The best candles for thrush in 2025

The best suppositories for thrush are a great way to stop abnormal reproduction in the female vagina of deuteromycetes, which include the yeast-like fungus of the genus Candida. Mycotic infections (microscopic yeast-like fungi of this genus are classified as conditionally pathogenic. They can absolutely calmly exist in the human body, and are normally in the usual composition of the microflora.

Small amounts on the mucous membrane of the mouth, intestines and vagina are considered normal and even beneficial in the natural functioning of the body. The need to use suppositories or tablets for thrush arises when immunity is weakened or a pathogenic strain of the fungus gets on the mucous membrane from the outside.

Selection criteria

The best suppositories for thrush, if used as a monopreparation, help only at the initial stage of the development of the disease. In order to diagnose the abnormal development of a pathogenic fungus, you need to carefully monitor your health. While the fungus has just begun its destructive activity and active reproduction, the problem can be easily solved by using vaginal suppositories. The wide variety of such products developed by the pharmaceutical industry can make it difficult to select the right drug. Therefore, TOP-10, demand ratings and lists of sales leaders are compiled to facilitate the complex process of determining preferences.

However, not always a super popular advertised drug that dominates the TOP may be useful in a specific clinical case. Often this is just an industrial analogue of a cheaper product, in which the manufacturer changed the name and packaging. At the same time, the active ingredient and composition remained the same, as in an outdated drug, to which the pathogenic strain has long developed resistance. Self-prescribing suppositories and self-medication are a sure way to develop a chronic form of the disease, because many women use them until the symptoms disappear, but not until they are completely cured.

In any case, determining which candles are best for thrush remains a medical prerogative. Because only the doctor has the necessary set of diagnostic tools, on the basis of which it is possible to determine the degree of progression of the pathology, the type of pathogenic strain and the optimal suppository option for it. Laboratory tests will help check the degree of cure and determine the need for a second course for a full recovery. Sometimes this requires oral medications, immune stimulation, and general preventive measures - for example, the use of medication by two sexual partners to prevent re-infection or recurrence of abnormal activity of the Candida fungi.

The doctor's prescription is focused not on a bright poster in a pharmacy, but on completely different criteria:

  • the effectiveness of this drug in relation to the identified type of mycotic infection;
  • lack of immunity developed by the pathogenic agent to the active active ingredient in the suppository;
  • possible side effects arising from the use of this type of suppository - individual immunity to DAV, the likelihood of developing an allergic reaction or vaginal dysbiosis;
  • the duration of use indicated in the annotation (because vaginal suppositories create certain inconveniences during menstruation, the reception is interrupted, sex life is limited, there is a possibility of contamination of underwear);
  • physiological state: during pregnancy, certain drugs are excluded from the spectrum of possible ones due to the potential danger to the bearing fetus;
  • the degree of spread of fungal infection and the need for additional prescriptions - oral tablets and capsules, stimulants of natural immunity, suppositories with lactobacilli for the treatment of dysbiosis;
  • the composition of the drug (combined are more effective because they act in several directions at once than mono-drugs);
  • compatibility with other medications taken (they can have a cumulative effect or reduce activity from use;
  • the need for a repeated course or the appointment of another type of suppository in case of insufficient activity of the selected one.

The cost of prescription suppositories plays an important role among the criteria for choosing an item of preference from a long list of the pharmaceutical industry for choosing the best remedy. The doctor can pick up a medicinal analogue with a different name and a more democratic cost, but with the same active active substance.


  • the correct selection of the suppository, taking into account all the necessary conditions;
  • prescribing additional therapies, if required;
  • control over the course of treatment, the possibility of complete recovery;
  • indispensable preventive measures.


  • time spent visiting a doctor and getting valuable advice.

