Best Protein for Muscle Gain in 2025

Those who are just starting out in the gym often want to quickly lose weight, gain it, or simply correct their forms. Protein is essential for gaining muscle mass, it will also be valuable for losing weight. It is protein products in combination with fiber that can speed up metabolic processes, but ordinary food cannot provide the required amount of substances.

For this, it is recommended to use proteins that are sold in powder form. This nutritional supplement is produced by different manufacturers and has certain pros and cons. The rating presented in the article will help determine which is the best protein for a particular purpose.

The main types of protein

You can determine the best protein for yourself based on its type and characteristics of use. These products are categorized by speed of absorption, production method and main ingredients. In such a series, all products are made on the basis of natural raw materials and cannot harm the body if the composition is taken correctly.

According to the rate of assimilation, it is customary to isolate protein:

  • Fast - 4 hours are enough for a complete intake of substances by the body.
  • Medium - assimilation will be up to 6 hours.
  • Slow - absorbed up to 8 hours, often made from plant components.

According to the production method, it is customary to distinguish:

  • Isolate is the best quality protein. During manufacturing, a lot of cleansing takes place, but its cost is the highest.
  • Concentrate - the cleaning is not so strong, so the composition may contain fats and carbohydrates.
  • Hydrolyzate is a good product that undergoes fermentation during production, which helps the elements to be absorbed almost instantly.

The latter type should not be abused, since the excretion of enzymes by the body can be reduced, and the absorption of foods will be impaired, and this will affect the functioning of the digestive system.

There are also several types of mass gaining mixes that are made from different ingredients. Thus, protein can be:

  • Egg is the best composition that is 100% absorbed in the body.
  • Casein - has a complex structure, is made with milk and its curdling using enzymes. It is absorbed slowly and can suppress hunger. With its help, the athlete's body receives protein for a long time, so it is recommended to use it before bedtime or if you cannot eat normally.
  • Meat is a fairly high quality product with the presence of creatine, which increases muscle mass. There are many advantages, but the cost is very high and many refuse this option.
  • Soy - used more often for weight loss. After application, the level of cholesterol in the blood is normalized, but it can also cause an anabolic effect, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, if the dosage is not calculated.
  • Hemp is a plant product that is well absorbed and has no disadvantages like soy. It contains many useful elements and the composition is close to animal protein.
  • Whey - very popular among athletes, it quickly gains mass. It is made on the basis of whey, includes BCAA-amino acids, is easily digestible.The main disadvantage is lactose, to which some may be allergic.

There are also multi-component options on sale, with several types of protein at once.

TOP rating of whey hydrolysates

These types of proteins are thoroughly refined from fat and sugar during production to accelerate the absorption of the composition. It is these species that are most valued among athletes, but the cost is one of the highest.

Nanox Hydrolox

Best Protein for Muscle Gain in 2025

The product is characterized by a large number of different amino acids that allow you to restore and nourish your muscles. A 30-gram serving of protein contains about 0.5 grams of fat and 1.5 grams of carbohydrates. The taste is pleasant because it uses cocoa, caramel flavor and sugar substitute. The average cost for a can of 1.5 kg will be 6,000 rubles.


  • Excellent quality.
  • Lots of amino acids.
  • Natural ingredients, including flavoring.
  • Economical consumption, up to 2 servings per day.
  • Complete assimilation.

Among the minuses, only the price is distinguished.

Real Pharm Real Hydro 100

Best Protein for Muscle Gain in 2025

A product from a Polish manufacturer, high quality and with an affordable price around 1000 rubles for a pack of 0.7 kg. Reduced price by using protein concentrate. The main substances are quickly absorbed, help to restore muscles, with the help of the product, you can quickly get a relief on the body.

There are many amino acids in the composition, there is glutamine. For a single consumption, a portion of up to 25 grams is enough. It is not recommended for allergy sufferers, due to fragrances and other additives.


  • Acceptable cost.
  • Suitable for supporting body relief and muscle recovery.
  • Lots of amino acids.
  • Minimum sugar and fat.


  • Use a concentrate, not an isolate.
  • Not the most effective weight gain product.

