How to descale a washing machine at home in 2025

As usual, you were going to load the “washing machine” with laundry, but it refuses to work? Most likely, it has long been required to clean the washing machine from dirt. Many people have to deal with this situation.

Even if it seems that there are no reasons for the malfunction of the device, the problem lies in the dirt that has formed on the tubular electric heater (heating element) or in the drum. Let's try to figure out how to descale a washing machine, and whether such a breakdown can be prevented.

Cleaning the powder reservoir and conditioner


The powder and conditioner reservoir is a removable container that can be filled with detergents. As a rule, during the operation of the washing machine, little attention is paid to it, although over time the tank becomes dirty, covered with a deposit. As a result, all this dirt, combined with the fungus, comes into contact with the laundry. To clean the container yourself at home, follow these steps:

  1. Take out the container.
  2. Take a sponge or an old toothbrush (you can use it to get to the most inaccessible places), laundry soap and try to clean all the stains.
  3. If the surfaces are coated with deposits or limescale, use a toilet cleaner or regular chlorine. It is necessary to fill the container with 20-30 ml of the selected product and leave for a couple of hours.

Tip: To avoid having to clean the tank from mold and stubborn dirt, rinse it after every third wash procedure as a preventive measure.

Cleaning the drain pump filter


The filter requires due attention, since its clogging causes various malfunctions in the operation of the device, for example, lead to a malfunction of the pump that drains water. It is not difficult to clean the filter in the washing machine, it takes a minimum of time:

  1. This part is located on the front of the washing machine. Look for an inconspicuous hatch at the very bottom, which is closed by a lid.
  2. Place a cloth for cleaning the floor under the filter - water will come out of the hole.
  3. Drain all the water from the drain hose by placing the end in a basin.
  4. Remove the hatch cover and take out the filter. Usually it can be easily unscrewed counterclockwise.
  5. Clean the filter from accumulated debris, rinse it and the inlet from dirt and mold.
  6. Replace the filter and close the cover.

On this, the cleaning procedure can be considered completed in full. Perform this procedure once every six months so as not to worry that the water will drain poorly.

Cleaning the washing machine drum


You can count yourself in luck if your washing machine has an automatic descaling function for the drum. Otherwise, you will have to do this procedure yourself. To do this, you can use the following tools:

  • citric acid;
  • vinegar;
  • soda;
  • detergent.

Citric acid


The method is used to combat mold, scale and unpleasant odors. To clean the washing machine with citric acid, pour 100 g of powder (1 to 2 packs of citric acid) directly into the drum or detergent container. The water temperature should be the highest, preferably at least 90 ° C, then the effect of such a procedure will be maximum. When limescale comes into contact with acid, the scale is destroyed by a chemical reaction. This procedure should be carried out approximately once every 3 months, depending on the hardness of the water, but not more often.

Important! During cleaning, do not fill the drum with laundry or activate the spin process - this applies to all methods. It is recommended to use several rinsing procedures.

With vinegar


Most housewives trust this universal cleaning agent, which can even cope with stubborn dirt. To remove any deposits from the washing machine drum, pour a glass of ordinary vinegar inside and run the washer. In this case, choose a mode that lasts at least an hour and a half at a high temperature. It is important 10 minutes after the start of the procedure to stop it for an hour so that the vinegar penetrates into the slots of the drum, and then continue washing. When cleaning is complete, wipe the drum with a soft dry cloth.

We recommend that you remove the filter of the drain pump after the procedure, as there can accumulate pieces of scale that impair its throughput.



Soda can also help get rid of mold and limescale. This home procedure can be repeated every week. Mix baking soda and water in equal proportions and wipe the inner surfaces of the washing machine drum with the resulting mixture, not forgetting the rubber seal on the door. It is in the folds of rubber that most of the mold often hides.

Soda can be used in a slightly different way. Pour the detergent into the powder container and start a long wash cycle with hot water.

Tip: If the dirt inside the drum of the washing machine is too persistent, you can combine several methods, for example, cleaning the washing machine with vinegar and baking soda.

The use of chemistry


There are special cleaning agents available on the market, but they must be handled with great care. Powdered chemicals are poured into a container. Then the wash starts in idle mode. It is very important not to overdo it with the amount of powder and not choose too long wash cycle - it can damage the rubber parts of the washing machine.

To get rid of the smell that appears for many reasons, you can use dishwasher tablets. You will need 3-4 tablets - put them inside the drum, start the wash and after 10 minutes pause it for an hour and a half for the product to work.

Cleaning the heating element of the washing machine


When cleaning the washing machine from scale, you need to remember about the heating element, because when this part fails, the washing machine stops starting. However, if you decide to use citric acid or vinegar to clean the drum, then the heating element will also accept "water treatments" at this time. A huge amount of scale accumulates on the heating element, therefore it is necessary to clean the heating element in the washing machine at least once a month. According to reviews, vinegar has a more aggressive and effective effect, therefore, with its use, it is enough to completely clean the device no more than once a month.

If you are going to descale the washing machine with lemon, you need 3 sachets. Pour 2 of them into the drum and 1 into the powder container. Then everything is as usual: start washing on a long mode with a high temperature.

Prevention of scale and dirt formation


To make the device last a long time, follow the recommendations:

  1. Do not leave the washed laundry in the tub - hang it up immediately after washing or transfer it to the basin.
  2. Ventilate the detergent tank and tank regularly by leaving the door open.
  3. Clean regularly with home remedies or chemicals (ideally every 3-4 months).
  4. Clean the filter.
  5. Do not set the washing mode with a temperature higher than 75 degrees - crystallization of limescale occurs, which forms scale.


Now you know how to clean the washing machine from scale inside, and understand how important this procedure is for the long-term operation of a household appliance. If you carry out the procedure regularly and follow the preventive instructions of specialists, the device can be taken care of easily and quickly, it does not emit unpleasant odors, does not cause inconvenience and does an excellent job with its functions.

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