Best Allergy Drugs in 2025

Allergy is not for nothing called a disease of the 21st century - today it is observed in people regardless of age, not only in spring or summer, but also at other times of the year.

Allergies can be caused by various factors: food, medications and household chemicals, animal dander, pollen, ordinary dust, sunlight and cold. The ranking was compiled to help you choose the best allergy medications of 2025.

What are the remedies for allergies

In modern therapeutic practice, tablets are used for an allergic reaction of several generations. Representatives of the latter have significantly fewer side effects and restrictions, have a quick and longer action even at a low dosage. However, in combination with this, traditional remedies for allergic reactions in childhood and adulthood of the 1st generation are also used - in some cases, only they can improve the patient's well-being.

In addition to antihistamine medicines, children and older patients are also prescribed for allergic reactions:

  • corticosteroids - hormonal injections or pills;
  • mast cell membrane stabilizers.

This list details the best antihistamines for allergies from the above categories. The rating is based on the effectiveness of drugs, the number of side effects and the price.

First generation antihistamines

To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, they act in 2 directions: the source of the reaction is stopped and the release of histamine is suppressed, a component actively produced by the body as a response to an irritant. This can be achieved through medications from this subgroup, they, with varying speed and effectiveness, eliminate irritation and inflammatory changes in the mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth, heal rash and swelling, and relieve other symptoms.


Best Allergy Drugs in 2025

The best antihistamine for skin allergies. Today it is used as an adjunct drug during the treatment of pseudo-allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock. It is possible to purchase the drug in tablet form or as an injection solution. Despite the fact that the drug is attributed to 1 generation, it is popular at the moment, in combination with other analogues.


  • adequate cost;
  • high effect - the drug helps to eliminate itching, swelling, sneezing and runny nose, tearing;
  • the effect lasts up to 8 hours - of all the tablets of this category, only the considered ones have a similar long-term effect.


  • in some cases, an allergic reaction to the remedy itself appears;
  • it is prohibited to use for the purpose of stopping an allergic reaction during pregnancy and children under 12 months;
  • after taking the pills, it is forbidden to drive a vehicle and carry out other buildings that require a high concentration of attention and accuracy of movements.


Best Allergy Drugs in 2025

Quite a popular medicine for the treatment of an allergic reaction, in particular in an emergency - in such a situation it is administered as an intramuscular or intravenous solution. In comparison with analogues from this class, it has few side effects and contraindications. The active ingredient is chloropyramine, which does not stay in the bloodstream for a long time, is not deposited in cells and will be almost completely excreted by the kidneys along with urine. Because of this reason, the medication in question should not be used by those patients who, in addition to an allergic reaction, have renal failure, regardless of the form. Has a calming effect, causes drowsiness, but is quite effective during urticaria, allergic conjunctivitis, with atopic dermatitis, Quincke's edema.


  • small price;
  • high effect.


  • provokes drowsiness and inhibits reflexes;
  • not used by young children and during pregnancy, as well as by drivers, doctors.


Best Allergy Drugs in 2025

The medication in question relieves symptoms that are caused by an allergic reaction to pollen, medications, mosquito bites and other insects, and pet hair. It is an effective prophylactic agent for rhinitis. A fairly common drug that has a quick effect. After a quarter of an hour, there will be a general improvement. This effect lasts up to 2 days.

However, due to the effect on the central nervous system, one must be extremely careful. In old age, it is not recommended for use, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. Children can use the medicine from the age of 3, but only as directed by a specialist. Already at this age, the drug is able to provoke high excitability.


  • suitable for any age;
  • adequate cost;
  • acts in the shortest possible time and retains the effect for quite a long time;
  • also used for preventive purposes.


  • ineffective in a complex form of an allergic reaction as the main medication;
  • has contraindications and side effects;
  • it is forbidden to use during pregnancy and lactation, with heart failure, epilepsy, prostate adenoma, etc.


Best Allergy Drugs in 2025

The active substance of the medication in question is diphenhydramine. Diphenhydramine is considered to be the progenitor of existing antihistamines. In addition to antiallergic, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, it is included in the triad - a set of medicines that are used by “ambulance” for emergency treatment.


  • adequate price;
  • fast effect;
  • good compatibility with other medications.


  • drowsiness, malaise, inhibited reaction, or vice versa, severe agitation, sleep disturbances;
  • the active component affects the heart rate, provoking anemia;
  • not recommended for continuous therapy of children, during pregnancy or lactation.


Best Allergy Drugs in 2025

The drug in question is effective in almost all types of allergic reactions, quickly relieves signs of hay fever, urticaria, dermatitis due to the suppression of the release of histamine. In addition, it is used to treat migraine, anorexia, cachexia. The active ingredient is cyproheptadine salts.


  • the release is carried out in tablet form for adults and as a syrup for children from 2 years old;
  • has a wide range of effects;
  • helps to stimulate the absorption of nutrients, which is required for patients who suffer from anorexia or have difficulties with nutrition and weight gain.


  • leads to disruptions in urination and edema;
  • not prescribed during pregnancy and lactation;
  • can cause an increase in mass, which is not suitable for everyone;
  • has a calming effect, which provokes drowsiness.

Second generation antihistamines for allergies

The main difference and advantage of such a drug group will be an insignificant effect on the nervous system. Drowsiness or lethargy of reactions is manifested much less, only during a dosage violation or personal increased susceptibility of the patient to active substances. In addition, they have a lesser effect on heart tissue and gastrointestinal tract. When you need to choose an effective, budgetary remedy for an allergic reaction for children, experts often prescribe drugs in this category.


  • not every remedy is suitable for pregnancy and lactation, for babies;
  • it is forbidden to use for renal diseases;
  • overcharge.


