In our time, the development of technology not only does not stand still, but is also actively increasing its pace. In this regard, many of humanity's adaptations are constantly being modernized. For example, the best safes in 2025 are very different from what we might have seen 10 years ago. New types of locks appear, an increased level of reliability, and additional functions are constantly appearing.
In this regard, the number of people who want to secure their money or other material values is constantly growing. Along with this, the question of which safe is better and what should be the criteria for choosing is gaining relevance. We will analyze these and other questions in this article.
The main types of safes
It is noteworthy that not so long ago, safes were bought mainly by wealthy people with an impressive budget. However, purchasing power has now increased. At the same time, even the best safe in 2025 is not so expensive. Therefore, such units have become more in demand than before.
First of all, we propose to consider the main types of devices that can be purchased on the market. Namely:
- Fire resistant;
- Burglar-proof;
- Fire-resistant.
In the first case, the buyer receives a box with steel sheets framed with foam concrete. Thus, the unit does not conduct heat inside itself and the temperature does not rise to a critical state even if the safe is completely engulfed in flames. Such devices can be classified according to storage facilities, as well as the maximum period of exposure to fire. In other words, a safe can protect contents under fire for half an hour, an hour, or two hours.
As for burglar-resistant units, they are subject to high temperatures, however, they are very difficult to break by hand or using special devices. Most of these safes can easily withstand thermal or mechanical stress.
According to burglary resistance, safes are divided into 6 different classes:
- 1, 2 and 3 are not as reliable, but they are perfect for use in a private house or apartment. Small businesses that are not afraid of intruders can also purchase this option;
- Grade 4 is quite often used in banking organizations. However, as subsidiary repositories, not primary;
- Grade 5 is used in jewelry stores;
- Grade 6 is the least acquired. Such safes are the most reliable and you need to make every effort and money to break them. Therefore, such variants are made exclusively at the request of customers for special cases.
Each safe must have a marking that indicates the type of material values for which it is intended. For example, the letter “B” is intended for storing any paper media. It can be money, documents, bonds, and so on. The letter “D” is suitable for both paper and magnetic media. DIS marking is for magnetic devices only.
The third main type is fire-resistant models. They combine the properties of the first two options. Moreover, their cost is much higher.
Types of locks
In addition to the classification of the safes themselves, it is worth highlighting the types of locks that can be installed on them. In total, 4 main options can be distinguished:
- Key. This is the easiest method to open a safe. The buyer receives a set of keys that open the door. Naturally, this is the lowest possible security level. However, such models are considered the most budgetary;
- Code-mechanical. To open, you must enter the desired code by turning a special mechanism. After that, you need to turn the handle and the door will open. Here the security is slightly higher, however, such safes are also not so difficult to break if you are prepared;
- Code-electronic. There is no need to turn anything here. It is enough just to enter the desired combination on the touch or keypad and the door will automatically open;
- Biometric. The most reliable and the hardest to crack. The embedded electronic system stores the owner's fingerprint or retina in memory and only reacts to it. These units are the most expensive.
Installation methods
Now it's worth looking at the options for installing home safes. It all depends on the owner's imagination, however, there are 3 most popular cases:
- Place on the floor;
- Place in a closet;
- Install in the wall.
We suggest considering each option in more detail.
On the floor
This is the simplest and most effortless method. However, the safe is not simply placed on the floor. It must be securely installed so that intruders cannot take the device out of the room, where they will calmly break the lock in the future. The first step is to prepare special holes. To do this, you need to correctly calculate the required depth and drill them.
After that, you need to install the anchors in 4 slots. Do not use a hammer to do this as the material may deteriorate. All that remains is to correctly place the safe over the holes and screw the bolts into the anchors from the inside of the box. Thus, the safe will be securely fixed and it will be difficult to dismantle it.
The whole procedure will take no more than an hour.
In the closet
The next method is not very different from the previous one. However, here the screws are not screwed into the flooring, but into the wall behind the back of the cabinet. In this case, it is recommended to install the product so that its bottom rests on the cabinet shelf, and the rear side is screwed to the wall. To do this, you will have to drill holes in the cabinet wall.
In the wall
This is the most difficult option in terms of installation, but it is considered the most reliable and interesting design. However, it should be noted right away that the wall must be thick and reliable. Naturally, you will not be able to install the safe on a plasterboard wall. The material must be strong, because the safe is not just screwed to the wall, but completely fits into it.
If your wall is suitable for this type of installation work, then you can proceed. The first step is to make room for the product. You can do this with a hammer, drill, or hammer drill. It is recommended to work in a mask, observing all safety rules, as there will be a lot of dust.
After the desired part of the wall is gouged, a safe is placed there. It is bolted into anchors on each side of the wall. That is, from the bottom, sides and top. The remaining space must be filled with cement and reinforcement and putty. As a result, the safe will be installed not only as reliably as possible, but will also harmoniously fit into the interior.
It should be noted that this is the most difficult installation method. Not everyone can do it on their own. Therefore, it is recommended to soberly assess your skills and turn to the services of a specialist if in doubt.
Demanded safe manufacturers
In 2025, a number of companies can be distinguished that are engaged in the manufacture of safes for both home and commercial enterprises. Some of them specialize in certain types, for example, boxes for storing weapons. Others can make several types of safes at once.We invite you to get to know them better.
The list of the most sought after safe manufacturers around the world is as follows:
- BURG-WACHTER. It is a German manufacturer appreciated by users for its conciseness and increased security. Both mechanical and electronic models are produced here. In recent years, the company has firmly strengthened its position in the safe market and has become a trendsetter in this direction.
