Best Vitamins for Nursing Moms in 2025

For a long period of time, breastfeeding is almost the only way to feed a baby. With his mother's milk, he must receive the necessary substances for the growth of the body. These include fats, carbohydrates, proteins, as well as secretory antibodies that help protect the baby from infection. The time of childhood infectious diseases, to which measles, smallpox or rubella is commonly referred to, coincides with the end of breastfeeding. Maternal immunity is not able to maintain the child's defense against viral infection, and his body does not yet produce antibodies at a sufficient level.

Modern pharmaceuticals offer the best vitamins for nursing mothers in 2025, which will help restore the body after childbirth, pregnancy, and also meet the needs of the baby. It is important to seek the advice of a doctor.

Selection features

As part of our article, a top rating of the best vitamin and mineral complexes that are intended for mothers on GC will be presented. These are several product categories that vary according to price.

Please note that the article is purely advisory in nature, and does not push you to buy certain products. All complexes have an industrial type of production. As a rule, they are similar in composition, and they are perfectly balanced. Those. during lactation, a young mother can be recommended any of the complexes that are intended for a nursing or pregnant woman. But keep in mind that even the best nursing vitamins should not be taken without the advice of a doctor.

Reception should correspond to the required dosage. It will not cause effects in a nursing mother, like all those substances that enter the body. Drugs can provoke allergies, especially if immunity is reduced. A young mother may notice a rash that looks like hives. This phenomenon is accompanied by the appearance of itching. Cases of indigestion, swelling on the fingers, face, and mucous membranes may also be affected.

If the baby is breastfed and his mother drinks vitamins, then there may be diathesis phenomena, redness on the cheeks, as well as a number of different rashes. They were no exception: seborrhea, crusts on the head, intestinal colic, upset stools, excessive moodiness, lack of sleep.

Of course, you should not take the drug in such cases. It is necessary to stop taking it by contacting a doctor immediately. The therapist must keep the mother under control, as well as the pediatrician. These specialists will be able to draw up the correct course of treatment, as well as develop tactics.

When solving the question - vitamins for nursing mothers, which ones are better to buy at the pharmacy, keep in mind that it is worth not only making a choice in favor of an effective product, but also one that will not bring danger. It all boils down to the fact that the child may develop incorrectly, growth will be disturbed, and chronic hypervitaminosis may develop, both in the mother and the baby. The reason for this may be an excess of multivitamins that are included in the daily dose. For a long time, an overdose of vitamin A, which is in the complexes, is possible.It accumulates and damages the liver. Vitamin D is no exception, which is able to provoke early mineralization of the bones of the skull, impairment of the brain and other difficult conditions of a growing organism.

Do not neglect the instructions of doctors. If you follow the instructions, then there will be no overdose.

Features of reception

Pharmacists advise to start taking funds even before the beginning of the conception of the child. In the future, it is worth continuing to drink them throughout pregnancy, breastfeeding. But this is only the opinion of manufacturers, which does not always agree with the medical one.

To date, only those vitamins are prescribed for nursing mothers that correspond to the indications. Those. if there is hypovitaminosis. The doctor will examine the woman, examine the tests and decide which vitamins should be supplied to the body. Sometimes, these are not complexes, but specific individual elements.

But even if it seems that vitamins are not capable of doing harm, they are not. Self-medication is the wrong decision. It is exclusively the doctor who should choose the vitamin and mineral complex, based on the testimony of analyzes and a general study of the body. The instruction for the drug contains information on the dosage and duration of administration. The data should be adjusted on a case-by-case basis according to the woman's needs.

As a rule, the intake is carried out in the amount of 1 tablet of the drug per day after the woman has eaten. The course takes 1 month in duration. The doctor can give advice on how to drink the drug, for how long, or stop taking it ahead of schedule, prolong the course. The body definitely needs rest, which should be between courses of drugs.

After a couple of months, a nursing mother will be able to go to the medical center again to check her health. The course can be assigned again.

