The key to a good cleaning is to have a good mop. The variety of models on the market is impressive, but at the same time it can take the buyer by surprise. Weight, handle length, removable attachments and their material can all affect the usability of the mop in practice.
So that the choice of the optimal model of the home assistant does not cause problems, we advise you to find out which mop for cleaning floors in 2025 is worthy to be called the "best". When compiling the TOP, we analyzed the entire modern assortment, as well as reviews of independent users on the Web. Read on!
7 modern types of mops
Steam Mop
The representative of innovative household tools perfectly cleans and disinfects floors, carpets and upholstered furniture. You don't even need a bucket when cleaning. But please note that the steam flow must not be directed at pets, otherwise there will be a burn.
- disinfection of the premises even without the use of detergents;
- universal properties: you can clean carpets, sofas, wash the floor of any coverings, polish the railings to a shine.
- no need to squeeze and rinse the rag;
- removes hair from pets;
- does not harm health, because there is no need to use chemical reagents during use.
- the cost is not available to everyone;
- care must be taken to keep steam away from children and pets.
Electric mop
Before buying, it is worth investigating the technical features of an electric mop. The quality of cleaning will depend on them:
- power: 400-1700 W;
- the ability to work from a network or battery;
- weight: 1.5-6 kg;
- steam pressure indicator: 1-3 bar;
- tank volume: 350-500 ml;
- steam flow rate: 25-50 g / min;
- the shape of the sole and the presence of additional functions also play a role.
- the presence of a large assortment of nozzles;
- the possibility of using a steam generator;
- allows you to wipe different floor coverings to a shine, ranging from parquet, tiles and ending with laminate, marble;
- no streaks on the floor when cleaning;
- works both from the network and on the battery;
- modern design;
- high price;
- animal hair can get clogged into holes;
- great weight.
Butterfly mop
Differs in a special way of squeezing the sponge. The process takes place by squeezing the sides, which is somewhat reminiscent of the structure of the wings of a butterfly. For this reason, the mop received such an original name. The big advantage of the model is that it fits into any bucket, and therefore there is no need to buy an additional container.
- affordability - 200 rubles higher;
- convenience in practice: wringing out the nozzle without hands;
- Suitable for any size bucket or bowl when rinsing;
- perfectly absorbs moisture;
- telescopic handle.
- quick failure.
Rope mop
Equipped with a long handle (telescopic or regular). The washing surface is round and equipped with ropes.Modern manufacturers prefer cotton and polyester when making baits. The set may include a bucket with a special squeezing compartment.
The mop is used for washing linoleum, but not recommended for tiles, laminate, as it is not able to collect moisture in the proper amount, leaving a slippery surface.
- acceptability in price - from 500 rubles;
- built-in spinning;
- telescopic handle.
- will not cope with wool, removes dust poorly;
- poorly absorbs moisture.
With sponge nozzle
Quite a popular model in the market of household tools. The design is a plastic handle and a sponge nozzle. The last element must be replaced if necessary. The convenience of the mop lies in the ability to squeeze out the nozzle without even touching it with your hands. When using it, you don't have to put in a lot of effort, which allows you to successfully use the mop, both for people of age and for children. Recommended for linoleum or tiles, it can cause scratches if it comes into contact with parquet and laminate.
- acceptability in price - from 280 rubles. The nozzle costs around 80 rubles;
- speed of area processing;
- absorbs moisture well;
- telescopic handle.
- quickly breaks down (the main breakdowns are associated with rusting of the screws, the separation of the sponge and the lever);
- streaks remain if you do not often change the water when cleaning the floor;
- inability to wipe dust under low-bottom structures.
Microfiber mop
Equipped with excellent flat platform mobility. Suitable for linoleum and laminate flooring. Easy to use, even kids can handle it.
- a large assortment;
- light weight and mobility;
- due to the flat surface allows you to wipe the dust under the sofa or furniture;
- durability;
- wipes the floor dry;
- the nozzle is removable and washable;
- telescopic handle.
