteria by which you can easily select the best rat repellents that are suitable for a particular house. The criteria are divided into two groups: major and minor.

Main criteria - these are factors that affect the efficiency of the device, as well as the health of the residents of the room. These factors cannot be neglected!

Secondary criteria - these are characteristics that do not greatly affect the choice of a device, however, they can be useful for people who are not at all versed in the issue, or they may interest those who choose a repeller not by technical characteristics, but by means.

Main criteria:

  1. Range (signal coverage area). Perhaps one of the most important characteristics of the model, which should be the first to pay attention to. Ultrasonic models can reproduce the most powerful signal, and their coverage area is the highest - 1000 sq. m., however, they are ineffective in houses with a large number of walls and partitions. The signal is simply unable to overcome them. Electromagnetic emitters can propagate their waves only 200 square meters. m. Their advantage is the interaction of electrical wiring, with the help of which they form a full-fledged magnetic field that reliably protects the house.
  2. Signal frequency. The following characteristic significantly affects the type of rodents with which the repeller has to fight. A powerful signal effectively fights against large rodents (rats, chipmunks) and drives them out of the dwelling in the shortest possible time, and a weaker signal can only slightly disturb mice and hamsters.
  3. Source of power.More reliable and convenient in operation are scarers for mice and rats, which have the possibility of autonomous power supply. Such models do not depend on a petrol or electric generator and can be used in any premises, even in those where there are no power lines. Some devices are safely powered by car batteries. They even come with adapters with which the gadget is connected to the battery terminals.
  4. Safety and comfort. If the repeller is purchased for permanent work in a residential area, then an important criterion will be its safety and the level of noise emitted. There have been cases when mice and rat repellents had a negative impact on the health of the residents of the house and did not harm the well-being of pets.

Secondary criteria:

  1. Price. There is an opinion that "the more expensive the unit, the better it is." This is not always the case, and the price cannot be an absolute guarantor of the quality of the device, however, very cheap models also do not inspire confidence. But there are a few exceptions for domestic production.
  2. Expert opinion. Reviews of store sites are usually written by reputable experts. It is worth remembering that this is just their personal opinion, despite the abundance of specific information about the model in the text. Also, do not forget that such statements may simply be planned promotions of a particular manufacturer.
  3. Feedback from real buyers. A more reliable source of information. Also, among the reviews there may be a review from a person who found himself in exactly the same situation and lives in the exact same house as a person interested in buying a mouse repeller.

Scarer types

By the type of their device and action, scarers for mice and rats are divided into two categories:

  1. Ultrasonic scarers: They have a negative effect on rats by emitting sounds of a certain frequency, from which the rodents develop spontaneous feelings of anxiety, nausea, and stress. As a rule, animals do not withstand a prolonged attack and quickly retreat.


  • completely safe for humans;
  • works for a long time;
  • cheaper;
  • able to project a powerful signal.


  • partitions, doors and furniture can interfere with the signal;
  • signal does not pass through obstacles.
  1. Electromagnetic scarers. They effectively fight against rodents by creating a uniform strong magnetic field throughout the house. The influence on the well-being of the animals is not so sharp, but it is of a higher quality and monotonous. Rodents leave their homes more slowly, but leave everywhere, not being able to hide in a niche or basement.


  • completely safe for humans;
  • magnetic waves pass through any obstacles;
  • creates a full-fledged magnetic field;
  • high-quality signal coverage;
  • drives rodents out of niches and voids;
  • effectively resist insects.


  • not able to work separately from the wiring line;
  • highly dependent on electrical cables;
  • can have a significant negative impact on human and pet health.

Despite the strengths of electromagnetic scarers, manufacturers are determined to produce ultrasonic devices. There are much more such models, they are better sold and are more often used in everyday life. Some experts attribute this to the fact that ultrasound models appeared earlier and managed to firmly occupy this niche.

Best ultrasonic type mice repeller

"Chiston-2 PRO"

Best mouse and rat repellents in 2025

A domestic model that has received recognition in the world market for such devices. It differs in that it sends waves at once in a beam, which provides a more powerful effect on the animal's body. It is considered the best repeller for mice and rats. Chiston-2 operates at 365 degrees, which does not leave rodents a chance to escape. The device is powered by a conventional household power supply 220 V.


  • High signal strength;
  • The ability to broadcast waves at 365 degrees;
  • Safe for humans and pets;
  • Equipped with indicator lights.


  • powered by a household network;
  • not autonomous;
  • limited radius of movement of the device due to a certain length of the wire.


