5 Best Solo Microwave Ovens in 2025

Sometimes buyers simply do not need extensive functionality, since it will not be used in any way in everyday life. In this case, it becomes necessary to choose a microwave oven with microwave waves only.

But even in this case, everything is not so simple, because the absence of a grill or convection does not mean the abandonment of all amenities, such as automatic cooking programs or a child lock. In addition, the design, quality and reliability of such devices can also vary dramatically. Our rating of the best solo microwave ovens will help you make the right choice, in which we evaluated 5 popular models from different well-known manufacturers.

Samsung ME81ARW

Microwave from Samsung ME81ARW

If you need a roomy microwave with convenient mechanical controls, then take a look at Samsung ME81ARW. Its internal volume is 23 liters, and its power is 800 watts. The latter is quite enough for quick heating of dishes and high-quality defrosting, the mode of which is present in this reliable and high-quality microwave oven. The device also has a system for even distribution of microwaves, which provides excellent work efficiency. But there are no other functions here, and according to user reviews, this microwave oven in terms of price and functionality will not be the best choice. However, you have to pay for a high-quality assembly, pleasant design and good work, so this nuance cannot be written down as disadvantages.


  • device power
  • mechanical control resistant to voltage drops
  • internal volume
  • even distribution of microwaves


  • slippery metal feet
  • low backlight level

BBK 20MWS-770S / W

Microwave from BBK 20MWS-770S W

The model 20MWS-770S / W from the manufacturer BBK can rightfully be called the most reliable solo microwave in the ranking. And this despite the fact that you can buy it for up to 4000 rubles. This small microwave oven warms up and defrosts well, and in addition, users are offered automatic cooking and a timer up to 99 minutes. An important advantage of the 20MWS-770S / W model is immediately 10 power levels with a threshold of 700 watts. Otherwise, this simple and cheap microwave does not stand out from other devices. Unless the presence of a child lock can also be attributed to its advantages. However, taking into account the cost, and the disadvantages of this excellent solution from BBK simply do not exist.


  • number of power levels
  • steam cleaning and odor removal options
  • auto defrost and cooking
  • child lock


  • for their price are absent

LG MS-2043HS

Microwave from LG MS-2043HS

Next in line is the best solo microwave oven in our ranking, featuring excellent functionality. For about 7,000 rubles, the buyer will receive a device with a first-class design and a power of 700 watts. But first of all, LG MS-2043HS attracts attention not by its appearance, but by its capabilities. This popular 20L microwave oven offers 4 different automatic defrosting modes and automatic cooking. Moreover, for the latter, 32 different recipes are available at once, so the lack of the possibility of making your own cannot be called a flaw at all. However, the manufacturer decided not to stop there, adding to its good model of a microwave oven without a grill also a system for uniform distribution of microwaves and a childproof function.In the end, LG managed to create a truly perfect device for its price, which is quite suitable even for a small family.


  • lovely design
  • functionality
  • number of recipes
  • reheats food well and quickly
  • convenient control
  • even distribution of microwaves


  • the legs are not rubberized, so they can slip when the door is opened

Midea MM720CMF

Microwave from Midea MM720CMF

Usually, with a good price-quality ratio, microwave ovens up to 5,000 rubles do not have the most attractive appearance, and their capabilities leave much to be desired. However, in the case of the MM720CMF from the Midea brand, things are completely different. The device can please with an excellent design, which is even better than many more expensive solutions. There is also a convenient door opening with a handle, which, according to many buyers, is much better and more reliable than the push-button version. In operation, this budget solo microwave oven shows good reliability and functionality. With 5 power levels with a threshold of 700 W, you can conveniently reheat, defrost and cook food. However, these modes work only on strictly specified factory settings, and you cannot change them for yourself. Nevertheless, for such a price it is pointless to find fault with such trifles.


  • great design
  • device functionality
  • best price
  • quite roomy with small dimensions


  • quality of materials and workmanship, not always at a high level
  • very easily soiled body, easily collects fingerprints

Mystery MMW-1706

Microwave from Mystery MMW-1706

Our rating closes with a small microwave oven from a good manufacturer Mystery. In online stores, the MMW-1706 model can be found at a price of up to 3000 rubles. For this cost, the consumer receives a compact microwave oven with mechanical control. The internal volume of this device is 17 liters, which will be quite undemanding users. The maximum power of the inexpensive model from Mystery is 700 W, and in total the user has 5 gradations to choose from. As for additional features, this well-built microwave oven boasts a 30 minute timer and defrost mode. Otherwise, we have in front of us an extremely simple but reliable device that does an excellent job of its task.


  • high-quality assembly
  • low cost
  • small size
  • timer availability


  • long heating of food


First of all, our detailed review of the best models of microwave ovens with only microwave waves will be of interest to students and avid bachelors. Such buyers have no special requirements for this class of devices, except for heating food. But housewives who love to cook may also be interested in the models considered in the rating, because if you have a good oven at home, they can significantly save money.

( Total:9 Middle:3/5 )

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