Best shoe glue in 2025

Regardless of the quality and cost of shoes, when using them, there comes a moment of wear, after which the upper part may tear, the sole peeling and other problems. Many people in such a situation use the services of professionals, but some try to save the family budget, buy glue and repair things on their own.

About 80% of all shoes are currently made with glue, so this material is used most of all in repairs, and threads and nails have faded into the background. The masters are sure that it is the adhesives that can give maximum reliability and strong adhesion. It is difficult to say unequivocally which glue for shoes is better, since different brands are suitable for certain tasks.

Features and types of glue

It is impossible to find the best glue for shoes without some experience. Masters advise using products from trusted and well-known companies. Among the main advantages of such compositions are:

  • Reliability and long-term coupling.
  • Resistant to moisture, water and frost.
  • The thickness of the elements during operation should not affect the strength of the hitch.
  • The composition lacks rigidity, and with the help of elasticity, the service life is increased.
  • Materials on things do not need to be spoiled.

All adhesives are divided by purpose:

  • For basic gluing - often used for soles or heels, the material has increased strength of the joined seams.
  • Auxiliary Hitch - Used to facilitate the process when using nails or threads.
  • Secondary gluing - the product is used for gluing labels, tags and similar materials that do not need increased strength.

In addition to the purpose, adhesives are divided by the type of active substance, which ensures the adhesion of materials:

  • Polychloroprene - used during manufacturing, as well as in shoe repair shops. The main purpose is to glue two or more pieces of rubber, felt insoles, but can be used for leather and textiles. The material is characterized by a high degree of strength, resistance to water and frost. If you buy a product of this type, then you need to check the composition in which the rubber chloroprene resin should be.
  • Polyurethane - characterized by a very high level of strength, makes it possible to glue rubber or polyurethane, suitable for a sole that is fixed to any upper material. Easily fixes porous raw materials. Products with such an active substance are the most reliable and can easily glue almost any materials and parts. If it gets on the fabric, it is difficult to eliminate it, so you need to be extremely careful.
  • Rubber-vinyl chloride - when creating, artificial rubber is used, an ideal option for auxiliary work and sealing. The material is susceptible to the negative effects of frost and moisture, therefore it is better to apply to summer shoes with little damage.
  • Polyvinylchloride - the composition is elastic, and thanks to the resin it will easily glue leather and textiles. Recommended for sealing socks.
  • Universal - sold in small cans or tubes for small home repairs. Often it holds any materials together, and its plus is ease of work.
  • Combined - the composition contains resins, rubber, nairite. The mixture can be used to bond the sole to leather or synthetics and provide a seal.

Among the variety of compositions that are on store windows, the article describes the best in quality, reliability and other parameters. This article will help you make the right choice and save you time and money.

The best adhesives for shoes

To choose which glue is better to glue shoes, you may need to purchase more than one tube from different manufacturers. You can judge the effectiveness of the product and its qualities by the elasticity of the seam, the strength and durability of the shoe after repair. All parts that are covered with the mixture should not deform, even if the shoes are thin. The review is based on the opinions of consumers and experts who regularly restore shoes from different materials.

Super moment for shoes

Best shoe glue in 2025

Designed for people who need a quick shoe repair, regardless of material. The composition is transparent, waterproof, does not undergo destruction at high and low temperatures, and after application an elastic seam appears. In addition to shoes, it can be used for wood, metal, plastic and other surfaces. The cost in the store is about 130 rubles.


  • High degree of strength.
  • Convenient dispenser shape.
  • Fast drying.

Among the main disadvantages, a pungent aroma is distinguished.

UHU "Schuh & Leder"

Best shoe glue in 2025

This product is recommended for fixing the hard and soft surface of shoes at an average cost of 260 rubles. The seams are elastic, and this property persists for a long time. The composition is not affected by moisture, alcohol and other aggressive substances, and after a while it does not dry out.


  • Effective for shoe repair.
  • It can withstand frost down to -20 and temperatures up to +125 degrees.
  • Residues are easy to remove.

Some give a low cost for a small tube.

MOMENT "Marathon"

Best shoe glue in 2025

A very popular option that is considered versatile and often used at home. The manufacturer recommends using the compound for different materials, including cork soles. The elasticity remains even after complete drying, which is very good for soft and flexible shoes. You can buy the product in tubes of 30 and 125 ml.


  • Water resistant.
  • Does not collapse at temperatures of +110 degrees and up to -40.
  • The basic properties are retained even in the case of severe freezing during storage.
  • If the mixture hits the surface, it can be easily removed.
  • The presence of a comfortable elongated spout, which is useful for small or narrow crevices.
  • After use, the cap does not stick tightly to the bottle.
  • Shelf life up to 2 years.

Among the shortcomings, consumers highlight that the work must be carried out in accordance with the full instructions. Bonding is possible only after cleaning and degreasing the surfaces. Otherwise, the composition of the seams will quickly disperse.


Best shoe glue in 2025

This composition is analogous to the famous professional Desmokol glue. The product is polyurethane, therefore, thermal activation is necessary, otherwise the coupling of materials may be short-lived. Despite this, the usual method of applying to the cold will also be very effective. Suitable adhesive for polyurethane shoe soles.


