Adventurer films and literature are attracting the attention of hundreds of millions of viewers and readers around the world. Perhaps, at least once, almost each of us wanted to be in their place, finding ourselves in different exciting situations. Of course, at least physics and logic will not allow this to be realized. But then you can find your own, albeit a small treasure.
To do this, you just need to decide which company to choose a metal detector and determine its characteristics. Moreover, the latter are very important, because one and the same device is not suitable for everything. The rating of the best metal detectors, selected by the experts of our editorial office, will help you choose the required option. Let's explore the top rankings of 2025.
The best metal detectors worth up to 35 thousand rubles
In terms of price-quality ratio, it is difficult to find a better option. GARETT company produces universal metal detectors that provide 5 search programs. Unsurprisingly, this model has made it to a list of only the best metal detectors of 2025.
In the presence of a mode of automatic balancing by soil, pin-point, as well as 3-tone sound indication. The device is powered by finger-type batteries, there are several of them included. In the future, it will not be difficult to replace them.
A design feature is simplicity and reliability. The user can organize searches at great depth. It is also convenient that the manufacturer has equipped the device with a Russified menu. Carrying is carried out in a special backpack, and there is a case for electronics.
Just keep in mind that there is discrimination in ferrous metal, and therefore this is reflected in compressed segmentation in non-ferrous metals.
In general, this device is in demand on the market if you need to search for large iron objects. Its cost is justified by the presence of the necessary options and excellent assembly of the structure.
White's Treasure Pro
The top rating of the best metal detectors White's Treasure Pro continues. The device belongs to professional, but the functionality is very limited. The user will have only 5 search modes. But there are additional options that overshadow this disadvantage.
There is the possibility of numerical and graphic discrimination, in the presence of 8-tone sound and an option for automatic ground balancing. Also, the user can adjust the sensitivity. But the most important thing is that the device can work for more than 20 hours. To do this, you need to use 2 standard AA batteries.
Another plus is that the coil is waterproof, like the control unit. Determining the depth of an object is accurate. You also need to notice the quality assembly of the item.
There is still a minus. It lies in the fact that when using a metal detector, there is a backlash in the boom area.
In general, the model is interesting in terms of functionality, pleases with indicators of autonomy, and also remarkably resists moisture, which makes it possible for extended use.
Minelab X-Terra 705
The model works in three frequencies. The VFLEX technology is also used, which is able to increase the depth of metal detection and recognize its properties.
There are 6 modes. These are discrimination programs, manual and auto ground balance, as well as frequency shift to offset interference. It is equally important to note the CoinsPlus mode, which stabilizes the detector readings on mineralized soils. The device is powered by AA batteries, but there should be 4 of them.
The plus is that the functionality of the model is really rich in applications. Well, the main disadvantage is that the pin-point accuracy is notable for its low performance on the native coil.
But overall, it is a good and functional metal detector that is smart in its own right. It is very often used to search for small items on the seashore.
Fisher F44-11DD
Undoubtedly, this is one of the most requested models on the market. The metal detector is distinguished by its inexpensive price. At the same time, it has protection against moisture ingress, is small in size, and even provides 5 modes of operation while maintaining the user's settings.
Sound identification is easily adjustable. Auto ground balance and targets can be set. Also, the user will have 9 discrimination modes.
All parameters are indicated on the display. The kit includes an 11 ”DD coil. The metal detector works for 15 hours using AA batteries. Enough 2 pieces.
The metal detector weighs only 1 kilogram. But it is frustrating that the fastening of the cable to the unit from the coil is not fully thought out by the manufacturer. And the detection depth is no more than 80 cm, and if we are talking about coins, then all 35 cm.
Overall, this is a great option for seasoned seekers. But just be prepared to spend a lot.
The best professional metal detectors
Tesoro tejon
Armed with such a metal detector, you can accurately search for gold. The compact and functional design allows manual adjustment of the threshold tone. The option makes it possible to search for small items. The depth can be both significant and modest.