It is recommended to give up vitamins

When deciding with a doctor which vitamins are better for a nursing mother, you must definitely indicate information about what chronic ailments are present in your body, whether there is an allergy. But you should not take drugs for patients who suffer from disorders of the excretory system of the body. If a woman has problems with the kidneys, liver, gallbladder, then vitamins are not appropriate for taking.

The doctor will take note of the presence of hypervitaminosis, as well as for some individual vitamin or mineral-type substance, prescribe a remedy that will not include it, and therefore will not harm the body.

It is worth taking into account the region of residence of the woman. If it is a seaside, then it is best to refuse iodine. If this is a region with a lack of iodine, then the intake of the substance may be additional. In this case, the doctor will take into account the inclusion of food additives that can cause allergies. It can manifest as severe itching and rash. Edema, even hay fever, can also be provoked. If you know about the allergen, then you need to carefully read the instructions in order to exclude unwanted intake of a risky substance.

There are even cases when there is no allergy to the active substance, but it has formed on the auxiliary components. If this happens, then the problem can be solved by changing the drug.

When feeding a baby, a mother should take care not only of the baby, but also eat herself fully, eat healthy food, walk a lot, and be observed by a doctor. If a multivitamin has been prescribed, it can be taken as directed. You will soon be able to understand that your health condition has improved.

TOP vitamins for breastfeeding mothers: budget options

Inexpensive vitamins are most often produced by Russian manufacturers. For some reason, it is generally accepted that if the manufacturer is a foreign company, then the price of its products will be more expensive. It is not always so. Our TOP is represented by good examples. Let's start the review!

Alphabet "Mom's Health"

Best Vitamins for Nursing Moms in 2025

Inexpensive domestic drug, which is intended for use by nursing mothers.There are 3 types of tablets: "calcium D3 +", "iron +", "antioxidants +". The package contains 60 pieces of tablets. A source of minerals and vitamins is presented to your attention, they are used to prevent vitamin deficiency, as well as the correct development of the child, his growth. A nursing mother should use the complex in different ways. Reception can be such that the woman will drink 3 tablets at a time. You can take 1 tablet in the morning and 2 in the evening. There is another option - to take pills, but do an interval of 4-6 hours.

The drug is produced by a domestic company. This is Vneshtorgfarma. Its cost is presented on average 400 rubles.


  • lack of clear instructions on the account of admission;
  • low price;
  • excellent portability.


  • taking 3 tablets a day.


Hipp - fruit tea (drink) with vitamins

Best Vitamins for Nursing Moms in 2025

The basis is taken from pure phyto-raw materials, which are grown on pharmaceutical lands. These are special lands, and therefore we can say 100 percent that the manufacturer does not use herbicides and artificial fertilizers for cultivation.

Tea is sold in tea bags, but it is often available in granules as well. It can be used to stimulate milk production. The composition includes:

  • Strawberry juice;
  • raspberry juice;
  • hibiscus extracts;
  • rosehip powder;
  • apple juice;
  • gluconate;
  • calcium lactate;
  • citric acid, etc.

Useful inclusions are vitamins D and B, niacin, pantothenic acid, potassium iodide. The use of the drink is possible for healthy women, as well as those who are faced with postpartum depression syndrome, vitamin deficiency. Tea can be prescribed for asthenoneurotic and asthenovegetative states. You need to take a composition of 16 grams. for 1 water. It can be warm water, chilled. You can mix the concentrate in the amount of 4 tsp. But keep in mind that you should not pour boiling water over the granules, otherwise some minerals and vitamins will be destroyed.

The production is carried out by a company from Switzerland. Affordable price. For 1 can you should be ready to pay around 350 rubles. It will be enough for 12 servings. Shelf life is 3 months.


  • 1 serving is able to meet the daily need for minerals and vitamins;
  • affordability;
  • tea pleasant to taste;
  • no sugar, flavorings and colors, preservatives.


  • there is a possibility of developing allergies in the baby;
  • the drink should be stored after opening the package away from products that have a strong aroma.


