The name of the disease "psoriasis" scares many. This is a chronic ailment that can manifest itself in different areas of the skin. It is presented in the form of raised plaques that are present in the area of the joints of the knees and elbows. Also found on the back, head, nails, and genitals.
The best psoriasis remedies in 2025 allow you to cope with the unpleasant manifestation of the disease. It is frustrating that it is not possible to completely cure the disease.
Summary of psoriasis
Psoriasis is not an infectious disease. The reasons for its appearance can be very different. For example, changes in the immunological type, a predisposition of genetics, frequent stress, even a fungus and taking certain medications can cause psoriasis.
Psoriasis appears before the age of 20. As the analysis shows, more than three percent of people on the planet know him personally. Experts distinguish psoriasis by severity. If it is a severe form, the body is affected by 10 percent, and in a mild form, only 3 percent. There is also an average degree of damage - 3-10 percent.
The disease takes place in 3 stages: stationary, progressive, regressive. They are determined in accordance with external signs. Psoriasis is accompanied not only by plaques, but also makes itself felt by the general weakness of the body. There are organ damage: kidney, liver, etc. It also negatively affects the central nervous system, joints and spine.
Choosing a drug against psoriasis
Today, the pharmacy offers many different remedies that help with psoriasis. They differ in the form of release, exposure time, and effectiveness. The compositions are also different, as well as other indicators.
When choosing a drug, you need to pay attention to the parameter of value for money. Some manufacturers offer goods at high prices, and therefore it is worth comparing analogues with each other before buying.
The form of release also differs. Funds can be presented in the form of ointments, creams, gels, tablets. Also for psoriasis there is shampoo, injections, vitamin complexes, etc. Experts advise to choose a drug, relying on the severity of the disease. It is also worth understanding what its principle of action is. For example, if we are talking about creams and ointments, then they will affect the skin, but vitamins and pills fight infections, promoting the production of antibodies by the body.
Customer reviews can also be helpful when choosing a product. So it's worth reading them on the web. The recommendations of experts will bring no less benefit. Before buying a drug, you should definitely consult a doctor, self-medication will not lead to a good result.
To your attention is presented the TOP rating of good drugs for the treatment of psoriasis. When compiling the list, we took into account a number of characteristics: customer reviews, product quality, availability, efficiency.
But keep in mind that each drug has a number of contraindications.
TOP best creams for psoriasis treatment
Modern creams have a light texture when compared to ointments. They are absorbed quickly enough. In a matter of minutes, they manage to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, acting on the areas that were affected by the disease. It is customary to use propylene glycol, petroleum jelly as a basis.
Today, hormonal and non-hormonal drugs are produced. They differ due to the principle of action. The former work exclusively with the immune system, while the latter work exclusively with the epidermis.
As a rule, the advantage of psoriasis creams lies in the fact that they have a pleasant smell. There are also neutral scents. They are usually sold in tubes. That already says that the expense will be quite economical.
An excellent cream that can cope with the manifestations of psoriasis on the skin. Also produced by a domestic manufacturer. Its price is several times lower - 400 rubles. It will help not only remove the symptoms of the disease, but also intensively moisturize the skin. All this will make the product more resistant to the formation of new plaques.
The cream can have an anti-inflammatory effect, remove itching and irritation. The composition contains extracts: elderberry, lavender, sage, rosemary, calendula, vegetable oils. This combination is well suited to combat skin lesions.
Some components are able to prevent the development of pathogenic fungi and bacteria. The release is carried out in bottles of 75 ml, this is a solid volume. The plus is that the cream is very easy to apply to the skin, and it is also quickly absorbed. Economical cream consumption. One package will be sufficient for treatment in accordance with several courses.
The main features of the application of the cream are that it really produces a result quickly, is highly effective, and is also famous for its positive reviews among buyers. The quality of the product is really high.
The drug is produced by a Russian manufacturer. The result promises to be within 7 days of use. The cost of the cream is around 5 thousand rubles. The production is based on an innovative mechanism of influence.
Restet recently entered the cosmetics market. The products are aimed at combating lingering skin ailments. Suitable not only for the treatment of psoriasis, but also neurodermatitis, atopic dermatitis. The main difference between Restet and analogues is in a fundamentally new mechanism of action due to a unique substance - bacteriorhodopsin. It should be understood as a protein that belongs to the class of natural retinoids. It has a beneficial effect on the cellular level, contributing to the normalization of the structure of the epidermis and biochemical processes in the human body. It is also used in the basis of eye prostheses. So we can certainly talk about the hypoallergenic properties of the products.
It should be noted that the manufacturer has 4 patents and technologies that have no analogues in the whole world. Restet complex, aimed at regeneration, consists of 2 creams. This is a night cream for delivering the active substance to the deep layers of the dermis, as well as a day cream that aims to restore and preserve the hydrolipid mantle.