Best mouse and rat repellents in 2025

Repeller of rats and mice, which has two types of effects on rodents: ultrasonic and sound. In addition to ultrasonic waves, the speakers emit characteristic cat sounds, simulating the presence of a cat in the house. Built-in flashlights allow light attack on rats.



  • relatively cheap;
  • small in size;
  • autonomous;
  • has many rodent control modes.


  • strongly annoys the residents of the house;
  • can provoke conflicts between pets and cause their aggressive behavior;
  • makes sounds that annoy people;
  • range of only 200 sq. m.

"Weitech WK-0600"

Best mouse and rat repellents in 2025

The best rat and mouse repeller made abroad. It is famous for its capabilities, enclosed in a metal case. The gadget has 9 signal settings that allow you to adjust its action against a specific type of pest.

The device is able to expel pests from the house for only three days.


  • high efficiency;
  • ease of use;
  • metal case;
  • a large number of operating modes;
  • the presence of light indicators;
  • the possibility of additional customization.


  • high price.

"REXANT 71-0009"

Best mouse and rat repellents in 2025

Mouse repeller made in China. It has a wide range of functions, despite its relatively small dimensions. Qualitatively protects an area of ​​60 square meters from rodents. m. It is possible to adjust the frequency of exposure.

The device does not have any negative impact on human health and pets.

Only frequent malfunctions of the device cause concern.


  • cheap;
  • high-quality case;
  • harmless to residents and pets;
  • the ability to customize.


  • small radius of action;
  • often breaks down;
  • constant interruptions in work.

"Mongoose SD-042"

Best mouse and rat repellents in 2025

A small gadget, more suitable for controlling rodents in one room. Capable of covering up to 100 sq. m. Equipped with two types of ultrasonic exposure, which drive all pests out of the house in four weeks.

Has several color indicators.

It is powered by a 220 V household power supply and interferes with radio and video signals.


  • low price;
  • compactness;
  • ease;
  • the ability to customize various types of radiation.


  • interference with radio and video signals;
  • small radius of action.

"Grad A-1000 PRO +"

Best mouse and rat repellents in 2025

One of the best domestic devices for scaring off mice, rats, moles and other pests. It has truly incredible strength and powerful signal. The device has advanced adjustment functions for various operating modes. The temperature regime is impressive - from -35 to +75 degrees.

Used by foresters and taiga workers, members of expeditions, the military. Installed in cellars, freezers and storage facilities.

Small dimensions allow using this device almost everywhere, as well as transport.

It is powered by a 220 V household electrical network.


  • large radius of action;
  • temperature regime;
  • can run on battery


  • not found.

EcoSniper LS-927 M

Best mouse and rat repellents in 2025

It differs significantly from all other models in that it is specially designed for farmers and landowners. It is, in fact, a field model designed to work outdoors and protect crops from pests. Almost as versatile as the legendary Russian Grad. It has an extremely low energy consumption and is powered by a 220 V household network.

Completely expels rodents from the protected area in 3-5 weeks. Emits noise with a power of 135 dB.

Effective on an area of ​​540 sq. m.

Differs in high build quality and thoughtfulness of the case, reliably protected from rain and dust. Used in fields and forest belt.It actively resists both small rodents and moles, chipmunks, squirrels.

Sometimes it can drive a very large rodent like a hare from the field.


  • the possibility of field work;
  • active opposition to all types of rodents;
  • compactness;
  • affordable price;
  • high sound pressure;
  • huge range.


  • insufficient efficiency with a large number of obstacles.

Typhoon OG. 01 "

Best mouse and rat repellents in 2025

A device designed for group work. Since its radius of action is only 220 sq. m., then the manufacturer suggests using several gadgets at once to create a complete protective coverage of the territory. The range of the emitted signal is from 19 to 70 kHz, which makes it possible to effectively drive out all types of rodents, including moles, from the territory.

Often used in fields and melons. Due to its small size, it fits in niches and on lintels, which does not leave rodents a chance to escape.

Differs in light weight and modest dimensions. It is powered by a 220 V household power supply.


  • works silently;
  • compact and lightweight;
  • resists large rodents;
  • low price.


  • short cord;
  • intended for one room only.

"Tornado 400"

Best mouse and rat repellents in 2025

A simple, reliable and highly effective ultrasonic repeller for rats and mice. Cleans an area of ​​400 square meters from rodents. m., automatically switching the frequency of influence depending on the type of rodents living in the area.