TOP-10 suppositories in terms of demand and effectiveness

The list of medicinal suppositories for thrush given below is compiled on the basis of statistical studies on the frequency of use by patients and medical prescriptions. However, a place in the ranking is given not only on the basis of the demand among visitors to pharmacies. The advantages laid down by the manufacturer are also taken into account (the short duration of the course, the possibility of using it during pregnancy, the relative absence of contraindications and the effectiveness of the active substance. In the above list of indisputable leaders, there are no very expensive drugs that have no special advantages, except for a well-known manufacturer or price, due to foreign origin.

10 - Nystatin

The best candles for thrush in 2025

Popular and widespread in use are suppositories with a polyene antibiotic, which have a pronounced fungicidal active. The active active substance of the same name with the drug is nystatin, which is also used as part of other combined preparations with an antifungal orientation (Pimafucin, Moronal, Nistafungin, Fungicidin, Polygynax and Terzhinan). It is often prescribed with other dosage forms - ointment and tablets with a similar effect. An improvement in the condition is noted on days 2-3, while the listed side effects are characteristic of the oral form, and the suppositories act locally, at the injection site, and are not absorbed into the systemic circulation.

The long and proven reputation is based on the inability of the fungus to develop resistance to the polyene antibiotic. But nystatin itself easily destructs the cell membranes of the aggressor, integrating into the cell and disrupting its stability, which is why it quickly dies.


  • absolutely democratic cost and proven performance many times over;
  • lack of resistance in any type of fungus and the inability to develop it;
  • quick achievement of the desired effect;
  • the orientation of the DAV does not lead to vaginal dysbiosis;
  • has an additional anti-inflammatory effect.


  • inability to use during lactation and pregnancy;
  • the likelihood of developing side discomfort.

With thrush it is used as an anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, fungistatic agent with a mild antibacterial activity and a pronounced anti-candidiasis and antimycotic in general.

9 Clotrimazole

The best candles for thrush in 2025

An effective representative of the line of expensive but effective suppositories, which can be recommended not only for candidiasis, but also for a number of genital infections that are sensitive to DAV. The active active ingredient is clotrimazole, but semi-synthetic glycerides are invariably included in the suppositories, potentiating and cumulating the achieved result. The mechanism of counteracting a pathogenic agent is based on the ability of an antimycotic drug to influence the synthesis of the constituent cell membranes of the aggressor. This invariably leads to significant disruptions in the development and life of the fungus, its inevitable death.

When taken orally, it can accumulate in the liver, but is subsequently excreted through the excretory system. The ability to have a destructive effect on a number of fungal and bacterial infections, as well as an absolutely affordable price, made Clotrimazole a frequent subject of preference in prophylactic prescriptions (postoperative, pre- and postnatal interventions).


  • versatility and power of the main active substance;
  • affordable price and high performance;
  • the ability to use for various genital infections, giving quick relief;
  • affordable cost and quality of the drug;
  • the minimum number of side effects.


  • the likelihood of accumulation in the liver;
  • the need for application within 6 days.

With repeated use, the appearance of resistance in an infectious strain is possible; use during pregnancy and lactation is not recommended. Candid B6, Kandizol, Kandibene, Antifungol candles can be sold with a similar composition. But it is not recommended to choose a medicinal synonym on your own. For this, it is better to consult a doctor.

8 Betadine

 The best candles for thrush in 2025

Suppositories for the fight against vaginal infections, declared by the manufacturer, as a preparation with a parallel antiseptic, antimycotic and disinfectant effect. The application gives a therapeutic effect due to the active combination of two DAVs - polyvinylpyrrolidone and iodine. Reception is usually recommended for a week, however, it can not only be extended, but also increased in dosage. Achieving the result is based on the ability of active components to form iodamine upon contact with mycosis, and at the same time block the production of proteins in the fungal cell.

However, iodine can serve as an obstacle to the use of a suppository for thyroid pathologies, pregnancy and lactation, the development of allergic reactions and individual intolerance to the constituent components. Therefore, self-administration of Betadine is unacceptable, as well as the use of industrial analogues under other commercial names (Povidone-iodine, Iodoxide).