During the first week of constant use, the desired effect will already be noticeable. Itching and redness, plaque and flaking will go away. An improved appearance of the outer skin was also noted. There are no hormonal components in creams, because they contain only safe and natural ingredients.
In terms of price and quality ratio, Picladol cream is one of the best in our TOP. It costs around 150 rubles. Despite the fact that the price is really low, the cream is effective for treating psoriasis. It is based on ingredients of natural origin. There is fir oil, birch tar, Siberian fir and celandine extract. In the presence of vitamins and minerals. The term of use will depend on efficiency.As a rule, a month is enough for patients to completely heal the skin that has been affected. The cream quickly removes unpleasant sensations, relieves inflammation, disinfects wounds and heals them.
On psoriasis plaques, the cream can be applied with gentle circular motions to promote complete absorption. Plus, there are no side effects and contraindications. The peculiarity is that after the completion of the treatment, the skin becomes resistant to the emergence of new plaques.
The volume of the tube is 30 ml, but it is quite enough for a full course. The pros are low cost, good product reviews. The cream will be appropriate for both the prevention and treatment of psoriasis.
Chinese product based on Chinese herbs. Available at a price - 190 rubles. Most often they learn about it on the forums, which outline alternative methods of treating psoriasis. The cream is never officially advertised, and doctors are not always aware that it exists. But still, after analyzing the reviews on the Web, we can say that the cream has good effectiveness. It has a pleasant menthol aroma. The composition contains extracts of Japanese sophora, broomstick, Monnier's root, herbal ingredients, known in Tibetan medicine, as one of the most effective in affecting the skin.
The principle of action is to soften the horny scales, as well as to remove them in a gradual manner. It is possible to remove inflammation and itching, disinfection of the affected areas. Also, the cream is useful in the prevention of secondary infection. According to the reviews, the cream helps everyone, only the degree and time of the result is important. Someone completely gets rid of the signs of the disease in 2-3 weeks. There are also those people who observe a 70 percent reduction in the area of plaques. The performance rates are really high. But there are doubts about the lack of hormonal components in the product.
An American product that costs around 450 rubles. Designed specifically for quick and effective relief from unpleasant symptoms. Formulated with tretinoin, methyl sacylate and Chinese herbal extracts. He very quickly copes with irritation, itching, peeling. The main feature is the optimal ratio of quality and price. It is usually sold on the Web in online stores.
The cream has a neutral aroma. It should be applied 2-4 times a day, performing smoothing massage movements. The cream is absorbed very quickly without leaving an oily sheen. You can use the product within 3-4 weeks. This is enough to get the desired result.
The composition contains ethyl alcohol, and therefore keep in mind that you should not use it for sensitive skin. You need to pay attention to the presence of side effects and contraindications. The composition contains herbal ingredients that can cause an allergic reaction.
The advantages are high quality, optimal price, and the availability of useful herbal ingredients.
TOP ointments for the treatment of psoriasis
Ointments in the treatment of psoriasis are also in great demand. Such funds are distinguished by their affordability. Although there are premium products. They excel in the fight against external manifestations.
Hormonal and non-hormonal ointments are produced. Due to the slow consumption of packaging, the funds are sufficient for a long time. It is also worth noting that in general they have a greasy consistency that is absorbed in 15 minutes.
Healer M.V. Golyuk has been known since Soviet times. He was able to help fight cancer and psoriasis. He was even able to patent his own technique, which, according to eyewitnesses, helped to remove plaque, achieving long-term remission. You can buy the ointment in different pharmacies in our country. It's easy to find out the tool. Often, it is packaged in 300 grams. The ointment has a strong odor.
The preparation is based on fatty grease, honey, egg white and celandine powder. But learn that it is not worth starting a course of treatment if the disease worsens. Moreover, it will bring more effectiveness if you supplement the ointment with the receptions of Manchurian aralia tincture, observe the daily regimen and diet. A set of measures will delight you with efficiency in 5-10 days.
The cost of the ointment varies around 650 rubles. It is perfectly compatible with the skin. Available without a prescription. Suitable for the treatment of many dermatological ailments.
The list of active ingredients provides for the use of natural naphthalan, which has undergone a series of purifications. They have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. It is also worth noting the presence of urea in the composition, which is known as a really effective moisturizer for the skin.
Hormones, dyes and fragrances are not present in the composition. But there are many chemicals and preservatives. There are no complaints about the negative impact. On the contrary, users note that the skin is grateful for the product. Due to its light texture, it is possible to ensure rapid absorption.
For a week of use in accordance with the instructions, you can expect a blanching of the red zones and a decrease in rashes, as well as the psychological state of the patient becomes much better. It is quite possible to achieve a stable remission of the disease. But keep in mind that the price of the product is really high, and the smell is not always pleasant to those who use the ointment.
