Best wall mounted gas boilers in 2025

In the modern market for space heating, different options for boilers are offered in different price segments. Buyers can find low-cost equipment from Chinese manufacturers that is of low quality, but there are also expensive models from well-known brands that have increased functionality and high efficiency. Among the leaders in the production of heating equipment, the following manufacturers can be distinguished: Buderus, Vaillant, Bosch, Ferroli and others.

These companies have been on the market for many years and have been tested by thousands of consumers. The review presents the best wall-mounted gas boilers from foreign and domestic manufacturers. The rating will help you decide on the choice and choose the model that suits the characteristics.

Which gas boilers are better wall-mounted or floor-standing?

Many people are interested in this question. Wall views are more compact and stylish, and in terms of assembly they are similar to a small boiler room. It is recommended to mount them for small houses or apartments. They run on electricity, so if it is often disconnected or the network is unstable, you will need to use stabilizers, because the pump will not work without light. This is the main disadvantage of the equipment. The pluses of wall types include:

  • Compactness.
  • Ease of installation and connection.
  • Easy management.
  • Affordable price.
  • Beautiful view.
  • Automation.

Floor-standing devices, in contrast to wall-mounted ones, have wider capabilities, productivity and power, but this is all complemented by the large size of the unit. As a result, they occupy a useful area and in the houses they are assigned a separate room. If you install such devices in an apartment or small houses, then after a while you can greatly regret your choice. Despite this, floor views have several advantages:

  1. Heat exchangers can be made of steel or cast iron.
  2. Longer service life and better corrosion protection.
  3. High degree of wear resistance.
  4. The power can be increased by adding a special burner.
  5. Independence from power grids.

When choosing between these two options, you should take into account the building area and needs, which will determine the best option. In this rating, only wall-mounted gas models will be presented and to select them, one must understand the basic rules and requirements.

Basic selection rules

The main part for apartments with individual heating or private houses is a gas boiler. Indoor temperature, as well as equipment performance and work efficiency, are directly dependent on the quality of the product. In addition, further gas consumption depends on the efficiency of the boiler. Wall-mounted models have several main advantages in comparison with counterparts that are installed on the floor or others. Firstly, they take up minimal space in the room, so the useful space is saved. Secondly, specialized stores offer a large assortment with different functionality and pricing policy.

All heating devices differ from each other in many ways, and when choosing which wall-mounted gas boiler is better, the main parameters should be taken into account:

  • Number of circuits - there are single-circuit and double-circuit options on the market. The former are used only for heating the room, and with the help of the latter, you can warm up the water that will be in the house all year round.
  • Types of combustion chambers. They are divided into open ones and for them it is necessary to create a classic chimney, as well as closed ones, from which all combustion products move into the coaxial chimney, which is safer.
  • Additional electrical equipment.
  • Burner types that are divided into atmospheric or modulating. In the latter version, the power of the device is automatically regulated.

During the creation of the review, all the factors described were taken into account, as well as many other indicators that help to highlight the best models for heating houses.

The best wall mounted gas heating boilers

Understanding the basic parameters and equipment classification, you can proceed to search for the desired option. For the rating, an analysis of different models and brands was made, opinions of experts and consumers of a particular product were collected. This helped to create not only a clear description of the boilers, but also to highlight their advantages and disadvantages.

Protherm Cheetah 23 MTV

Best wall mounted gas boilers in 2025

A very popular model that can be installed in a private house or apartment. The device is characterized by high performance parameters, as well as an affordable price. The boiler has a closed combustion chamber, so it will be completely safe to use. In addition, this functionality allows you to install equipment in any type of room, even in the absence of a chimney. All combustion products are removed thanks to the coaxial system.

The assembled goods are quite high quality, the body is made of high-class stainless steel, which increases the service life, but for the first setting, like analogs, you will need to use the services of specialists. The device is easy to operate, has an increased efficiency, which will be more than 94%. The manufacturer has made several modes for heating, including winter and summer, as well as a vacation option.

Structurally, the model has an air valve with automatic operation, which allows you to remove excess air from the system, there is additional protection against frost, and a technology has been introduced that determines the strength of the flame and thrust.


  • Ease of installation and use.
  • Quiet operation.
  • Prophylaxis and inspection are needed by the manufacturer quite rarely.


  • There are no service documents.
  • The dependence of the circuits from each other, therefore, when the hot water is turned on, the heating of the house stops.


Best wall mounted gas boilers in 2025

This device is characterized by very easy operation, includes a monochrome LCD display and 2 knobs with which you can set the optimal temperature for heating the room and heating water. During manufacture, the manufacturer took into account the basic rules and regulations for safety, therefore, the equipment uses a closed combustion chamber. The product can be mounted on its own, since everything is done simply and the weight of the device is small. The control unit is directly connected to all possible elements. With the help of it, signals from various sensors are received.

Based on the received signals, the unit can reduce or increase the gas supply. The technique is very economical, as it consumes just as much fuel as is needed at a certain moment. The efficiency of the equipment is about 91%, and the water heating is optimal and fast in a few seconds. Structurally, additional protection is used, which does not make it possible to use the burners very often.


