The best kitchen hoods 60 cm in 2025

In order to choose the best hood for the kitchen, you must first perform the appropriate calculations, since only in this case the dimensions will be respected. Therefore, many users need to know which is the best built-in hood for a kitchen 60 cm.

How to choose the right range hood for your home

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to take into account the dimensions of the hood, all the necessary parameters, an important factor is also how it will fit into the overall interior. The fact is that not every housewife will be happy to see in the kitchen something that does not correspond to the general atmosphere and style. Therefore, the choice of the hood is a very careful and time consuming business.

You can choose the best hood using certain parameters. And if there are no problems with the appearance and colors, since the variety of models allows you to focus on what you really need, then problems may arise with the choice of the most effective hood. After all, you can evaluate the design almost immediately, but how the device will work, you cannot recognize the first time.

First of all, you need to study what functions this or that hood performs, and after that it is determined which one corresponds to the parameters you requested. Secondly, pay attention to the type of hood. It is important to make a choice here - circulating or flowing. However, you cannot call any one hood as universal. Each of these devices has its own specific functions and solve specific problems. Therefore, it is important to understand that each hood has advantages over others and is good in its own way.

What are the types of hoods

In order to determine which kitchen hood 60 cm in 2025 will best fit into your interior, you need to study what types of hoods there are. Let's consider their types in more detail.

Circulating hood

This hood got this name only because it helps the air in the room to circulate around the entire perimeter. When the air stagnates, the room becomes musty and it is not so comfortable to be in it, let alone cook food. Therefore, if you love the feeling of freshness, then this option will suit you more than anyone else.

In this type of hood, a special carbon filling is installed, which filters unpleasant odors and renews the air in the kitchen. It is located directly inside the hood, so it is not visible behind the external decor. In addition to this installation, there are special sensors inside the device, which are called grease traps. This is a special structure, which is also located inside the hood. It prevents various fats and oils from entering the sewer pipes, thus minimizing contamination.

Among the advantages of such hoods are the following:

  1. They are convenient to use in those houses where ventilation is often clogged, and other types of hoods are not able to cope with the possible appearance of an unpleasant odor. Thanks to air circulation, the hood renews the atmosphere in the room, making it as fresh as possible.
  2. Such a device can be placed almost anywhere, while it is not at all necessary to stretch the corrugation from the ventilation shaft. In addition, the recirculating hood can be perfectly covered in the room using various design solutions. It can be hidden in the countertop or closed with a fake wall so that it will not be visible and it will not be conspicuous.
  3. Such devices do not require a lot of traction, therefore, during use, they will not consume a lot of electricity, so that its consumption will be minimal.
  4. If you do not load too much the main component of the hood - the engine, then the device is able to serve for a long time.
  5. If the stove is located directly under the ventilation shaft, then there is no need to tie it to it.

However, despite their versatility and ease of use, such hoods have their drawbacks. Let's consider them in more detail:

  1. For the hood, it is necessary over time to replace filters and some other components approximately every six months, and this entails additional costs. If the hood is used constantly, then the filters will have to be replaced more often.
  2. The grease filter is a small mesh that over time has the ability to clog and become covered with a layer of fat. It must be cleaned regularly so that the cooker hood can perform its main functions. This mesh is located at the bottom of the hood, and it can be easily removed. This mesh is washed and cleaned in the dishwasher, or under running hot water using cleaning agents.
  3. In no case should you install a circulating hood above the stove itself if you have a gas one. The fact is that during the combustion of gas, oxygen is converted into carbon monoxide, which has a rather unpleasant odor. The principle of operation of the hood will not cope with this substance, and will simply drive it around the room, and this will not have the best effect on the health of the people living in the apartment. In this case, the hood not only does not protect the health of the residents of the apartment, but can also cause additional harm to them, therefore, before purchasing such devices, such factors must be taken into account.

Flow-through hood

The main difference between such a hood is that it must necessarily have access to the ventilation shaft. That is, the device needs a direct connection to the mine, so it must be placed either directly next to it, or they interact with a special pipe. However, the pipe should be as short as possible, since the silent operation of the device depends on its length. The hood, with a short connection, will cope with its tasks and at the same time not emit extraneous sounds, which can simply get bored or even annoying over time.

