One of the brightest periods in the life of every woman is the birth of a baby. This moment is accompanied by a happy expectation of meeting him. Only against the background of these experiences unpleasant problems arise that require special care from the pregnant woman. Often, moms worry about the resulting stretch marks on the body.
In such a situation, a good cream for stretch marks in 2025 will be useful. True, for a start it is worth understanding how to choose a useful and effective composition. As part of our article, a rating of the best manufacturers and remedies against stretch marks will be presented. We hope that this information will allow you to solve the problem and not experience complexes about this.
Manufacturer list
Thinking about which is the best cream for stretch marks to buy, you should first study the available brands in our market. Today, there are many cosmetic manufacturers that offer the best creams for stretch marks during pregnancy.
A brand from England, which is famous for its wide selection of products for babies and mothers. For the first time, this range became known in 1984. Since then, it has steadily taken its place as a leader in sustainable and safe health products.
No less famous French company. Expanscience products are sold in 100 countries around the world. They are produced on the basis of natural ingredients with active effects. The brand is engaged in the production of only hypoallergenic products that are perfectly tolerated and meet all the necessary controls.
Manufacturer from Switzerland. For 70 years, he has been supplying the market with exceptionally high quality products that are beneficial in skin care. This is a line for the whole family.
Users and experts note that these products are distinguished by a high degree of safety, as well as confirmed by clinical studies. Moreover, the effectiveness of the funds is at a high level. The components penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, provoking the regeneration process.
The company from England, which produces a line of products, are based on exclusively active minerals and vitamins. All of them have a beneficial effect on the skin area and help maintain an ideal state.
The brand has established itself as a manufacturer of cosmetics, based on water from geothermal sources. The composition is saturated with trace elements, as well as mineral salts. It has excellent regenerative properties and has a healing effect.
The company has been operating since 1931, when Vichy creams first helped people remove skin imperfections. Since that moment, the brand has not lost demand and has enjoyed an extremely positive reputation with customers.
Our TOP of the best manufacturers of anti-stretch marks on the body is completed by a German brand. This is a cosmetic line whose main purpose is to help support the skin care of children and young mothers. The products have a unique composition. It consists of 97 percent natural oils and vitamins.This is a hypoallergenic compound that is completely safe to use. Clinical studies have been conducted that have proven the above words exactly.
Rating of popular remedies for stretch marks on the body in pregnant women in 2025
When choosing the best cream for stretch marks during pregnancy, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the TOP funds presented below. It includes those options about which there are many positive reviews on the Web. These are the opinions of real people.
Also, when compiling the list, parameters such as brand awareness and reputation among consumers were taken. The composition of the product for safety is also considered, all means that can harm mother and baby are excluded. Parameters such as the presence of dyes and fragrances, hypoallergenic properties, excellent absorption rates, and price were no exception.
As the reviews show, this is a good cream for stretch marks for pregnant women. The cost per tube is 1570 rubles. By volume - 200 ml. A distinctive feature of the product is its anti-cellulite effect. In fact, the cream for stretch marks for pregnant women differs from its opponents in that it contains plant flavonoids. They are able to increase cellular vitality, getting rid of scars and stretch marks. The drug also counteracts defects that are associated with hormonal disruption and age-related skin changes.
It is safe in composition. But the use is complicated by the fact that the cream is able to leave marks on clothes. Just as customer reviews show, it is worth using it to prevent stretch marks.
- increasing the elasticity of the skin;
- removes stretch marks.
- expensive tool.
An active serum is presented to your attention, which will be useful in the fight against stretch marks. For the price, this is an affordable option - for 200 ml it is worth paying around 215 rubles.
The main advantage is the return of natural tone to the dermis. It contains caffeine, retinol, fat-burning ginger, as well as a whole complex of vitamins, which are among the active components. All this allows you to remove stretch marks, as well as fat cells. The tool has a breaking effect, and also moisturizes due to the presence of kelp extract in the composition.
According to the reviews, it becomes clear that the result will not be long in coming. The skin becomes very elastic, the existing stretch marks change their color. After 7 days of use, the desired improvement can be achieved.