The manufacturer used the ED-180 technology, which is an innovative development and is rarely found even in professional devices. Due to it, it is possible to accurately identify metals that have low conductivity values. Also, taking into account multilevel discrimination, errors in the identification of small items can be eliminated.
It should be noted and a lot of preset modes for search. You can adjust the sensitivity level, manually balance the ground, and customize the tones.
The metal detector works with 8 finger-type batteries and weighs about 1.4 kilograms.
The main advantage is that it perfectly demonstrates stability on mineralized soils, the search depth can be up to 2 m, and the response is very fast.
The downside is manual soil balancing. But in general, this is a good option for professionals who know how to work with sound identification.
The best inexpensive metal detectors
If your new metal detector is also the first device of this class to come into your possession, then you are unlikely to want to pay a lot of money for it. The best choice would be a device with a price tag of up to 20-22 thousand rubles. But even if you are ready to spend more immediately, then such a purchase will still not be justified.
The purchased device may well gather dust on the shelf for a long time, endlessly waiting for its intended use. And the impressive functionality is not so easy to understand without proper experience, and some users simply do not need it.
Fisher F22
The Fischer company began its journey in the first half of the 20th century. It was this brand that produced some of the best metal detectors of the last century. Modern Fisher instruments can also surprise you with their functionality and excellent quality.
Moreover, you do not always need to pay a lot of money for them, because many models of this brand, like the F22 we are considering, cost less than 20 thousand rubles. Of course, for this amount you get a device purely for beginners, while more experienced treasure hunters should get something more serious.
However, the Fisher F22 cannot be said to be disappointing. It is equipped with a high-quality 9-inch coil (you can additionally buy solutions from NEL or Mars) and operates at a frequency of 7.69 kHz. Ideal for the price and quality, the metal detector supports three standard operating modes and one custom one.
The body of the device is protected from water ingress, which makes it possible to carry out prospecting work in bad weather. It is also worth noting a good maximum metal detection depth of 120 cm.
Garett ACE 250
The legendary ICA 250 is considered one of the most popular cheap metal detectors in Russia and the world. This is an excellent choice for beginners, delighting in reliability, accuracy and simplicity. Even a user without any experience can understand the management of the Garett ACE 250. Inexpensive metal detector for beginners supports 6 modes of operation, including pinpoint target detection.
Depending on the goals, the user can search for all metals or exclude unwanted ones from the search. As for the accuracy, due to the high-quality 6.5x9 inches coil and the operating frequency of 6.5 kHz, the device can detect not only large objects, but also small coins.
- there is the possibility of connecting headphones;
- smooth sensitivity adjustment;
- small size and compactness;
- work in water is possible;
- accurate determination of the depth of the object.
Minelab X-TERRA 305
Another high-quality metal detector that is in good demand among buyers is offered by the Minelab brand. The X-TERRA 305 operates at 7.5 and 18.75 kHz. This device is perfect not only for beginners, but also for more experienced users. Moreover, its price tag does not exceed 22 thousand rubles. The manufacturer offers a 3-year warranty for all of its products, which is also an important advantage.
The device is powered by conventional AA batteries (4 x AA). The X-TERRA 305 has a maximum metal detection depth of 1 meter, and if you want to search for coins, for which this good metal detector is also suitable, the distance is reduced to 25 cm.
It should be noted that it is in the Minelab X-TERRA 305 that the sensitivity threshold function is perfectly implemented, and manual ground balancing is also available.
The best metal detectors for finding gold
As you know, gold is different from other metals. Because of this, searching for it requires suitable equipment, equipped with high-precision components to find the smallest particles at great depths. It should be borne in mind that such devices are theoretically suitable for searching for other metals, but in practice it is better not to use them for such purposes.
Because gold metal detectors are more sensitive to small metal debris, you will constantly receive false signals, making it nearly impossible to find what you are looking for.
Minelab eureka gold
Minelab also offers the excellent Eureka Gold, which, as the name implies, is intended for those looking for gold nuggets. Together with the battery, this device weighs less than 2 kg, so it is convenient to take it with you on hikes. The device does not contain any frills, and an inexperienced user can easily figure out its controls.
