Best Essential Oil Manufacturers in 2025

Aromatherapy products are in great demand today. These are essential oils that help support skin and hair care. In fact, they are mass produced. Many companies surprise with high-quality formulations based exclusively on natural ingredients.

If you are interested in this topic, read the article to the end. We will break down the best essential oils and their manufacturers in more detail. This information will be useful in the future for the purchase of quality products, where there will be no place for the chemical composition of fats, but only for plant materials.

Useful properties of ethers

It is not for nothing that many cosmetologists recommend using oil-like substances if you need to solve serious skin problems. Indeed, the best essential oils for the face have a number of beneficial features. They can help cleanse the skin, start an active regeneration process, and provide a moisturizing or whitening effect.

Range of use

Compositions of essential oils can be used for different purposes. Someone prefers to arrange an aroma evenings, spreading the smell throughout the apartment. Indeed, their aroma is able to tune in the right way, to enable a person to relax and breathe in useful ethers.

The use case for wraps was no exception. Many women note that the skin becomes taut and toned. Sometimes, it is possible to remove cellulite, but at the same time combining it with sports.

There are those who add the best essential oils for hair to the products, knead special balms and carry out aromatherapy combing. You can apply a hair mask, use esters in a massage, or cleanse your skin with steam baths. In fact, don't underestimate the beneficial properties of oil-like formulations.

About cost

As for the pricing policy, brands do not overstate their prices. Values ​​vary within 20-1000 rubles. In pricing, the priority is given to the extraction method. Those. how the manufacturer obtains a valuable product. It can be enfleurage, pressing or distillation.

Purchase features

Professional experts share their opinions not only about which essential oil is better, but also what nuances should be considered before buying.

Please note that all essential oils are divided according to the spectrum of their effect on the skin. In fact, this is a conditional influence, which includes several facts of effectiveness.Their degree will depend on the type of skin, condition and characteristics of the person's age.

The most popular today are neroli, pine, mandarin, bergamot and others. In fact, the list is very long and it makes no sense to list all the options.

It is equally important to take into account that essential oils should be understood as a kind of essence that has contraindications for use. Such concentrations do not exist in nature. For this reason, each ether should be used carefully. Be sure to consult with a specialist who will help you choose the oil composition. A lot of facts will be taken into account. For example, damage to the skin, the presence of diseases, intolerance to the composition or to certain components that are included in it.

To exclude an allergic reaction, before applying the composition to the skin of the face, conduct a test. To do this, apply the product to the wrist area. If after 5-15 minutes the skin does not begin to redden, redness is not provoked, then this oil can be used. And if the reaction manifests itself - give preference to another extract.

It is also worth mixing the compositions with extreme caution. The dosage should be no more than 7 drops per 15 grams of bulk. As an exception, you can use a pure type of esters for spot application. This option is recommended for acne treatment. But here it is worth considering that not all extracts can be used for this purpose.

It is important to take into account the fact that not even every prescription vegetable oil is capable of satisfying the needs of human skin. Better to use proven mixing ingredients.

Well, after reading this useful information, you can proceed to the analysis of the TOP-10, which includes good essential oils and their companies.

Best Essential Oil Manufacturers: TOP 10 in 2025

When compiling the rating presented below, we took into account, first of all, reviews of real users who shared their opinions on the Web. Information on the use of oils from cosmetologists and trichologists was no exception. These experts have the opportunity to work with essential oils every day and know a lot of valuable information. Such nuances as the manufacturer's reputation, as well as the declared price of the product, were no exception.

Let's get started now. We hope that this TOP will be useful to everyone who wants to use the best essential oils in their personal care.

French brand Florame: options for every taste for aromatherapy

Best Essential Oil Manufacturers in 2025

The Floram brand is originally from Provence. A huge number of raw materials for phytocosmetics are growing there. The release of essential oils is one of the company's specialties. It is worth considering that the composition includes only real components that are produced in those parts, despite this, the brand actively cooperates with other suppliers of raw materials. These are representatives of 40 countries. The partnership has been established for a long time and gives its great success. For this reason, many specialists and ordinary people know that valuable oils can be found in the company's lineup and are quite rare in other brands. For example, we are talking about a mastic tree, elecampane or myrrh.

The main advantages of the brand

  • a large assortment;
  • there are oils with therapeutic properties;
  • in cosmetics there are extracts and hydrolates;
  • certified products;
  • check and control in chromatographic centers-laboratories;
  • informative composition on the package;
  • formulated by doctors, many of them can be used for flavoring purposes.

