The best dumplings

The best dumplings according to the Test purchase and Roskachestvo for 2025

For many, dumplings are not only an example of delicious homemade food, but also a whole family tradition. It is difficult to find another dish, which, like “samodepki”, would rally all household members at one table. After all, dumplings are not only a joint meal, but also a creative process of cooking that unites the family.

However, more and more often, in conditions of limited time, we prefer culinary semi-finished products instead of self-prepared food. But are they as safe as advertisements claim, and is it possible to find truly homemade dumplings in the store?

In order to choose a really edible product, and not processed waste from meat production, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with manufacturers of dumplings that have been verified by independent organizations. In the article you will find brands of both the best dumplings that are worth paying attention to, and semi-finished products that are not recommended for purchase. Laboratory testing was carried out for dumplings made according to the classic recipe, which involves the use of minced pork and beef as a filling with onions and spices.

The best brands of dumplings

Omskie is the leader according to Roskachestvo


Semi-finished product containing meat in the dough - dumplings "Omskie" under the trademark "Dymov", has a mark of belonging to the category "B". This product contains no antibiotics, pesticides or heavy metals in quantities hazardous to health. There are also no types of meat or flavorings not declared in the labeling. The proteins and fats contained in the filling and in the product as a whole comply with the information indicated by the manufacturer.

The predominant meat mass is wrapped in a thin yellowish dough, which may indicate the permissible use of eggs in the product. The dumplings have a rounded shape and are well sealed, without minced meat protrusions.

The gray-brown filling does not contain bone inclusions, tendons or cartilage, has a uniform consistency with a pleasant taste and smell. Contains chopped onions and spices. The indicated net weight corresponds to the value stated on the label.

Weight, gr.800
Price, rub570
Pros and cons
  • starch and soy were not found;
  • the filling does not contain coarse deboned meat;
  • free of foreign taste and smell.
  • not found.


"Dad Can" - the second place in the rating of "Roskachestvo"

Dad can

Ready-made dumplings "Papa May" do not contain preservatives, including salts of benzoic and sorbic acids. Foreign DNA, GMOs, pesticides are also absent, however, experts have identified traces of soybeans, which are not declared in the manufacturer's labeling. The dumplings are in the shape of a semicircle, white with a cream shade. Minced meat of a homogeneous, evenly mixed consistency, with traces of chopped onions. Rough inclusions of connective tissue, blood clots are absent. The dough is firm but thin.When finished, they have a pleasant taste and a characteristic meaty aroma.

Among the deviations - the fat content in the filling of the product is below the value indicated on the label.

Weight, gr.500
Price, rub99,90
Pros and cons
  • without flavor enhancers and aromas;
  • the dough does not crumble and does not boil;
  • the actual net weight corresponds to the declared one.
  • found soy in the composition;
  • incorrect nutritional value.


Home (Miratorg) is a safe product

Home (Miratorg)

Frozen Domashnye dumplings under the Miratorg trademark have successfully passed laboratory tests and meet all microbiological safety indicators. The only deviation from the norm was the nutritional value of the product indicated by the manufacturer.

The experts found that the actual protein content stated in the label is higher and the fat content is lower.
On the label in the section "Composition", one by one (without generalization), the spices used in the production are indicated: table salt, sugar, black pepper. Also, no extraneous ingredients were found in the meat mass, including flavor enhancers, starch, soy and GMOs. The studied samples did not stick together, had well-sealed edges without meat protrusions. The structure of the dough is homogeneous, moderately dense. The organoleptic properties of dumplings from the manufacturer "Mirotorg" correspond to the definition of "homemade" and contain a large amount of filling wrapped in a thin layer of dough.

Weight, gr.400
Price, rub130
Pros and cons
  • one of the best semi-finished products in terms of protein content;
  • safe composition;
  • the actual net weight corresponds to the declared one.
  • inaccurate information regarding nutritional value.


"Raviollo" - antibiotics in the composition


According to the results of the popular vote, frozen dumplings of the Raviollo trademark were eliminated from the Control Purchase TV show competition. The jury members noted the unattractive appearance and increased rigidity of the dough. In addition, the mass of the dough significantly exceeds the mass of minced meat. The negative opinion of the tasters was supported by the violations revealed in the course of the laboratory research "Roskachestvo", according to which chicken meat not declared in the marking was found in the filling. Another gross violation - traces of antibiotics (florfenicol and metronidazole) - became the reason for the location of "Raviollo" dumplings on one of the last lines of the rating of "Roskachestvo".

More than 50% of the filling of the sample consists of loose connective tissue, which may indicate the use of stale meat in the production of dumplings. The total ratio of protein to fat in the product corresponds to the labeling. In the frozen state, they do not crumble, and when finished, they do not fall apart.

Weight, gr.800
Price, rub557
Pros and cons
  • starch was not found;
  • without inclusions of rough connective tissue.
  • do not have a characteristic taste, tasteless;
  • chicken DNA found;
  • the presence of antibiotics;
  • loose consistency of the filling.