- stretch marks fade;
- nice smell;
- acceptable price.
- course of use, at least 2 months.
This is a very popular gel that can be used not only as an external remedy, but also for organizing procedures with warm baths. For the price, you should be ready to pay around 600 rubles for 20 grams. Contractubex.
The drug is produced in Germany. This is a versatile composition that helps to remove various types of skin imperfections. He is able to eliminate stretch marks in pregnant women.
It was included in the rating due to its high efficiency and safe composition. There is an extract of onion serae, allantoin, sodium heparin. These components are not absorbed by the blood. The product is safe for both the mother and the unborn baby.
The composition is able to start the process of skin regeneration. As a result, as the reviews show, even old stretch marks can be removed.
- efficiency;
- removes scars, stretch marks, streaks on the chest and sides.
- have not been found.
A unique eco-cream based on olive oil, wheat protein. The product is natural, highly effective and safe for baby and mother. The cellular system receives nourishment, the skin becomes elastic. According to OKO-TEST experts, the product was rated with the highest score. Sanosan is produced in Germany.
As for the reviews, users note that if you smear from 5 months of pregnancy after giving birth, you can exclude all striae.
- efficiency;
- dense consistency;
- excellent absorbency.
- smell;
- fatty composition.
The rating is continued by the equally popular Avent cream, which is produced by an American company. For 200 ml of funds, you need to pay around 700 rubles. A feature of the remedy is the relief of itching that is present in pregnant women when the belly begins to grow. The composition contains all the components to increase the elasticity of the dermis. These are algae, lacta and almonds. You can also use the cream while breastfeeding your baby.
Based on customer reviews, it can be noted that after 5 months of use, the striae go away completely, and the old stretch marks become invisible.
- pleasant aroma;
- non-greasy consistency;
- efficiency.
- have not been identified.
A feature of the cream is the lifting effect. The composition contains E vitamin and soy. It resists skin tears and sagging. It is able to tighten the relief, as well as increase the elasticity of the dermis. The result will be noticeable after 6 months of constant use.
For the price, this is an expensive option. For a tube of 150 ml, you should be ready to pay around 730 rubles. Reviews confirm the effectiveness of the composition. During pregnancy, you should constantly use Venus, in which case you can not worry about stretch marks.
- consistency;
- efficiency.
- high price.
An Italian product that was able to win the love of 10,000 mothers from the Russian Federation. The cost is around 550 rubles for 200 ml. The composition contains rice bran, wheat oils. The formula is rich in vitamins E and PP. All this helps to stop tissue stretching, moisturizing the dermis.
- helps to remove stretch marks after a course of 3 months.
- no.
The cream is liked by 90 percent of women who have used it on their own experience. They note that the remedy has a double effect. It is able to prevent the appearance of stretch marks and remove those that are already in stock. The skin becomes hydrated and soft.
- pleasant aroma;
- absorbs quickly;
- safe composition;
- can be used for GC;
- profitability;
- efficiency;
- nice texture.
- inconvenient dispenser;
- there may be individual intolerance;
- high price.
This is not just a cosmetic cream, but also a medicinal one. Recommended for use from the first days of pregnancy. Users note that it really helps stop the appearance of stretch marks. It can be used after childbirth, while on the GC.
- promotes the start of skin regeneration;
- choice of size and shape;
- efficiency;
- removes dryness and itching on the skin.
- does not remove old stretch marks;
- the dispenser breaks;
- poor quality bottle.
The TOP is completed by the cream of the French company Vichy. It is in demand by domestic pregnant women and mature mothers. It is effective against stretch marks and has a moisturizing effect. It is oily and dense in consistency, perfectly absorbed by the skin. No traces of the cream remain on clothes.
- high efficiency;
- hypoallergenic composition;
- pleasant aroma;
- skin moisturizing effect.
- removes old stretch marks;
- not economical to use;
- fixed intolerance to the cream on an individual basis.
Share your experience in the comments on the use of anti-stretch mark cream during pregnancy and after childbirth. Indicate the tools that seemed to you the most effective or disappointed.