In pharmacology, expectorants are assigned to a separate group. Their main task is to help the patient get rid of dry cough by removing a specific secret of the respiratory system produced by its mucous membrane. Self-administration of such drugs is fraught with serious health risks.
Only a qualified doctor can choose the best expectorant for cough, determine its dosage and course of administration, relying on the clinical picture. Our article is for informational purposes only. When compiling the 2025 selection, the editors relied on the opinion of specialists and patients, who shared their feedback on the Web.
- 1 The best expectorants for dry coughs
- 2 The best expectorants for phlegm removal
- 2.1 Syrup from Universal Pharma - no ethyl alcohol
- 2.2 Pertussin is an inexpensive medicine
- 2.3 Mukaltin - the best price, allowed during pregnancy
- 2.4 Stopusin - has a local anesthetic effect
- 2.5 Renlagin - the effect is already on day 2 or 3
- 2.6 Herbion is the best drug with an immunostimulating effect
- 2.7 Licorice syrup - natural ingredients
- 2.8 Bronchipret - mild action, allowed for children from birth
- 2.9 Codelac Broncho - the perfect combination of price and quality
- 2.10 Prospan is a drug from Germany
- 3 TOP 4 best expectorants for children
The best expectorants for dry coughs
Mucolytic agents, when they enter the patient's body, do not change the amount of secretion secreted in the bronchi, but they can affect its structure, making the mucus more liquefied.
Ambroxol - low price and good effect
The most popular drug on the domestic market opens the rating. It has been tested by many doctors and patients. It has proven itself in the line of "arsenal of means" in the fight against dry cough. Has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, promotes liquefaction and rapid removal of sputum.
In pharmacies, it is presented with tablets and syrup. The second form is assigned to children.
- acceptable price - 20 rubles for 20 tablets;
- well tolerated and rarely causes side reactions of mild tolerance (in the form of nausea and headache);
- used to treat bronchitis and prevent other lung diseases;
- the variety of release forms allows you to choose an acceptable treatment for each individual case.
- no.
Bromhexine - various forms of release
Inexpensive, but very effective drug. It is found in the form of syrup, drops and tablets. Promotes increased secretion of phlegm and its excretion, making the clots less viscous. Especially in demand by doctors in the treatment of bronchitis.
- reasonable price - for 50 tablets, the cost varies within 106 rubles;
- the effect is noticeable in the first 24 hours of admission;
- well tolerated, but there may be side effects in extremely rare cases - gastrointestinal upset.
- not recommended for children under 3 years old and pregnant women.
Libeksin Muko - can be taken by adults and children from 2 years old
The active ingredient is carbocisteine, which is able to activate a special enzyme - sialic transferase. She takes responsibility for the development of increased secretion of secretions from the cells of the bronchial mucosa. Those. mucus becomes thinner and easier to leave the body. Experts note that drugs with carbocisteine are used in medical practice more often than others due to the ability of the active substance to have a regenerating effect on mucosal cells.
The medicine is indicated in the treatment of diseases with viscous and difficult to separate sputum. It can be used as a prophylactic drug before bronchoscopy. It has a strong effect, but unlike similar cough suppressants, the effect is not accompanied by bronchospasm. It is excreted by urine within 3 days from the body.
Available in syrup. Can be assigned to children and adults. The manufacturer of the drug is the Sanofi company from France with an excellent reputation in the international pharmaceutical market. The price of a syrup averages 400 rubles per 125 ml.
- the ability to use to liquefy the secretion of mucous organs in ENT diseases (rhinitis, sinusitis);
- the effect is noticeable 24 hours after taking the drug;
- a demanded remedy in medical practice;
- good reviews from specialists;
- allowed for admission to children from 2 years old;
- has a regenerating effect on mucosal cells.
- has contraindications, which include peptic ulcer, diseases of the genitourinary system;
- not prescribed for pregnant women and children under 2 years old;
- special control is required when taken by people with diabetes. The composition contains sugar;
- high price.
Ascoril - performance
The TOP of the best included an Indian medicine called Ascoril, which proved to be effective in the treatment of ARVI and viral ailments, severe pathologies of the respiratory tract. The average course of treatment is 5 days. During this time, it is possible to completely get rid of the disease. The drug has mucolytic and bronchodilator effects, has an antiseptic and expectorant effect.