"Pelmeni from Palycha" - an outsider of the popular vote with a safe composition

from Palych

No antibiotics, pesticides or other heavy metals hazardous to health were found in the studied dumplings. Samples are white with a cream shade and are circular in shape. Minced meat of homogeneous brown color with chopped onions and spices, without coarse connecting fragments. However, the content of muscle tissue is rather low (less than 50%), which indicates the low quality of the meat product from which the sample is made. At the same time, the amount of filling is 15% higher than the dough, and this is one of the highest rates among similar types of products.

The dough used has a moderately dense consistency - it does not crumble when frozen and does not boil during cooking. "Pelmeni from Palych" are not sticky, with well-sealed edges. They have a moderately salty taste and pleasant smell, typical for this type of food. Despite all the advantages, the sample dropped out of the "Test Purchase" competition program, as it did not satisfy the tastes of the majority of the members of the selection round.

Weight, gr.1000
Price, rub473
Pros and cons
  • free of preservatives and GMOs;
  • foreign DNA is absent;
  • soy and starch were not found;
  • a lot of filling.
  • the tasters noted the strange taste of minced meat, not reminiscent of meat.


"Siberian collection" - goods with eliminated violations

Siberian collection

According to the results of the Test Purchase, the sample received the maximum number of votes from the jury and became the winner of the TV show, as it contained the most meat filling. However, research by Roskachestvo conducted in 2025 revealed an unacceptable content of E. coli and salmonella in the Siberian Collection dumplings. For the sake of fairness, it should be noted that the repeated study of this sample carried out this year indicates its safety and full compliance with the required microbiological and chemical standards.

Dumplings are categorized as "B". The tested filling weight does not contain starch and exceeds the weight of the dough.
A second peer review confirmed the safety of the sample, but found soy DNA, which may indicate both a sign of product tampering and the likelihood of soybeans getting into dumplings from neighboring production lines. The overwhelming mass of products is not deformed, however, some dumplings have cracks. The edges of the samples are well sealed, without minced meat snags.

Weight, gr.700
Price, rub255
Pros and cons
  • safe composition;
  • one of the best in terms of muscle mass;
  • soy is found in the composition;
  • E. coli and salmonella have been identified in previous trials.


"Caesar" - comments from "Roskachestvo"


The semi-finished frozen dumplings "Caesar" were highly appreciated by the people's tasters of the "Test purchase", however, the results of the examination by "Roskachestvo" conducted in 2025 testified to the unsafeness of this product. In particular, the researchers found E. coli and traces of antibiotics in the Caesar-branded dumplings. However, these gross violations were eliminated by the manufacturer, which is confirmed by a more recent audit carried out in 2025. But here, too, there were some remarks. Experts found traces of soybeans not listed on the label.

Also, according to the latest inspection, Caesar dumplings do not contain antibiotics, pesticides and GMOs hazardous to health, and the identified microbiological indicators correspond to the established standards. The products have organoleptic characteristics corresponding to the product category - white with a yellowish shade of the dough color and evenly mixed minced meat of gray-brown color with the presence of spices.

Weight, gr.800
Price, rub200
Pros and cons
  • free of antibiotics, GMOs and preservatives;
  • natural meat taste;
  • thin but dense dough, the presence of broth.
  • soy is found in the composition;
  • E. coli has been identified in previous trials.

Criteria for choosing the best frozen dumplings

The production of frozen dumplings in Russia has been regulated by GOST 33394-2015 since 2017. However, the application of this state standard is purely voluntary, and therefore the overwhelming majority of enterprises operate according to their own technical conditions. This provides manufacturers with an unlimited choice of components and technologies that do not always have a positive effect on the final product. In order to protect yourself from buying semi-finished products of dubious quality, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the following criteria.

  1. Packaging... Choose dumplings packaged so that you can shake them. If at the same time they roll easily and knock against each other with a sound, then you have a product that has been stored properly. A semi-finished product that to the touch resembles a sticky lump, most likely, has been subjected to repeated defrosting, as a result of which, it can be spoiled and be harmful to health.
  2. Category... In the regulations of the new standard, only two categories are indicated: "B" - the content of muscle tissue within 60% -80% and category "C" -40% -60% of meat.Categories "D" and "D" do not fall under the definition of "meat" since their production allows the minimum content of muscle tissue - 20% or less.
  3. Composition... The list of acceptable ingredients approved by the standard: minced meat, onions, salt, pepper, flour, water and eggs. In addition to pepper, dumplings often contain other spices, but you should beware of the vague generalized wording of "spice". Under their guise, manufacturers can add flavors and flavor enhancers. Therefore, we advise you to purchase dumplings, on the pack of which specific ingredients are listed.
  4. Filling... The best meat mass should be juicy, uniform, from gray to brown and make up at least half of the total mass of the dumplings.
  5. Dough... Should not crumble when frozen and boil when cooked.
  6. Price... A kilogram of real dumplings cannot be cheaper than a kilogram of meat. However, if the cost is much higher, then we are already talking about a marketing boost.
  7. Manufacturing process. For some, the choice of handmade dumplings is fundamental, however, according to experts, there is no difference between manual and machine modeling. Is that the higher price of "home" dumplings, since manual labor requires more time than an automated workshop.
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