TOP vitamins for breastfed mothers: average price

Funds in this price category include not only a minimum set of minerals, vitamins, and trace elements, but also extended combinations. In fact, the pharmacy sells them quite well. This should also include domestic complexes, as well as imported developments.

Vitrum prenatal

Best Vitamins for Nursing Moms in 2025

The composition of the complex is represented by 11 vitamins, as well as calcium, iron, calcium. The agent is used to replenish the deficiency of minerals and vitamins. Also indicated for the prevention of diseases of the child and mother, helps to raise the immune system.

Shown is a remedy for mild iron deficiency cases of anemia, lack of calcium in the right amount, as well as prevention of fetal anomalies of the congenital type.

Vitrum prenatal will be useful in cases of unbalanced nutrition, in cases of transition from a pregnant woman's diet to food for a nursing mother. Reception should be 1 time per day after eating food. There is a recommendation from the manufacturer that the standardized dose should not be exceeded. The American organization Unipharm is engaged in production, for 30 tablets it is worth being ready to pay around 700 rubles. This is enough for 1 course within 30 days.


  • well tolerated;
  • reception once a day;
  • lack of a large list of side effects.

No flaws were found.


Multi-tabs Perinatal

Best Vitamins for Nursing Moms in 2025

A very good complex that is suitable for nursing mothers, pregnant women. The composition contains 11 different vitamins: chromium, iodine, manganese, honey, etc.This is a very valuable complex in composition, which will improve immunity, the secretion of immunoglobulins in breast milk, as well as its immune system.

The welcome is on the positive side. The tablets can be taken with or after meals. 1 tablet every day. At a cost - 60 tablets, which are designed for 2 months of admission. On average - 700 rubles. The release is carried out by Pfizer, which in the pharmaceutical market has been able to establish itself on the positive side.


  • the complex is effective, balanced;
  • production takes place on European substances;
  • good compliance;
  • reception once a day;
  • acceptable price 700 rubles - a course for 2 months.

No disadvantages were noted.


Complivit "Mom" for nursing, pregnant women

Best Vitamins for Nursing Moms in 2025

This drug is distinguished by the inclusion of important trace elements and vitamins. It is also worth noting that the base is balanced in the best way. 1 capsule contains thiamine, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, pantothenic acid. The capsule is covered with a special shell. It also contains vitamins B12 and B6, iron, zinc and other important components, which can be found in more detail from the annotation of the drug.

It is recommended to use the complex in order to treat the lack of vitamins, mineral components in the mother on HA, as well as for prevention. The remedy can be successfully taken in the case of malnutrition or a diet that is not balanced. It will allow the drug to strengthen the resistance to various infections in a nursing mother.

Reception is recommended 1 time per day, 1 tablet after breakfast. The issue is handled by the Pharmstandard company from the city of Ufa. The price varies around 460 rubles for 60 tablets.


  • affordability;
  • convenience of reception;
  • availability to purchase.


  • a small set of vitamins and minerals.


Femibion ​​Natalcare 2

Best Vitamins for Nursing Moms in 2025

Manufactured by Merck. The manufacturer's line of the vitamin complex is recommended at the stage of pregnancy planning, as well as at the end of the first trimester. The tool is presented for admission, starting from the 12th week of gestation. Also indicated for use by mothers with GC.

The release is carried out in the form of tablets, as well as soft-shell capsules. Packages are presented in 30 pieces. Each of the tablets contains a number of beneficial vitamins and elements. You can take the remedy for the purpose of prevention, as well as strengthening the body as a whole. It is possible that the drug will be appropriate in the course of treatment for the detection of chronic and acute ailments.

Taking medications should be taken 1 time per day with meals. 1 capsule and tablet are taken immediately. A set at a cost varies from 870-1605 rubles. The price range is large, and it is associated with the form of ownership of the pharmacy, as well as which pricing policy is in priority.


  • has good tolerance;
  • reception after childbirth;
  • the composition is balanced;
  • reception once a day.

No disadvantages were noted.