Optimum Nutrition Platinum HydroWhey

Best Protein for Muscle Gain in 2025

One of the best products recognized by professional athletes. This option is well suited for muscle building and recovery. A 30-gram serving contains only 3 g of carbohydrates and 1 g of fat. It is recommended to use the powder for drying, gaining mass and for ordinary people who need protein. The average price for a 0.8 kg can is 2,400 rubles.


  • Fast and almost complete assimilation.
  • Low calorie content and a lot of protein.
  • Suitable for any diet.
  • Can be used for weight loss.

The main disadvantage is the high price.

Slow Protein (Casein) Rating

When using such a composition, it is possible to get not just protein, but also to be full all day. The formulations are complex and can take a long time to digest.

MusclePharm Combat 100% Casein

Best Protein for Muscle Gain in 2025

The product is made in the USA, very high quality, includes enzymes, amino acids, and also accelerates muscle growth, even at night. After consumption, there is a long-lasting satiety effect, and the minimum amount of calories makes it possible to use the mixture as a snack before bed. Due to enzymes, the work of the digestive system will improve, the main substances protect the muscles from injury. The average price for a can of 900 grams will be around 3000 rubles.


  • Useful composition.
  • The ability to use before bed.
  • Economical consumption.
  • There are enzymes that improve the digestive tract.
  • Gluten free.
  • High quality casein.


  • Cost.
  • Difficult to buy.

Optimum Nutrition 100% Casein Gold Standard

Best Protein for Muscle Gain in 2025

This is an affordable product weighing 900 grams and pricing around 1,790 rubles. It can be found in any specialty store. The manufacturer offers different tastes. Made from high quality casein, there are many natural amino acids. On average, everything is digested in 5-6 hours. Most of all, the product is in demand among athletes who seek to gain weight or ordinary people who want to reduce weight by eliminating harmful snacks.


  • The presence of glutamine.
  • Affordable price.
  • Stable supply of muscles.
  • Slow absorption.
  • Normalizes sleep.


  • Artificial flavors.
  • There are no enzymes for the digestive tract.
  • The dosage must be strictly observed.

Ultimate Nutrition Prostar 100% Casein Protein

Best Protein for Muscle Gain in 2025

It is recommended to use this product for muscle recovery and mass gain. A very popular product among athletes, the components include 20 amino acids that help build muscle. The product is an isolate, a useful addition to the main diet. The can is 2.4 kg, and the average price will be 3200 rubles. There is a package for 1 kg at a price of 1330 rubles.


  • Casein isolate.
  • Large amount of protein per serving.
  • Lots of amino acids.
  • Acceptable cost.


  • Some of the varieties are very sweet.
  • The amount of protein does not match what is indicated on the jar.

QNT Casein Protein

Best Protein for Muscle Gain in 2025

A product from a Belgian manufacturer designed for athletes and based on casein protein. It is recommended to use it for quick muscle building, but it will also help you just keep fit. It contains 80% protein with excellent biological indicators, and also contains B vitamins that restore muscles. After taking the mixture in the morning or drinking it before bedtime, the body will receive and maintain the required nitrogen rate.

One serving of the product includes 23.7 g of protein and 109 kcal, and the amount of fat is only 0.5 g, a sugar substitute is used. The cost of this product is about 1950 rubles for 910 g.


  • Good ingredients.
  • The presence of B vitamins.
  • No sugar.
  • The minimum set of fats and calories.


  • Includes milk and lactose.
  • Some people may develop allergies.

Whey isolates rating

Isolate is a concentrated protein, which will be about 80% in the finished mixture. He himself has a complex structure, and for complete assimilation it takes several hours, while the feeling of hunger does not develop. Compared with other options, whey products are quickly absorbed, therefore they are highly prized by athletes who need to quickly nourish their muscles.

QNT Metapure Zero Carb

Best Protein for Muscle Gain in 2025

This product is good for gaining muscles. The composition contains all the necessary amino acids, lipids, and carbohydrates are reduced to 1 gram. In one application, you can get 50 grams of protein, but in this case, you need 60 grams of dry mixture per serving. The total calorie content is 212 kcal. Protein is versatile and suitable for athletes and ordinary people who are looking for shape and nutrition. The product is sold in packs of 1 kg, at a price of 2125 rubles.


  • Increased amount of protein per serving.
  • Full complex of amino acids.
  • A sugar substitute is used.


