Vitamins should be understood as simple organic molecules that appear in the body along with food. They should not be classified as minerals, or fats, or proteins, or carbohydrates. And these are not trace elements. They do not take part in energy and plastic metabolism, and are also necessary for the body to work, to develop the normal functioning of enzymes. This is the uniqueness of this group of vitamins.
Without them, not a single immunity will function normally or manifest itself as a combination of different reactions that protect the body from external invasion and internal aggression. The best vitamins for immunity for adults in 2025 are presented in a solid variety. It is about them that it is proposed to talk within the framework of the article.
Signs of a lack of vitamins in the body
Today, a wide variety of vitamin complexes that enhance immunity are presented on the pharmaceutical market. At the same time, there are no special vitamins that will only help to raise immunity, because vitamins are included in various biochemical reactions. Scientists managed to establish that for the normal functioning of organs and systems, the human body must receive 20 minerals and 13 vitamins on a regular basis.
The immune system will be in a healthy state if beneficial compounds are present in the body. If even one important substance is in a state of deficiency, then diseases will begin to progress. To prevent this from happening, adults should take vitamins from time to time to help boost immunity. You can buy them at the pharmacy.
Immunity should be understood as a multifunctional and very complex system that helps the body to resist negative factors, as a rule, bacterial and viral infections. Without the immune system, a person could lose their lives even if they suffered from a simple cold. The agents of immunity are represented by different cells. They should be understood as neutrophils, leukocytes and macrophages, lymphocytes. Part of the immune system is the mucous membranes and skin, which are capable of synthesizing those substances that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microorganisms.
It is important to make an effort to maintain a healthy immune system. In fact, the task is not an easy one. Under the influence of various factors, the body begins to weaken and lose its effectiveness in resisting infection and other harmful agents. The main symptoms of weak immunity include:
- weakness;
- constant fatigue;
- frequent ailments;
- slow recovery after another illness;
- formation of an inflammatory nature on the skin;
- pain in different parts of the body.
In the case of weak immunity, all organs and systems can be under attack. If a person does not take action, then he may die altogether, and therefore it is worth increasing immunity.Understanding what caused the decrease in the level of immunity is not always an easy task.
Signs of vitamin deficiency
The signs include disturbances in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, nervous. There is also a weakening of hair, delamination and thinning of the nail plates, and skin disorders. All these symptoms can indicate the development of serious pathologies that have no relationship with hypovitaminosis. For this reason, if such symptoms appear, refrain from self-medication, undergo a medical examination.
List of the best for strengthening the immune system for adults: TOP offers in 2025
In pharmacies, vitamins for immunity for adults are presented in a wide variety, and therefore it is not surprising that you can easily get confused when choosing them. Below we have collected in the TOP vitamin options that today enjoy a good reputation with buyers, as well as doctors, which is an equally important feature.
We hope this article will help you understand which vitamins are best to take for immunity. But keep in mind that you should not do this without consulting a doctor.
Multivitamins that are inexpensive and very common on the market. They are intended to restore the immune system in an adult. The composition contains 19 active substances that will help support the body. In particular, this option is great for older people. The drug costs around 340 rubles.
The complex of vitamins and minerals is in demand among buyers. It is presented in 3 types of tablets, which are divided into groups. This technique allows the body to better absorb minerals and vitamins. Drinking them is recommended in case of mineral deficiency, as well as hypovitaminosis. They allow you to strengthen the state of the body during intellectual and physical exertion, as well as in cases of bearing a child, after an illness or surgical intervention. The drug is suitable in the absence of a balanced diet. For the price, vitamins are inexpensive, on average they cost around 360 rubles. You can buy them without difficulty in any pharmacy in our country.
This is a great budget vitamin option that comes in tablet form and as an oral solution. They include a purpurea echinacea extract. The composition of the product contains natural ingredients, as well as a complex of useful substances, which is designed so that it most effectively affects the functioning of the immune system. This option is inexpensive in terms of cost. Immunal can be bought for 300 rubles.
Interested in the question of what good vitamins for immunity for adults to drink, you are likely to come across the fact that many doctors recommend Vitrum. The antioxidant complex is produced by Unipharm. She was able to establish herself as one of the best pharmaceutical industries that raise immunity. The tool includes 15 useful substances that have a positive effect on the human body.
The tablets can be used if you feel better, as well as to eliminate the symptoms of overwork. They will allow you to cleanse organs and tissues from free radicals. It is only worth considering that their price in pharmacies is presented in the region of 1000 rubles. This is a really expensive vitamin complex that is worthy of attention, but not everyone can afford it.
The vitamin complex has long been included in the TOP of the best products that are sold in the pharmacy in order to raise immunity. The composition contains 24 useful substances. Among them there are active ingredients that can have an antioxidant effect. They are able to strengthen the immune system, as well as raise the tone of the body. On average, the complex costs around 600 rubles.
Mutil-tabs Immuno Plus
Strong vitamins with high quality. They are able to boost immunity. Sold in the form of chewable tablets that are filled with nutrients.They are not only able to raise the immune system, but also strengthen the heart, the blood vessel system, and also normalize the functioning of the nervous system. The active ingredient in the composition is lactobacilli. The complex is recommended for use in autumn and spring, when the immune system is wounded. The cost of vitamins is 700 rubles.
