The best self-leveling floor in 2025

The best self-leveling floor in 2025 will allow you to create a perfectly flat surface for tiles or laminate. This is a special dry composition, which differs from the screed in that there are no large granules in its composition, and it is also more liquid. All this is capable of providing systematic spreading.

A good self-leveling floor is suitable as a finishing material that does not require subsequent coating. Its structure is smooth. The top layer looks attractive, and also does not need to be post-treated with abrasives.

From our article you can find out which self-leveling floor is best used for shopping centers, covered areas, surface coating in garages, apartments and houses.

Coating features

When choosing the best self-leveling floor, you should know that a self-leveling mixture is taken as its basis. It has the ability to spread quickly enough, covering the entire surface due to the gravity of its own weight. Of course, in order to achieve a high-quality result, it is worth using auxiliary tools. As a result, it will turn out to provide a smooth and even coating.

This option can be used as finishing work to prepare for laying a decorative base. It is possible that the best self-leveling self-leveling floor will become an independent surface.

This composition has a number of advantages. For example, take the fact that it is capable of removing defects, but we are talking about small problems in the surface. Drying time will be minimal, and therefore it will be possible to move after surface treatment in 2 hours. If it is decided to continue working, then it is better to wait at least 12 hours. The best option is up to 20 hours.

The best self-leveling floor in 2025

The base is able to withstand light loads. It has excellent wear resistance characteristics. There is no shrinkage, which makes it easier to work, and does not require complexity in calculating the amount of mixture used.

The best self-leveling floors have a beautiful appearance. They settle quickly enough. Professionals say that if you allocate time correctly, along with the creation of the veneer, you can finish the surface treatment in 2 days. For example, the best cement self-leveling floor is poured in the second half of the day, and then it remains overnight. In the morning, you can lay laminate or parquet.

Please note that you do not need to think that even a beginner who does not have skills can work with a self-leveling floor. Every mistake that is associated with a lack of knowledge about technology will lead to the surface being covered with a number of defects. The layer will be difficult to disassemble.

In order to decide - a self-leveling floor or a screed, which is better, you can consult with the master. Our article will also be useful. Do not forget that when choosing a self-leveling floor, it is important to take into account that all compounds have similar disadvantages.

Negative qualities are associated with the fact that the mixture is able to remove cracks of an insignificant size, but keep in mind that the base of the poured floor should be of small thickness. If the defects are large, then they cannot be eliminated.

Plus, all floor filling work must be done in accordance with clear technology, excluding delays. The solution is prone to rapid drying, and therefore it will not be possible to remove the flaws.

As for the price, self-leveling floors are expensive. For this reason, it is not worth choosing them in order to exclude solid floor curvatures. This solution will cost a really big penny.

The best self-leveling floor in 2025

Remember that no matter how good the filling composition is, it does not tolerate, if the technology is violated, the master does the work negligently. Under such conditions, the surface will quickly deteriorate.

Today, compositions with a self-leveling effect allow work to be carried out in a short time, receiving a coating that will serve as an ideal basis for finishing work.

Manufacturer list

The best self-leveling floor in 2025

The question of which brand of self-leveling floor is better is significant. Indeed, this parameter can be of decisive importance for the styling result. For this reason, we decided to clarify.


The brand specializes in the production of dry formulations that have excellent quality characteristics. Varieties are individual and differ in the time it takes to solidify.


The brand produces gypsum-based floors combined with quartz sand. This is a good brand that both professionals and amateurs love. Its self-leveling flooring products are suitable for work in rooms where there is moderate moisture characteristics. Plus, the composition is perfectly combined with other solutions.


Company from the Russian Federation. It specializes in the production of self-leveling floors from the budget product segment.

Moment (Ceresit)

The self-leveling floor of the brand is used as a starting surface. Some species have the ability to harden quickly. This allows you to keep your runtime to a minimum.

Be careful!

Today there are unscrupulous sellers on the market who sell fakes. If a brand of a well-known trading company is applied on the package, this does not mean that the quality of the product is at the highest level. During the purchase, do not hesitate to ask for a license, which confirms the quality characteristics of the product.

The best brands for the production of self-leveling floors present their products in a wide variety. You can buy it in hardware stores in your city.

How the self-leveling floor is poured: technology for performing work

First of all, the master must remove dirt and dust. Those. preparation of the basis is in progress. If necessary, it is important to remove cracks and crevices using a putty.

The next step is priming. Having finished it, you need to wait until the surface is thoroughly dry. Then the master should start preparing the solution. If necessary, you can insert reference beacons.

So, the pouring process corresponds to the formation of streaks or puddles. But to distribute the composition, you need to use a spatula or squeegees.

It is also necessary to roll the surface with a needle-type roller. But after the floor is dry, you can move on to a further range of work.

The best self-leveling floor in 2025

After reading this list of steps for installing a jellied floor to the end, you may get the impression that this is very easy to do. In fact, the process requires precision, accuracy, attentiveness and quick reaction from the master.

TOP 5 best self-leveling floors

Bolars SV-210 Optim

The best self-leveling floor in 2025

If you need to fill the floor in places where there is an increased load, then this option is optimal. This is due to the fact that the polymer type layer makes the surface highly durable. It will not be subject to cracks or force. Such floors are able to withstand pressure up to 150 kgf / cm2.

