How to choose a USB flash drive for a computer in 2025

A high-quality USB drive is a reliable assistant for users who often have to use the same information on different devices. At the same time, digital storage devices can be used not only with computers and laptops, but also with TVs, game consoles, tablets, smartphones and other equipment. If you do not know how to choose a good USB flash drive that can effectively cope with the tasks assigned to it, then this material will help you determine the optimal model. We reviewed the main parameters of USB drives, and also gave important tips for their selection.

USB stick selection criteria

which flash drive to choose First of all, you need to decide on the connection interface. Which option you choose depends on the devices you are using. For example, for a computer with USB 3.0 ports, you need to select the appropriate model. A regular 2.0 flash drive is significantly inferior in file transfer speed to more modern options. In this case, the performance indicators must be evaluated separately. Compliance with the 3.0 standard alone does not mean that you have a USB flash drive with a high data transfer rate. When you have decided on the interface and speed, it remains to choose the optimal storage capacity, the design and manufacturer that suits you.

Flash drive connection interface

USB flash drive connectors 2.0 and 3.0 When choosing a USB drive, be sure to pay attention to its interface. Many PCs, laptops and other modern devices today have USB 3.0 ports that support data transfer rates up to 5 Gb / s. At the same time, most of the flash drives on the market for storing information comply with the 2.0 standard, the bandwidth of which is limited by the much more modest 480 Mbit / s. Additionally, we should also mention the 3.1 interface, which appeared in the middle of 2013. However, not in all cases the corresponding fast flash drives can provide an advantage over USB 3.0 drives. This is due to the fact that there are two standards within the specified interface: USB 3.1 Gen 1 and USB 3.1 Gen 2. Reliable flash drives based on the first version of the interface are capable of offering a bandwidth of up to 5 Gb / s, which corresponds to the 3.0 standard. Gen 2, on the other hand, boasts speeds up to 10 Gbps. To choose the best USB flash drive, you also need to consider the set of connectors that your device has. So for most PCs and laptops, a model with the usual type A will suffice. If you decide which one is better to buy a flash drive for a smartphone or tablet, then depending on the device you are using, you may need a medium with micro-USB, USB-C or Lightning. However, some manufacturers, such as the Transcend JetDrive Go 300 or the Kingston DataTravel microDuo 3C, can connect to two types of connectors at once.

Write / read speed

Write / read speed The bandwidth mentioned above does not mean that when you buy quality USB 3.1 Gen 2 flash drives, you will be able to transfer files at a speed of 10 Gb / s. In practice, drives can boast of more modest performance. So one of the best models of storage media SanDisk Extreme PRO 3.1 is capable of boasting 420 MB / s and 380 MB / s for writing and reading, respectively. This is even less than the theoretical maximum for USB 3.0, which is 652 MB / s.In cheaper models of USB drives, the performance is even more modest. For example, GOODRAM's Twister 3.0 media can write and read information at speeds up to 30 MB / s and 110 MB / s. For this reason, a user who decides to buy a USB flash drive for transferring large amounts of information should always look at the parameters declared by the manufacturer.

Memory size

Flash memory capacity It is necessary to select the size of the flash drive depending on the type of data for which it will be used. If you do not plan to work with anything other than text documents and photos, then it is enough to choose a model for 4 or 8 GB. To store music, installation files and small videos, you should purchase a budget USB flash drive with a capacity of 16 or 32 gigabytes. But fans of high-quality video are unlikely to be satisfied with such a volume, so in this case, you should choose media with at least 64 GB or a good SSD drive. If we talk about which USB-flash drive is the best in terms of memory capacity today, then this is DataTravel Ultimate GT from Kingston. This model is available in 1 TB and 2 TB variants, where most competitors offer 256 GB or 512 GB at best. However, Kingston DataTravel Ultimate GT also has to pay for a large volume - these are not cheap flash drives at all, but expensive products, for the price of which you can get good laptops.

Body design and material

Flash drive body design and material Thinking about which flash drive to choose depending on its design, many users imagine its internal structure. In fact, we are talking about external performance. The simplest versions use a housing and a cover that covers the plug. The role of the latter can be performed by a U-shaped swivel plate made of metal or plastic. Also, a more complex retractable design can be used in the carrier. In this case, either the plug is displaced relative to the stationary housing, or the housing with a rigidly fixed plug. In this case, the shell of the data carrier can be made of plastic or metal. The second option is preferable, because the metal case is more resistant to damage.

When buying a USB flash drive, pay attention to the fact that the connector is closed, this will protect the contacts from moisture or dust.

Useful functions

USB stick fingerprint sensor

  • Data encryption. This feature is very useful for users who work with confidential information or store very personal pictures and videos. The encrypted data will not allow a third party to gain access to it if the flash drive is lost or stolen.
  • Password protection. Another option to ensure the safety of sensitive data. Password protection is carried out using special software, either located on the carrier immediately, or installed separately from the complete disk. At the same time, a number of models allow protecting not all information, but only a part of the data, which provides more convenience when using the drive.
  • Fingerprint reader. Of course, an inexpensive USB flash drive does not have this option, but if you do not trust encryption and a password, or want to replace them with a more reliable way to protect your data, then there is a point in spending extra money. However, for most users, the first two points will be enough.
  • Backup. It will come in handy in case you are constantly working with important data and do not have the opportunity to constantly monitor information updates on your home or work PC. Special software will automatically create a backup copy of all data on the USB flash drive each time it is connected to the computer.
  • Overwrite protection. Reviews of flash drives often show positive ratings for the overwrite protection feature. This option is extremely useful in the event that you use several storage media and can accidentally format the one that stores important information.

Which USB stick to choose?

Which company USB-stick to choose There are over 10 great manufacturers offering good USB drives today.Most of them have a positive reputation in the production of RAM, solid state drives and hard drives, which allows consumers to have no doubt about the quality of the final product. Team Group, Toshiba, A-Data and Silicon Power are not bad choices. A small number of models are also offered by Samsung, Patriot, PNY and Verbatim. However, the price-performance ratio of these carriers does not allow them to approach leadership positions. For this reason, we recommend paying attention to the following 5 brands:

  1. Sandisk
  2. Transcend
  3. Kingston
  4. Apacer

Conclusion Although technology is constantly evolving, leading to the development of cloud services and the expansion of built-in storage in smartphones, it is still impossible to do without traditional flash drives. They serve as excellent assistants when it is necessary to urgently transfer important documents to a colleague, hand over term papers to a teacher, or reinstall the system on a computer. For this reason, when choosing a USB flash drive, you must rely on your needs. You should not overpay for a storage medium, the characteristics of which will be excessive for you. So a USB drive for a radio tape recorder or TV with a Full HD matrix may not be the fastest and most capacious, because it will cope with its task.

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