  • Fast consumption of the product, since a lot of powder is needed for one portion.
  • High calorie content.

Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey Gold Standard

Best Protein for Muscle Gain in 2025

It is the best protein for gaining muscle mass, and is recommended and chosen by the world's athletes who need to gain volume quickly. The product has many awards, certificates, and 79% is pure protein with 1 g of fat, 3 g of carbohydrates and 24 g of protein. One serving will have 120 kcal. This food does not include lactose, it is replaced by enzymes that can improve the functioning of the digestive system. Also, the product is rich in amino acids. You can buy a 2.22 kg can at a price of about 3,600 rubles.


  • Fine filtration isolate with a lot of amino acids.
  • Contains whey peptides that improve digestion.
  • Does not provoke allergies due to the lack of lactose.
  • Accelerates muscle nutrition and absorption of active ingredients.

The main disadvantage for many consumers is the cost of the product.

Dymatize ISO-100 Zero Carb

Best Protein for Muscle Gain in 2025

Low calorie cow whey isolate, no pure sugar or fat. The mixture is quickly absorbed and nourishes the muscles, it is recommended to use it for increased loads, as well as to maintain balance during weight gain or when drying. Among the minerals, manufacturers have added sodium, magnesium, calcium, as well as other supplements useful for humans. There are many flavors to choose from.

There is no lactose in protein, so the mixture is suitable for allergy sufferers. It is recommended not only for athletes, but also for athletes who use a low-carb diet. The average price is 5700 rubles for a can of 2.275 kg.


  • No sugar or lipids.
  • Various flavors to choose from.
  • Minimum calories.
  • Rapid absorption in the body.
  • The composition is enriched with acids and minerals.

Among the disadvantages are the overpriced.

Whey concentrates rating

Such products are not very valuable among athletes, as they are inferior to isolates and hydrolyzers. Most often, the ingredients include more lipids, carbohydrates, and the mixture itself is not absorbed so quickly. Despite this, nutrition helps to achieve the main goal - it helps in gaining muscle mass, muscle recovery. The main plus is an affordable price, so such a diet is chosen more often by people who simply follow the form and eat right.

Scitec Nutrition 100% Whey Protein Professional

Best Protein for Muscle Gain in 2025

A very popular protein concentrate used by bodybuilders around the world. Manufactured in the USA and characterized by a high biological value, as well as the required set of amino acids. The mixture contains 10% of substances that help support and strengthen the immune system.

Special peptides make it possible to stop inflammatory processes, and during exercise the muscles will not be injured. The manufacturer does not use lactose. One serving contains 22 grams of protein, with 2 grams of fat and 1.4 grams of sugar. You can buy sports nutrition for 3,770 rubles in a volume of 2.35 kg.


  • Useful elements in the composition that are needed for the set of muscles and their proper development.
  • Balanced composition of BZHU.
  • When consumed, immunity is strengthened.


  • Artificial flavors.
  • An allergic reaction may develop.

Ultimate Nutrition Prostar 100% Whey Protein

Best Protein for Muscle Gain in 2025

It is made on the basis of concentrate and whey isolate, due to which the assimilation of the finished product is very fast. A serving is enough 30 grams of powder, which contains 25 g of protein and 20 amino acids. The mixture also contains soy lecithin and some flavor additives.

Whey proteins can improve the functioning of the digestive system, and due to additional elements, they are absorbed faster and the concentration will be in 30 minutes. It is recommended to use this remedy in the morning or before training. On average, you will have to pay 3190 rubles for a package of 2.27 kg.


  • The presence of whey isolate in the composition.
  • A large number of essential amino acids.
  • Good compositional balance.
  • Improves digestive function.
  • Possesses pleasant taste characteristics.

Among the minuses, the presence of sugar is distinguished.

Steel Power Fast Whey Protein

Best Protein for Muscle Gain in 2025

This type of protein includes a concentrate and an isolate, like analogs, it has the necessary set of amino acids, which are quickly absorbed and allow the body to recover after exercise. You can get 175 kcal with one serving. The mixture is best consumed after active loads, when the muscles need nutrition and recovery. The average cost of 900 grams of powder is 1100 rubles.


  • Nourishes the muscles quickly.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Contains digestive enzymes.