Main brand flaws

  • expensive prices, for a bottle the cost can be set and 2000 rubles.


Russian brand Botanika: inexpensive massage products

Best Essential Oil Manufacturers in 2025

The domestic manufacturer Botanica never ceases to delight with a large assortment of high-quality essential oils that can be used for aromatherapy or massages. The organization has proven itself from the best side. The products are unique.They contain natural extracts and essential oils. The manufacturer cooperates with retail customers, works with pharmaceutical organizations and cosmetic companies.

An interesting feature of the Botanica organization is the placement on the site of unique recipes that allow you to prepare natural cosmetics and even perfume composition at home. The same information goes inside the packaging of essential oils, i.e. is available to all buyers.

The main advantages of the brand

  • before the sale of phyto-raw materials is controlled in laboratories;
  • the assortment is represented by products in view of the classification for durability, character, season and optimal characteristics of use;
  • the line is available for purchase in stores and pharmacies;
  • reasonable price.

Main brand flaws

  • not the entire line is representative of the distillation method.


The Swiss-Austrian brand Vivasan: the leader in networked production.

Best Essential Oil Manufacturers in 2025

In fact, this is not a simple manufacturer of ether compounds, but a company that offers other Swiss organizations to release products under its own name "Vivasan". Such networkers as Dr. Duenner, Oswald, Swiss Caps, as well as many other respected organizations work with her.

It should be noted that the brand always conducts a careful selection of suppliers, checking how ready the products are for sale on the market. Vivasan is also available in our country. You can apply for a purchase to the networkers, or you can go another way - subscribe and buy products from a well-known brand at dealer cost.

There are Vivasan branches in large cities of the Russian Federation, where consultants work. Experts will share information on the choice of essential oil and its correct use, relying on the buyer's need for the composition.

The main advantages of the brand

  • phyto-raw materials go through all stages of cleaning;
  • oils are suitable for aromatherapy, are 100 percent safe to use;
  • treatment with an essential composition inside is quite possible, but when prescribed by a doctor;
  • the range is represented by a wide variety of special and mono aromas;
  • all modern certificates are available;
  • the brand draws up hygiene documents for each country that is its importer.

Main brand flaws

  • cost policy of the company;
  • pure ethers are not represented in a large collection, and exotic compositions do not have such proposals at all.


Russian-Jordanian brand Zeitun: exotic and oriental in on-air production

Best Essential Oil Manufacturers in 2025

Zeitun differs from its competitors in its special characteristics of versatility of aromas. They are replaced by different shades of smell. The main evidence is that the smell is natural, the fact that the raw materials are grown in Morocco, Jordan, India.

It is important to note that the line includes cosmetics based on ethers. These are tonics, soaps and shampoos, men's shaving products.

The main advantages of the brand

  • solid assortment;
  • there are formulations with medicinal features in the line;
  • decoration in the form of fabric with twine and print;
  • can be used as a gift.

Main brand flaws

  • it is important to maintain storage requirements;
  • terms and date of production, information about the manufacturer - not on the package.


American brand Aura: safety comes first

Best Essential Oil Manufacturers in 2025

The Aura brand is represented by the United States of America. Production is based on the purchase of herbal raw materials from plantations in India, Vietnam and Madagascar. It should be noted that the company works exclusively with proven land. On the basis of the composition obtained, it is possible to obtain pure ether compositions.

In fact, not only ordinary people, but also experts note that the American brand sells better oil, including bay, which has a beneficial effect on the health and growth of hair, can calm the nervous system and has a positive effect on the respiratory system. The company prepares complex ester formulations with the participation of doctors. The aroma formulations do not include base oils, only esters.

The main advantages of the brand

  • no fakes;
  • there are sets of oils for creating perfumes at home, recipes also come with esters;
  • if valuable oils have been diluted, this will be indicated on the bottle;
  • there are bottles of 15 and 30, 50 ml;
  • protection from children is provided;
  • acceptability of the price, if we exclude the need for delivery from the USA to the Russian Federation.

Main brand flaws

  • order on the US website;
  • lack of expiration date on packaging, as well as production dates. But it is worth noting that the brand began to gradually eliminate this deficiency.


Russian brand "OLEOS": a solid range of natural essential oils

Best Essential Oil Manufacturers in 2025

The Oleos company specializes in the production of various essential oils, as well as food and cosmetic. Experience shows that all these are high quality products with natural ingredients. For the past 10 years, the brand has focused on broadcasting. They are in demand among domestic buyers.

