The most reliable cars in 2025

When choosing a used car for yourself, you need to approach the issue correctly so that you do not end up spending more money on repair work than the car itself. The review presents the most reliable cars in 2025 that will still be available for service.

Many people are accustomed to form an opinion about transport from the words of friends and acquaintances, but there is professional research that is carried out in different countries of the world and helps to determine the most reliable cars.

The concept of vehicle reliability

Every year, different companies survey the population, conduct tests, and use other information to determine which car is the most reliable. Ratings are compiled in different segments, for example, by budget, class of cars, their cross-country ability, etc.

The very definition of a car's reliability includes several basic parameters at once:

  • Reliability during the operation of the transport, indicating the period during which the car can do without a single repair.
  • Durability is a value that indicates the total period of use of the vehicle, provided that high-quality scheduled work and maintenance are carried out.
  • Ease of repair, which means the possibility of buying and replacing units if they start to fail. Refers to any kind of difficulty.
  • Performance, which is in fact and in the documents from the manufacturer.

Some of the conclusions of the masters may surprise the end user, since not always a high degree of reliability and quality will be supported by the high cost of the car. Due to this, the TOP of the most reliable cars includes brands from different manufacturers and different pricing policies.

Reliability ratings and their features

The world uses several basic parameters that determine the degree of transport reliability. Different inspection technologies are carried out in specific countries and with their own characteristics:

  • TÜV is an organization that carries out maintenance in Germany and the result of their activities is the most accurate. Reliability is determined exclusively by inspectors who inspect the technical side of the machines. They cannot be bribed, millions of cars are tested every year. All reports are generated for transport 2-11 years old, and there are several groups. Each of them has the best 100 models.
  • DEKRA is another reliable source for determining reliability in Germany. The company distinguishes 9 cars from different classes. The advantages of the rating are a large selection and a brief conclusion for each model about which elements are the weakest in terms of reliability.
  • ADAC is the largest club in Europe with over 18 million drivers. The state conducts technical analysis during operation. The base shows detailed information for a specific year of vehicle production. The latest report includes cars from 2006-2013.
  • Warranty Direct is an English company that collects data on insurance companies and from this analysis of reliability is made according to the conditional index and the average cost of repairs. The rating is constantly updated.
  • Driver Power is a British company that analyzes the opinions of drivers about different models and brands. The results are presented as the 10 most reliable vehicles, without grouping by year or class.
  • Consumer Reports is an organization from the United States that has been collecting information about the problems of various cars based on the opinions of drivers for 80 years. Every year, about 500 thousand issue questionnaires have been passed since 2000. Information is collected on 17 malfunctions of various types, from small things to major repairs. The rating is done in 2 types. The main one includes new models and brands that are considered the most reliable. The second analysis points to the best options for used cars under 10 years old and at a cost of up to $ 30,000.
  • D. Power - the company keeps statistics of faults in the first 3 months and 3 years of operation.

All ratings can be viewed on the official pages to determine the most reliable car of the year for yourself.

5 most reliable cars by brand

Initially, you need to present a rating of the most reliable cars in 2025 if you buy a new vehicle. It is made from brands that have earned the highest marks over the years and have maintained their reputation to this day.


For several years, German cars have not been distinguished by high quality and reliability, but this does not apply to this brand. The main factor that caused getting into the rating of the most reliable is the body made of aluminum. It is characterized by lightness, economy and long-term preservation of paintwork. Corrosion does not appear on it if there have been no accidents. Also, the gearbox and electronics deserve praise, with which there are no problems. The main problems can arise when the body needs repair, which will be very expensive.


Japanese with high reliability ratings owing to a special technology called Skyactiv. In a car of this brand there are no problems with electronics, the operation of the engine and automatic transmission is flawless. The assembly is at a high level, everything is precisely adjusted and retains its original appearance for years. This feature is useful when selling used vehicles. Specialists single out Mazda 3 and CX-5.


The technical characteristics and reliability of the brand amaze not only the owners, but also the specialists. This is due to the use of new and strong alloys, which increase the quality, the degree of reliability of the internal combustion engine and other elements. The turbocharger is of high quality. Maximum performance for the Legacy model.


Another Japanese leader, with high reliability, according to experts and the drivers themselves. But analysts disagree, because the brand is not a reference and flaws appear in it. We can say that these are the most reliable and inexpensive cars in terms of maintenance costs, compared to almost any other brands. The drivetrain, motors and chassis deserve praise. They do not require frequent repairs, and in case of malfunctions, everything can be quickly and cheaply fixed.


