The best beef stew

The best stew in 2025: summary results according to the version of the Test purchase, Roskachestvo and Roskontrol.

Beef stew has long since turned from a delicacy of the times of Napoleon into one of the main components of "hastily" dishes and there will certainly be in the kitchen of any prudent housewife. With all its wide popularity among lovers of hiking, fishing and those who simply stock up on canned food for future use, stew, however, remains completely underestimated in terms of the chemical composition and nutritional value of the product. In fairness, it should be noted that it contains a storehouse of useful elements: mood vitamin B12, zinc and, most importantly, such a vitamin-like compound as linoleic acid, known for its extensive beneficial effects on the body (regulates lipid metabolism, helps in the fight against atherosclerosis and ischemic heart disease).

However, in order to get the maximum benefit and eliminate even the minimum harm from the use of canned food, you should pay utmost attention to the choice of a high-quality meat product.

The best beef stew

"Barco" - the winner of the test purchase


Braised beef under the Barco brand is made in accordance with the requirements of GOST 32125-2013. During the popular vote, it was noted that in terms of taste, the stew is significantly superior to the products of other tested samples and has a composition established according to GOST: fibrous meat pieces weighing at least 30 grams.

Weight, gr325
Price, p75
Pros and cons
  • during production, all the necessary microbiological safety requirements are met;
  • appearance meets the established standard;
  • no additional food additives were found in addition to the components established by the standard (salt, black pepper);
  • not found as a result of a test purchase.

"Yoshkar - Olin Meat Processing Plant" is the best according to Roskachestvo and one of the favorites of the popular vote Test purchase

Yoshkar - Ola meat processing plant

During the popular vote, the tasters noted the attractive appearance of the stew and its high taste, clearly indicating natural beef meat. Research by Roskachestvo confirmed the accuracy of the label Nevertheless, according to the results of the audit of the Test Purchase, inclusions of coarse connective tissue that are not provided for by the requirements of the standard were found in the beef stew of the Yoshkar-Ola meat processing plant.

Weight, gr325
Price, p155
Pros and cons
  • microbiological and physicochemical safety requirements are observed;
  • low price in comparison with analogues;
  • moderate content of muscle tissue (less than half).


Grodfood is the most meat product according to Roskachestvo


The brand's stew contains a record amount of meat: 70.4% (19.2% protein, only 3.3% fat). By external indicators, it has an appetizing appearance of juicy undigested natural meat. When removed and heated, the meat product does not break up into pieces, and the broth has a light brown color. The smell and taste of the Grodfood sample corresponds to the characteristics of a beef stew, without foreign aftertastes. In the jar there are mostly pieces weighing at least 30 grams, which fully complies with the standard.

Weight, gr338
Price, p269
Pros and cons
  • microbiological indicators meet the established standards;
  • no pesticides, heavy metals or nitrosamines were found;
  • DNA of foreign objects (chicken, ram, etc.) was not found;
  • high salt content.

"VkusVill" - safe, but do not meet organoleptic requirements


The amount of meat and fat in sterilized beef under the VkusVill brand is 67.4 ± 0.2% of the net weight.
The salt content in the product does not violate the standards established by GOST. Visual inspection of the heated sample reveals a brown color of the broth with the presence of protein flakes. In terms of taste, the sample does not differ in juiciness and even in appearance has a dryish consistency. However, the smell and taste in general have the characteristics of a beef stew, without foreign impurities.

Weight, gr338
Price, p
Pros and cons
  • I comply with all safety standards established by GOST;
  • when removed from the jar, the pieces do not fall apart;
  • no extraneous DNA was found;
  • pieces of meat weighing less than 30 g make up 48.0% of the total mass, which does not meet the requirements of GOST (should be no more than 10.0%).

"Honest product" - violations not related to product safety

Honest product

Canned food sample Honest product has the characteristic qualities of beef stew. The composition and appearance correspond to the standard: meat pieces, in the structure of which the fibers are clearly traced. The ratio of the proportion of proteins and fats corresponds to GOST and the declared labeling. The product has a large amount of meat: and is 68.1 ± 0.2% of the net weight of the finished product.

In the heated state, it represents meat pieces of arbitrary shape, surrounded by a light brown broth. Actual product weight is as stated on the label.