- Ripost. As the name implies, this is a domestic manufacturer. The main feature is a wide range of products. There is no specific type of safe with one orientation. Everyone can find a suitable model for themselves.
- ONIX. Next in line is a Chinese company, which has recently begun supplying its goods to the Russian market. Most often, their products are purchased for the office. You can buy both a safe with a key and an electronic lock. An excellent option for storing personal belongings, various documents and funds.
- Gunsafe. This is a domestic company that is well known to gun lovers, hunters and police officers. Here you can buy a tall box for storing multiple weapons. The capacity depends on the selected series.
- Liberty. This company is based in the USA and develops high-end safes with modern designs. The main feature is the presence of a secret compartment inside the safe for storing more important objects. The company uses unique technologies to achieve high reliability.
- PROMET. Next in line is another domestic manufacturer, which has been holding a leading position in the sales market for many years. The PROMET company has many awards attesting to the excellent quality and reliability of its products.
The best safes for home
It's time to consider the best safe models in each direction.
Kaso E2 508
First of all, we suggest considering a Finnish safe with an attractive design that will perfectly fit into the interior of an expensive office. It is made in a wooden facade and is perfect for storing paper documents, cash and other valuables. The dimensions of the product are 79 by 56 by 56 centimeters. The capacity is about 94 liters.
An electronic panel is used as a lock. To open, you must enter the code. It is noteworthy that this panel can be hidden using a special pull-out module. Thus, the handle becomes invisible.
- Can be screwed to the floor surface using anchors and bolts;
- A wide range of colors for the safe;
- The manufacturer offers the installation of additional features for a fee. This can be a secret compartment, a mini-safe inside the main box, a watch winding mechanism, and so on;
- High refractoriness index. Acceptable temperature inside the box is maintained for 1 hour of exposure to direct fire;
- The lock is locked automatically. The user only needs to slam the door;
- Implemented special channels through which you can run wires. This allows the product to be connected to an alarm in the house.
- The high cost of the model, given only the 2nd class of safety. It can reach 500 thousand rubles;
- The basic package includes only 1 shelf for storing objects. Additional must be ordered and paid separately.
Topaz BDS-T510
The next model is for storing magnetic disks. The dimensions of such a box are somewhat smaller than those of the previous one. They are 50 by 34 by 40 centimeters. Both paper and magnetic media can be stored here. In the event of a fire, the interior will maintain a normal temperature for an hour. After that, it will start to rise and the contents can be destroyed.
The main drawback that is most often paid attention to is the small free space inside. This is because the walls are too thick. However, in most cases this is sufficient for storing small magnetic media.
- The buyer receives a warranty card within 5 years from the date of purchase;
- Implemented 2 locks at once: mechanical and electronic;
- The construction is made in two layers. Another layer follows the outer walls, which maintains the temperature inside;
- If you have forgotten the code, you can use a special key and reset it. However, it is recommended to store it in a safe place that attackers do not know about;
- If the artificial intelligence of the safe determines that they are trying to break the safe, then it will block the locks as quickly as possible and will not allow this;
- Wheels are provided for more convenient transportation;
- High tightness rate. Even smoke cannot get inside;
- The surface of the box is scratch-resistant.
- Small space inside the box
SMP Community 5
The next in line is a super-secure safe, which has been assigned the 5th class of reliability. It is produced by a British company and delivered worldwide. The main feature is a high level of security. This model is perfect for storing very valuable items. For example, jewelry, gold and the like. In this regard, you can often see such a unit in a jewelry store.
The capacity is almost 100 liters. Dimensions - 74 by 74 by 72 centimeters. Both mechanical and electronic locks are provided, which further enhances reliability. With regard to the materials from which this safe is made, structural steel is used. It is often used in the construction of bridges. In this regard, all doubts about the reliability of this unit can be discarded.
- High rate of fire resistance;
- The height of the inner shelf can be adjusted;
- Special steel "traps" are built into the door. They grab the grinder's disc when trying to break in;
- The box walls are filled with a unique alloy that contains aluminum, ceramic plates, and corundum chips;
- It is impossible to drill out the lock and crossbars;
- 5 class of reliability.
- Extremely high cost. From 1 million rubles.
Aiko TT-200 EL
If you have a pistol and do not know where to store it, we recommend that you pay attention to this model of the safe. This is a small box that can hold a pistol and several packs of cartridges for it. Dimensions are 31 by 20 by 20 centimeters. A battery-operated code module is used as a lock.
It should be noted that the safe battery can be accessed from the outside without opening the product. However, if you turn off the power, the lock will still not open. On the contrary, it will complicate the procedure.
- Budgetary cost. The price varies from 3 to 5 thousand rubles;
- Can be mounted in a wall, in a closet or on the floor;
- If you have forgotten the code, a master key is provided;
- Implemented battery voltage indicator;
- Compact size and low weight. Can be easily carried by hand.
- The weapon is not fixed, but simply placed on the shelf.
Burg-Wachter WT-16N E FS
The last model to be covered in this article boasts geometry changeability. However, there is only 1 class of burglary resistance, as well as fire resistance. The box can withstand direct fire for 30 minutes, after which the temperature inside will rise rapidly.
This model is great for home use. Here you can store papers, money and the like. It is worth noting that an electronic fingerprint scanner is used here as a lock. Thus, although the safe has a reduced reliability in terms of mechanical breaking, its lock cannot be broken.
- Availability of protection against drilling of locks and crossbars;
- The structure of the walls can be adjusted by changing the geometry of the inner space of the safe;
- The safe can withstand the direct impact of the torch;
- The front of the box does not have any protruding parts;
- Low cost.
- To embed such a safe into a wall will require its greater thickness;
- Rectangular ledgers.