The flow hood has a different operating principle, different from the circulation hood. A fan installed inside the hood gradually blows in air and forms a kind of draft, similar to that created when a window is open. Moreover, this air is not sent for a free walk around the room, but is drawn directly into the ventilation shaft. From there, the air already gets to the outside, to the street. Therefore, the hood ensures that the air is neutral, while the circulation unit constantly renews it. However, this effect works only if a special hole was made for such a hood on the surface of one of the walls.

One of the main distinguishing features of a flow hood is that it does not require the use of charcoal filters, as if properly installed, all the air will simply be discharged outside. However, the need to use fat networks remains, since it is on them that all the dirt and oily liquids accumulate.At the same time, it is necessary to wash and clean the metal mesh regularly so as not to complicate the work of the hood itself. The efficiency of the device directly depends on how clean the grid is, and thus it will consume less energy.

Since periodically ventilation must be subjected to installation work, it is important to calculate in advance the place where the hood will be located. Especially it will be necessary to concentrate on the duct and its location. Ideally, it is important to make it straight without any transitions and bends, since this is the key to the efficient operation of the hood itself. However, if you are going to use this design, then keep in mind that all extraneous sounds will be heard. Inside the pipe itself, the air will move very noisy, so this can create additional discomfort in using this kind of hoods.

pros flow hoods are as follows:

  1. When using this type of hood, it will be possible to use rather powerful devices with high productivity.
  2. Unlike a circulating hood, a flow hood does not need to constantly replace some parts, including filters. The only thing that will be necessary is to periodically clean the metal hood, which lasts almost forever.
  3. If you do not want to see the hood as an addition to the interior, then it can be safely hidden behind a fake wall or by some other method. Moreover, the cooker hood can be successfully integrated into kitchen furniture.
  4. A flow hood produces much less noise than a circulating hood.

TO cons this type of hoods should include the following:

  1. Since one of the features of this hood is that this device draws in air, there is a sharp shortage of it. For this reason, it is always necessary to leave a window or window open in the kitchen. Alternative ways of ventilation and fresh air access to the space can also be considered.
  2. The very fact that it is necessary to provide constant air access is quite acceptable only in the summer. In winter, unfortunately, you will have to look for alternatives, since in cold times the hood will simply bring warm flows outside. However, in summer, on cold snaps, exactly the same thing happens.
  3. In the event that you install the stove near the ventilation hole, then be prepared for the fact that, at a certain time, it will be necessary to carry out complex and rather large-scale repair or installation work.

How to choose the right hood in accordance with the principle of operation

In this matter, the first position, of course, is precisely the design solution, since the internal component for most hoods is the same. The main difference, perhaps, is the different power of the engines. In addition, there are differences between the hoods according to the principle of the applied lighting, which is arranged in the working area, and the build quality is also important.

There are several types of hoods in accordance with the parameters mentioned.

Suspended hoods

Hanging type hoods are a fairly budget option. As a rule, their main distinguishing feature is that the power of their engines is rather low, but at the same time their power consumption is several times less. By their design, these hoods are quite unpretentious, therefore, much time and effort is not required to install them. The inner part of such structures is often almost completely occupied by the engine, and fatty metal nets are located on the outer part. In this case, the air duct is often located either on the top cover or on the back.

However, despite the fact that such hoods are quite cheap, this did not in any way affect their quality. As a rule, such hoods do an excellent job of air filtration, no worse than those models that are made of high-quality materials, and also have a high engine power.In addition, suspended hoods are virtually silent and work quite smoothly. Therefore, we cannot say that they are much inferior to more expensive models.

Dome hoods

These hoods also have a second name - fireplaces. They are so nicknamed because their air filtration method is very similar to that used in natural fireplaces. The exterior design is very eye-catching as soon as you enter the kitchen. As a rule, these hoods have very powerful motors, as a result of which they have high performance. Since such hoods are often not covered by anything and are in plain sight, they are made in a variety of colors and decorative elements.

As a rule, dome hoods can be conditionally divided into several subspecies:

  • which are attached to the wall, for this reason one side is made flat;
  • which are attached to the corner of the kitchen, therefore, they have the appropriate mounting shape for the corresponding corner size;
  • which are mounted on the ceiling and at the same time attach a ventilation pipe to themselves, therefore this type is used mainly in kitchens with large spaces.