In the reviews, the metal detector is praised for its accuracy and reliability, and an additional advantage of the device is its convenience. For searching, depending on the terrain, you can use the frequencies 6.4, 20 or 60 kHz. On the latter, you can find extremely small particles, the size of which is smaller than a match head.
However, in this case, the search depth is greatly reduced compared to 20 and, even more so, 6.4 kHz. The lowest frequency, in turn, is suitable for larger objects on dump heaps and similar surfaces where small nuggets are absent.
Detech EDS Gold Catcher
Next in line is the best gold prospecting metal detector available in the Detech line. The cost of the EDS Gold Catcher exceeds 40 thousand rubles, so it is definitely impossible to call this device a mass one. However, this high price is offset by incredible accuracy and functionality.
The Detech EDS Gold Catcher supports 3 frequency modes and is sold with a pair of 6 "and 11" DD coils. Optionally, the manufacturer offers another 12.5-inch coil. You can connect headphones to the device, but, if necessary, you can purchase a wireless model to the EDS Gold Catcher.
The metal detector for gold prospectors from Detech is completed with 6 Ni-Mh 1800 mAh batteries and a charger. EDS Gold Catcher's ground balance is automatic with a choice of manual settings.
Garrett AT Pro International
If you are looking for an excellent device for finding gold, for which you are ready to pay more than 30 thousand rubles, then choose AT Pro International from the manufacturer Garett. It is a great solution for its price, reliability and impressive versatility.
Users can use the metal detector to search in water as the AT Pro International can be submerged to a depth of 3 meters. The device is not afraid of river or sea water, and even more so, rainwater.
The control of the device is a little more complicated than in simpler models, therefore, first of all, it cannot be recommended to amateurs. However, if you are ready to spend a little time mastering the device, then the Garett metal detector is perfect as a device for a beginner. Another plus for the AT Pro International is its handy manual ground balance, making it easy to adjust for searching on all types of soil. The device operates at a frequency of 15 kHz, providing a search depth of up to 120 cm.
The best metal detectors to find coins
Finding coins is not only fun but also profitable if you want to sell the treasures you find. For some old coins, you can get a lot of money. If you're lucky, just a few small finds will fully pay off even an advanced metal detector. But not every device is suitable for finding coins. To make your choice easier, we have selected 3 excellent affordable metal detectors from the Deteknix and Teknetics brands.
Deteknix quest q20
The Quest Q20 is a popular low cost coin detector from Deteknix. This model can work up to 20 hours from the built-in battery. For convenience, the device has a 3.5 mm headphone jack, and the device can be charged via a standard USB port. Due to the low average cost of 16 thousand rubles, Deteknix Quest Q20 can be afforded by both experienced treasure hunters and beginners.
A high-quality LCD display is provided to display information in the metal detector. Here you can see the main indicators like VDI (1 to 99) and 10-segment discrimination scale. It is also worth noting as a plus the protection of the electronic unit in accordance with the IP66 standard, so you can use an excellent quality metal detector even in rain and snow, if you are not worried about such bad weather.
- durable and reliable case;
- ergonomic design;
- work in 5 search modes;
- bright LCD display;
- lightweight headphones;
- barbell for 3 sections;
- light weight.
Teknetics Eurotek Pro 11DD
Eurotek Pro 11DD is an improved version of the Eurotek Pro model from the same Teknetics. This device differs in the presence of a higher quality 11-inch DD coil in the kit. In fact, we have before us an analogue of the Garett ACE 250, described above in the rating of the best metal detectors.
The features of both devices are very similar, but many users praise Teknetics' solution for more accurate coin detection and better ergonomics. The device weighs, by the way, only 1 kg, and to the smallest detail the thought-out design of the handle ensures the most convenient use. The settings in Eurotek Pro 11DD are as simple as possible, but if you have any difficulties, you can always use the manual in Russian.