Nature's Bounty Prenatal Multi Healthy Mom

Best Vitamins for Nursing Moms in 2025

The composition contains minerals, vitamins and amino acids. For one dose per day, you can satisfy the needs of the female body in iodine and folic acid, and the presence of Omega 3 will benefit the work of the heart and blood vessels. Ginger extract is able to improve the functioning of the digestive tract.


  • capsules in a gelatinous shell are easily swallowed;
  • the reception is comfortable;
  • lactation is normal;
  • the product will maintain a normal volume of milk at a level of 700-1300 ml per day;
  • vitamin C and iron will be able to provide the right amount of hemoglobin in the child and mother.


  • nausea, heartburn appears;
  • buying a product is not easy. Available exclusively in the online store.


TOP vitamins for breastfeeding mothers presented in the premium segment

Before going to buy a vitamin, many visitors to pharmacies begin to wonder why such complexes are expensive.A feature of this product is a vegetable base, to which a vitamin and mineral complex is subsequently added. Some cases are associated with the fact that the remedy was called "special herbal formula", which can be supplemented with probiotics, beneficial microorganisms, which help to normalize the intestines or prevent cases of dysbiosis.

In general, all premium class products contain a complex of minerals, vitamins or trace elements. We offer for consideration the complex, which is indicated for reception by women during breastfeeding.

Nursing Postnatal Fairhaven Health

Best Vitamins for Nursing Moms in 2025

The manufacturer is a company from the United States of America. The composition contains 13 vitamins, as well as copper, chromium, etc. The complex is indicated for reception in order to maintain the health of a mother who is breastfeeding her baby. According to the manufacturer's statement, the composition is made in such a way as to provide all the necessary vitamins, minerals and trace elements to the mother and her child.

Reception is carried out 1 capsule 2 times a day. The complex is vitamin, mineralized. An example of a product that does not contain additional additives is this proposal. At the cost of 1 package is 1200 rubles.


  • efficiency at the highest level;
  • the composition is balanced;
  • normalization of well-being;
  • the mood is excellent at the reception.


  • there is no instruction in Russian;
  • lack of a description of contraindications and side effects;
  • high price;
  • unavailability for purchase in our country, with the exception of online stores.



Best Vitamins for Nursing Moms in 2025

The complex is multivitamin. Manufactured in the United States of America. This is a prime example of a herbal-based drug. Here we will talk about the extract of red beet, alfalfa, dandelion, and also raspberry. All this allows the complex to be a source of fiber, bioflavonoids. The composition is enriched with components. This is para-aminobenzoic acid, which helps the intestinal microflora to start the process of active release of folic acid. This is due to choline, which is able to improve the conduction of nerve cell impulses. Due to this, cell membranes become even more stable.

The composition contains carnitine, taurine, inositol, as well as vitamins of different groups. You can read more about them in the tool's annotation.

The complex is used to treat and prevent various vitamin deficiencies during breastfeeding. It helps to reduce brittle nails, hair loss. Also, the complex will not give reasons for starting postpartum depression syndrome in a new mother.

Reception is carried out every day with food. The package is designed for 120 capsules. Take 1-2 capsules at a time. The course is designed for 2-4 months.


  • the main advantage of this complex is that it was created on a plant basis, but this is not a complete nutrition, which must be present in breastfeeding.


  • lack of instructions in Russian;
  • the complexity of the purchase, you can order only in the online store;
  • overpriced.



Best Vitamins for Nursing Moms in 2025

On the territory of the Russian Federation, this complex is quite in demand. The manufacturer is Bayer. The composition is based on 12 vitamins, calcium, iron, as well as other trace elements, which can be found in the instructions.

Due to the presence of Omega 3, mother's milk can be enriched with the necessary components. Lutein is needed for the full development of the central nervous system in a child. Reception can be carried out in accordance with 1 capsule 1-2 times a day. Moreover, for 1 package in the amount of capsules 60 pcs. you should be ready to pay around 1400 rubles.


  • the composition is rich in components;
  • vitamins are easily absorbed;
  • complete breast milk;
  • the use of high-quality European substances.


  • high price;
  • the size of the capsules is large, and therefore it is not convenient for everyone to swallow them.


