The correct choice of coolant (coolant) is important in the subsequent operation of the engine and in extending the service life. High-quality antifreeze not only cools, but also protects the system from corrosion, acts as a lubricant, prevents freezing, scale formation and rupture during expansion. As part of the article, we will consider the best antifreeze in 2025 according to user ratings.
In the early days of automobiles, air and water were used for cooling. As the engine power increased, the exploitation loads of these substances turned out to be insufficient. The chemical industry came to the rescue. Over the past 2 decades, coolants have been developed that meet increased technical requirements.
- 1 Criterias of choice
- 2 Antifreeze classes
- 3 SintecUnlimited G12 antifreeze
- 4 Antifreeze Lukoil Red G12
- 5 Antifreeze AGA Z40
- 6 LiquiLangzeit Moly Kuhlerfrostschutz 12 GTL Plus
- 7 Antifreeze TCLPower Coolant Green - 40
- 8 Antifreeze FelixG12 + Energy
- 9 Coolant Z42 AGA
- 10 Toyota Coolant Long Life Concentrated Red
- 11 Antifreeze AGA Z65
- 12 Liqui Motorbike Moly Langzeit GTL Kuhlerfrostschutz 12 Plus
- 13 Conclusion
Criterias of choice
In order not to choose a low-quality or fake coolant, when buying coolant, you should pay attention to several important points: sediment, lack of pH in the description, very low cost, poor-quality packaging, pungent odor.
Antifreeze discoloration during operation can be a sign of either poor composition or a malfunction of the cooling system.
When choosing a coolant, the following criteria should be followed:
Coolant concentrates contain about 90% ethylene glycol, up to 5% water (distilled) and up to 7% additives. The type of additive directly affects the lifespan of the system;
each class of antifreeze has its own maximum service life;
not all liquids can be mixed.
Antifreeze classes
According to the classification developed by Volkswagen, antifreezes are divided into 3 types: G11, G12 (G + and G ++), G13. The budget version of the G11 is based on a silicate base that protects against corrosion. The additive creates a protective layer. The service life of the coolant is 2 years. If, after this time, the liquid is not changed, the layer crumbles and destroys the system.
G12 carboxylate antifreezes do not form a total protective layer - only in the place of corrosion in the form of the thinnest layer.
The G13 coolant uses harmless propylene glycol. Therefore, G13 antifreeze is considered the most environmentally friendly product.
The review takes into account the rating of motorists and presents the best antifreezes to date.
Users are interested in color issues, which antifreeze is better - red, blue or green. Manufacturers do not have specific standards for the type of color scheme. The color is used to denote a technical liquid, so as not to be confused with drinking drinks.
Simple advice: what to guide and what antifreeze is better to fill in for a car. For aluminum radiators and alloys, silicate antifreeze (blue or green) is suitable. For brass and copper radiators, a carboxylate coolant (usually red) is needed.
Next, let's take a look at the best antifreezes based on user ratings.
SintecUnlimited G12 antifreeze
One of the best coolants in the ranking. The basis is high quality ethylene glycol. Antifreeze color is violet-red. The pH value is 8.4 pH. Tests have shown crystallization at a lower temperature than the manufacturer's stated -45. The quality of the fluid is confirmed by positive reviews from car owners, certificates from companies: VAZ, Volkswagen, Volvo, MAN.
In the production of carboxylate, silicate, lobrid and hybrid antifreezes, the company uses a new technology (bipolar). Coolant G12 refers to lobrid brands. The liquid provides: protection against deposits, against overheating at increased loads, against corrosion, against freezing at low ambient temperatures. Antifreeze can be mixed with other coolants without phosphates, nitrites and amines. The liquid contains silicates. Does not contain: borates, nitrates, phosphates, nitrites. The manufacturer is Obninskorgsintez. Produced in containers of 1 kg, 5 kg, 220 kg.
- Long-term use (more than 5 years);
- effective protection against overheating at high loads;
- freezing below the temperature declared by the manufacturer (crystallization at -45);
- does not allow deposits and scale;
- the possibility of mixing with certain antifreezes;
- presence of active inhibitors neutralizing rust.
No shortcomings identified.
Antifreeze Lukoil Red G12
Lukoil G12 carboxylate antifreeze based on high-quality ethylene glycol is designed to provide heat transfer at low temperatures (down to -40 degrees). Contains balanced high quality additives (carbon). The liquid provides anti-cavitation and anti-corrosion protection for various metal motors and elements (copper, cast iron, aluminum, brass). The boiling point is 111 degrees. The hydrogen indicator is 8.5 pH.