  • effectiveness even during the menstrual cycle, which makes it possible not to interrupt the treatment course during the period of menstruation;
  • versatility of action, versatility of use against vaginal infections of various etiologies;
  • antiseptic, disinfectant and antifungal action in an optimal combination;
  • the ability to quickly and effectively interrupt the development of mycosis, blocking the protein synthesis of the aggressor.


  • the presence of contraindications for diseases of the thyroid gland
  • the likelihood of developing a reaction of non-perception with sensitivity to the active ingredients of the suppository.

Iodine-containing suppositories are not recommended during pregnancy and lactation, they require taking into account possible negative effects, therefore, they are used only after medical approval.

7 McMiror complex

The best candles for thrush in 2025

A complex antifungal drug that has become widespread due to the relative versatility of action. Gelatin suppositories do not cause inconvenience during administration and dissolve quickly. Polyfunctionality is achieved by the presence of several active ingredients at once - the already known polyene antibiotic nystatin, nifuratel, with a wide range of effects on gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms and excipients that facilitate absorption and interaction when applied to the mucous membrane.

It belongs to the drug group of antiprotozoal, antimicrobial, antibacterial and antimycotic combined agents of a wide spectrum of action, can be used during pregnancy and in childhood. It is quickly absorbed, practically does not enter the bloodstream, and the effective combination of polyene and a nitrofuran derivative allows not only to expand the spectrum of action, but also to accelerate the process of expelling the pathogenic agent.


  • the possibility of unhindered use at any age and condition;
  • the simultaneous presence of two active components with cumulative interaction;
  • no side effects and quick absorption;
  • preservation of natural microflora and prevention of dysbiosis;
  • short duration of treatment.


  • impossibility of application with immunity to component components;
  • non-prevalence in pharmacies.

If, during a medical appointment, there were objective difficulties in acquiring, it is better to use the help desk or consult with a doctor about a possible replacement for a remedy with a similar action.

6 Hexicon

The best candles for thrush in 2025

Insufficiently advertised, but a universal remedy for combating any infections of the genitourinary system, including mycotic ones. The manufacturer is concerned not only with the versatility of its drug, but also with the possibility of its comfortable use. Its positive properties are due to DAV - chlorhexidine bigluconate, an integral component of a whole group of drugs that are very popular in clinical practice. Absolutely responsibly, you can recommend the Geksikon vaginal suppositories, even because each suppository is equipped with a special fingertip for the safety of the procedure for introducing a suppository into the vagina.

With a short-term infection, a single use may be sufficient, so in the pharmacy you can find convenient packaging of 10 suppositories for a long course and a one-time one. The specific properties of the active substance included by the manufacturer in the suppository make it possible to use Hexicon as a disinfectant before surgery and childbirth, and the only contraindication is inevitable in widespread use, but extremely rare individual immunity.


  • universality of action and quick obtaining of the desired result;
  • lack of pronounced side effects;
  • adequate cost, fully consistent with this category;
  • guaranteed absence of dysbiosis, even after course use;
  • the presence of additional bonuses in each package of the drug.


  • discomfort with increased sensitivity of the mucous membranes;
  • possible rare presence of individual immunity.

A doctor's consultation is necessary to determine the correct dosage, as it can be 16 or 8 mg.

5 Livarol

The best candles for thrush in 2025

Vaginal suppositories are conveniently shaped like a torpedo, with a significant amount of ketoconazole, which is supplied as part of an active complex in combination with macrogol and butyloxyanisole.Each of the triad of components included in the candle has an excellent reputation for inhibiting or stopping the activity of mycotic infection. Livarol is effective against any pathogenic strain of candida fungi that is in the stage of active reproduction. The complex action of the vaginal suppository allows you to simultaneously terminate the productive ability of mycosis, slow down its division and achieve cessation of viability.

