Recently, the best LED strips in 2025 are gaining more and more popularity. Previously, as a rule, people used them for additional decoration, for organizing a holiday or for decorating outdoor advertising. However, now you can find more and more apartments and houses where such tapes are used as the main source of room lighting.
The best LED strips for lighting allow you to completely replace chandeliers and similar light sources. It should be noted that this type of lighting is much better for all characteristics. First, there are significant savings, since LED strips consume much less electrical energy. Secondly, the brightness of such a device is much higher than that of standard bulbs.
However, far for every option is suitable for lighting your home. Therefore, you need to know which LED strip is best for illuminating a room as the main light source. To do this, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the best manufacturers, popular models, and also study the recommendations for choosing.
Best LED strip manufacturers
To understand which LED strip is better, you need to pay attention only to the products of the best manufacturers who produce quality goods. Oddly enough, today there are a huge number of brands around the world making such tapes. These can be both large well-known firms and small enterprises.
This is the list of the most popular manufacturers whose products are in demand in our market:
- LEDCraft;
- Arlight;
- Cree;
- Joliet Technologies;
- Sveteco.
The products of these companies are time-tested. Even on the Internet, you can find many real reviews from people who have already bought tapes with such brands. In this regard, when buying one of the models of these companies, you do not risk getting a low-quality product that will quickly break down or work incorrectly.
We suggest taking a closer look at the most outstanding brands.
First of all, it is worth noting the Russian company, which over the years of its work has received a good audience of satisfied customers who have purchased quality products and support. The main feature of LED strips from this company is low cost without sacrificing power and overall quality.
If we compare the tapes of this brand with their counterparts, it becomes clear that these models, placed in a silicone shell, will cost the user almost 2 times cheaper than products from competitors. The assortment of the company includes more than 100 items of goods. They differ in power, type, protection, controllers and other indicators.
- Good quality;
- A wide range of models for the user's choice;
- The cost is much lower than that of competitors for similar products.
- Assembly reliability may vary from batch to batch. That is, a person can get to a party in which the tapes turned out to be not so high-quality and effective;
- Multicolor RGB tapes from this company are quite expensive;
- It is difficult to find a suitable power supply, adapter or other accessory with this brand.
Joliet Technologies
Next in line is a company that can boast of excellent product quality for any batch. This company is based in Europe and supplies its products all over the world. It should be noted right away that the LED strips of this brand are much more expensive than those of domestic brands. However, there is an ideal value for money here.
Joliet Technologies is accustomed to using only quality parts for its products. Thus, their LED strips emit an intense bright light that can illuminate the entire room well. In this case, the diodes do not flicker and work as stably as possible.
It is noteworthy that the specialists of this company use special multi-layer substrates that serve as a radiator. This allows not only to increase the reliability of the belt, but also its service life.
However, it should be noted that it is quite difficult to find this brand on the shelves of ordinary stores in Russia. Most of the popularity comes from Europe. In addition, the cost of the model will suit far for every buyer.
- Excellent quality and technical performance;
- Long service life;
- Easy to use
- In the manufacturing process, the company uses advanced technologies.
- Quite a high price tag among analogues;
- Difficult to find on store shelves.
The next step is an enterprise specializing in cheap LED strips that have a low power rating and do not heat up well. It is recommended to buy their products only for the organization of additional lighting or backlighting. Such tapes will not work as a full-fledged light source.
The main feature of these tapes is their reliability and safety. The developer states that their diodes cannot heat up to temperatures above 30 degrees Celsius. Therefore, there is no need for radiators.
- Quite low cost relative to analogues from other companies;
- Do not overheat;
- A wide range of.
- Not found in all specialized stores;
- Does not produce multi-color RGB products.
Types of ribbons
It makes no sense to consider separate models of LED strips from different manufacturers. They can differ in many parameters and it is impossible to single out the best group of them. It all depends on the preferences of the buyer and the required technical characteristics. Therefore, we will consider 2 main categories that all models are divided into.
Multi-color RGB
The first step is to familiarize yourself with ribbons, which can emit a wide variety of shades. The color is created according to the RGB principle. Each LED contains 3 crystals corresponding to one of the main shades. That is, red, green and blue. After that, the user independently obtains the desired shade by adjusting the brightness of each crystal.