The color of the liquid is yellow or red. Used in refrigeration systems for trucks and cars. The liquid does not damage plastic and rubber parts. It is especially effective in preventing overheating, scale formation in domestic cars. Approvals: Volvo, Ford, BMW, Skoda, KAMAZ, Mazda, Fiat, Renault, Porsche, Opel, MAN, Renault-Nissan, Daimler, Honda, Komatsu, Toyota TSK.
- High thermal conductivity;
- anti-cavitation and anti-corrosion protection;
- does not destroy rubber and polymers;
- high quality;
- compatibility with all metals;
- long service life;
- dilution with other brands of antifreeze is acceptable.
No shortcomings were found.
Antifreeze AGA Z40
AGA carboxylate antifreeze for universal use is designed for cooling systems of cars, trucks of various models with engines running on diesel fuel and gasoline. The boiling point is 123 degrees, the freezing point is -40. The hydrogen indicator is 7.75 rN. The coolant color is pink or red. Antifreeze Z40 effectively protects metal from corrosion, rubber parts, oil seals from destruction. Mixing with other antifreezes and antifreezes with ethylene glycol is allowed. Coolant can be diluted with soft and distilled water (up to 10%). Antifreeze is replaced after a run of 150,000 kilohm meters or after 5 years. Approvals: VAZ, BMW, Skoda, Chrysler, Porsche, Ford, Audi, Citroen.
- The ability to mix with other antifreezes;
- long service life;
- does not destroy polymers and rubber;
- anti-corrosion protection;
- increased boiling temperature;
- can be found in all specialized stores;
- effective cleaning of the motor;
- low cost.
Slightly elevated crystallization temperature.
LiquiLangzeit Moly Kuhlerfrostschutz 12 GTL Plus
Carboxylate antifreeze from German manufacturers provides high-quality cooling of systems with any engines: aluminum, cast iron, motors with intercoolers. The operating range is from -40 ° C to + 110 ° C. The coolant has a blue color. Depending on the conditions, the coolant retains its properties for 2-5 years. Coolant has approvals: RoverMG-Motors, Renault, Mazda, Renault-Nissan, Jaguar, Renault Trucks, Volvo, Skoda, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Audi, Komatsu, SantanaMotors, Citroen, DAF, Kobelco.
- Protects metal from corrosion, prevents oxidation (creates a protective layer);
- wide temperature range;
- does not damage rubber and plastic parts;
- well protects the engine from overheating;
- as a lubricant prolongs the life of the pump as a lubricant.
- Reduced boiling point;
- great value.
Antifreeze TCLPower Coolant Green - 40
Japanese antifreeze from the sales leader - the TanikawaYuka concern.The company produces high-quality coolants for the military-industrial complex. Therefore, the products undergo strict control and comply with international standards. TCL is a ready-to-use carboxylate coolant, colored green (up to -40 degrees) and red (up to -50 degrees). It is not recommended to dilute with water, as performance degradation is possible. Suitable for all car brands. No replacement is required for 40 thousand kilometers or within 2 years. The composition of the liquid contains: anti-cavitation, antifoam, antioxidant and anti-corrosion additives. The fluid components extend the life of the pump and motor. Temperature range - from -40 ° C to + 110 ° C. Organic elements in the coolant prevent sludge formation.
- Extends the resource of units and parts;
- forms an anti-corrosion protective film;
- relatively inexpensive price given the high quality;
- wide temperature range.
An increase in viscosity with a sharp decrease in temperature.
Antifreeze FelixG12 + Energy
Russian-made carboxylate antifreeze ready to use. The temperature range of use is from -45 degrees to + 110 ° C. Coolant selectively creates the thinnest protective film in places with corrosion and rust. The coolant is designed for engines with intercoolers, forced engines, turbochargers. Antifreeze is approved for: JASO Japan, Opel, Volvo, Porsche, Chrysler, Mercedes-Benz, Renault, Audi, Isuzu, Scoda, Ford, Daf, MAN, Volkswagen, Navistar.
- Increased temperature conditions;
- low cost;
- wide scope of use;
- multifunctional anti-corrosive additive.
The freezing point is higher than stated.
Coolant Z42 AGA
Home-made carboxylate ready-to-use antifreeze is colored green. The fluid has a fluorescent additive for easy leak detection. The composition contains antiwear, cleaning, anti-corrosion additives. Antifreeze realizes characteristics in the operating range from -42 ° C to + 123 ° C. Coolant has enhanced anti-cavitation and anti-foam properties. Anti-corrosive properties on metals: cast iron, copper, aluminum, brass. The fluid is suitable for systems with diesel and gasoline engines. The efficiency of the coolant has been tested at high speeds, revs and acceleration. Antifreeze has approvals: VAZ, BMW, Ford, Chrysler, Citroen, Skoda, Audi, Porsche.