As for the price, the manufacturer packs the composition in 20 kg bags. Their cost is around 240 rubles. The main features will be the ability to dry quickly. It will be possible to walk on the surface after 4 hours. Self-leveling at the highest level. The strength of the structure differs by an indicator of 15 MPa.

Experts note that this composition can be used for pouring under the floor heating system.The result will be smooth, suitable for laying parquet or linoleum, tiles. In the latter case, just wait 72 hours.

In terms of wear resistance, it is worthy of attention. It is used for various types of finishing works. After drying, it has a beautiful glossy shine.

Speaking in more detail, it is worth noting that this composition should not be used for arranging swimming pools or basements. It will not work because it cannot withstand dampness. It should be used only inside, as it is not resistant to UV rays.

It is worthwhile to carry out filling work quickly. The thing is that the composition quickly hardens in 40 minutes. And keep in mind that you don't need to add too much water to it. Foam may form which will harden on the surface and need to be scraped off.


Volma Level Comfort

The best self-leveling floor in 2025

The tool is one of the best, and even inexpensive. Suitable for rooms when you want to create a level floor faster. This option is practical. It is easy enough to distribute it so that there are no further traces from the brush.

The plus is that it hardens very quickly. In 4 hours the floor will be ready and you can safely walk on it. It is recommended to use the option for a bathroom.

The manufacturer supplies the goods in bags of bright blue color, which include 20 kg of the weight of the composition. The cost varies for 1 bag in the region of 320 rubles and above. Can be used for subsequent installation of laminate, carpet or linoleum flooring. But you can lay it after 7 days.

Not without cons. If the floor is to be poured onto the concrete surface, it must be kept for 3 months after the surface is installed. To prevent metal elements in the floor from deteriorating, before pouring the floor, it is worth covering them with a special paint against corrosion.


Weber Vetonit Finish Level

The best self-leveling floor in 2025

A good option if you need to fill the area in large quantities. This is a quality compound that is used for finishing and arranging a super-smooth thin layer.

The manufacturer sells the product in 20 kg bags. The cost for 1 package is around 570 rubles. The product is applied with a layer of 1-5 mm. The screed can be cheap, due to which craftsmen reduce the cost of making a level of 100 mm. Those. most of it can be done with sand cement. The result is a smooth effect on the surface.

This is actually a very economical option. Consumption for finishing application is 13 sq.m. - 20 kg, respectively 1 package.

The solution dries quickly. After 3 hours, you can walk on the floor. With internal heating, due to the location of warm floors, it will not be damaged, and it has high water resistance characteristics.

A bag of solution should be mixed with 5 liters of water. Compression performance is good, as is adhesion to concrete. If you plan to lay a layer of flooring, then you can do the work after 24 hours.

The downside is that the solution dries very quickly. In 20-30 minutes, it will harden.


Weber Vetonit Fast Level

The best self-leveling floor in 2025

A good self-leveling floor that can be used for a spacious room. In such a room, it is difficult to deduce the evenness of the absolute level. The mixture is presented in fine granules. Grains are no more than 0.6 mm in size. This makes it possible to ensure good dissolution of the composition, as well as movement if spontaneous leveling is observed.

The material goes well with different types of floor surfaces. It can be the basis for carpet, parquet. The manufacturer packs the composition in bags of 20 kg, the cost is 500 rubles.

The floor hardens quickly. After 4 hours it will be possible to walk on it. The topcoat can be applied after 24 hours. The floor can be poured onto concrete, plaster and cement. But the leveling of the surface is convenient due to the use of a needle brush. Another plus is that the composition perfectly resists moisture.

As for the disadvantages, the shelf life of the composition is only six months. And it dries as quickly as possible - 30 minutes. Therefore, you need to do the styling together, and do everything faster.


Knauf Tribon

The best self-leveling floor in 2025

The self-leveling floor is in great demand among buyers in the market.It is suitable for those situations where you need to install the final coating as soon as possible. These are linoleum, laminate, tiles.

The composition contains Portland cement, gypsum. This ensures fast hardening, high strength characteristics. You can lay a layer after a day. The delivery of the composition is carried out in white bags, on which bright blue-green brand inscriptions are applied.

Packing of 20 kg, the price for 1 bag is around 300 rubles. The composition is self-leveling. It does not create depressions, grooves. Its thickness is 10 mm and more. In general, the filling process is simple, as is the alignment. The composition is calculated for laying underfloor heating, which have excellent indicators of heat transfer to the top. After 6 hours, you can already walk on the floor. Work is carried out at a temperature regime in the room up to 35 degrees. You can pour on a mineral base, wooden floor. In general, this option will be appropriate in houses that are made of logs.

To lay tiles or linoleum on top, wait 24 hours. As for the practical features, this composition is distinguished by good strength and a high level of sound insulation. It is suitable for industrial premises, folds, where there are racks, the passage of loaded carts.

Not without flaws. The solution dries quickly. It keeps around 1 hour. The fill layer is 60 mm maximum. This is very little to equalize the differences. It is not worth pouring the ready-made mixture if the room temperature is lower than 5 degrees Celsius. And keep in mind that the floor negatively tolerates the sun's rays, and therefore experts note that this is not the best option to use it outdoors.


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