The color change takes place using a special remote control. In this case, not only the brightness of the RGB crystals is regulated, but also the saturation with the intensity. Thus, the tape can be used not only as a permanent light source with one shade. You can turn on color cycling, treadmill, or flicker.
- Much more economical than the classic “Ilyich's bulbs”;
- A variety of shades;
- The light turns out to be quite bright and saturated;
- Can be configured by remote control;
- If desired, you can adjust not only the shades, but also enable additional lighting modes.
- Cannot be used as the main source of light in the house, since they strongly affect the eyes;
- Much more expensive than the species that will be considered next.
Thus, RGB strips are suitable only as an additional decoration. For example, they can be used to decorate a car, an advertising sign, a yard in New Year's time, and so on. However, this type is not recommended for permanent use.
Monochrome SMD
The next type has several advantages over the previous one. First, monochrome LEDs are much cheaper than multicolor ones. Secondly, they can be comfortably used as the main light source in the room. Thirdly, this is the most common type, which is time-tested.
Monochrome LEDs do not have a specific shade that all models come with. The user can choose from several options with different colors. It was originally a red, blue, green or classic yellow glow. In connection with the active growth of the LED strip market, other solutions have appeared. Now the buyer can purchase ribbons with intermediate shades. For example, it can be purple or blue.
A version with a white glow is also available. The white shade is divided into several subtypes: neutral, warm and cold. It is worth noting that white crystals for LEDs do not exist. To achieve this shade, the manufacturer applies the phosphor to the blue color. Over time, this substance loses its properties and a real glow appears.
- Low cost compared to multicolor LEDs;
- Small size;
- Easy to install at home with your own hands;
- A wide selection of different shades;
- In stores you can find a wide range of models with different capacities;
- Can be used comfortably as the main source of lighting for an apartment.
- The highest quality models from good brands will cost much more;
- There are a huge number of counterfeits of low quality and reliability. Therefore, you need to be able to distinguish the original;
- If you choose the wrong color, then the general atmosphere of the interior in the room may deteriorate.
Main characteristics of LED strips
Each LED strip has technical characteristics that indicate its power and other parameters. We propose to consider those indicators that are most important when choosing a suitable model.
Power Supply
First of all, it is recommended to pay attention to the power supply unit, which is responsible for supplying energy to the LEDs. The efficiency and service life of the tape depends on it. Only in rare cases can it be purchased complete with the light source itself. As a rule, you need to purchase this unit separately.
The power supply needs to be bought after the tape, since you need to know the required power. It is determined by the length of the tape, as well as the energy consumption per meter. These indicators are placed on the packaging of the LED strip or are specified with the seller.
Availability and type of controller
Typically, monotone tapes do not have a controller to adjust saturation and other parameters. Therefore, this characteristic is inherent only in multi-color models. There are 3 main types of such controllers:
- Radio remote control. This is a powerful controller that allows you to adjust the tape performance over a long distance. However, such a device cannot boast of many useful features;
- IR remote control. This remote control is simpler than the previous version in terms of maximum distance. But there are many more options available for the user to customize;
- Lack of remote control. In such cases, a small control unit is located on the tape itself, which, as a rule, consists of a meager number of parameters.
These are just the main types of controllers that are most common. Other species can be found occasionally. For example, some manufacturers equip their products with WI-Fi control. That is, a special application is installed on the smartphone, after which both the phone and the tape are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
There are no special conditions for the controller that should be paid attention to when choosing. The main thing is to match the power of the device. If the indicator is lower than the tape requires, then the remote control will not work. Otherwise, you can choose options according to your own preferences.
An equally important factor when buying an LED strip in 2025 is its reliability and protection from small particles. This indicator determines the life of the tape. The better the protection of the LEDs, the longer the unit will serve its owner.
In the field of LED strips, there are certain markings that indicate the level of protection of the model. They look like this:
- IP54, IP65, IP68. These are sealed tapes supplied in a special silicone sheath. This is the highest level of protection that can be found in 2025. It is allowed to use such products at temperatures from -25 to +60 degrees Celsius. They can be used even in high humidity conditions.
- IP23, IP43, IP44. Here, the level of protection is slightly worse than in the previous version, however, such products can also be used in high humidity conditions. You can install this tape in a floor covering or baseboard.