- Suitable for many types of motors;
- excellent lubricating and anti-corrosion properties;
- suitable for all types of metals;
- low freezing point;
- long-term performance (150,000 km or 5 years);
- good protection against the formation of bubbles;
- widespread use;
- frost resistance;
- small price.
Slight sediment formation.
Toyota Coolant Long Life Concentrated Red
Red colored coolant concentrate based on high quality propylene glycol. It contains additives and corrosion inhibitors. Under any operating conditions and conditions, the liquid does not form any sediment. The liquid is suitable for cars and trucks, all types of metals from which engines are made. Before use, the concentrate is diluted equally with distilled water. In exceptional cases, the use of tap water is allowed. Cannot be mixed with other antifreezes - the original properties are partially lost. The system is protected by a 40 degree dominus.
- Does not form sediment;
- well protects the motor from hypothermia and overheating;
- used in many car brands;
- suitable for all metals;
- does not have a destructive effect on plastic and rubber;
- efficiently removes heat;
- effective under heavy loads.
- High price;
- sometimes difficult to find in retail outlets.
Antifreeze AGA Z65
Ready-to-use, universal carboxylate antifreeze in orange or yellow. Operating mode from -65 ° С to + 132 ° С.Antifreeze can be mixed with antifreeze and high-quality coolants with ethylene glycol as a base (the temperature regime will be –40 - +123 degrees). The fluid is suitable for trucks, cars, all types of engines. It has a prolonged service life (150,000 km or 5 years), high thermal conductivity. The antifreeze contains antifriction, anticorrosion and antifoam additives. Antifreeze has approvals: VAZ, Audi, BMW, Skoda, Chrysler, Ford, Citroen, Porsche.
- Prolonged action;
- good value for money;
- versatility;
- high anti-corrosion and anti-cavitation properties;
- ensures the durability of the nodes.
A sludge forms during operation.
Liqui Motorbike Moly Langzeit GTL Kuhlerfrostschutz 12 Plus
German-made red carboxylate coolant ready for use. The basis of the liquid is ethylene glycol. Antifreeze is intended for motor vehicles and cars. Temperature range - from -40 ° С to + 109 ° С. LiquiMotorbike coolant is suitable for all types of motors (aluminum and cast iron alloys). The coolant protects assemblies and parts that are exposed to increased loads from overheating. The composition contains anti-corrosive additives. Seasonal replacement is recommended. Antifreeze belongs to tolerance group 12 with the VAG index. Has approvals: Citroen, MTU, Audi, MAN, Porsche, Skoda, BASF, Ford, VW, Mercedes Benz.
- Effective overheating protection;
- low cost;
- wide temperature range;
- anti-corrosion protection;
- versatility;
- no sediment;
- suitable for cooling all types of engines;
- efficient heat dissipation.
No shortcomings were found.
The correct choice of coolant is the key to the durability of a car or bike. When choosing antifreeze, owners need to take into account a number of conditions.
Do not rely on the color of the antifreeze.
Select coolant according to tolerance.
Focus on the composition of antifreeze for a certain brand of car or engine.
The color of the liquid is purely distinctive. Different manufacturers also paint their products differently. An important point when choosing is admission to your specific model.
You should always pay attention to the types of antifreeze. For example, carboxylate coolants provide protection only in areas of corrosion, while hybrid fluids promote the formation of an anti-corrosion film over the entire surface. Phosphate or silicate film is not suitable for Ford radiators - this car needs a carboxylate fluid.
When choosing, you should not focus on too cheap types of antifreeze. Inexpensive coolants can be based on a mixture of glycerin and methanol instead of ethylene glycol. During operation, the viscosity increases. This leads to cavitation, boil-off, destruction of polymers and metal.
So many antifreezes were listed, but forgot about the most universal. Since the beginning of the year I have been driving a Sintec Multifreeze. At first I used it as a top-up, poured it into Nord, it mixed normally, as if it was not a cartoon, but my own. And when it was time to make a complete replacement, I filled it cleanly. For a five-liter canister I gave only 650 rubles, it was just enough for the entire system, I drive a Camry 40. The temperature is excellent, everything is always stable, it never went up to 100. It does not boil away, as it was flooded, it is still at the same level. Well, the characteristics say that it is enough for the entire service life of the car, let's see, perhaps it is.
I poured this filth, ate the rubber and everything flowed. As a result, replacement of all gaskets and pipes.
And why look at all these pH values when there is a universal tool for choosing an automaker's expectation. I myself drive a Skoda Superb, so I will give an example on it. The radiator was jammed during operation (I travel a lot), I had to clean it. Accordingly, replacement standby.In order not to bother with finding and buying an expensive original, he took the coolstream qrr rebrand. He has a Skoda approval and is exactly the same antifreeze that was poured at the factory. Only costs a little cheaper and easier to find