Hoods that are attached to walls and ceilings can often have a surface slightly tilted at a certain angle to avoid head bumps. In addition, they can be of an unusual shape, which is only a plus for the external design. For this reason, inclined shapes are very profitable for small kitchens.

Built-in hoods

Once such installations are attached to one of the kitchen surfaces, they become practically invisible. For ease of control, a special panel is used, on which there are touch buttons or mechanical keys. As a rule, the panel is a small thin strip that does not take up much space and is mainly presented in neutral shades. Black, white and gray shades are mainly used. They can also be coated with silver or gold. As a rule, hoods can be built into countertops or small nearby cabinets. They can also be extended vertically or horizontally.

What are the best hanging hoods for the kitchen?

To find out the best hoods for a 60 cm kitchen, you need to determine what exactly you want from the hood itself, what functions it should perform and where exactly it should be attached.

Therefore, the presented rating of the best hoods is based on the most popular models. The most demanded hoods turned out to be models of domestic, Italian and Slovenian production. The characteristics in general between them are similar, the differences lie in certain nuances, which for some buyers can become defining.

Mostly those who buy a cooker hood for the first time are guided by the level of prestige of the chosen brand, the creativity of the design, as well as feedback from previous buyers.

1. Kronasteel Jessica slim PB 600 white

The best kitchen hoods 60 cm in 2025

This is an outboard format cooker hood with a three-speed motor. This model is universal for small kitchens, and the control panel is a small strip of five buttons. It is also possible to adjust the backlight and operating mode.

pros this model:

  • the backlight is not located near the wall to which the hood itself is attached, but closer to the outer edge, which is very convenient;
  • metal grates are located on the bottom panel and occupy almost the entire surface, so the hood itself can be washed less often;
  • the buttons are very conveniently located, since all available modes are visible at once;
  • you do not need to buy an additional corner filter, since it is included in the kit;
  • in terms of price range, it is quite affordable compared to analogues.

TO cons should include:

  • during the installation process, there is a high probability that the body can snag and slightly damage, since its structure is quite thin and fragile;
  • there are no special gaskets between the body parts, so they will have to be installed independently in order to reduce the noise level several times;
  • the low cost can mean that the color aspect of the cord and the case itself can be very different.

2. Gorenje DU 5345 W

The best kitchen hoods 60 cm in 2025

Despite the fact that the dimensions of this device are very compact, it has high performance. It equates to 300 m3 in an hour. This power is more than enough to clean the air in the kitchen.

TO pluses the following points should be attributed:

  • the equipment of this device is so simple that control is given with particular ease;
  • in order to repair something to the hood, you do not need to make a lot of effort, since the outer cover can be easily unscrewed and screwed back, besides, it will be easy to remove the metal grill;
  • the device weighs very little;
  • the hood can easily work if you leave it in the air circulation and purification mode;
  • this hood has an optimal ratio of quality and price.

As cons worth highlighting:

  • the device has a rather thin body, so there is a feeling of fragility and fragility of the structure;
  • if the device operates at high speed, then you can hear quite noisy air flows;
  • the engine itself is in a small plastic case and absolutely does not come into contact with the hood itself;
  • energy savings are quite low.

3. LEX Simple 600 Inox

The best kitchen hoods 60 cm in 2025

Perfect for a medium-sized kitchen, as it has a high power, economical engine and a fairly solid body. It is comfortable to use the model as the noise level is quite low.

Among pluses the following can be distinguished:

  • the body has a silver color, which will perfectly fit into any interior;
  • if you use only the first few speeds, then the hood motor practically does not make unnecessary noise;
  • the assembly of the hood itself is made very high quality, since all parts are very firmly fixed to each other;
  • there is a small visor above the control panel that protects the buttons from being covered with grease and dust;
  • the cost of the product and its functionality are ideally combined with each other.

TO cons products should be attributed:

  • if you constantly use the lamp as a backlight, then a lot of energy will be consumed during the time that will be spent on lighting;
  • the design of the model is somewhat angular, indirect, but not everyone finds this a disadvantage.

What built-in hoods are suitable for the kitchen

Before purchasing a hood of this format, you must first take into account its dimensions, as well as the place where the hood will be attached.