The positive aspect of the combined action of the drug is the complete absence of absorption into the systemic circulation, due to which it can be used during pregnancy and lactation. An important role in the frequency of prescribing Livarol is played by its active ability to cope not only with acute, but also with chronic chronic infection, which is inherent in only a few drugs in this price range. The absence of side effects is an additional bonus to an effective combination of medicinal components. Only in rare cases is there a slight hyperemia at the injection site or mucosal irritation. But along the way, you can get rid of bacterial infections, frequent companions of mycoses in a significant stage of spread.


  • efficiency, rare in drugs of affordable cost;
  • the possibility of use during pregnancy and lactation;
  • combined inhibitory effect on bacterial infection and mycoses;
  • lack of pronounced contraindications;
  • the complexity of the effect on infection, thanks to three active components at once with cumulative interactions.


  • the possibility of individual immunity in rare cases;
  • minor skin reactions at the injection site.

Medical supervision is necessary to determine the stage of development of the infection. It is this factor that serves as fundamental in determining the duration of the prescribed course.

4 Zalain

 The best candles for thrush in 2025

Announced by the manufacturer as vaginal suppositories without significant flaws, with a minimum of rare side effects. The popularity of the drug in clinical practice is easily explainable - the combined action of two active components - imidazole and bezothiophene allows you to stop the production of ergosterol in fungal membranes with a single session. Hence the prevailing release of candles in a package of one piece. No daily 3 or even 3-time applications for a week, or even two. Only if there is an objective need, found by a gynecologist, the procedure can be recommended again, but this is talc in very advanced cases.

As in the use of other suppositories, sexual intercourse is not recommended. But this is one of the few drugs that can be administered during the menstrual cycle without any losses for the action of the medicinal components and their effect on the suppression of fungal activity.


  • commendable opportunity to do 1-2 sessions;
  • the presence of two active components that allow you to cope with mycosis quickly and effectively;
  • the minimum number of side effects and discomfort;
  • affordable cost of a suppository and convenient packaging;
  • the possibility of using during lactation and pregnancy due to the short duration of the treatment course;
  • soft but quick action, thanks to which relief comes.


  • rare, but hypothetically present probability of individual immunity to one of the DAV.

Consultation with a gynecologist is necessary to exclude or confirm the need for repeated admission.

3 Terzhinan

The best candles for thrush in 2025

A highly effective agent from a well-known French company, developed for antiprotozoal, antifungal, antimicrobial and bactericidal action on the vaginal mucosa. There are four DAVs at once, of which nystatin and prednisolone in a chemical compound can be attributed to the known ones.Ternidazole is one of the imidazole derivatives developed by French pharmacists with a pronounced antimycotic effect, and neomycin belongs to antibiotics with a universal spectrum of action.


  • high efficiency due to the composition of the complexes;
  • a drug from a manufacturer with an excellent reputation;
  • possible use from the second trimester of pregnancy and during menstruation;
  • at the same time gives anti-exudative, anti-allergenic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effects.


  • inability to use in the 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  • undesirability of use during lactation.

A visit to the gynecologist is recommended to control the duration of the administration of vaginal tablets based on the results of the examination.

1 and 2 Pimafucin and Primafungin

The best candles for thrush in 2025

Vaginal suppositories from a number of medicines with natamycin. Polyene, from a relatively new series of macrolides, with a broad spectrum of action and excellent recommendations obtained in clinical trials. It does not simply inhibit or suppress the activity of the fungal population, but leads to its rapid death. Analogues - Natamycin and Ekofutsin.


  • safety in use and absence of side effects;
  • the ability to use without any reservations during pregnancy and lactation;
  • additional components facilitate absorption into the mucous membrane and potentiate the result obtained without penetration into the systemic circulation and breast milk;
  • instant and prolonged elimination of fungal infection;
  • the inability of mycosis to develop resistance to the active substance discs due to the specificity of its action.


  • no, or not checked.

The given rating is given on the basis of statistical data on the frequency of prescription and use, the demand for pharmaceutical products. However, self-prescription and use of drugs without medical approval can bring undesirable consequences due to possible overdose or inappropriateness in relation to this pathogenic strain of candidiasis.

( Total:0 Middle:0/5 )

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