Japanese brands have always been distinguished by a high degree of reliability and quality. Such a car is a premium class, it is stylish, beautiful and there is simply no equal to it. Experts distinguish very high quality electronics that work with the engine, gearbox and other systems. In early Lexus models, some owners complained about transport disruptions, especially with high mileage. At the moment, even with a mileage of more than 400,000 km with operation on different surfaces and in any weather, transport does not lead to violations.

The popular brands and consumables deserve special attention. All elements are characterized by a large margin of safety and resource. Parts can withstand 30% more mileage than stated by the manufacturer before scheduled maintenance and this does not affect performance.

The most reliable used cars

In Russia, many people choose from supported vehicles. Regardless of the years and mileage, every motorist wants to make a profitable investment so that the car turns out to be trouble-free and reliable. The rating below presents the most economical and reliable cars that will serve for many years even after 2-3 owners.

Volkswagen Polo Sedan

The most reliable cars in 2025

Good copies can be bought from 420 thousand rubles. The car is already considered popular, since 2010, it is assembled at a plant in the Russian Federation. The option was developed for the roads and conditions of Russia; during the creation of the transport, the climate, roads and other parameters were taken into account. Among the used options, the most popular 1.6-liter engine with 105 hp. Since 2015, the line of motors has been changed, while maintaining the volume, the power is 90 and 110 hp.


  • Good appearance, many technical elements are used from the German counterpart.
  • Galvanizing of the body, for which the factory gives a 12-year guarantee against rust.
  • The use of the best steel for the manufacture of thresholds, struts and side members.
  • High quality and reliability of manual transmission and automatic transmission.


  • Engines in models up to 2013 with a volume of 1.6 liters after 50,000 km may create third-party sounds that appear due to scuffing in the cylinders. To solve the problem, you need to make major repairs.
  • Chips and scratches quickly form on the paint, even if the transport is carefully used.
  • The interior is made of hard plastic, which is also quite cheap, so the level of comfort is lower than the competition.

Ford Mondeо IV

The most reliable cars in 2025

A good choice for fans of large sedans. This model has been on the market for over 12 years, the update was in 2010, and after 4 years the production was finished. The assembly was carried out in the Russian Federation and Belgium. The technical data for the old and the updated model is almost the same. After restyling, a robotic PowerShift gearbox appeared, paired with an EcoBoost engine. This option is not recommended due to costly repairs and maintenance.

Often in the secondary market there are models with a 2-liter internal combustion engine paired with a manual transmission, and there are also options for 2.3 liters with a 5-speed automatic transmission. The units themselves are similar, they use a chain. The latter option works with a very reliable Japanese gearbox. In general, the mechanics and the automatic machine do not cause problems, they are reliable, and in the automatic transmission it is recommended to change the oil every 60 thousand km. The average cost for the first years of production is about 450 thousand rubles, after restyling, good options are sold from 560 thousand rubles.


  • Reliable motors and gearboxes.
  • The clutch takes care of 120-150 thousand km.
  • Excellent driving performance and reliable suspension.


  • Weak release bearing. Timely replacement will extend the clutch life.
  • The weak side is the power steering, which often breaks down. The rail can be tightened without any problems, the rest of the elements must be changed every 70 thousand ways.

Toyota Corolla 10th generation

The most reliable cars in 2025

The average cost for an external and technically good condition starts from 400 thousand rubles. This model is in the Guinness Book of Records, since it is the best-selling car anywhere in the world. It was appreciated as one of the practical and reliable machines. In the Russian Federation, options are often sold with a 1.6 liter engine for 124 hp, but other variations can be found.

The car has different versions of the gearbox, and the most reliable - mechanical and automatic, and a robotic gearbox can cause a number of problems. The clutch needs to be replaced after about 45-50 thousand km.


  • The car is designed for more than 250 thousand km.
  • Excellent quality of running elements that nurture up to 100 thousand km, and the cost of restoration is minimal. The only thing that is recommended to be replaced after purchase is the stabilizer struts and their bushings.
  • The body has excellent quality and a high degree of corrosion resistance, provided there are no accidents and repairs.


  • Dorestyle often has problems with the pump and timing tensioner oil seals.
  • After 100 thousand km, oil consumption appears when driving fast.
  • The weak point with high mileage is the rear engine mount.

Kia Rio and Hyundai Solaris

The most reliable cars in 2025

One of the best-selling and most popular models in the Russian Federation. This is a reliable transport that does not require constant investment of money for operation. Often a car is found in a taxi, and an ordinary person during a purchase can be sure of trouble-free operation and no problems. The most reliable and simple engines of 1.4 and 1.6 liters with 107 and 123 hp.