  • Recommended for repairing demi-season products, the active substances resist water very well and do not get wet under its influence.
  • Excellent elasticity of the mixture, which does not allow changing the shape of the shoe.
  • Customers can use both the classic cold gluing method and the hot one.
  • A large selection of packages, from 50 ml tubes to whole barrels up to 200 liters.
  • Long shelf life, up to 2 years.

Among the main disadvantages are high toxicity and fire hazard.


Best shoe glue in 2025

This option cannot be used to fix the sole and other parts of the shoe that are under heavy load. It is recommended to use a composition for restorations.The product is rubber based, therefore ideal for leather, textiles and decorative applications. In addition, this look is perfect for boots and other rubber shoes.


  • The composition is non-toxic, so an unpleasant and pungent aroma is excluded during operation.
  • After complete drying, an elastic layer appears, which is not subject to destruction during the wearing of shoes.
  • It is not exposed to solvent, but it is not recommended to expose shoes to water for a long time after repair.
  • Perfect for sealing.

The main disadvantage of the product is only in large volume. Sale is carried out in cans in which the minimum amount of glue is 0.7 liters.


Best shoe glue in 2025

A composition based on synthetic polyurethane is considered the best choice for leather, but with its help it turns out to restore not only shoes, but also any rubber products and plastic. Before starting the purchase and use, you need to know some subtleties. After applying the mixture, it is necessary to leave it until it is completely dry, and then warm it up to 80 degrees. This makes it possible to activate the active substances and securely hold all the elements.


  • The layer dries very quickly, a quarter of an hour is enough for its complete drying.
  • Elasticity remains after drying.
  • Works great with porous soles, as its structure can flow into any small particles.
  • It can be used for working with textiles.
  • It is sold in various packaging, based on the needs, so you can buy a small tube of several grams and up to 20 kg cans, which are suitable for masters of their craft.
  • Low cost of goods, for example, a volume of 40 grams is available for 30 rubles.


  • Combustible.
  • It is necessary to do the work very carefully, because if it hits the upper part of the shoe, the mixture cannot be removed.

KENDA Farben SAR 30E

Best shoe glue in 2025

Nairite compound from an Italian company that can glue rubber soles with any coating. Best used for small jobs. Glue is no less popular in the field of custom-made footwear production, where you need to cover the heel, fix the insoles.


  • The passage of water is excluded.
  • Elasticity is preserved, the layer does not harden even in frost, cracks will not form.
  • It can be applied cold, but for maximum strength it is recommended to warm up the layer by activating it.
  • It evaporates rather slowly in comparison with other manufacturers, so the master has time to correct errors.
  • In case of mistakes or contamination of the upper part, the mixture can be easily removed, in addition, the layer can be heated over a new one and the parts can be glued again.


  • Cannot be used for PU soles.
  • Long-term drying.


Best shoe glue in 2025

This is an inexpensive Taiwanese-made glue, but it is considered quite good and many consumers note many positive parameters, including reliable fixation of any tear, puncture and cut. After the repair work, there are no marks on the shoes, and the glue is almost invisible.


  • Affordable cost in the region of 100 rubles per tube.
  • The ability to close any damage.
  • When heated, it retains its structure and does not flow.
  • Waterproof.
  • Does not provoke allergies.
  • It is economically consumed.
  • Has a long lasting effect.


  • Not suitable for PVC surfaces.
  • Difficult to buy in stores.

Nairit 1 (88-P1)

Best shoe glue in 2025

This product is suitable for working with leather, rubber, wood or fabric. After application and complete drying, an elastic layer of increased strength appears. During work, you can use the hot method, in which the shoes can be applied after 4 hours and cold, but the sock is possible after 24 hours. In the case of a high viscosity of the composition, it is recommended to add acetone.


  • High degree of efficiency.
  • Secure fit.
  • The ability to use on different materials.
  • Does not contain toxins and harmful solvents.

The main disadvantage for many is that the cost of glue turns out to be 300 rubles per can, which is a lot for single cases of repair.

Kenda Farben SAR 306

Best shoe glue in 2025

The adhesive is suitable for a variety of gluing jobs, regardless of the material.It can be applied to any kind of leather, rubber or fabric. The fixation is very fast, therefore time is saved during the entire process, and the resulting seams are characterized by strength and water resistance. The maximum adhesion will be 48 hours after application of the composition.


  • Perfect for everyday tasks and professional shoemakers.
  • High degree of temperature resistance.
  • Almost no harsh aroma.
  • Good quality and high effect.

Among the disadvantages, one can single out the cost of 500 rubles.

Criterias of choice

To determine the best glue for shoes, it is recommended to use the described rating, but you also need to know the basic rules and requirements when choosing it:

  • Determine the purpose of the purchase, or rather the degree of complexity of the repair and materials for gluing.
  • Before starting the purchase, carefully read the instructions and determine what the composition is intended for. The pack must be marked "For shoes".
  • The composition must have a high degree of resistance to temperature and water.
  • When self-repairing, it is better to buy small packages, because the composition dries without long-term use of the tube.

The choice in stores is large, at different prices and quality, the best option in this case will be in the direction that will not affect the budget and will allow you to fasten torn shoes. The presented rating will help to simplify the selection process and reduce possible options.

( Total:1 Middle:5/5 )

One comment

  • Peter:

    At the beginning of the article, the word “zeal” is not used in Russian. Break is an appropriate word in this context. And so - pretty well.


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