- does not remove hair from pets;
- you need to constantly remove the nozzle and squeeze it manually;
- expensive price - 2000 rubles and more.
Flounder mop
The design is represented by a handle and attachments made of cotton or microfiber. Conveniently rotates in a circle, which makes floor cleaning even more comfortable and quick. The reliability of the design is provided by the manufacturer's decision to use aluminum for the equipment of the main part of the handle.
- reliable properties are due to the presence of aluminum in the handle design;
- excellent mobility;
- the nozzle is erased if necessary;
- telescopic handle.
- overestimated pricing policy of manufacturers - from 1,500 rubles;
- does not remove animal hair;
- the nozzle must be manually unscrewed when washing.
12 best mop models of 2025
Xiaomi SWDK Electric Mop D260
The Xiaomi steam mop is battery operated. Features fast charging capability and long battery life. A room of 200 square meters can be removed with one full charge. The power cord is missing.
The model is equipped with a small tank where water is poured. Its size is enough to carry out wet cleaning of a 3-room apartment. The backlight is equipped in the design, and therefore cleaning in the bathroom or in hard-to-reach places will be even more comfortable.
The mop looks beautiful, and even functions almost silently. Users are happy with their purchase, but there are resentments in the reviews about the overpriced and poor build quality. During use, backlash was noticed in the design. The cost on the market is around 9500 rubles.
Mop 3 in 1 CLEAN REACH
The manufacturer called the model “the best assistant in non-contact cleaning”, noting that it can cope with both dust on the floor and on the ceiling. Sold complete with 3 sponge nozzles.
Customers note that they liked the unusual shape of the wash head, made with a sharpened edge, which allows you to get even to hard-to-reach places.
The downside is that it is not so easy to find replaceable attachments for a Chinese mop in the domestic market. Let it compensate for this fact - an acceptable price.The mop costs only 450 rubles.
Electric Mop KARCHER FC5 Cordless Premium
Supplied to the Russian Federation as a complete set. There are rollers and 2 types of detergents. Can handle trash pickup and floor cleaning at the same time. Without problems with such a mop, you can clean the floor in the corners and under furniture, and there will be no problems with a capricious surface.
Powered by Li-lion battery. A full charge takes 240 minutes and cleaning takes 20 minutes. Filling the tank is enough for 60 square meters of space. The mop weighs 4.6 kilograms.
The owners of the model note that they are pleased with their purchase, because the cleaning has become even faster and better. The downside is that the electric mop is too heavy to use, and therefore you get tired quickly enough. It is also noted that there is no additional battery in the kit, despite the fact that the price varies around 35 thousand rubles.
CATCHMOP multifunctional model
The TOP rating of the best is continued by the Korean manufacturer Catchmop, which offers to attention a very expensive tool of complex orientation. A mop costs around 4000 rubles, but it copes with a number of tasks:
- washing windows and floors;
- removes cobwebs, dust and mold;
- able to get to hard-to-reach corners.
There is no need to doubt the durability of the model. The nozzle is multifunctional and, according to the manufacturer, will withstand up to 500 wash cycles in an automatic machine.
Users advise the model for purchase, but note that there may be problems with the purchase of attachments if it is necessary to replace them. The issue is being solved by ordering an item on the Internet.
VILEDA “1-2-SPRAY” 140622
Equipped with a spray gun and microfiber nozzle. The use is very simple. Pour water and detergent directly into the mop handle. By pressing the handle, spraying occurs.
The price on the market for such a universal solution is appropriate. You need to be ready to pay 2500 rubles. However, keep in mind that for cases when the floor in the house becomes dirty quickly, it is better to look for another option. This is a good solution for quick wet cleaning.
VANI V 2601
The model is on sale with a bucket for rinsing and the possibility of contactless spinning. The price of the kit is 2800 rubles, on average. It is equipped with a flexible nylon handle, and the nozzle of the washing platform is made in a very unusual shape, which makes it possible to wipe off dust even in hard-to-reach places.