In the secondary market, cars are sold from 380 thousand rubles. For this amount, a good option is offered for a manual transmission and a 1.4 liter engine. To get a more powerful unit with an automatic transmission, you will need to pay from 450 thousand.


  • Galvanized body, with the exception of the roof, which increases resistance to rust.
  • Chain drive with a resource of about 250 thousand km.
  • Very strong and reliable manual transmission.
  • Greater adhesion strength, replacement is required after 110 thousand km and later.


  • In the event of chips on the roof, pinpoint corrosion begins.
  • The main radiator is leaking, but this is not a frequent breakdown.
  • Weak catalyst that gets into the engine when it spills.

Honda civic 8

The most reliable cars in 2025

After the first release of the Japanese manufacturer's model, it made a huge impression on customers. It has been released since 2006, the update was 2 years later. The sedan was produced until 2011. The car was assembled directly in Japan and Turkey. In the first case, the transport is much better and more reliable.

In the Russian Federation, a popular engine is a volume of 1.8 liters and a sedan, hatchback body, but you can find powerful options for 2 liters with 3 doors. The automatic transmission is not used, since it was replaced by a robotic mechanism, which is more expensive in the event of a breakdown or replacement of the clutch. In general, the model is decent, reliable and stylish. Motors, like the rest of the Japanese internal combustion engines, are almost impossible to "kill", service is available if you use analog parts.

In the secondary market, good options start at 420 thousand rubles. for the first models of release, after the update, the price rises to half a million or more.


  • Very high quality and reliable motors, but a weak point in the ignition coil.
  • Reliable gearboxes. With timely maintenance in the form of an oil change, they work about 250 thousand km.
  • The body is protected against corrosion.


  • Very high price of original parts, but this is compensated by analogs.
  • The undercarriage, shock absorbers, thrust bearings are weak.
  • During active driving on a bad road, you need to prepare to replace the stabilizer struts.
  • The steering rack is weak, but it is maintainable and the procedure will cost about 13,000 rubles.

Renault Logan (Renault Sandero)

The most reliable cars in 2025

Considering the most reliable budget cars for Russia, this particular model should be distinguished, which is characterized by a high degree of practicality. This option can be bought with a 1.4 or 1.6 liter engine, and the service life is quite long for both types, but the latter will be more reliable. The disadvantages of the internal combustion engine itself include the pump, which must be changed every 50 thousand km, as well as some oil seals. The average cost of a good unit will be around 200 thousand rubles, but these are dorestyle models, after the update the price will be from 330 thousand.

Timing replacement is carried out according to the regulations every 60 thousand km. A high-quality clutch kit will travel up to 100 thousand km. Among the less reliable options there will be models with automatic transmission, which have the DP2 index. The unit itself often heats up and reacts poorly to high-speed and fast driving. Overheating is caused by the fact that there is no special radiator for cooling, and the classic set of parts does not provide the desired operation. To extend the life of the automatic transmission, it is recommended to drive at a calm pace and monitor the oil, change it according to the regulations.


  • The best undercarriage among budget vehicles. It is energy intensive and smooth.
  • All consumables, even original ones, are quite cheap.


  • Shock absorbers quickly fail, on average on the roads of the Russian Federation they will be enough for 50,000 km.
  • Weak hub bearings.
  • Models up to 2007 have a weak body, traces of corrosion often appear on it. Newer models already use galvanized, so the problem is excluded.

Kia sorento ii

The most reliable cars in 2025

This crossover is based on the Hyundai Santa Fe and began production in 2009. After 3 years, the manufacturer made an update. On sale you can find models with front-wheel drive and gasoline internal combustion engines, as well as four-wheel drive models working with a diesel engine. There is a lot of space in the cabin and is designed for 5 or 7 people.

Gasoline ICEs with a volume of 2.4 liters are characterized by extreme simplicity, but for the mass of the vehicle and its size, there is little power. Diesel versions are sold in a volume of 2.2 liters, they have excellent dynamics, economical fuel consumption, but maintenance is somewhat more expensive. In general, the car is quite reliable if you carry out timely work and replace worn parts. With the all-wheel drive version, the owners need to constantly monitor and change the oil in the transfer case and differential, be sure to monitor the lubrication of the crosses. Mileage over 100 thousand km requires replacement of shock absorbers, paired with support bearings and stabilizer struts. By the same time, hub bearings and ball bearings will reach.

For a good unit in the secondary market, they ask from 900 thousand rubles, and models after restyling will be 300 thousand more expensive.


  • A very reliable automatic transmission, which serves 350 thousand km or more, the manual transmission is even more reliable.
  • Strong clutch that can last about 100 thousand km.
  • Reliable undercarriage that requires little investment and minimal attention.