  • Ease of operation.
  • The minimum noise level appears during operation.
  • Comes with a small thermostat.
  • There is a protective system against overheating.
  • The boiler is not sensitive to power outages.
  • Convenient service.
  • The minimum selection of harmful substances.


  • When installing and connecting to the network, it is imperative to use grounding.
  • Pump power may not be enough for a private house on 2 floors.

NAVIEN Ace-24A Atmo

Best wall mounted gas boilers in 2025

This model is suitable for installation in a house or apartment, ideal for harsh climates. This option is quite economical, can serve for many years and easily withstands the minimum pressure of water and gas. It is characterized by stable operation, since it is not sensitive to power outages.

This is the best wall-mounted gas boiler in its segment with a large list of advantages and, at the same time, the manufacturer was able to maintain an affordable cost. The assembly is very high-quality, there is a heat exchanger, which is characterized by a fast action, so hot water begins to flow out of the minimum time interval after turning on the equipment.

All pipes are located on the sides of the body, which makes it possible to make piping on the left or right. The same fact several times simplifies the installation, especially with a lack of space and cramped conditions. The manufacturer has installed a modern burner that makes almost no noise during operation.


  • Excellent safety performance.
  • Small size.
  • Easy to use and install.
  • Affordable cost.

In general, the equipment is considered ideal, but there is one drawback - the noise of the circulation pump.

Viessman Vitopend 100

Best wall mounted gas boilers in 2025

This model is sold in 2 types: chimney and turbocharged. In the first case, it is recommended to use the device when it is possible to connect to a central chimney, which helps to achieve natural draft for the removal of slags. The second type is suitable for installation in rooms where there is no special hood, and all slags will be removed outside the building using a built-in fan.

In production, a good stainless steel is used, from which the body is made. The device itself is well assembled, there is nothing backlash, the parts are tightly fitted and all this increases reliability. The boiler output is 11-23 kW at a heating system pressure of about 3 bar. An expansion tank of 6 liters is installed inside, the heat carriers can warm up to 85 degrees, and the water up to 57. The boiler output is up to 11 l / min, but the indicator is not accurate and varies with temperature.

On the front side there is an LCD screen, there is a power button, a pressure gauge and 2 knobs for setting the temperature of the water and the heating system. In addition, customers are offered a small thermostat for a fee, which simplifies the use of the device.


  • Made from quality materials only.
  • Quiet work.
  • Small size.
  • Implementation of the latest technologies.


  • High price.
  • The high cost of components and spare parts.
  • Hydraulic pipes are made of composite elements, so they are subject to rapid failure.

Oasis BM-16

Best wall mounted gas boilers in 2025

This model of a wall-mounted gas boiler can only be used in buildings where the air temperature does not drop below +5 degrees. Installation is carried out strictly according to the project. This is a good wall-mounted double-circuit gas boiler for a private house or apartment, ideal in all respects and is characterized by increased performance with an efficiency of 92%. Structurally, it includes a high-quality and durable circulation pump that easily brings heat up to the 2nd floor.

On average, the service life of the equipment will be 12 years from the moment it was first turned on. For manufacturing, the manufacturer uses a copper heat exchanger, a closed-type combustion chamber, there is a fan that removes waste that is formed during fuel combustion. The security level is high, there are several of its modes. The device is capable of making diagnostics automatically, without human intervention, and in case of errors, they will be shown on the screen as codes. Condensate drainage is also used. The device itself uses fuel economically, so with it you can save on payments in winter. The weight of the unit is small, which simplifies installation work.

The chimney can be used of a split type or coaxial, operation is provided by natural or liquefied gas. The regulation for heating is carried out in the range of 30-80 degrees, and for water, the indicators are 36-60. When creating a system for hot water, it must be understood that the minimum amount of fluid passing through should be from 3 l / min. Ignition is performed automatically using the installed piezo.


  • Increased reliability.
  • Affordable price.
  • Self-diagnostics with display of errors on the screen.
  • Built-in frost protection.
  • An expansion tank of 6 liters is installed.
  • Possibility of programming in several modes.


  • Big sizes.
  • Rapid failure of certain sensors.

Haier Falco L1P20-F21 (T)

Best wall mounted gas boilers in 2025

This model is a two-circuit model, it includes a bithermal heat exchanger. Installation of the device in a private house or apartment is allowed. The unit has many protective systems, including a safety system against an open fire, protection against a pump wedge and others. A sensor is installed in the heat exchanger, which excludes overheating, the appearance of strong pressure and the loss of traction. The manufacturer made the burner from high-quality modulated stainless steel, the hydraulic part is made of brass, and the heat exchanger is copper.

The total power of the device is 20 kW, consumers can adjust the temperature for space heating in the range of 30-85 degrees. The performance is very high, which makes it possible to heat houses up to 190 sq.m. A 6-liter expansion tank is installed inside. The dimensions of the wall-mounted boiler are small, 70x40x32 cm. All waste in the process of fuel combustion comes out with a fan using a coaxial chimney. The system pressure can vary from 0.3 to 6 bar.


