How to clean a dishwasher in 2025

The world around us is constantly evolving, so every year the average person has more and more things to do. The need to spend 5 days a week at work, taking care of children, going shopping on weekends, as well as many other worries leave almost no free time for cleaning.

For this reason, fewer and fewer people do without a dishwasher. This technique allows you to quickly get rid of a mountain of dirty dishes. However, sometimes she herself needs competent care. In this article, you will learn how to clean a dishwasher at home and which remedy is best for this, as well as how to properly operate it so as not to face premature breakdown.

How to clean the dishwasher from scale and grease?

How to clean a dishwasher

To the identified problems, you can also add the accumulated food debris, dirt and other debris that inevitably accumulates inside the equipment. And in this case, regular use of the dishwasher will be an excellent option to extend the life of the dishwasher. Of course, such a statement sounds paradoxical, but it is the constant inclusion that will not allow pollution to dry out and eat into the units of the car, because all the garbage will be constantly washed out.

But in order to clean the dishwasher from fat, you literally have to take matters into your own hands. The first step is to remove the baskets, if provided by the design, and rinse them well from dirt. To make cleaning easier, you can pre-soak the baskets in the detergent solution. After that, you need to get rid of grease, rust and mold inside the dishwasher.

If you need to descale your machine, you don't have to run to the store for specialized detergents. In addition, many of them are composed almost entirely of citric acid. It is she who will effectively get rid of fat and scale in the dishwasher.

To do this, it is necessary to visually inspect problem areas in order to determine the optimal amount of funds. If there is little scale, then 100 grams is enough. At an average mark, it is recommended to take 150-200 grams of citric acid. Too much limescale can remove 250 grams. Pour citric acid directly into the detergent compartment, starting an intensive wash cycle.

Another great way to remove limescale in dishwashers is plain vinegar. It must be poured into a glass and placed on the bottom of the chamber. After that, the machine is started for a full cycle using ordinary detergent. When finished, baking soda is scattered to the bottom of the dishwasher and left overnight. In the morning, the unit is run through another full wash cycle, after which the scale problem will disappear.

In order for the dishwasher heating element to serve for a long time, it is advisable to carry out prophylaxis with a minimum amount of citric acid (80 grams) every 3 months! This will relieve the teng from scale, which will have a positive effect on its performance in the future.

How to clean the dishwasher from mold and rust?

mold and rust in the dishwasher

Visible dishwasher contamination is also represented by rust and mold.Even industrial bleach can easily get rid of the latter, but this process negatively affects the internal components of the technique. Therefore, you should not bring the car to such a state. However, if the problem still arises, you can clean the dishwasher from mold at home using any bleach in the form of a gel. To do this, evenly distribute the product on a rubberized sponge, and then wipe well all areas affected by the fungus. Then rinse the machine well with water to get rid of any bleach residue. Dishwashing detergent can also help fight fungus and mold, but its properties are not always sufficient.

Advice! To avoid the development of mold, open the dishwasher door after each use until the cooking space is dry.

As for rust, it can appear due to the oxidation of iron. For new equipment, such a problem is not terrible, but for old equipment, paint can gradually peel off. Special anti-corrosion compounds are capable of eliminating rust in the dishwasher cleaning process. With their help, it is necessary to process the camera, baskets and other metal components of the machine in the manner described in the instructions.

You can protect your dishwasher from the subsequent appearance of rust by using special sealants. They should be used to renew the exfoliated coating. Additionally, experts recommend installing special water filters at the inlets. Such devices prevent large volumes of iron found in rusty piping from entering the dishwasher.

Best dishwasher cleaners

dishwasher cleaners

Many users do not want to risk using traditional methods for premium household appliances (for example, dishwashers Bosch, Asko, Siemens, etc.). In this case, it is necessary to buy professional detergents, available in a wide range of hardware stores and regular supermarkets.

Among them, one of the best in terms of value for money is considered “Fairy". This product is available in liquid form, which is suitable for hand washing the machine chamber, and in the form of tablets. The latter are called "Fairy Platinum»And in addition to the powder detergent, they include special compositions for softening water, as well as removing grease, scale and rust.

The products “Finish". These are special cleaners for dishwashers, the use of which once every 30 cycles will keep the equipment in excellent condition. Finish is available in 250 ml bottles. To use it, you need to remove the label from the bottle, put it upside down in the chamber (all dishes must be removed), and then start a standard cycle.

For the product to work properly, the water temperature must be above 70 degrees, so take this into account when choosing an operating mode.

If after that you still have not decided how to clean the dishwasher, then pay attention to other excellent brands. Liquids have shown high efficiency in the fight against scale, grease and rust "Somat», «Topperr", Products"SUTTER Professional"And a cleaning agent produced by"Amway". Any of these special products for dishwashers effectively combats the problem without harming the components of household appliances.

Dishwasher cleaning procedure

How to clean the dishwasher

It is required to clean household appliances not only when its insides are covered with visible dirt and large debris, but also for preventive purposes. This procedure is carried out in four stages:

  • Step 1 - cleaning the grate and filter... The whole process starts with removing and cleaning the strainer. Experts recommend washing it at least once a week, because this device perfectly absorbs fat and leftovers. If you ignore this advice, then the dishwasher will accumulate garbage in itself, emitting an unpleasant smell.
  • Step 2 - cleaning blades... In this case, there is no clear regulation of the frequency of cleaning, so you need to visually evaluate the impeller and rocker arms. If contamination is noticeable, then you should take out the blades one by one and wash them with ordinary dishwashing detergent, remembering to clean the holes with a toothpick or other thin object.
  • Step 3 - cleaning seals... The gum on the dishwasher door collects a huge amount of dirt and debris. If it is not cleaned in time, it will lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor and even rapid wear of the seal. It is necessary to wash the gum with the same dishwashing detergent or gruel of soda and water, which will help get rid of especially persistent fat.
  • Step 4 - emptying the basket... To clean the baskets, remove them from the dishwasher and then treat them with a detergent. Leave them as they are for 15 minutes for the cleaner to work better. After the specified time has passed, the baskets must be wiped with a brush and rinsed with water.
  • Step 5 - final processing... Having processed all the components and components of the dishwasher, you must thoroughly wipe all surfaces. Additionally, you can rub them with lemon juice to avoid the development of an unpleasant odor.

Operation and maintenance rules

Dishwasher Care

Any household appliance will last longer if properly cared for. So for dishwashers, the smooth operation of the water supply hoses is important, so they need to be checked and cleaned regularly. At least once every 2-3 months it is necessary to dry the rubber gasket on the door so that fungus does not start to form on it.

Remove scraps, food waste and other debris from the dishwasher before loading dishes. At the same time, do not fill the chamber to the maximum, because the overload of the machine negatively affects its performance.

Operate the dishwasher from time to time without the utensils to remove grease and limescale. You can use vinegar, citric acid, or any professional cleaning product for this. Such a procedure should be carried out at least once every 3 months so that the drain, heating elements and other equipment units do not have time to clog.

As noted above, the rare inclusion of the dishwasher negatively affects its performance. It is best to run the dishwasher at least every 3 days, but more often.


Any household appliances can last much longer than their warranty period if properly cared for. Experts recommend that you regularly monitor the performance of all components of the dishwasher and promptly remove all contamination. In addition, in order to clean a dishwasher at home, it is not at all necessary to spend huge amounts of money on professional chemicals. Even regular citric acid, vinegar, and dishwashing detergent will fix most problems quickly!

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