Usually installed in garden areas, in small fields. It is effective against the Colorado potato beetle, therefore it is used by melons and farmers.

Effectively fights moles.

It is powered by a 220 V household power supply.

It does not make noise during operation, has a compact size and weighs only 500 grams.


  • does not make noise;
  • compact;
  • low price;
  • automatic frequency switching.


  • powered only by 220 V;
  • narrow range of adjustments.

The best electromagnetic mouse repeller


Best mouse and rat repellents in 2025

Another model from China, which, however, is of much better quality than its ultrasonic counterpart. This rat and mouse repeller outperforms many competitors in terms of area of ​​impact, successfully driving rodents out of homes over 230 square meters. m. Along the way, the device drives out cockroaches, beetles and other insects that enter the house.

If the device is connected to a household power supply, it will begin to generate special impulses that will lead to the complete disappearance of annoying parasites and pests.

Active against the Colorado potato beetle.

You can monitor the status of the device using built-in color indicators.

The repeller is absolutely harmless to humans, but dangerous to all types of pets, except for dogs and cats.


  • well done;
  • large radius of action;
  • fights owls with seven types of pests;
  • effective;
  • easy to use.


  • Harmful to pets.


Best mouse and rat repellents in 2025

The most budgetary model of all, described in the "Top 13". Another device from a Chinese manufacturer, more like a pocket mice and rats repeller. The model belongs to the class "station wagon" and protects against any type of pests, including some insects such as the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm.

It has a built-in converter of the electrical network from 50 to 60 Hz, which made it quite popular in Russia.

The radiation from the device is harmful to pets.

It has a very low coverage area - only 80 sq. m.


  • fights all types of pests;
  • low price;
  • resistance to power outages.


  • small radius of action;
  • harmful to pets;
  • has a small number of settings.


Best mouse and rat repellents in 2025

A truly legendary model, developed back in the Soviet Union and implemented in the mid-nineties. It can easily compete with any modern technological development.

"Yastreb-200" is capable of projecting more than two hundred types of electromagnetic waves and configuring magnetic fields of various strengths, volumes and shapes.You can drive out pests with both chiseled shots and attack them throughout the entire living space.

Also. Like "Thunder", it is actively used in the military sphere and is placed in warehouses and agricultural storage facilities of military units.

In the late nineties, it was popular with melon growers and landowners growing products for export.

Usually, large pests disappear one or two weeks after the start of the device.

The device works on an area of ​​more than 200 square meters. m., resistant to high (+80) and low (-40) temperatures.

Unfortunately, the presence of obstacles or soft matter significantly reduces the effectiveness of the device.


  • long service life (up to 15 years);
  • light weight;
  • modest dimensions;
  • a huge number of settings and functions.


  • outdated design;
  • high price.

"Riddex Plus"

Best mouse and rat repellents in 2025

The best mouse repeller for your money. According to most experts, this model is one of the most successfully sold among its class. The device is not afraid of humidity and can work both at very high (+40) and at low (-30) temperatures.

It actively fights not only against small rodents, but also against large ones, including moles. It also has a striking effect on insects and underground pests, quickly drives out the Colorado potato beetle, wireworm and bear from their homes, for which it is very popular with gardeners and gardeners.

Has no negative impact on the health of people and pets. Does not interfere with audio and video signals.

Copes with all types of rodents in four weeks, and with insects in two.


  • not afraid of moisture;
  • high resistance to temperature conditions;
  • low price;
  • does not harm the television signal;
  • can work in field mode;
  • expels both rodents and insects;
  • very durable body;


  • small radius of action;
  • rather weakly protects against insects.


An important factor in the successful control of rodents and other pests is the number of acquired repellents. To effectively resist pests, you should purchase several models of the same device. This is the only way to evaluate its performance and technical characteristics. "Top-13" describes many devices that relieve rodents efficiently and for a long time, but have a small coverage area. This problem is solved by purchasing several copies of the repeller.

Buyer Tips

Most people who have already bought one or another scarer for mice and rats note that there is practically no ideal option, so it is worth trying several models, launching them one by one, and all at once. You can try to place different devices in different places to increase the effectiveness of the impact.

Someone advises installing both ultrasonic and electromagnetic devices at the same time. This method reduces the time it will take to control pests, as the attack will be comprehensive.

Different combinations give different effects and allow you to understand how best to drive rodents out of your home.

Savvy, experimentation and the use of more than one model is the key to successfully eliminating all types of pests.

( Total:2 Middle:4.5/5 )

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