A Chinese ointment that is really effective among those with more psoriasis. Its cost is around 250 rubles. The composition includes herbal ingredients. There is sandalwood, kapoor kachari, turmeric, tulasi. The ointment is capable of having antibacterial and antiseptic effects. It also cools the skin, relieves itching and burning, relieves fungus.
The tool is able to alleviate the condition of a patient with psoriasis. The active ingredient is represented by ketoconazole, which is used in the treatment of dermal ailments.
The course can be 10-25 days, everything will depend on the result. All people have their own component portability. It is forbidden to use ointment for dermatitis, skin infections. It should not be used by pregnant women and children under 1 year old.
Note that there are also side effects. They are caused by allergies to the components in the composition. The release is carried out in a small plastic jar, the volume of which is 7 g.
The advantages of the Chinese ointment boil down to the fact that the product is highly popular and has good reviews. Efficiency at the highest level. The consistency is very hard, the consumption is low.
England produces ointment. This is a hormonal drug that costs around 400 rubles. The active ingredient in the composition is clobetasol propionate, which has a powerful effect in eliminating inflammation. Also, the tool is able to remove flaking, itching, swelling and irritation. Suitable for the treatment of various forms of the disease, but not for plaque. You need to apply the ointment 2 times a day, but strictly in a small amount.
Usually, the result of treatment will be noticeable within the first month. If there is no effect, then the remedy can be replaced with another. Contraindications are limited to the period of breastfeeding, pregnancy, and the ointment should not be used for children under 1 year old.
The volume of the tube is 25 grams. The medicine is capable of intensively affecting the body, and therefore it is worth using it in accordance with the instructions.
The main advantages boil down to the fact that the tool is really effective, available for purchase. Buyers respond positively to the ointment. But there were also some drawbacks - there are a lot of side effects and contraindications.
A very effective ointment. Produced in a monastery. There is no strong smell. The cost of the funds is around 150 rubles. The jar looks small. It is based on beeswax and Caucasian honey.Also in the presence of bay leaf oil, sea buckthorn, oil extracts of herbs, birch tar, propolis. The remedy is produced by the efforts of a male monastery, which is called the "Cross Hermitage".
The ointment has strict instructions for use. You need to rub it in for 7 days, but no more. Rubbing is carried out into the inflamed areas of the skin. Then you need to take a break and repeat the course in another 7 days.
The reviews say that the result of use is manifested in the form of removing itching, removing peeling and brightness of red spots. Not everyone is sure that the ointment is effective. The thing is that the remedy helps to remove psoriasis, but then it comes back again.
The plus is that the ointment does not have a sharp aroma.
TOP tablets and injections for psoriasis treatment
Pills for the treatment of psoriasis are prescribed only by a doctor. Self-medication in this case is not appropriate. It is customary to divide all pills into immunomodulators, antiallergic drugs, homeopathic remedies, hepatoprotectors. The effectiveness depends on the individual characteristics and the degree of the disease.
Good pills that give cosmetic results. Their cost is around 3000 rubles. The active substance acitretin belongs to the group of synthetic retinoids. For 40 years, these drugs have been successfully used in dermatology. Acitretin has been shown to be effective in helping even in severe cases of psoriasis. It should be noted that he is able to suppress even excessive cell growth and keratinization.
The reviews are talking about a cosmetic effect. Initially, the rash goes away from the face and head, and then from the whole body. Remission may be 1.5 years.
Neotigazone can cause unwanted reactions that are sometimes not tolerated by patients. Due to its terratogenicity, it is contraindicated in pregnant women and those planning a pregnancy. For 3 years after a course of taking a group of retinoids, one cannot donate blood and give birth to children.
Retinol, aka vitamin A, is commonly referred to as fat-dissolving substances. The cost varies in the Russian Federation around 40 rubles. Often, the remedy is an adjunct to the course of treatment, helping to get rid of the symptoms that occur on the skin.
More recently, research has shown that high doses of vitamin A can have powerful benefits over standard supplements. Experts are confident that the substance can help speed up the treatment process. It is customary to prescribe it as part of a complex therapy in order to improve the effectiveness of treatment.
The drug is produced in the form of capsules or liquid. The second option is most convenient. One package is represented by 30 capsules. But keep in mind that you should not use vitamin A in the first trimester of pregnancy, with individual intolerance and hypervitaminosis.
The pros boil down to the fact that in the case of complex therapy, the drug really gives the desired result. For the price it is acceptable, and there are no problems with the usability.