Weight, gr325
Price, p215
Pros and cons
  • no antibiotics, pesticides or foreign object DNA were found;
  • the composition of the product is predominantly muscle mass, there are no large blood vessels and lymph nodes
  • pieces weighing less than 30 g make up 38%, which does not meet the requirements of GOST (the standard establishes: no more than 10% pieces weighing less than 30 grams.)

Glavprodukt is one of the violators according to the TV program Test Purchase and Roskontrol


During the tasting, it was noted that the sample has a non-uniform color and a very soft consistency, not similar to natural meat, but at the same time it has a rather high taste. However, according to the study of the Control Purchase, chicken DNA was found in the composition of canned food Glavproduct, which indicates an unfair replacement of beef by the manufacturer with a cheaper chicken analogue. This is one of the gross violations of regulatory documents.

Weight, gr525
Price, p272
Pros and cons
  • good taste;
  • histological examination revealed the presence of carrageenan and soy protein, not listed on the label;
  • found chicken meat.

"Kurgan Standard" - Roskontrol does not recommend buying

Kurgan standard

The results of tasting canned food Kurgan standard indicate the high taste of the product. During the tests of the stew, signs of a natural product were noted, such as the presence of fiber and juiciness of the meat pieces. But as a result of an independent audit of the Test Purchase and Roskontrol, a number of violations were revealed.The crudest of which is the presence of unlabeled chicken meat in the sample of the tested brand.

Weight, gr338
Price, p184
Pros and cons
  • chicken meat not declared in canned food;
  • the requirements of GOST are not met: the jar contains meat fragments less than 30 grams;
  • the pieces disintegrate when removed from the jar.


"Our meal" - an outsider in the opinion of the popular vote Test purchase

Our meal

Canned beef stew under the “Our Trapeza” brand does not meet the standard requirements and taste preferences of the tasters participating in the selection. On analysis of the sample, the inclusion of coarse connective tissue was found, indicating the use of trimmings or recycled tendons and vessels in the production.

Weight, gr338
Price, p140
Pros and cons
  • lumps weighing less than 30 grams were found in the jar, which, when removed, unacceptably disintegrate.
  • tasters noted an unappetizing appearance, an unpleasant greasy consistency and the absence of a stewed smell.


We propose to highlight the main regulatory instructions that regulate the production of canned products.

Beef stew is produced according to two standards - GOST and TU. Most manufacturers choose the latter option. This helps to significantly save money, since it allows the addition of various food additives (soy proteins, carrageenan) to the products.

The requirements of GOST exclude the addition of substances not included in the list of the basic composition: selected beef, onions, bay leaves, salt, pepper.

According to GOST 32125-2013, it is permissible to produce stew of two categories: the highest grade and the first grade. The composition of both options is identical, but the recipe for preparation is significantly different. The premium canned food is made from lean beef with added fat. For the first grade, a fatty tenderloin is used, without additional fat added.

Criteria for choosing good canned food

  • Give preference to products manufactured in accordance with GOST... The requirements of the standard exclude the addition of various food compounds, even water;
  • When choosing a product category, remember that canned food of the highest and first grade have the same composition, but differ in the cooking recipe;
  • Pay attention to product color. Good natural canned beef has a pale gray color with a slight pinkish tinge (unnaturally bright shades are excluded and indicate unacceptable additives);
  • Best Composition: large pieces of meat with a fibrous structure that do not disintegrate when removed from the can. If the bulk falls apart into round shapeless pieces, soy proteins are most likely added to the stew;
  • GOST does not allow the presence of beef stew in a can more than 10 percent of small pieces (weighing less than 30 grams each);
  • Choice of containers depends on the purpose of the purchased products. Canned food made in rolled metal cans have an increased shelf life up to 3-4 years. Packaging equipped with a key-opener reduces the permissible storage period to 2 years. The advantage of a glass jar is the ability to visually inspect the contents of canned food before purchasing.


Summarizing the results of the research, we will single out three leaders, separately according to the version of each of the reviewers:

  • "Barco" - number one according to the test purchase;
  • "Yoshkar - Olin meat-packing plant" - the leader according to the results of the research of Roskachestvo;
  • Grodfood is the highest quality product according to Roskachestvo.

The black list of unscrupulous manufacturers included:

  • Kurgan Standard;
  • "Glavprodukt".
( Total:0 Middle:0/5 )

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