- complex effect;
- fast action;
- the course of treatment is up to 10 days.
- high price - 10 tablets cost around 300 rubles;
- there are many contraindications for admission (renal failure, heart defects, stomach ulcers, diabetes mellitus, etc.);
- not prescribed for pregnant women and children under 6 years old;
- manifestation of side reactions in the form of headaches and a decrease in blood pressure.
Acetylcysteine - Best Potency
A German drug with a powerful effect. To achieve the desired recovery, it is important to observe a strict dosage, as well as to monitor the absence of side reactions of the body. It dissolves phlegm well and promotes its removal from the lungs. Available in effervescent tablets.
WHO recognized the drug "Acetylcysteine" as one of the most important in the treatment of colds, cough, tuberculosis, and other serious diseases of the lungs. For 12 tablets, you need to be ready to pay 125 rubles. It is prescribed by doctors for children over 2 years old.
- strong expectorant effect;
- selection of specialists from the World Health Organization;
- ease of use - tablets dissolve in a glass of water.
- side effects may occur: fever, diarrhea, stomatitis and allergic reactions;
- self-administration is strictly prohibited without a doctor's prescription;
- not allowed for pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding.
The best expectorants for phlegm removal
Expectorant drugs help increase the secretion of the bronchial glands and have an irritating effect on the receptors of the mucous membrane, stimulating coughing.
Syrup from Universal Pharma - no ethyl alcohol
The main formula of the drug includes 3 components: licorice root, marshmallow extract and echinacea.Also, the composition is supplemented with the inclusion of vitamin C. This is a useful expectorant for bronchitis, capable of having a tonic effect and helping in the treatment of chronic pulmonary infections.
- affordability - 75 rubles costs 100 ml;
- ease of use - the syrup dissolves in a glass of warm water;
- there is no ethyl alcohol in the composition;
- approved for use in children, as well as patients with epilepsy, people with brain injuries.
- contains sugar. It is not recommended for patients with diabetes mellitus.
Pertussin is an inexpensive medicine
The drug is based on thyme extract, which was supplemented with potassium bromide, a compound that helps thin sputum. You need to be careful when taking the drug, since people often have intolerance to the main active ingredient. In this case, an allergic reaction may occur, torment heartburn.
- an inexpensive drug that perfectly copes with expectoration - 37 rubles per 100 ml;
- effective for pulmonary diseases.
- to achieve an expectorant effect, you need to undergo a course of treatment for 10 days;
- strict adherence to the dosage is important, otherwise a side effect in the form of nausea may appear;
- intolerance to the composition is quite common in patients.
Mukaltin - the best price, allowed during pregnancy
Available in tablets. The extract of medicinal marshmallow acts as the main active ingredient in the preparation. It is prescribed for bronchitis of any form of the course of the disease, in cases of pneumonia, with a wet cough. It is also often used by doctors in the treatment of obstructive pulmonary diseases and bronchiectasis.
- simple dosage regimen - 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. Shown to take before meals;
- acceptable price - 8 rubles for 20 tablets;
- excellent tolerability of the drug;
- the possibility of combination with other medicines;
- can be taken by pregnant and breastfeeding women.
- there may be allergic reactions, but are extremely rare;
- the first effect is noticeable within 2 days.
Stopusin - has a local anesthetic effect
Also, the drug Stopusin is among the best. Available in 3 dosage forms: potion, setting and syrup. Two substances are taken as a basis: butamirate with anesthetic effect and guaifenesin, which stimulates the discharge of mucus from the bronchi due to its dilution.
An Israeli drug is prescribed by physicians and pediatricians in cases of diagnosing dry cough in patients. It is often used in appointments in the postoperative and preoperative periods. Price - 140 rubles for 50 ml.
- can be used in the treatment of children over 6 months of age;
- simple instructions for taking - tablets can be dissolved in juice, water, tea;
- availability to purchase in domestic pharmacies.
- there are recommendations for taking the drug to stop driving and perform work at height.