A good drug produced by a Russian manufacturer. Its price is high - 25 thousand rubles. It took 500,000,000 rubles to develop the funds. The company spent 7 years on this. During clinical trials on the basis of medical institutions of the Russian Federation and Belarus with the participation of many hundreds of patients with severe psoriasis, it became known that 83 percent of patients were able to achieve a high index of improvement. Their number has reached 83 percent. And every third got rid of problems with skin pollution. The cost of therapy was significantly reduced, while the incidence of adverse events remained extremely low.
An Austrian drug that is suitable for patients with severe and moderate psoriasis. Its cost is around 1 thousand rubles. When psoriasis is resistant to other treatments, the doctor prescribes these pills. They belong to the first line of systemic therapy.
Improvements will be noticeable for 1-4 weeks. But at 10-12 - the full therapeutic effect.Indeed, many cases have been described, which amount to a clinical recovery of 60-80 percent of patients. The toxicity of the tablets is fully expressed, and therefore they are supplemented with vitamin B9. Please note that self-medication is contraindicated in this case. In reviews and on forums, patients advise this drug, saying that it is well tolerated.
Finnish tablets cost around 350 rubles in Russia. It is a good hormonal agent that has anti-allergenic and anti-inflammatory effects. He is able to reduce the rate of cellular mycosis. In this case, the remedy acts even with pronounced symptoms of the disease, removing the swelling of the joints.
The result will be noticeable after a couple of days of use. The active substance has an intense therapeutic effect, removes inflammation. Its advantages are that the product is inexpensive, the quality and effect are at the highest level. Yes, and on the Web there are extremely positive reviews for Metipred.
TOP shampoos for psoriasis
Topical in the treatment of psoriasis and shampoos. The disease often manifests itself in the hair area with itching, spots and flaking. A simple shampoo is not worth using. The recommendation is conditioned by the fact that it contains components that dry the skin.
The shampoo has a good composition. No harmful components are provided. Its cost is around 540 rubles. Includes a non-hormonal cream based on solid oil and herbs, as well as 2 types of shampoo. All tools are sold in one set. The components do not include SLS and SLES, hormones, dyes.
With the complex action of a cream or shampoo, it is possible to delicately cleanse the hair and scalp. The natural balance of moisture will be established both in the stratum corneum and cuticles. The pronounced effect was confirmed in clinical studies in which 25 volunteers took part. According to their assessment, the ointment washes off well, dryness and irritation are gone, and the hair looks much healthier. But keep in mind that it will not work to treat psoriasis only with shampoo, this is only an addition to the remedies that the doctor prescribed.
An excellent product based on refined tar. The effectiveness is confirmed by the Central Design Bureau of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The price of the product varies around 210 rubles.
The composition was developed specifically for the treatment of psoriasis and seborrhea. The base is tar, which is used for these purposes and in folk medicine. Please note that it is undesirable for owners of thin and dry hair to use it more often than once every 7 days. In 2-3 procedures, you will be able to notice the effect.
A good Italian shampoo that will instantly relieve itching. The price for it varies around 600 rubles. The remedy is truly unique. It will be a good helper when plaques appear on the head. The duration of the course is presented by 2-3 months. After the first crinkle, peeling and itching will disappear. The main component of the composition is represented by refined white willow bark tar. It counteracts the symptoms of the disease by improving the structure of the hair, reducing its oily content. It contains ginger, wild cinnamon, lactic acid and turmeric. And another plus is that the product is hypoallergenic.
Shampoo should be applied 2 times. The first time on damp hair, and the second time, leave the foam for 5 minutes. Within 7 days, you can use the shampoo 1-2 times. The smell is pleasant, does not differ in harshness, as in analogues, which is also a big plus for many buyers.
The reviews say that after using an Italian shampoo to ease combing of hair, it is worth applying a balm.
French shampoo, which is highly effective and good composition. Its price is around 1400 rubles on the Russian market. It should be used as part of complex therapy. The main component is zinc pyrithione, considered an effective component in psoriasis. The composition contains useful components that provide intensive care for the hair, and not just the scalp.
It is worth using shampoo in a course of 5 weeks, 1-2 times a week. Shampoo will be sufficient for 12 months with a volume of 150 ml. In fact, the shelf life is calculated as much as 5 years.
Domestic manufacturer "Librederm Zinc" offers shampoo at a low price - 600 rubles, while hair care will also be very soft. In terms of quality and price ratio, this is a good option. The composition contains citric acid, but no fragrances and aggressive substances. You can use the tool for prevention purposes. You can wash your hair with it even every day, but no more than 3 weeks.
The reviews say that the shampoo does not contribute to tangling of the hair, the curls are easy to comb. It is a medicinal product sold in pharmacies. It relieves itching and flaking of the skin, gently cares for the hair. And another plus is that it has a pleasant aroma, optimal consistency, and even excellent foaming.
The bottle is equipped with a good dispenser. Buyers note that the efficiency is high and the expense is very low.