1. ELIKOR Integra 60

The best kitchen hoods 60 cm in 2025

This extractor hood has two speeds and, as a rule, go directly inside the cabinet near the stove. Depending on how you install the hood, the overall functionality of its operation depends. The mode of operation can be easily changed using an appropriate control model. Air throughput compared to suspended hoods equates to 400 m3 in an hour.

TO pluses should be attributed:

  • simple and effective management, which will be clear and intuitive for the new owner;
  • the hood has rounded shapes, which make it easy to fit this element into the overall design;
  • the ratio of cost and quality remains at the highest level.

As cons it is worth mentioning the following:

  • if you want to use the hood in recirculation mode, keep in mind that this will require an additional filter, and you will have to buy it separately;
  • if you plan to use the second speed, then you will have to listen to the noise of air currents;
  • a small number of control modes are available on the control panel;
  • for the recirculation mode, you will have to additionally buy a filter, since it does not come with the hood.

It should be noted that this hood model is suitable for small kitchens. Therefore, before purchasing, it is necessary to properly measure the space for the hood.

2.Elica FILO IX / A / 60

The best kitchen hoods 60 cm in 2025

The hood of this model has a three-speed electric motor, its mode of operation has a fairly high power, allowing you to filter 800 m3 in one hour. In addition, the hood is equipped with special LED lighting, which is harmoniously positioned around the perimeter.

The advantages of the equipment include:

  • the design of the hood itself looks quite monolithic, since there are no externally parts that have been twisted together;
  • after installation, the hood is practically unobtrusive, since it remains built into the cabinet above the stove;
  • the noise level is kept to a minimum, even when the hood is operating at full capacity, thus not disturbing customers.

3. Kronasteel Kamilla Sensor 2M 600 inox / black glass

The best kitchen hoods 60 cm in 2025

The cooker hood is versatile in its class as it is able to cope with both recirculating and vegetable modes. This is one of those models that is regulated and controlled using the touch buttons on a special panel. In addition, the hood is equipped with special lighting fixtures that consume little energy. Also, this model has high performance.

As pluses it is worth highlighting the following:

  • the hood is quite simple to use;
  • there is an indicator that says that you need to clean the filter;
  • use of touch buttons;
  • in comparison with other models, this hood has a high performance.

As cons worth calling:

  • gets pretty hot;
  • consumes a lot of electricity;
  • the hood will not start until the operating panel is pulled out.

What kind of domed hoods are best for the kitchen

Among the dome hoods, there are also some of the most successful models.

1. Hansa OKC 6726 IH

The best kitchen hoods 60 cm in 2025

A universal hood with touch control, has four speed modes, perfectly provides air circulation.


  • brightly illuminates the work area;
  • the model has a very original design;
  • there are four modes of operation;
  • operates silently at any speed.


  • lighting lamps get very hot during operation;
  • to hang the touch keys for minutes;
  • touch buttons are poorly illuminated.

2. Kronasteel LINA 600 white 4P-S

The best kitchen hoods 60 cm in 2025

An electronically controlled hood that perfectly drives air through the kitchen. It works in four modes and has excellent backlighting.


  • creative design and appearance;
  • the hood works quite quietly in all modes;
  • you can use recirculation mode if you buy a filter.


  • a separate adapter is required to provide power to the backlight;
  • during installation, the cord may be overstretched by the case.

3. MAUNFELD Tower C 60

The best kitchen hoods 60 cm in 2025

This cooker hood has an elegant appearance and the panel itself is made of glass. Control is carried out using mechanical buttons that do not jam and are convenient. The hood has three speed modes, with which you can adjust the noise level of the device.

As pluses the following should be mentioned:

  • almost perfect combination of price and quality;
  • the hood has additional lighting for the area in which you will work in the kitchen;
  • the surface of the hood itself is at a slight angle, so there is less chance of hitting your head or in any other way;
  • the hood can operate both in circulating mode and in flow mode;
  • there is also a non-return valve as standard.

Minuses are as follows:

  • as the instructions say, the height from the table to the hood itself should be at least 45 cm, so it will not work for small kitchens;
  • since the surface is glossy, all kinds of stains from fingers and dirt will stick to it;
  • if the steam level is not high enough, then it may not be completely absorbed;
  • if turned on at full speed, it can make a lot of noise.

Each user chooses a hood according to individual dimensions and design to his taste. However, all the main points must be taken into account in order to be sure that you have chosen what you need.

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