The company buys raw materials from different parts of the world. As a result, it is possible to produce products with pleasant aromas, persistent characteristics, and even at an acceptable cost. As well as satisfied customers, experts recommend Oleos products as esters that can have a positive effect in case of constant use. Buyers note that the nervous system has returned to normal, the hair looks much better and the skin condition has improved.

The main advantages of the brand

  • efficiency;
  • pleasant aromas and longevity.

Main brand flaws

  • absent.


Russian brand MIRROLLA: large volume at an optimal price

Best Essential Oil Manufacturers in 2025

Mirroll's company is a large research and production base where natural cosmetics, including dietary supplements, are produced. Today the organization presents more than three hundred funds that are aimed at improving the quality of life and human health.

Among the components of essential oils are rare herbs. All of them are grown on domestic plantations without affecting the raw materials with chemicals. The collection is carried out on special days. For this purpose, a calendar is provided, which is of particular benefit.

Recipe control is applied within Mirroll's laboratory. Here, the search for new products that will be even more effective is being conducted on an ongoing basis. Modern instruments and international quality standards are also among the main priorities of the organization.

On the market, the buyer will be able to buy Mirroll essential oils in a volume of 10 and 25 ml. Reviews confirm that the ethers are very persistent, they are able to create a pleasant atmosphere for a couple of hours.

The main advantages of the brand

  • a large assortment;
  • naturalness of products;
  • acceptable prices;
  • volume of bottles;
  • raw materials from our own plantations.

Main brand flaws

  • there are none.


Russian brand LECUS: compliance with international quality standards

Best Essential Oil Manufacturers in 2025

Lekus is well-known among Russian consumers. She specializes in the production of medicinal cosmetics and natural formulations of essential oils. Also in the assortment there are bath products, beauty products.

The main feature of the brand is the release of goods that fully meet modern international quality standards. Obtaining approval from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation was no exception.

If we talk about the merits of the brand, then it is worth mentioning being one of the three best domestic brands that produce natural cosmetics. The raw materials have European certificates. Lekus works only with trusted suppliers who are recognized all over the world.

Every year Lekus becomes a participant in exhibitions. Year after year, he manages to win new awards and prestigious diplomas. In addition, ordinary buyers speak positively about the brand's essential oils. They share in their reviews that the products are worthy of respect.

The main advantages of the brand

  • stylish design;
  • big variety;
  • resistance characteristics;
  • acceptable cost;
  • fragrances are unobtrusive, natural;
  • effect on improving the condition of the skin and hair;
  • with aromatherapy, the room is filled with pleasant smells;
  • there is a large selection of ethers for massages.

Main brand flaws

  • have not been identified.


German brand BERGLAND-PHARMA: pure eco-friendly raw materials at an optimal price and quality

Best Essential Oil Manufacturers in 2025

More than 25 years ago, the Bergland organization set itself the goal of preserving the natural purity of the material and recreating unique parapharmaceutical and cosmetic essential oils. During this time, the brand made great efforts, but was able to achieve its goals. Now the company has become famous for its quality products not only at home, but also in other countries. Leading medical institutions in Hungary, Czech Republic, Austria and Germany prefer Bergland. This is not at all surprising, the company produces worthy essential oils that can affect not only pointwise, but also fully on the human body.

Distinctive features of such oil esters are the antibacterial effect on hair and skin, the regeneration of immunity and the removal of the inflammatory process.

Essential products are made on the basis of ecological raw materials, which is confirmed by GMP and ISO certificates. Today, the brand is regularly monitored by the Federation of German Cosmetics Manufacturers. It should be noted that this decision was made personally by representatives of the organization.

All products are natural, most of them have marks: "Cosmos Organic" and "Cosmos Natural". Experts say that today it is not possible to find Bergland on the natural cosmetics market.

The main advantages of the brand

  • regular checks;
  • naturalness of the composition of the line of products;
  • positive effect on the body.

Main brand flaws

  • were not recorded.


In conclusion

This TOP 10 has exhausted itself, but there are many other worthy manufacturers of essential oils. If you know such examples, share the information in the comments to the article. Perhaps your opinion will be useful to other readers in search of good essential oils in our country.

( Total:1 Middle:5/5 )


  • Eugenics:

    I have been using Zeitun for a single year, there is always a label with a date and expiration date.

    • Eugene:

      Why this particular brand?
      Because an expensive and beautiful name?
      Other oils also have a date and expiration date.

  • Maria:

    Spivak. Their jojoba oil was tested by Gold, how it solidifies at temperatures below + 7-8 degrees. And before that I always took it in an Indian store and also decided to check it, it froze in small pieces at the very bottom, which means it is very diluted (((


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