Renlagin - the effect is already on day 2 or 3
The German drug fights dry cough in children from 3 years old and adults quite effectively, as the analysis of reviews of therapists and their patients on the Web shows. Helps to remove phlegm, relieve swelling and inflammation. Has analgesic and antispasmodic effects on the bronchi. The cost of the drug is 178 rubles for 20 tablets
- effectiveness - in 2-3 days of use, severe attacks of dry cough can be relieved;
- not addictive.
- no.
Herbion is the best drug with an immunostimulating effect
The composition of the drug is completely natural, which makes it possible to safely prescribe Herbion to children from 2 years old. The peculiarity of the effect is to increase the expectorated mucus already on the first day of using the drug. Recovery occurs after a week.
It is presented in the form of a syrup with a sweet taste; little patients take it with great pleasure.
- fast effect;
- complex effects: antibacterial, expectorant and immunostimulating;
- natural composition - the basis is taken from the extract of the root of the primrose and the plant thyme.
- it is imperative to complete the entire course of treatment, since with a sharp withdrawal of the drug, a relapse of the disease is not excluded;
- cannot be combined with other drugs if the drugs have the opposite mechanism of action;
- expensive price - 256 rubles for 150 ml.
Licorice syrup - natural ingredients
It is based on licorice root, known for its potent expectorant properties. It contains glycyrrhizin, which facilitates the release of mucus by increasing the secretion of the glands of the upper respiratory tract. The pharmacy is sold in 2 forms: tablets and syrup.
It is prescribed for the treatment of bronchitis, accompanied by a dry cough. It can be used as part of complex therapy; it is necessary to combine the reception with an abundant drink of warm water. The syrup is undesirable for prescription in cases of treatment of pregnant women with epilepsy, diabetes mellitus, chronic alcoholism. It is also not recommended for use by those patients who have been diagnosed with traumatic brain injury.
- reasonable price - 130 rubles costs 50 pieces of tablets;
- natural composition.
- there are side effects, including an allergic reaction or diarrhea;
- the course of treatment must not be exceeded. Otherwise, you can seriously reduce the normal level of potassium in the blood, which is fraught with heart problems;
- a large list of contraindications.
Bronchipret - mild action, allowed for children from birth
The formula is based on thyme extract. The component is known for its good effect on phlegm. It liquefies it and removes it from the lungs. Very often, doctors prescribe Bronchipret to those patients who suffer from severe attacks of dry cough. Has the ability to remove edema, has anti-inflammatory effects.
- allowed for children from birth;
- the effect is noticeable after 2 days of admission;
- acts gently, without causing abundant secretion of the glands of the respiratory system.
- expensive price for a bottle of 100 ml - 331 rubles.
Codelac Broncho - the perfect combination of price and quality
Available in 3 types: capsules, tablets and lozenges. The combination is taken as a basis:
- ambroxol hydrochloride and thyme liquid extract - for sputum discharge;
- sodium glycyrrhizinate - in order to relieve inflammation and the effects of the virus.
It is prescribed as a drug for the treatment of bronchitis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Price - 190 rubles for a bottle of 200 ml.
- ease of use - 3 times a day with food;
- quick effect - up to 4 days;
- can be taken by children over 12 years old.
- not recommended in combination with antitussive therapy.
Prospan is a drug from Germany
The drug is produced in Germany, presented in the form of drops for inhalation at home and syrup. It has a vegetable composition, and therefore is completely safe for use in most cases. It is very important to ensure that the patient does not have an individual intolerance to the components.
The main active ingredient is a dry extract of ivy leaves, has a calming effect, improves blood circulation in the lungs and bronchi, and assists in the high-quality removal of phlegm. The impact is soft and fast. Also, the composition has a beneficial effect on maintaining the correct functioning of the patient's immune system.
- recommended from the first days of life in case of lung disease, purulent bronchitis;
- natural composition - extract of dry leaves of climbing ivy;
- high speed of action, both in children and adults.
- high price - 350 rubles for 200 ml.
TOP 4 best expectorants for children
An expectorant for children is usually syrup. In this case, it is important to monitor the child's allergic reactions during his admission.
The best syrups that can be given to a child for a dry cough:
- "Gedelix";
- "Doctor IOM";
- "Bronchicum C";
- "Herbion" with plantain.
As you can see from the table, some drugs can only be used from a certain age.