Solgar Prenatal Nutrient

Best Vitamins for Nursing Moms in 2025

This pharmaceutical product is based on vitamins useful for women, which leave the body during lactation. These are A, C, D3, B1. They promote the production of breast milk in the right amount. In total, the complex contains 11 minerals that normalize the digestive process and increase immunity.


  • strengthening of connective tissues. After 1 month of regular use, hair loss stops, and the skin is not prone to peeling;
  • the work of the nervous system is normalized. Insomnia, irritability disappears;
  • there is a preventive effect of anemia. The complex is able to maintain normal hemoglobin levels, which is really important.


  • reception is not comfortable enough. You need to drink 4 tablets per day;
  • the smell is really very strong.


Vitabiotics Pregnacare Plus

Best Vitamins for Nursing Moms in 2025

There are 2 forms on the market. These are pills and capsules that are filled with fish oil. It is based on B vitamins, which are needed to normalize metabolism in case of lactation. The blood flow is accelerated due to the complex, the tissues are fed. Due to the presence of Omega 3, the brain is involved in the work.


  • due to the fact that there is no calcium in the composition, iron is better absorbed by the body;
  • the skin becomes healthy, hair, nails;
  • due to biotin, the process of fragility and dryness of the joint tissues is stopped;
  • there is an improvement in memory.


  • upset stomach, nausea and heartburn appear in some cases;
  • the course is designed for 30 tablets, 28 pcs are presented in total.


Rainbow light prenatal one

Best Vitamins for Nursing Moms in 2025

This is a useful dietary supplement that can be taken from the moment of planning pregnancy and ending with lactation. The composition includes vitamins from group B, A, K, E, C, D2, as well as folic acid. Due to the minerals chelates and cetates, the drug is well absorbed. But spirulina algae helps to strengthen the immune system.


  • stimulation of the digestive tract;
  • prebiotics remove problems associated with constipation, the appearance of heartburn;
  • elimination of iodine deficiency, which allows maintaining the health of the central nervous system of the child and mother;
  • you can take the vitamin complex even on an empty stomach.


  • if moisture gets into the bottle, the tablets will turn black;
  • ordering tablets should be done on the Internet.


( Total:1 Middle:2/5 )


  • Zhenya:

    I liked the vitamins “Mother and Child”. The baby is already 10 months old, I breastfeed and still drink them. There is more folic acid in these vitamins, in similar ones, and besides it, iodine, zinc, iron and many other useful elements are included in the composition. You need to take 1 tablet a day or half. My gynecologist advised me to drink 1 tablet, even at the beginning of pregnancy. Otherwise, you can drink it in all trimesters and the reception of the package can be stretched for a very long time. The child is healthy, I am not sick.

  • Inna:

    I agree with the author of the commentary about "Mother and Child". After reading the article, I got the feeling that the author is familiar with the topic only by hearsay. Maybe somewhere doctors determine the level of vitamins in the body in pregnant women, but more often they simply prescribe a suitable drug. Someone buys an imported one, believing that it is better. I made sure that our Russian vitamins are not inferior. My sister and friend drank the same, so I bought them with a light heart (after consulting a doctor, of course). Balanced, tested, you need to drink once a day. I drank them throughout my pregnancy and continue to drink, for me you will never say that I gave birth just a month ago.

  • Ludmila:

    And I like vitamins Minisan Mama. These are high quality Finnish vitamins with an excellent composition. I took them throughout my pregnancy and now I have been feeding the baby for more than a year and I do not stop taking them. It contains all the useful vitamins that mom and baby need.

  • Svetlana:

    Since she wore twins, it was impossible to do without a vitamin.The doctor advised the Pregnoton Mama complex because of the complete set of different vitamins and elements such as iodine, zinc, iron. Then I drank the same vitamins for the guards, did not complain, there were no problems with milk. When the kids started to cut their teeth and the nights without sleep began, they helped me a lot to be a little more cheerful, there was not that lethargy and fatigue. In general, vitamins performed their function perfectly.


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