The owners of the mop note that it is very easy to clean the floor with it, but first you need to get used to a new tool. As for the minuses, there is only one - the imperfection of the spin function.
The mop is produced in China. The average cost of a model on the Russian market varies within 500 rubles. User feedback boils down to being an easy-to-use tool, but there are flaws in the design. We are talking about a metal scraper, which is designed for cleaning heavily soiled surfaces, for example, after a repair. As a rule, this option turns out to be useless for ordinary buyers.
A microfiber-based washing nozzle is made. The material is easily squeezed out and copes well with cleaning parquet, laminate and other capricious coatings.
According to buyers, the "Ginger Cat" mop is one of the best to use, allowing you to clean the floor with high quality without leaving streaks.
Equipped with a double-sided nozzle design. Ideal for all types of surfaces. Even marble can be cleaned with it.
Suitable for dry cleaning, collecting small particles of debris, dust and wool. The only downside is that there is no spin system, but it compensates for the affordability of 470 rubles.
This Chinese mop is sold on the Russian market at a very reasonable price - 400 rubles. Differs in good moisture absorption, absence of stains on the floor. These qualities are ensured by a dense sponge, which should be soaked in water before use.
The manufacturer has introduced a simple and convenient squeezing system into the design. But the biggest plus is that the mop washes out linoleum perfectly. True, it will not work for laminate.
The German company LEIFHEIT could not stay away from our rating. The 56710 mop deserves attention if only because for 1,550 rubles you can buy a light, versatile and convenient assistant for the home.
The nozzle is made on the basis of viscose strips. This material has good water absorption and is able to remove dirt efficiently. The design allows you to clean even hard-to-reach areas. The nozzle is squeezed out, almost dry. This is very convenient, because you don't even have to bend over to the bucket to manually rinse the rag.
Experience has shown that one nozzle is designed for a year of regular use. The price, though not cheap, is justified by a number of positive characteristics of the mop. True, it was not without a minus - the inconvenience of collecting garbage. But the situation is solved simply - you first need to sweep the floor or use a vacuum cleaner.
Hausmann Easy Clean
Another not cheap option, but worthy of being in our rating, is Easy Clean from the Hausmann brand. The mop is easy to spin. You can even manipulate with one hand. The structure is equipped with a special system to eliminate hair and wool. There is a model on the Russian market in the region of 1600 rubles.
Using a mop on an ongoing basis, many women share online what they like to buy. This is justified by a number of design solutions. The manufacturer equipped the handle with foamed plastic, which had a positive effect on the convenience and exclusion of calluses on the hands after washing the floor. The platform rotates 360 degrees, so you can easily wash places where other mops cannot be reached.
The nozzle copes with any type of coating, leaving no streaks. It can be removed easily and, if necessary, it can be machine washed. The quality meets the established market value. There is no doubt about the properties of reliability and convenience.
Another model of the German brand LEIFHEIT presents a line of butterfly mops. The cost on the market is around 1600 rubles. Those who have already tried the tool in practice share their positive impressions on the Web.
The main advantages of the model are convenience, the presence of spinning with the help of the butterfly mechanism, the lightness of the design and the properties of maneuverability. This mop can be used even in hard-to-reach areas. The swivel mechanism rotates 360 degrees, with a working surface length of 27 centimeters. If necessary, the tip can be removed and replaced with a new one. There will be no problems with this.
True, we found reviews where the authors shared that the wringing force of the mop is not high enough, according to their subjective judgment.
Summing up
Knowing the characteristics of the types and TOP models of mops, the reader will definitely be able to make the right choice. Do not forget that production material and functionality are of paramount importance. As for the design, choose this parameter relying on your taste. There are a lot of variations, both shapes and colors. The main thing is that you like the mop, then cleaning will be accompanied by positive emotions!
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