The disadvantages of this type of protein have not been identified.

Rating of multicomponent proteins

These sports products include a blend of several proteins. They are characterized by a complex effect on humans, provide nutrition for the muscles for a long time.

Rule 1 R1 Protein

Best Protein for Muscle Gain in 2025

A multicomponent product that includes an isolate of various proteins of fine purification and a high content of amino acids. One serving will have 100 kcal, there is no fat in the drink, and only 1 gram of carbohydrates. The powder dissolves easily even in cold water, the mass is homogeneous without lumps.


  • Protein is quickly absorbed.
  • The presence of amino acids necessary for humans.
  • Large selection of flavors.

The disadvantages include the minimum set of enzymes.

BSN Syntha-6

Best Protein for Muscle Gain in 2025

This product includes a protein blend that delivers 200 kcal per 44 gram serving. Due to this, the consumption of the product will be faster. The composition contains quite a lot of fats and carbohydrates, 6 and 15 grams, respectively. The powder contains different proteins, so their absorption will vary over time.The main types of protein are whey with fine filtration, milk concentrate, casein and egg. This allows you to achieve long-term and effective nutrition of the muscles.

This product is characterized by its versatility, so it can be used whenever a dose of protein is needed. The average price of food is 3200 rubles for a volume of 2.27 kg.


  • Different proteins in one powder.
  • The energy value.
  • Providing a complex effect on the body.

Among the disadvantages is the need for strict adherence to the dose.

SynTrax Matrix

Best Protein for Muscle Gain in 2025

It is a multi-protein product that is created on the basis of egg whites, as well as whey and milk proteins. The manufacturer adds peptides to the composition, which help to transport active substances to the muscles. It also contains the right set of amino acids, among which there are some that improve the functioning of the digestive system.

It is recommended to use the mixture in the morning and also before starting workouts. A feature of such food is a large number of flavors to choose from, which are achieved through the use of natural flavors. One portion will be for 120 kcal, the average price for a volume of 2.45 kg will be 2650 rubles.


  • The presence of 3 proteins that are valuable for the body.
  • Excellent balance of BJU.
  • Wide range of flavors.
  • Affordable cost for a large package.

The main disadvantage, according to consumers, is the poor closing of the package, so it is best to choose the goods in the bank.

Protein selection rules

The number and variety of protein options makes it difficult to choose a formulation. To find the best protein for yourself, you need to know the basic criteria:

  1. Casein variants are made from cow's milk, which undergoes a fermentation process, the protein itself is absorbed for a long time and satiety lasts for a long time.
  2. Whey contains many BCAA amino acids and is considered the fastest that can be absorbed.
  3. The egg version is very valuable, the main elements will be accepted by the body by 99%.
  4. Soy proteins help flush out toxins, bad cholesterol, and also include many amino acids. One of the best options for allergy sufferers and losing weight, but they require strict adherence to the dosage.
  5. Milk proteins are combined options that help restore ligaments, skin, joints.

It is on the composition that special attention should be paid during the selection, but for many an important factor will be the form of release, which can be an isolate or a concentrate. The latter types are not so valuable, they can provoke allergies as a result of lactose. Isolates are pure protein, it is absorbed faster, but it must be taken correctly and given the necessary load on the body. There are also gainers, which include carbohydrates, fats, and these types can replace a regular meal.

Usage rules for weight gain

It is recommended to use any of the powders described after reconstitution with water, milk or juice. In this case, the volume of liquid does not matter, the main thing is to choose the right weight of the powder. The calculation is based on the weight and protein rate per day. On average, you need to use 2-2.5 grams per 1 kg of weight. It is not recommended to take more than 30 grams of protein at a time, as the body will not be able to accept and assimilate it.

You can take protein 2-4 times a day, based on the number of workouts and the main meal. Among the best times for taking cocktails are:

  • Morning after sleep - the body will receive the right amount of proteins, which will exclude catabolic phenomena, and tissues will not be destroyed.
  • Before exercise - active substances will give a new charge and nutrients for muscle growth.
  • After training, protein will maximize its potential.
  • Between meals - Shakes help replace a full meal or add protein.

For maximum results, you can use other supplements, but do not overuse them and adhere to the dosages stated by the manufacturer.

( Total:3 Middle:3.7/5 )

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