- IP20. This is the minimum level of protection. Such tapes are the cheapest, but they cannot be hung, for example, on the street. They are great for dry environments.
Power (brightness)
Last but not least is power. The final brightness of the tape that the user receives depends on it. It is identified using a four-digit index.
- 2835. LED strips with such marking are equipped with diodes with high brightness from 24 to 28 lumens. In this case, the product emits a saturated narrow-beam light flux. This allows you to use such models as a full-fledged independent source of lighting in the room. It is recommended to use 5 meters of tape for every 12 square meters of the room.
- 3528. The next step is not the most popular labeling, but it can also be found on store shelves. It should be noted that the diodes in such devices have a minimum brightness (from 4 to 5 lm). In this regard, such products are not suitable as high-grade lighting. It is recommended to use them for decoration. For example, as illumination of a wardrobe, additional illumination of the ceiling and the like.
- 5050. This is the most popular marking found on LED strips. There are 5055 and 5060 analogues that have identical characteristics. The only difference is the length of the item. Markings 5050, 5055, 5060 give out brightness in the range of 12-14 lm. In general, this is quite enough for full lighting of the room. But the consumption is slightly higher than that of the 2835 marking. It will take 5 meters of the product for every 8 square meters of the room.
- 5630 and 5730. Next in line are the brightest and most saturated LEDs that can be purchased in 2025. Most often, such products are used in shopping centers, offices and shops. This is because the brightness level is too high, which may be unnecessary in a home environment. Here the brightness reaches 75 lumens. Naturally, the diodes get very hot from this. Therefore, it is recommended not to place the product on a surface that could melt. The ideal option is an aluminum profile.
Average cost of different models
Many are primarily interested in the price of the best LED lamps in 2025. It directly depends on the type of tape, the marking of its power, as well as on the degree of security. Approximate prices can be seen in the following list:
- The cheapest option is monotonous tapes marked 3528. Their cost varies within 50 rubles per meter. However, it is also important to consider the manufacturer. If this is a large brand that produces products of excellent quality, then the cost of one meter can rise to 350 rubles.
- The next step is marking 2835. The average cost of such products on the market is 100-130 rubles per square meter. However, these are the most budget-friendly options and may not be of great quality. For example, if you buy a good model from a well-known brand that will have good moisture protection, the cost can rise to 500 rubles per meter.
- If you buy a monotonous tape marked 5050, the planting density of which is 30 pieces per meter, then the price will vary between 100-150 rubles per meter.
- Diodes marked 5730 have an increased cost. The simplest option can cost 400 rubles per meter.
- The most expensive LED strips are, as mentioned earlier, multi-color products. Their cost starts from 500 and can reach 3 thousand per square meter.
Recommendations for choosing a product
If you cannot decide on a model on your own, then we recommend that you familiarize yourself with general tips that will help significantly speed up the process and increase your understanding of the procedure.
- If you need to create additional lighting in your bedroom or nursery, then pay attention to the options with markings 3528 and 5050. But it is recommended to buy a product with a white glow of a warm or neutral subspecies. They fit most harmoniously into most interiors and do not strain a person's eyes.
- To install decorations on the ceiling or bookshelves, you can buy a product marked 3528. Any shade that suits the overall atmosphere of the interior will do. In this case, strong power and density are not needed. Therefore, choose simpler models.
- Tapes 5050 and 2835 are suitable for organizing full-fledged lighting in large rooms. As mentioned above, these are the most powerful tapes with bright and reliable diodes. Therefore, such a device can cope with the lighting of a large room.
- If you decide to decorate your car for some kind of holiday or on an ongoing basis to stand out from the crowd, then look at the monotone 5050 or multi-color RGB. It is worth considering the marking of protection. Ideally, the tape should be inside the silicone sheath.
- For outdoor advertising, store signage and the like, you should follow the same recommendations as in the previous case. However, here it would be more reasonable to choose only among multi-colored products.
- In offices and shops, as a rule, monotone marking tapes 5630 (5730) with medium protection are installed.
After the purchase, you do not need to apply for the services of specialists to connect the product. It is enough to place it yourself in the right place, connect it to the power supply and activate it. A wizard may be needed only for complex installation work. For example, to install a tape in a hard-to-reach place.