  • Bushings that connect the steering rack and rods are knocking.
  • In diesel engines, the turbine is the weak point, so it is important to monitor the filters and the fuel system.
  • The EGR valve needs to be freed of sulfur frequently.
  • The chain drive is very weak and needs to be replaced every 100,000 km.

Toyota Camry XV40

The most reliable cars in 2025

The legendary "forty" has been in demand and popularity for many years. It is characterized by a high degree of comfort, reliability and inexpensive operation. The model was produced in the period 2006-2011, in 2009 there was an update. The car was produced with 2.4 and 3.5 liter engines with 167 and 277 hp. respectively. For the first version of the internal combustion engine, you can buy a model with automatic transmission or manual transmission, which work excellently and are very reliable, but the oil should be changed every 60 thousand km.

To get a good car, you need to prepare for a long search. On average, the cost will start from 650 thousand rubles.


  • The reference and the most reliable engines, especially the 2.4 liter. They are considered millionaires.
  • Strong clutch capable of lasting over 150,000 km.
  • Excellent quality and reliability of the chassis, the suspension is very difficult to "kill". After 120 thousand km, only the replacement of the front struts and the stabilizer bushings will be required.


  • The pump may fail after 100 thousand km.
  • Weak drive belt tensioner requiring replacement every 80-100 thousand km.
  • Motors with a volume of 3.5 liters are reliable, but automatic transmission can cause certain difficulties, due to the inability to withstand the power of the unit.

Ford Focus II

The most reliable cars in 2025

Another favorite among the budget options, which started in 2005. Restyling was in 2008, but the changes are small, only affected the optics. Models assembled in Russia often move in the Russian Federation, German and Spanish copies are much less common. You can buy it in 5 different bodies with motors from 1.4 to 2 liters. Diesel engines are not recommended for consideration due to their high mileage.

The simplest, most reliable motor will be 1.4 or 1.6 liters. By design, they are almost the same, and for stable operation you just need a timely replacement of the timing kit every 80 thousand km and spark plugs.

The manual transmission is characterized by high reliability, in addition to working with a 1.8 liter engine. In such vehicles, drivers often like high-speed driving, which leads to a breakdown of the satellite axle in the differential. The automatic transmission is distinguished by flawless operation with a timely oil change.

Decent models, even in the secondary market, will not cause problems and high costs. Keeping such a car is not difficult. The average cost starts from 300-330 thousand rubles. depending on the checkpoint. Restyling starts at 360 thousand rubles.


  • A chain drive on an internal combustion engine of 1.8 and 2 liters can serve from 250 thousand km.
  • Very reliable and high-quality suspension, which does not require attention of more than 80,000 km of track, and the stabilizer struts will be the first to fail.
  • Long service life of shock absorbers, but their replacement is carried out in tandem with support bearings.


  • Rather poor quality of the body and reliability of the paintwork.At the borders of the doors, where metal rubs against plastic, chips and scuffs quickly form, which corrode without eliminating the defect.
  • The trunk lid of almost all Focuses is covered with rust, the same is noticeable on the arches, sills and in the area of ​​the windshield.

Nissan Qashqai

The most reliable cars in 2025

Another favorite among car enthusiasts in the crossover category. This transport is quite reliable, roomy and practical. You can buy a model with four-wheel drive or front-wheel drive, which operate under the control of an internal combustion engine of 1.6 and 2 liters. The choice is offered by a robotic gearbox and a mechanical one. Moreover, the first option with a volume of 2 liters will be more reliable, nursing up to 250 thousand km. The main problems arise with aggressive off-road driving style.

You can buy this option from 500 thousand rubles. if we consider the first models in basic equipment. Machines of the last years with a full "filling" will cost about 1 million rubles.


  • Practicality and comfort.
  • Reliable engines that almost do not give way to ICEs from Toyota.
  • Robust gearbox.


  • Steering rack.
  • Hub bearings.
  • Rear shock absorbers and stabilizer struts.
  • Incorrect operation of the rear windows.

Honda CR-V 3

The most reliable cars in 2025

It is considered the most reliable crossover that was made in 2006-2012. The popularity of the car remains, it has four-wheel drive, automatic transmission and manual transmission, 2 and 2.4 liter engines. All of these nodes are very reliable. The market value for a decent unit starts from 750 thousand rubles.


  • Motors.
  • Chain drive.


  • Clutch pressure sensor 2 or 3 gears.
  • Weak steering rack and rods, tips.
  • Replace the rear springs frequently.

The presented review will help a potential buyer decide on the choice of a new or used car that will serve for many years and please with its reliability.

( Total:7 Middle:2.3/5 )

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