  • Reliable and high-quality bithermic type heat exchanger.
  • Small dimensions.
  • Affordable price.
  • Possibility to heat large areas.
  • A huge amount of protection.
  • A powerful circulation pump that easily brings heat up to the 2nd floor.


  • Not the most convenient placement of the inlet and outlet pipes.
  • There is no way to use Russian on the screen.

Buderus Logamax U072-12K

Best wall mounted gas boilers in 2025

This model is characterized by a closed type of combustion chamber and is ideal for private houses on the 1st floor. The controls are simple and very convenient, and the appearance will not spoil the overall interior. The manufacturer used a thin sheet stainless steel for the manufacture of the case, the entire assembly is of high quality and reliable without backlash. Initially, the company created a boiler for a harsh climate, therefore, in the conditions of Russia, this is one of the best options.

The equipment is controlled using Open Therm technology, which is distinguished by a high degree of reliability and accuracy of meeting all customer requirements. Due to this option, the heating settings are very subtle, which helps to save on paying bills. All household needs can be easily satisfied with a boiler, it is recommended to buy goods for an area of ​​up to 120 sq. M. Double-circuit model with a flow-through type and a capacity of 12 l / min. This indicator is enough for an ordinary family for 3-4 people or 3 points where water flows.


  • Small size and weight.
  • Easily resists power surges in any direction.
  • When the gas supply decreases, it does not go out.
  • There is a frost protection system.
  • Almost silent operation.
  • The presence of a piezo for easy ignition.
  • The fire is regulated by an ionization electrode.
  • Ideal for harsh climates.


  • Rapid failure of the waste disposal fan.
  • The capacity of the circulation pump is not enough for heating the 2nd floor.
  • Not a very reliable feed tap.

Bosch Gaz 6000 W WBN 6000-24 C

Best wall mounted gas boilers in 2025

The wall-mounted boiler is designed for heating buildings up to 240 sq.m., includes a closed combustion chamber, a plate heat exchanger. The device can produce up to 11.5 l / min of warm water, and all combustion waste is removed using a coaxial chimney with dimensions of 6/10 cm.

The control unit is equipped with several sensors that allow you to control the fire level, are responsible for auto-ignition and fan speed. The circulation pump is three-stage; there is an installed 6.5-liter expansion tank.

The case is of a classic shape, on the main side there is a screen and controls, a manometer indicating the pressure in the entire system. Bottom connections for easy installation and connection.


  • Providing fast heating of the area.
  • Easy to install.
  • High efficiency with low fuel consumption
  • Many settings for individual requirements.
  • The presence of a piezo.


  • In some cases, uncharacteristic errors appear, which are removed by simply restarting the boiler.
  • Strong vibration of the pump during operation of the equipment.
  • In some cases, condensation occurs.

Navien DELUXE 16A White

Best wall mounted gas boilers in 2025

A very good and affordable option that is well assembled and characterized by a long service life. The unit is double-circuit, easily perceives low temperatures thanks to the protective system. The pump automatically starts working when the temperature in the room drops to 10 degrees, after which it starts to work intensively to prevent freezing. When the water temperature drops to 6 degrees, the burner is connected and raises the value to 21 degrees.

Gas consumption is low, which has a positive effect on paying bills, the duration of the heat exchanger and the device as a whole. The device can operate even at low fuel pressure, is not sensitive to electrical changes in the network and will work stably with low water pressure.

It is completed with a remote control for more convenient control and it is possible to use a voice assistant. A control unit is installed behind the front part, there is an LCD screen.


  • Not sensitive to changes in gas, water or electricity supply.
  • Affordable price.
  • The control is simple, it is carried out using a block on the boiler or a remote control.


  • Automation malfunctions occur.
  • Low flow of warm water.
  • Noisy operation.
  • There is no possibility of self-diagnosis of the equipment.

Baxi MAIN 5 24 F

Best wall mounted gas boilers in 2025

This version from an Italian manufacturer is characterized by high quality performance and is one of the leaders in this rating. A double-circuit model that is easy to install on the wall due to its low weight and dimensions. Structurally, it includes a closed combustion chamber, is a turbocharged type. The device can be connected to a coaxial chimney or two-pipe waste disposal system. The device has a stainless steel burner and nozzles, as well as a bithermal heat exchanger.

Inside there is a Grundfos model circulation pump, an automatic air vent, as well as an electronic board for operating the automation, a 6-liter expansion tank. The heating device is equipped with several sensors that help monitor the total heat in the house, the water temperature and the strength of the fire. The peak power at maximum load will be 24 kW, which is enough for houses up to 220 sq.m.

For more convenient use, the manufacturer placed an LCD screen on the front side and several buttons with which you can adjust the temperature of water and heating. It is also possible to automatically diagnose errors that are shown on the screen.


  • The presence of all the necessary functions.
  • Small dimensions.
  • Affordable price.
  • Extensive number of service points.


  • Low power of the device.
  • The board is negatively affected by fluctuations in the electrical network, therefore it is recommended to connect with a stabilizer.

The review considers the most popular and well-known options for wall-mounted boilers, which are characterized by durability and high build quality. The devices are safe and reliable, so it will be easier for each buyer to choose the best option for their home.

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