Teknetics Alpha 2000
The good Teknetics Alpha 2000 coin detector is a great choice for beginners and hobbyists alike. It pleases with a low cost of 14 thousand rubles, high-quality assembly, ease of use and functionality.Also, buyers note the high efficiency of the device, due to which this model is suitable not only for searching for coins, but also for finding jewelry, valuable artifacts or gold nuggets.
Among the distinctive features of the device, one can note the highly efficient operation efficiency at a frequency of 7.81 kHz. The metal detector easily separates non-ferrous metals from ferrous ones, and for convenience, the user can set one of three operating modes and independently indicate the depth of the target (within 10 values).
The best professional metal detectors
Professional metal detectors will be of interest mainly to those users who have rich experience in working with search equipment and are well versed in the peculiarities of finding treasures. People interested in occasional small finds when going out into nature with friends should not spend about 45 thousand rubles on a metal detector. In addition, you are unlikely to be able to use its capabilities to the fullest, which will make the purchase completely unjustified.
Fisher F75
The first line in the category is occupied by one of the best professional metal detectors that Fisher makes. This is the most affordable device of this level in our review, which can already attract potential buyers with a small budget.
In stores, the device is offered for about 35 thousand rubles, which is quite good for such an advanced device. The device weighs only 1.6 kg with batteries (four conventional AA batteries). With an operating frequency of 13 kHz, you can easily find coins and jewelry made of precious metals.
The metal detector is equipped with an 11-inch coil, sufficient to detect coins at a depth of 45 cm. Larger objects can be detected by the monitored model as much as 1.5 meters. The F75 can be praised for its excellent discriminator, almost eliminating any errors. At the same time, despite the professional orientation of the device, it is very easy to operate and configure.
AKA Signum MFT 7272M
The modern universal metal detector Signum MFT 7272M is an excellent solution for any task. The device can handle nearly a dozen different coils ranging from 6 "to 15". In this case, the frequency range of this model can be set in 4 modes from the minimum 1 kHz to the maximum 30 kHz. Depending on your goals, sellers are often ready to offer the AKA Signum MFT 7272M in complete sets with several types of reels to choose from.
They can also be purchased separately if you plan to search for several types of objects. By the way, according to the manufacturer, the device can detect metals at a depth of 200 cm.At one and a half meters, the device detects a helmet, and an ordinary 5-kopeck coin from the times of the USSR can be found at a depth of 60 cm.
It is important to know: remember that it is not always possible to accurately determine the depth of the object, in many respects everything depends on its area, and not on the metal.
XP Deus 28 RC
The TOP 3 is completed by an advanced professional metal detector XP Deus 28 RC - the cherished dream of any enthusiastic treasure hunter. It is equipped with a 28 cm DD coil with a search depth increased to 1.5 meters. At the same time, the device can search for coins at a depth of 40 cm, which is why the device also bypasses most of its closest competitors.
The official Deus 28 RC warranty is 5 years, which proves its quality and reliability. The control unit of this metal detector contains a minimum of buttons, but with their help you can quickly access all the settings.
To work in the XP Deus 28 RC metal detector there are 10 operating modes, which can be additionally adjusted at your discretion. The ground balance in the device is automatic, and the user can choose from 4 types of frequencies - 4, 8, 12 and 18 kHz.With this flexibility, precision and reliability, many experts call the XP Deus 28 RC the best device in its class available today. The same opinion can be traced in reviews of the metal detector.
Which metal detector to choose
Some of the most interesting metal detectors in the budget and professional segments are models from the Fisher company. The devices of this brand offer excellent functionality at a well-reasoned cost.
We also included the XP Deus 28 RC in our review of the best metal detectors, considered by many to be the most advanced solution in the professional segment.
However, the model from AKA may well compete with it. Of the instruments for gold prospecting, metal detectors manufactured by Minelab and Detech deserve special attention. Do you like looking for old coins? In this case, take a look at one of the Teknetics models.
I recently began to get involved in searching for treasures and valuables and, of course, without a metal detector anywhere. This rating helped me a lot. Thank you so much for him!
not at all!