  • a quick effect that lasts for 10-12 hours;
  • much fewer side effects;
  • it is permissible to use in childhood.


Best Allergy Drugs in 2025

No less common drug of the 2nd generation, despite the variety of modern improved medicines. In accordance with the characteristics, the drug is inferior to Claritin in its functions. However, it is extremely popular as it comes in various pharmacological forms. It can be used to treat an allergic reaction in infants: drops are taken orally, and an ointment is used topically for itching and redness.


  • an attack of an allergic reaction is quickly stopped and the subsequent production of histamines is blocked;
  • effective for any allergic reaction - to food, sunlight, cold, chemical components, pollen and animal hair.


  • slight sedative effect;
  • incompatibility with alcohol and some medications;
  • used with extreme caution during pregnancy, lactation and young children.


Best Allergy Drugs in 2025

It is another histamine receptor antagonist. It is used for therapeutic purposes for various types of allergic reactions, including cold, and is effective for atopic eczema. The active ingredient of the drug is acrivastine.


  • can be consumed regardless of food intake;
  • does not provoke drowsiness;
  • effectively tolerated even with prolonged therapy.


  • not prescribed for children under 12 years old;
  • prohibited during pregnancy and lactation;
  • may contain lactose and starch, therefore, it is very carefully prescribed for diabetes;
  • affects the kidneys, therefore it is not recommended to use the remedy for violations in the functioning of these organs.


Best Allergy Drugs in 2025

A potent, but not the safest drug for a strong and persistent allergic reaction. It is characterized by a long lasting effect - in some patients it will last up to 10 days or more. Therefore, the drug in question will become the means of choice in the treatment of chronic allergic reactions of various ages.


  • using the medicine, it is possible to refuse other antihistamine medications;
  • 1 dose will be sufficient to get rid of an allergic reaction for 3-5 weeks;
  • suitable for the treatment of chronic allergic reactions in advanced forms.


  • a significant side effect will be the effect on the myocardium and heart rate;
  • the medicine is forbidden to use for those who have heart defects and other pathological processes of the heart and blood vessels;
  • prohibited for use during pregnancy, lactation, young children, is not used in order to eliminate an acute allergic reaction;
  • overcharge.

The best third generation allergy remedies

They act at the cellular level without harming the central nervous system. The drugs of this subgroup will not actually disrupt the functioning of the heart.In addition, there is a minimum amount of side effects, and therefore, addiction will not be caused.

The calming effect is not observed or is weak. Drugs of this subgroup are suitable for the successful treatment of an allergic reaction. Such properties explain the price of 3rd generation antihistamines, it is slightly higher than that of its predecessors.


Best Allergy Drugs in 2025

A similar drug of the 3rd generation is an active antagonist of histamine receptors. Acts selectively, it is considered by its own composition to be a derivative of buterophenol. It is used in the treatment of chronic allergic reactions, bronchial asthma, and occasional acute allergies caused by external irritants.


  • does not affect the mental motility and psycho-emotional state of the patient;
  • does not provoke drowsiness;
  • sometimes used for glaucoma and prostate adenoma.


  • in case of an overdose, the remedy itself becomes a provoking factor in an allergic reaction - skin rash, itching, swelling, etc.


Best Allergy Drugs in 2025

The drug in question holds leading positions in most ratings. Experts and buyers alike believe it is the best allergy drug of its kind. It acts almost immediately after consumption and effectively copes with an allergic reaction.

Buyers attribute to the merits the fact that there is no drowsiness, so it can be consumed anytime. The medicine is suitable for stopping hay fever, atopic dermatitis and seasonal allergic reactions. It is prescribed for both adults and children. The drug in question is quite expensive, but it is one of the best and most effective. When you want to achieve a positive result, the medicine will be the best choice.


  • a wide range of effects;
  • there are no sedative reactions of the body;
  • harmless effect on the liver;
  • symptoms are effectively eliminated.


  • overcharge.


Best Allergy Drugs in 2025

In the composition of the medication in question, in addition to the antihistamine component, there are also decongestants that facilitate the functioning of internal organs. Such tablets for an allergic reaction are taken 2 times a day. The dose and duration of use is prescribed by a specialist. It is forbidden to adjust the dosage yourself, as this adversely affects the functioning of the liver, kidneys and heart. Such medicines make it possible to eliminate the following problems:

  • exacerbation of seasonal allergies;
  • acute and chronic urticaria;
  • swelling of the eyelids, redness of the eyes and other symptoms of an allergic form of conjunctivitis;
  • the occurrence of pain in the head.


  • manifestations are effectively blocked;
  • the action will last up to 24 hours.


  • has a lot of side effects;
  • in old age and heart disease is prescribed with extreme caution;
  • dulls concentration of attention;
  • prohibited during pregnancy and lactation.

How to choose remedies for allergies?

It is impossible to choose medication yourself. With an initial allergic symptomatology, it is required to seek medical help without delay. In certain situations, you will need to find out the recommendations of specialized doctors. To know which drug is best for allergies, you need to consider the following facts:

  • age indicators of the patient;
  • the presence of concomitant pathological processes;
  • what caused the allergy;
  • the severity of this pathology;
  • susceptibility to certain constituents of drugs.

A universal drug for an allergic reaction has not been developed. Each patient has its own physiological characteristics, therefore, in each situation there are certain characteristics of choice. The drugs are suitable for one, while the other will have a negative reaction to the components. In some cases, it will take months and years to find the best drug.However, the assortment of anti-allergenic medicines makes it possible in the end to select directly what is needed - the question will be in cost and availability.

( Total:2 Middle:4.5/5 )

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