How to clean the oven from fat and carbon deposits at home in 2025

Over time, the inner surfaces of each oven become covered with a dirty coating, and every housewife begins to think about how to clean the oven from grease and carbon deposits at home and what tools she might need for this?

Today we will discover the most reliable and proven ways to help clean the inside of the oven from burnt spots quickly and without the use of expensive chemicals.

The most effective methods

There are many ways that can help you clean the oven at home quickly and without serious effort, but we will consider the most proven ones that everyone on the farm will surely find:

  • using soda and vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • ferry;
  • detergents.

We clean the oven with vinegar and soda


Using vinegar, you can easily clean the oven from the accumulated layer of grease on the interior surfaces and in hard-to-reach places. To do this, follow these steps:

1. Soak a kitchen washcloth with regular table vinegar;
2. First of all, process the inside of the oven with it, after removing the grates and baking sheets.
3. The most effective remedy removes dirt if it is evenly applied to all inner walls and left for a while.
4. Wipe all parts thoroughly again and rinse off the vinegar and dirt with clean water.

With the help of soda, dirt is most effectively removed from a glass door or window. It also helps to quickly get rid of the burning smell. Using soda is very simple. It is enough to wipe the device with a damp washcloth and sprinkle everything with baking soda. Then work the surfaces with a harder sponge and leave them in this state for one hour. After this time, you can easily wipe off all the dirt.

To quickly clean the inside of the oven, you can combine vinegar and soda, because when these substances interact, a strong chemical reaction occurs - the release of hydrogen. Using this method allows you to get rid of even the most stubborn stains:

  1. First, wipe the oven with vinegar, sparing no liquid.
  2. Dampen a washcloth with water and sprinkle a small amount of baking soda on the sponge.
  3. "Apply" baking soda to the surfaces of the appliance to start a chemical reaction.
  4. Leave the device in this state for several hours, then actively wipe all parts with a hard sponge. If some stains remain, add more baking soda and treat the surfaces.

Recommendation: To make it easier to evenly apply the product to walls and into hard-to-reach places, you can use a spray bottle.

Ammonia is the best help against soot


You can clean a burnt-out oven inside in 5 minutes using ammonia, which has the ability to effectively soften fat and other plaque. However, some precautions should be taken - be sure to wear rubber gloves with a gauze bandage and work in a well-ventilated area. Remember also that ammonia has a specific persistent smell, so you will have to wipe the oven with a clean sponge until the smell disappears. Otherwise, all cooked food will be saturated with ammonia.

To clean the oven from fat yourself, you need to apply ammonia on the surface of the device and leave it for half an hour.Then all that remains is to clean the walls and get rid of the persistent smell of ammonia.

Steam treatment


You can clean the oven from carbon deposits using steam. It is best, of course, to use a special steam generator that effectively softens fat accumulations, after which they can be easily washed off yourself. If you don't have a steam generator at hand, try an alternative method. Fill a baking tray or oven dish with water and add a little detergent. The heating temperature should be no more than 150 degrees. Heating time is about half an hour. During this procedure, the layers of fat and burning are exposed to steam and soften. Remove them with a regular hard sponge. This method can also be used in conjunction with others to easily and quickly clean the oven of old fat without having to think about which is the best way.

Using detergents


If you trust more products that are specially created for cleaning household appliances, you should understand the features of their use. Detergents include special gels, powders, pastes and laundry soaps.

Cleaning the oven with laundry soap is considered the most gentle when compared to other cleaning agents, as some of them can damage the surfaces of the appliance or get into food if you do not wipe the appliance thoroughly enough.
If food burns out in the oven, you can use a soapy solution to make the oven look good:

  1. Grate half of the soap bar and dissolve it in an oven dish.
  2. Place the plate in the oven and set somewhere around 150 degrees.
  3. After the soapy liquid starts to boil, keep the solution in the oven for another 45 minutes.
  4. Under the influence of soapy fumes, the layers of fat begin to flake off, and it is easy to get rid of the burning inside the oven. We recommend using an abrasive sponge for cleaning.
  5. Upon completion of the procedure, the walls are thoroughly washed with water, and then the device must be ventilated for at least 6 hours.

You can do the same with liquid detergent. In order for the gas stove oven to wash off much faster and without effort, it is recommended to warm it up a little for 15-20 minutes - the accumulation of fat will soften and you can easily wash them.

Important! When cleaning the electric oven, do not apply detergents or cleaning agents to the heating parts of the appliance, as this may damage the appliance.

How often do you clean the oven from grease and deposits?


Now you know how to clean the oven and you just have to decide how often you need to carry out this procedure? The main rule is to try not to allow the device to become covered with thick layers of fat, burnt food and other contaminants. Firstly, such a device does not look aesthetically pleasing. Secondly, unpleasant odors can be absorbed into the food being cooked. Thirdly, getting rid of old dirt is much more difficult. Therefore, after each use of your oven, lightly wipe the walls, door, baking sheets, grates with a sponge (you can use detergent or folk remedies). If the first dirt is visible to the naked eye or the oven emits an unpleasant odor, it's time for a "general cleaning".


Perhaps you are lucky to become the owner of an oven that cleans itself or has a special coating on which carbon deposits do not form. Otherwise, it should be clear to you that it is possible to clean the oven from fat and soot, and with folk remedies you should only make a small amount of effort and patience. You choose folk methods without chemistry or prefer special cleaning agents - it doesn't really matter.The main thing is to carry out the cleaning procedure regularly in order to extend the operating life of the device.

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