A very popular multivitamin. Prescribed by doctors when immunity is very low. The drug is recommended for taking in case of hypovitaminosis, as well as when performing heavy physical processes. It is also indicated for breastfeeding, in winter, in the spring, to stop the risk of contracting seasonal infectious pathologies. The cost of the complex is around 700 rubles.
The drug is a mineral type, which is recommended mainly for men. It is aimed at raising immunity, starting the reproductive system, and also eliminating the risk of pathologies of the heart, blood vessels of the circulatory system, skeleton, and gastrointestinal tract. The cost of the complex is around 600 rubles.
Gerimax Energy
The complex has taken a worthy place in the TOP. It contains 17 compounds and ginseng extract. It aims to improve the functioning of the immune system, normalize human sleep. The complex is recommended to strengthen the body in stressful situations. It will also be useful when performing intellectual or difficult physical work. It will allow you to restore strength after infectious pathologies suffered by a person. The cost of the drug is around 600 rubles.
Ladies Formula
The complex is represented by vitamins that are intended for women. It includes active ingredients that can tone the body, establish the metabolic process, and reduce the likelihood of pathologies of the reproductive system. At the same time, they make it possible to increase physical activity, remove side effects that remained after the use of hormones. The drug is expensive in terms of cost. You can buy it in pharmacies for 2400 rubles on average. But remember, even such a powerful remedy will not be useful if you eat improperly, lead a sedentary lifestyle, deprive yourself of walks, and also regularly be in a state of lack of sleep and stress.
These are good vitamins that help to resist aging. As age changes, the absorption of nutrients becomes much slower. When choosing a complex, this factor must also be taken into account. The drug is balanced in composition, it is quickly and efficiently processed by the body, increasing its performance characteristics and charging a person with positive energy. Suitable for people over 60 years old.
The composition contains everything that is needed to support vital processes. But in any case, before starting the course, you need to consult a doctor.
The main advantages of this complex are the presence of important vitamins from groups A, E, P, C, B, as well as folic acid. The indication for taking vitamin will be the need to exclude vitamin deficiency, prevent this condition and treat hypovitaminosis. The complex will become useful with prolonged use of antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, diet, bad habits, etc. It will not be difficult to buy at a pharmacy.
Just keep in mind that despite the minimum number of contraindications in the annotation, vitamin overdose should not be allowed. In rare cases of admission, side effects have been recorded.
Every age group of people needs attention and self-care. It is important to take time and health. The multivitamin complex is intended for women who want to be beautiful and healthy not only from the inside, but also from the outside. It enjoys excellent reviews and is also easily available for sale. Provides the body with metabolic processes due to vitamin B, A, E, C, D and H. It also fills the body with iodine, magnesium, iron, calcium and zinc.The composition is able to reliably protect tissue cells from oxidative processes, does not give signs of aging.
The drug does not include sugar. It can be taken by pregnant women, but only after consulting a doctor and his appointment.
In some cases, manifestations of individual hypersensitivity to the components of the composition were recorded. Therefore, in case of any previously not manifested reactions, it is worth postponing the reception of the complex until the moment of consultation with the doctor.
This complex will allow you to establish the work of the central nervous system, avoid insomnia, and also remove headaches, eliminate mental strain. This is a Russian drug that is presented in excellent quality. It includes 7 minerals and 12 vitamins. The formula also contains extracts of Leuzea and Horny Goat Weed. When taken, an improvement in sexual function is noted, as well as the ability to maintain the health of the representative gland for men who are over 40 years old. But keep in mind that there have been recorded cases of an individual body's response to components.
This is one of the best vitamin complexes, which is aimed at preserving the immune system in adults. It not only activates the immune system, but also includes the protective abilities of humoral and cellular immunity. It is also able to correct the situation associated with a loss of strength, a constant state of sleep, and fatigue. It will help to recover during recovery from infectious ailments.
The drug should be taken 1 capsule before meals every day for 3 weeks. The product is produced by ESI from Italy. Today you can buy a package for 700 rubles. It will be enough for a month course.
But keep in mind that among the contraindications, high blood pressure, insomnia, hyperexcitability, essential tremor, and similar conditions. For this reason, before using the remedy, you need to consult a doctor. Be sure to observe the indications and the correct dosage. If everything is done correctly, after the course of treatment, you will become vigorous, active, and your body will also resist infectious ailments.
Immuno Extra
The product contains a large number of herbal extracts. The composition has an immunostimulating effect, and also helps to reduce chronic inflammation. The complex will help to establish the work of the lymphatic system, it will help to remove the level of cholesterol that is present in the blood plasma.
It is indicated for use not only for prevention purposes, but also for the complex treatment of various acute respiratory viral infections, herpes infection, influenza, mental and physical exertion. But keep in mind that the drug is available in the form of bottles, which are 11 ml each. They are intended for oral administration. You need to drink them in the amount of 1-2 pieces before meals for 30 minutes. The course is designed for 30 days. Shake the bottle well before drinking the vitamins. You can also dilute the composition with juice or water.
Aktimmun multivitamin
TOP completes the multivitamin complex, which is indicated for older people. This is an inexpensive option, which is indicated for the prevention of hypovitaminosis, chronic infections, ARVI. The release is carried out in the form of 2x gelatin capsules, which must be taken every day. It is soft and hard.
The course is designed for 30 days. The drug is the original development of the LetoPharm company. The price is around 130 rubles, which is quite affordable for buyers in our country.