How to clean your air conditioner at home in 2025

Surviving the peak of the summer heat without air conditioning is quite difficult. Still, it is really great to have the opportunity, having come home from a stuffy street, to plunge into a cool, cozy atmosphere. But the air conditioner, like any other sophisticated equipment, needs maintenance. When working, it passes a huge amount of air through itself, which contains dust, fungi, fluff, wool and many other contaminants.

If they did not settle on the air conditioner filters, they would inevitably fall into the lungs of the inhabitants of the apartment. But if the dirt clogs the filter, the efficiency of the split system will dramatically decrease. Therefore, it will be useful for each owner to know how to clean the air conditioner at home, without having special knowledge and skills. This will allow you to keep your equipment in perfect condition and not spend extra money on specialist services.

Signs of immediate air conditioner cleaning

We clean the air conditioner

Manufacturers indicate the optimal cleaning times for their split systems. However, not every user carefully reads the instructions in order to know how often to clean. Yes, this is not necessary - in many respects the frequency depends on the intensity of use, air humidity, the degree of air pollution and even on which floor the apartment is located. Therefore, it is much more important to know by what signs you can identify that it's time to clean the air conditioner at home.
One of the most important indicators that your split system needs cleaning is smell. If you start to smell mildew in your room when you turn on the air conditioner, this is a very warning sign. It means that mold or some kind of fungus has got on the filter and is now successfully multiplying. Clean and disinfect as soon as possible. After all, with each turn on, millions of disputes will scatter around the room. Once in the lungs of people, they can cause the development of various diseases, as well as exacerbations of allergies.

You should also pay attention to the following alarming symptoms:

  1. Decreased efficiency of the air conditioner.
  2. Increased power consumption.
  3. Condensate leakage from the indoor unit.
  4. The appearance of extraneous noise during operation.

Each of these signs should alert the owner. It is advisable to clean the air conditioner with your own hands as soon as possible, so as not to run into unnecessary problems that poison your life and can disable the equipment.

What is needed for the cleaning procedure

air conditioning

Before starting work, you need to prepare all the necessary tools and supplies. Then cleaning the air conditioner will take a minimum of time and will not cause unnecessary trouble - everything that may be required during work will be at hand. Otherwise, you will have to constantly be distracted from work and look for the tool, without which it is impossible to complete a certain stage of work.

When working, you will definitely need:

  • Long handled brush.
  • A set of screwdrivers with different heads.
  • A soft cloth, like a napkin, is better than a few.
  • Vacuum cleaner - simple or compact, used for cleaning cars.
  • Small bucket.

Also, if your air conditioner requires disposable filters, be sure to stock up on them as well. It will not be superfluous to prepare the detergent in advance, as well as the spray device - it will make it easier to apply the detergent to the surfaces. Some experts recommend using special detergents for conditioners. But, as practice shows, in most cases (except for the most neglected) it is not necessary to use an expensive disinfectant for the air conditioner - the usual detergent with which you wash the dishes will do.

Also, it will not be superfluous to use a large piece of polyethylene - spread it under the air conditioner. If you have not cleaned for several years, then a lot of dust has probably accumulated in it - once it gets on the upholstery of upholstered furniture, it will stain it, which will require additional cleaning.

When all the necessary tools and consumables are prepared, you can start cleaning the split system.

Instructions for cleaning the air conditioner at home

Instructions for cleaning the air conditioner at home

Before proceeding with partial disassembly and cleaning of the air conditioner, you must disconnect it from the mains. This is a simple rule, but surprisingly often overlooked, and as a result, the risk of electric shock increases dramatically.
After that, you can start cleaning. It usually starts with replacing or cleaning the filters, as well as the indoor unit of the air conditioner.

Cleaning the indoor unit and filters

First, you need to carefully unscrew the bolts securing the top cover using the prepared screwdrivers. Then remove the mesh filters. They usually collect a surprisingly large amount of gray mass - everything from dust and fingers to fungi.

Soak the air conditioner filter in warm water with a small amount of soap. Leaving the filter locked for half an hour or an hour will greatly simplify further cleaning.

If by the characteristic smell you have determined that a mold colony has appeared on the filter, you should purchase special disinfectants. Yes, they are more expensive than plain liquid soap. But they allow you to get rid of a potentially dangerous fungus - it is impossible to cope with it without special means.

We clean the air conditioner ourselves

If your air conditioner uses disposable filters, you can skip this step. It is better to replace the split system filter with a new one. When trying to reuse a cleaned disposable, it often leads to equipment breakdown.

The soaked filter can be easily cleaned of adhering dirt with a regular cloth or sponge - no problem here.

After that, you need to clean the fan of the indoor unit - in most models of air conditioners, it resembles a roller. Its main function is to distill cooled air into the room. Therefore, a large amount of dust accumulates on the fan. Apply soapy water to the blades and let it sit for a few minutes to allow the accumulated dust to soak. After that, using a brush on a long handle, complete the cleaning by washing all the main components of the conditioner.

It is advisable to carry out these procedures every month with active use. In winter, when the air conditioner does not turn on, you can forget about it.

This completes the cleaning of the insides and the air conditioner filter. You can proceed to the next stage.

We clean the external block

we clean the external block of the air conditioner

This stage takes longer than the previous one. But it is often not necessary to perform it - once a year is enough. Usually, the outdoor unit of the air conditioner is cleaned in late spring, before the start of the hot season.

Alas, in most cases you have to resort to the help of specialists - if you live on the 3rd floor and above, it is very difficult and dangerous to get to the external block. Well, the residents of the first and second floors will find it useful to learn about all the intricacies.

First you need to unscrew the protective grill of the air conditioner. It is advisable to immediately soak it in a thick soapy solution. This is important, because in a modern city a huge amount of oily dust settles on the grille of the split system - from factory emissions, car exhaust.Clean the grate itself with a sponge - it will most likely have to be thrown out after cleaning.

The interior of the unit is best cleaned with a powerful vacuum cleaner. You should not climb there with a napkin - there is a high probability of damaging the thin plates.

This completes the cleaning of the air conditioner. It remains only to return the grill to its place and securely fix it.

Tips for correct use

Tips for correct use

Air conditioning is not a cheap purchase. And if you want it to last as long as possible, you need to follow certain rules. And this includes not only cleaning the split system, but also a number of others. Here are some tips to help your air conditioner run for as long as possible:

  • Clean the indoor unit monthly (assuming continuous use), and the outdoor unit at least once a year.
  • If any extraneous noise appears, immediately contact a specialist - it is cheaper to prevent damage than to fix it.
  • Before the start of the season, call a specialist to check the level of freon - if necessary, they will refuel.
  • Close windows and doors when turning on the device, do not allow drafts.
  • When installing an outdoor unit of a split system, make sure that the air conditioner is protected from rain and direct sunlight.
  • Do not turn on the air conditioner if the temperature outside the window is below zero degrees Celsius.

By following these simple rules, you can be sure that the split system will serve you for many years.

Watch the video how to clean the air conditioner at home


Now you know how to clean the air conditioner at home and you no longer have to spend extra money on paying for the services of specialists - you can do most of the work yourself. The main thing to remember is that timely service and proper care will extend the service life while saving you money and time.

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